Author Topic: Public Execution (Knox) (Read 441 times)

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 Public Execution (Knox)
« Jun 16, 2009 21:55:15 GMT -6 »

He was ruthless, and the student who caused such havoc was going to pay and be made an example of. How could this have been allowed to happen on his campus? How the hell did that student get his hands on explosives? What was going through his mind to make him do something so stupid? Those were some of the questions the Headmaster was asking himself. It obviously wasn't to prove a point since he had nothing to prove, he wasn't rallying anyone to him by throwing explosives in to classrooms full of children. Litterally children, many of the classes were mixed and any given classroom could have children as young as five or as old as 18 in them. The kid was reckless and stupid.

He had to be punished and it had to be public. Not for reasons that the director used, but because this involved the entire campus. Many students were injured because of this kids reckless behavior, and that effected a lot of people. He had to be cut down, and he wanted the student body to see that he was being punished and punished harshly. It wasn't just that, but he wanted to make an example out of him, that actions like this would not be tolerated. His personal favorite part was that the punishment would be dished out by students, it was only fitting in his mind, that they make him pay for what was done to those they care about. Though the Headmaster would have separate punishment for him.

The Headmaster pushed the button that controlled the PA system, his voice ringing loudly and clearly through the halls and campus of Henry Knox.

"Good Afternoon everyone, I am sure many have you have already heard of the events that took place earlier today. I want to assure you that those severely injured in the incident are being treated and the person responsible is in custody. I regret to inform you that I will have to interrupt your normal class schedule for an assembly in light of this situation.

However, I am confident that all of you will behave as expected of you and this can be over as quickly as possible. Please follow your teachers to the Auditorium in the 9-12 building.

Thank you and have a nice day."

With the notice given over the PA system the Headmaster would make his way to the Auditorium's stage. Looking over the rows of seats that would soon be full of students he thought over what was to come. The public punishment of Ari, it was sure to be something. And while he was sure that some narrow minded students might get upset over it, he was confident that the vast majority would see it as a fitting punishment for his crimes, after all the classroom he attacked was a mixed classroom like most in the Academy. Small children were hurt along with older ones. Things would move fast, but for now he would wait for the auditorium to fill up so that they can get this over with, he had no intention of dragging it out like the Headmaster did his.

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 Public Execution (Knox)
« Jun 16, 2009 22:34:08 GMT -6 »

Aleece escorted by two Marines really completely unnecessary, she was hardly going to try and run away. Even if she didn’t want to be doing this she had stuck her foot in her mouth and she’d be sucking it up to do it. When they entered the auditorium she noticed the students starting to make their way in and her gut tightened unpleasantly again.

The situation hit her full force now and hard, right in the stomach like she was a heavy weight fighter’s punching bag. Closing her eyes briefly she walked up onto the stage and stood to the back where she was instructed the package in her hands and resting next to her leg were her arm dangled. Aleece felt her face burning hot from the fact her she saw peoples lingering stares on her face but she kept her attention across the large room on the small clock at the other end.

She could barely see the little hand ticking out the seconds and while the fact the time seemed to be dragging on she wanted it to go slower. She would wait here not moving, her vision slightly swimming along with her head at the surreal position she found her end and her knees floating at the fact she was being put up here to do this. And she wouldn’t move until she was instructed to (when in all honestly she didn’t think she would even when she was told)

She wasn't proud to be standing here this just as humiliating and as good as any sort of punishment the headmaster could think of - and it probably showed.

((Continued from Taming the Shrew ))

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 Public Execution (Knox)
« Jun 18, 2009 15:40:52 GMT -6 »

Ian was one of the younger children that was in the classroom when a flash bomb went off, and he just so happened to be one of the few that were undamaged. Still, a lot of his friends had gotten hurt, and to hear that it was a stupid really pissed him off. He had never felt so much anger, to know that a student at this school had the nerve to throw bombs into a class room. Maybe Ian should have been more threatened and frightened, but he wasn't. The fact of the matter was, his friends got hurt, and this boy was the cause of them being temporarily blinded. This was all some bullshit school, wasn't it? Ian told himself to calm down, that the guy was just probably an idiot who didn't know better, and that people made mistakes.

Yeah, but this wasn't a mistake. It was done purposely.

He trudged himself along to the auditorium in the 9-12 building. He was going alone, because his class had been momentarily canceled; the teacher himself had also gotten hurt. He took deep breaths; the guy would get his punishment, and all would be good. But what was stopping him from trying it again in the future? How bad would this punishment be? How humiliating? While Ian was feeling anger, he was also thinking about how wrong of him it was to feel such a thing. How simple minded it was of him, and how his friends wouldn't want him to think so recklessly.

Truth be told, Ian felt a bit of pity for the guy, but the feeling of being ticked off was much stronger. Anger clouds judgment, Ian told himself, repeating what his father had once told him.

But seriously. What kind of an idiot gets himself into this kind of trouble? If you're going to do something as stupid as this, at least do it right, piece of sh...

Being around vulgar students, it shouldn't be a surprise to know that little kids like Ian know how to swear.

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 Public Execution (Knox)
« Jul 9, 2009 1:21:45 GMT -6 »

As the Headmaster desired, things would proceed quickly, and, if all went according to plan, smoothly. The Military Director of Henry Knox would see to it that things did, indeed, go according to plan.

Coming down the center aisle, Staff Sergeant Max Fightmaster, right hand trailing behind him, held a firm grip on the extended chain from the handcuffs that bound Ari Haswari to him. This did, in fact, give Ari some chance at striking out at the Staff Sergeant, unfortunately, the two armed Marines behind him were a strong enough deterrent to hopefully keep him restrained and calm.

Fightmaster made no presentation or outward display of interest or emotion during this procession. As crisp and disciplined as one would expect of a lifetime military man, Max quickly stepped to the Auditorium stage, and led Ari and his men up to take their place. The show would begin soon, and people were slowly starting to trickle in. Fightmaster watched them all behind dark sunglasses, looking for any initiative signs of dissent or disapproval. For this to work, there had to be none. Knox had to be in complete unison over the punishment of this potential threat. And, from what he could tell, so far, so good.

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