Author Topic: Worth of the Uniform (Punishment Assembly) (Read 1,685 times)
Horseman of War

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 Worth of the Uniform (Punishment Assembly)
« Jun 13, 2009 5:26:50 GMT -6 »

They hung there. Motionless, without warmth, without life. Had they been respected, had they been given value, they'd not be damned to the fate written for them today.

They might be just some petty Collective uniforms to some, but to Director Navarro, the outfits meant so much. A decade spent with the United States military during its darkest days of the Vietnam War taught him discipline and loyalty, and those same values were grained into the decade invested in the Chula Vista Collective. So much had happened, and even though it'd been some forty years since he fought alongside his comrades, the same war was being waged now - that for order.

It was the early morning, and Eduardo was slouched over in his tall leather throne, his writing hand frantically bounding across documents permitting and recording today's planned event. It was mostly memos to faculty members explaining the necessary procedure, but the facts were set, and all left to do was execute the plan.

It had been two weeks since the burning protesting of the Fremont uniforms, and since then several other students had been identified without their uniforms. Some out of fashion choice, others out of dislike for their comfort, and the rest for flat out rebellion. The Director had always anticipated such behavior from the Collective student body at some point, and it seemed the departure of the old school administrations had brought the intent forward. Now he intended to make an example of five dissenters to remind the others just who was in charge of the school.

During a reluctant pause from his efforts, the Director glanced over to the five uniforms that hung limply in those five coat hangars, and though he felt satisfied to see them shine brightly in the light, knowing what those students would have to endure in them made him cringe. His face was grim, and with a sigh, he confessed his pain.

"Even for the collective good, that sliver is evil is still too much to bear at times."

But all it took was a deep exhale of breath to blow those cursed thoughts away.


It was nearing eleven o' clock, and the plans were already set in motion. The heads of each school had been quietly filled in on the situation and the Director's orders not to interfere with what he considered a matter of his own consideration. Security teams were dispatched to secure the main courtyard of the Collective that united each school, and a handful of faculty members were already beginning to set up the "arena."

Now it was just a matter of preparing the students.

His frail hand pressing down on the power control of the Public Announcement System console stationed in his office, the range set to maximum capacity, Director Navarro brought the microphone to his lips and spoke the words of damnation. He spoke with weight, his tone calm, but his message sharp and clear:

"Members of the Collective, this is the Director. I am here to announce a special assembly being held by the School Board to bring forward the due attention that is necessary to the problem of school uniforms concerning many of you here at the Chula Vista Collective. As many of you well know, there are have been a handful of delinquents in your ranks who have chosen to ignore the codes of this school, and have replaced them with their own preferences. It is the intention of this collective administration, of the School Board, and of this assembly to clarify and eliminate these misled errors in judgment.

This is a mandatory assembly. All students of the Collective are required to file out of whatever classroom they may be attending at the time to find a seat in the main courtyard area. Faculty will attend as well to help organize the student body. Any attempts to avoid or hassle the assembly will be met with due reprimand that is easily comparable to what will happen today. For you will remember why we wear those uniforms after this afternoon.

Have a good hour, and we shall see you at noon.


The crowds began to filter through at a quarter to twelve o' clock. The Sun stood high and mighty that day, its bright golden orb beaming onto each head with a terrible heat, and though the humidity was low, the temperature was more than unpleasant. Navarro felt the sweat heat and anxiety run like brothers down his wrinkled forehead, dampening his gray hair. He wear a gray/black suit for the occasion that was fairly thin in material, but discarded the tie for a loosely buttoned white collar shirt. His hands held onto his walking cane tightly as he supported himself against the weight, and those dark mahogany eyes scanned every face that he could pull to his memory.

Surrounding him was the scene itself. A sea of chairs encircled the festivities as if the university was enjoying another spring graduation, giving even more weight to the severity of the occasion. The appropriate equipment had been installed to allow the obstacles of the main focus reach each and every viewer possible. Trenches had been dug throughout the earth of the grounds, pits and man made hill dotting the pattern of a line, all leading to five twenty-foot tall poles that were now equally sprawled across the lawn. And at least, the five dead uniforms from that morning stood in perfect, disciplined order together in front of those poles. Five uniforms of different shapes, sizes and organizations: two male Knox uniforms of equal size, two male Fremont uniforms of completely opposing builds, and one female O'Hare uniform that'd hardly fit a supermodel. All were winter outfits, accessories and all.

This was not a lecture or a forum. This was the scene of an example to be made. It was the scene of a symbolic execution for five unruly students. And the Director intended every single soul in the Collective to watch as those five were broken under his whim, his authority. No one would even think to disobey the his word again without remembering this moment.

He stared blindly into the crowd. It was near noon now. He could feel it - the heat, the tension, the fear.

Soon, it would begin.[/blockquote][/font][/color]

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 Worth of the Uniform (Punishment Assembly)
« Jun 13, 2009 7:06:40 GMT -6 »

Kira wasn’t sure what to think when she was slightly startled by the Directors announcement regarding a special assembly of the entire student body. When Kira took note that it was about the issue of school uniforms she knew that she would be perfectly fine. Being from the family that she was from she understood the value of the uniform she was wearing, she also knew how some other students were highly against the dress code and did whatever they could to try and get around it. She was probably one of the few students that wore her ROTC uniform with pride, made sure it was pressed and cleaned, worn like she was already a part of the military and not still in an academy.

That’s what happens when you grow up in a family that ate, slept and breathed military. You learned some respect and earned some self dignity. So as she made her way down to the designated area and found herself a seat she wasn’t the slightest bit worried.

It was nearly scary how meticulous she looked, her hair pulled back into a bun so tight it could give others headaches looking at it, and her uniform tucked in, her boots laced up and polished. She was probably the perfect picture of what a student at Knox should look like. The only time she wasn’t in her uniform was during her free time at the gym, out and about the town, and in her room. Even then it was plain, zero lettering teeshirts, sweats, jeans…etc.

She was ever curious though for what the Director had in mind, and exactly what he had to say about the rebellious students she had seen around the campus. She was sure he didn’t just call them all to chastise the student body, because much good that had done the past couple of weeks. Kira just sat silently, patiently waiting, the sweat dripping down her neck from the head and across her forehead but she never once complained. It could always be worse, was her motto.

« Last Edit: Jun 13, 2009 7:08:23 GMT -6 by kira » Back to Top  

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 Worth of the Uniform (Punishment Assembly)
« Jun 13, 2009 8:47:22 GMT -6 »

The Headmaster was displeased with the memo he received about the assembly, and he contemplated sending on back informing the Director that he was far to busy to attend. He would attend however, if only to ensure that none of his students caused any trouble during the assembly, it shouldn't be a problem if Fightmaster was doing his job, but after the incident a few days ago, he decided that it was probably for the best to expect the worst.

With that in mind the Headmaster opened up his top right drawer and took out the pistol that he kept in there, and taking out the shoulder harness, something he would put on under his jacket so that he could carry his gun inside his jacket, hidden from view. He didn't think he would need it, but if a student was willing to set off a flash bomb in a classroom for no apparent reason, a student might try and use more lethal weapons to stop the events of today from taking place.

It was shortly before noon when the Headmaster arrived, taking his sweet time at getting there since he had no desire to attend. But he would follow his orders, this time at least. It was best to not rock the boat to early.

He took his position and waited, simple as that. The memo explained what was going to happen, there was little he could do but watch and wait.

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 Worth of the Uniform (Punishment Assembly)
« Jun 13, 2009 8:47:52 GMT -6 »

The announcement rang through catching the ear of the boy sleeping ontop of the exit gateway to the roof for a less likely chance of getting caught. It sounded like they where going to be punished for this. Souji himself wasn't into being made to do anything. But the way the mans voice rang to him. Causing a shivver to run down his spine, so he felt compelled to go. Standing up and throwing the leather jacket on he would go down the steps and casually make his way to the assembly wearing the leather jacket, a white shirt, blue jeans, and normal running shoes.

"Somethings... Different."

Souji wasn't sure why, but it was like his body wanted to fight. The blood in his body seemed to increase in temperature the closer he got to the assembly place. He didn't even want to, but a smirk, a little half smile from the right corner of his mouth appeared, as those brown eyes focused.

~I want to fight.~

He had never felt such an urge, a need, or a calling to fight like this one. It was like knowing that going here would be a trap, one easily avoided. Yet, he also wanted to be caught in that trap... As if the challange was the only reason. Finally arriving, he would find himself a nice spot to sit, the grin stuck on his face.

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 Worth of the Uniform (Punishment Assembly)
« Jun 13, 2009 11:10:31 GMT -6 »

Ryker hated the school uniforms as much as the next asshole, but he wore the fucking thing because it was required of him. No matter how much it pissed him off feeling like a dog wrapped up in a god damn sheep's wool. It was uncomfortable, made him feel stiff, and the only use he got out of it so far was a paranoia that someone was going to strangle him with his tie, and that his blazer made a pretty good distraction.

So he went to the damn assembly too, ignoring the glares he got from the groups and classes that had seen him fight in a competition, or against some Thai asshole that decided he liked the dark ages. There was mutterings, but they were quelled when they saw the Headmaster join the Director. If there was anything that would shut up the crowd it would be the rumors of the Director raiding a classroom with a group of fully armed Marines.

Ryker looked around for an empty space to settle himself, and found that the only such place he could find was next to a young woman that just ebbed military precision. Little surprise that he decided to settle himself next to her, despite his rebellious attitude that still needed to be bled out he felt the most comfortable around the military, he grew up with them, and so that is where he would be found in this large and annoying assembly.

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 Worth of the Uniform (Punishment Assembly)
« Jun 13, 2009 11:49:06 GMT -6 »

The announcement came out of nowhere. Jinn’s head turned to the box bolted to the wall as the Director’s voice shot out. Now if there was a voice that told you something bad was about to happen, it was the Director’s, simply because it was so rare to actually hear it, and if the fight at the beginning of the year was any inclination, it was something to fear. He had to respect a man of his age who still had the power to enforce such a place with such an age group. Students were with him, students were against him, but it was clear who was in control. Anarchy wasn’t efficient and it was good to have someone keep things in check.

Jinn, throughout said school year, had worn his uniform every day and counting. There was no reason not to wear it other than one trying to be the rebel. Students like that didn’t last long, however and had been made example of on multiple occasions. That was what was truly fun. Punishing the students who tried to break the necessary norm and attempt to throw the school into anarchy. Now, one rule such as uniforms may not be enough to start mad havoc, of course not, but not enforcing this would lead to other rules not being enforced, so on and so on, until there would be no point to listening to anything the enforcement said. Luckily enough the staff kept things in line. Even the students helped take down the stragglers.

As noon rolled around, he made his way to the assembly room, large groups of students following. A good number of them remained out of their uniforms, causing Jinn to scowl. What was the point? What was there to prove? It was only a matter of time before punishment ensued and then who’d be sorry? Perhaps he just couldn’t understand the way his peers thought.


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 Worth of the Uniform (Punishment Assembly)
« Jun 13, 2009 12:37:29 GMT -6 »


    Ryorirn whispered to herself as she heard the announcement from the director of Chila Vista. She knew what this was about, or at least what had caused this, probably as well as most of the other students here. It was only a matter of time before the faculty of the collective came forth to issue warnings and punishments, perhaps even a little bit more.

    It didn't take long for Ryorin to head into the courtyard, fully dressed in her uniform. It reminded her of a question she was once asked. If she was against the system, why did she follow it? She was rarely beaten upon by teachers, more rarely than other students at least, because she acted just like the student they wanted her to be. She responded with 'because it's easier that way. How do I expect to get anything done in my fight against the system as well as spend time at home if I'm getting clobbered and making enemies of the school each day'.

    That's why she was her now, acting just like a student that the system wanted to see.

    Immediately as she went outside she started scanning the area. It certainly looked like the faculty was pulling everything out here. If anyone else saw it, that would think of it as another normal school event for the spring session. But it wasn't that. They wanted everyone to make sure to see it. Afterall, why enforce the rules at all if you didn't make EVERYONE fear you? She hated to admit it, but the only really way to enforce rules in this world was fear. Good thing Ryorin didn't scare easy.

    Let's see how the results of your plan set into motion turn out, Aroon...Will the students become the wolves and fight, leading to another mass riot and perhaps another school being shut down, or just perhaps mass changes made, or will what you want to happen truly happen? I doubt it. I know exactly what will happen. You can't rebel against the system and school this way. You never have been able to. You need to think first before rebelling. There's other ways to go at it.

    Ryorin thought to herself as she took a seat. She almost knew what was going to happen at this little assembly today. Almost.[/size][/color][/ul]

    « Last Edit: Jun 13, 2009 12:38:14 GMT -6 by kira » Back to Top  

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    « Jun 13, 2009 12:53:25 GMT -6 »

    After two weeks of not going to school, I was back. The reason for my abrupt disappearance was, supposedly, a family issue. In reality, my brother had come back from Germany and I skipped school to hang out with him.

    He was reformed in the fact that he saw how right Dad and I were, but he had joined the Neo-Nazis, a bit of an annoying fact. Other than that, my brother and I were never better. We threw tea-bags at Brits' houses, egged Asians' homes, and looked up and graffitied Arabic swear words on the Islamic imigrants' garage doors. We had fun, but my Dad found out and sent me back to school with a lame excuse. Thus, math class.

    I liked math fine, but when it was interrupted I didn't. I had some difficulty paying attention to the boring voice of the teacher and any excuse to drift off was used. So when the director's voice came over the intercom, my brain switched off of Pythagorean theorem and went to how awesome the director was.

    We were to go to the court yard at noon, fine. In the middle of Art, that's where we all went. I didn't really care about any uniform violations since I followed the code to the very letter. The only reason to not go to Library, other than to avoid too much trouble, was to see how amusing it would be to watch those protesting the perfectly fine uniforms get punished. After all, stupid people deserve to be punished at some point. We all do, but stupid people especially. So, let the fun begin.

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    « Jun 13, 2009 13:06:43 GMT -6 »

    When the announcement came she paused what she was doing, her ear tipped up to catch it all. She didn’t have a class right now, she was supposed to be in the library, but the permission slip was on her dresser at the moment…

    Aleece hesitated a bit the steady small circular motions of the white cloth against her boot and black polish insuring the toes of her boots were shiny. She kept her eyes on the boot resting against one fatigue covered knee, one hand stuck inside the boot to hot it as her other paused what it was doing. Not fond of anything concerning the jurisdiction of the collective at the moment she pressed her lips together and finished the job quickly and slipped on both boots lacing them up and pulling her jacket on. Grabbing her cover she headed for the door pausing only at the round table in her dorm and grabbed her phone.

    Slipping into her pocket she headed out then and made her way outside, sliding a hand over her hair to smooth down any flyaway’s she might have had her fingers skimming the low neat bun to make sure nothing brushed her collar before putting on the uniformed cap. It didn’t take long to get to the courtyard and noticed all the other students milling around and saw that even though there were several it didn’t seem it was going to be finished filling up the area any time soon.

    She wasn’t sure what this was about but they’d find out soon enough. Aleece hung back as best as she could on the outskirts of the gathering crowd not wanting to feel crowded or clustered in or have someone brush up against her. Like wise she didn’t look for anyone she knew…she wanted to find out what the deal was listen to it, and go…

    « Last Edit: Jun 13, 2009 13:09:43 GMT -6 by kira » Back to Top  

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    « Jun 13, 2009 13:28:57 GMT -6 »

    Ian, dressed in the usual Desert Camouflage for the summer season uniform was on his way with the rest of his class to the assembly. The young elementary students usually had no problem wearing their uniforms unless they soiled themselves, which was happening less and less lately. Ian was properly potty trained, and would rather be caught dead than peeing or pooping in his pants, so he wasn't one of those kids that went by without wearing his uniform. Nevertheless, they were itchy and uncomfortable at first, but now they weren't too bad. At least he didn't have to pick something to wear in the morning; this allowed Ian to get more sleep! He was a growing boy, after all.

    Ian trudged along with his class until his teacher said to take a seat. In Ian's case, he ran ALLLLL~ the way to the front and sat down, his height still too short for his feet to even touch the ground. So he sat, feet dangling about, swinging back and forth...

    "I wonder when we'll start..." he mused.

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    « Jun 13, 2009 15:18:00 GMT -6 »

    I don't have a good feeling about this.

    While Eva was paid to do her thing - essentially keep kids in line, she didn't particularly enjoy it. Somehow, she felt as though she were killing something everytime she delivered a blow. But the feeling came and went after the first punch, and after that, the rest came naturally. She'd gotten the memo, yes. And she knew what it meant. There would probably be punishment - lots of it, or a good show of it.

    It'll probably be me delivering it, she thought with a slight frown.

    Her black Chucks made little to no noise as she made her way to the courtyard, dressed smartly in a suit as usual. Students and faculty alike were beginning to file into the place - which had changed dramatically. Chairs replaced empty space, and in the front, she saw uniforms simply hanging there. What is that supposed to be? She thought back to the protests a while back, and narrowed her eyes.

    God help the kids who started that.

    Her eyes also spotted her superior, Director Navarro. Just from his presence, she felt a shiver run down her spine. He was an intimidating man, no doubt. But nevertheless, she didn't feel it appropriate to simply stand in the back. With a deep breath, Eva began making her way to the front, now and then avoiding kids who happened to step in her way. As she made her way to the front, she crossed the uniforms, again getting an eerie feeling from them. But as she neared the man, her thoughts disappeared, replaced with one word.


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    « Jun 13, 2009 17:44:25 GMT -6 »

    Benny sat up straight and watched the area from her seat in the front row. To set a good example, she wore her uniform buttoned to the very top, despite her discomfort. The collar constricting her neck, the itchy and thick uniform, and the beads of sweat forming on her forehead and soaking the back and armpit areas of her outfit were only a small thing that could be easily overcome. Rules were rules, and if the school ordered her to cover her body with a stifling uniform, then she would obey without question.

    Her only concern was her dyed hair. For the past couple of years, she had been able to get away with the burgundy shade, but she still felt as if she was only an inch away from breaking the rules.

    If even possible, she sat up even straighter as the director entered the courtyard. To most, he was viewed as a tyrannical figure that oppressed the student population at the collective. However, Benny viewed him as a great man. Even with his old age, sweat-covered face, and reliance on his cane, she still saw him as a figure that gave out an aura powerful enough to cause a wave of fear to sweep through the audience. She couldn’t help but feel excited at being able to hear what speech he would come up with; it was rare for her to hear him speak.

    All she knew about today was that the schools were assembled to hear about something that had to do with the school uniforms. She knew students who had walked around campus in their normal clothing; she had even dealt with a couple of punks who thought that they could wear whatever they wished. This assembly, she felt, would put an end to all this trouble making and teach the students the value of the school uniforms.

    She noticed five uniforms hanging from the poles sprawled on the lawn: two of each belonged to Henry Knox and Fremont High while she recognized the last one from the university. How the director would deliver his speech was a mystery, but she believed that he would speak in a way that would leave a deep impression on the student population.

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    « Jun 13, 2009 20:25:54 GMT -6 »

    Hicks honestly felt that he didn’t have a reason to wear his uniform, which was probably why it wasn’t exactly on in the best fashion.

    His pants were wrinkled, his collar was left undone to reveal the black ‘TAPOUT’ shirt underneath it and the Blazer he had on was oddly covered in cat hair and just as wrinkled as his pants. The truth of the matter was: the senior just never wore the uniform, luckily he was well liked in his classes -the boy was in the top 10% of the school as far as scholastics go, with some of the best test scores in reading and writing and an almost shoo in to Cornell and Boston and already having been accepted to O’Hare on a full scholarship: Hicks was a model student, the tiny blemish of uniform infraction didn’t bother most…-

    The truth was, it was his Senior year. He had spent four years getting his ass kicked, doing hard work and the like: NOT wearing a suit in the heat was something he honestly felt he deserved and if anyone wanted to talk to him about it, he expected that it would be done in a respectful manner. In truth, Hicks respected the rules, enjoyed the corporal punishment system -it allowed for most kids to be deterred from delinquency and the delinquents spend their time getting their ass kicked by teachers instead of beating down on each other, in fact, the other day the Marines at Knox had stopped a rampage: if teachers weren’t allowed to hit students? Lives very well might be lost-, but despite his respect and enjoyment of the system…he didn’t want to follow this particular part of it.

    Luckily, the Director was a reasonable man (Hicks had shaken his hand at the breakfast of the top 100 early into his Junior Year) and Hicks figured that this would be a reasonable ceremony. Probably with some lecturing and maybe some kid being used as an example of what would happen if they didn’t wear the uniform: Hicks only hoped it wasn’t him. Otherwise, this meeting would be boring, but standard…

    And then the mood of the entire area smacked him in the face.

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    « Jun 13, 2009 22:01:27 GMT -6 »

    "This is ridiculous."

    The words would burst out from Nero's mouth the moment students began to leave his classroom. As much as the former gang member wanted to skip the assembly altogether, the fact that he wasn't in his uniform would make it appear as if he were trying to hide from the faculty. Such a thought was simply unacceptable; Nero would never run from a confrontation with this administration, not after what they'd done to him. Besides, what sweeter declaration of his intentions could there be than showing up as the very example of what the school was trying to reform?

    Satisfied, at least, with his reasoning, Nero would stand up from his desk and follow the rest of the class, stopping briefly at his locker to throw his books and trenchcoat inside. The day had gotten fairly hot, and there was no need for such a thing, though Nero continued to wear a dark blue dress shirt and jeans, clearly not the uniform that was expected of him. Following his class outside, Nero would initially squint at the sun, frowning at the fact he hadn't brought his sunglasses with him.

    Nevertheless, once outside, there was no turning back, Nero would need to make due without any glasses. The crowd was thicker than he expected, though due to the fact Nero had no idea how many students were enrolled on campus, and as he was directed towards his seat, he couldn't help but wonder what, exactly, the administration had planned to try and "convince" these students that their uniform was mandatory.

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    « Jun 13, 2009 22:03:32 GMT -6 »

    Needless to say, Aroon had reservations regarding this meeting. His run-in with the Director as of late had already shown that the old man had a rather malicious streak to him, and he was certainly someone whose uniform requirements were less than met. Regardless, when the time came to show up he walked into the courtyard along with the rest of the Collective. Donned in olive khakis and a plain white long-sleeve, his attire was hardly slovenly or disheveled, just a damned sight more comfortable than the shit they provided themselves.

    Spotting the uniforms, along with the bizarre obstacle course that littered the ground, his eyes narrowed in irritation. He would have made a muttered remark about pomp and pageantry, but stifled it based on the half-baked irony of his own actions. Instead, he grabbed the chair he found himself nearest to and pulled himself into it.

    'So they're finally starting to retaliate...It's about time.'

    He smirked behind a cold and composed exterior, crossing one leg over and leaning forward with his elbows, watching the front of the procession where the Director was stood. He had a few notions for what might be in store for whoever this punishment was going to inflict, but they'd just have to wait and see...With all the people here not clad in their required attire, there would be a number of people to be potentially isolated.

    And, yet, a part of him thought back to the Director and the time they'd encountered each other when he'd had his....altercation with that lunatic Earl. He'd practically said that the mentally ill boy was going to be drawn and quartered in the cryptic tones, of course with his entourage of guards to back him up.

    'Alright you old bastard, let's see what you'll try and do.'

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    « Jun 14, 2009 1:29:07 GMT -6 »

    Samuel had heard of the likely streaker-sponsored-bonfire. He knew that pamphlets and flyers had been put out, entailing some subliminal text to rebel. Honestly, he hadn't heard much of it since that day, and figured it not to be a big deal. Someone must have caught the guy and dealt with it, he figured. That, or it just wasn't important enough. What's that saying, things are always calmest before the storm?

    Though it wasn't really that different from any other orientation or gathering the collective have done in the past, Sam couldn't help but have a sinking feeling in his gut. He always wore his uniform. He never had a real problem with it, despite the fact his jacket would chafe his nipples without his undershirt. Man, that was a bad day.

    From what he gathered, it had to have been a Fremont student responsible. The obvious clues of being a Fremont uniform burned aside, it was a mentality thing. Knox typically started out with the more unruly students than Fremont, but it didn't take long to turn them around. In his experience, Knox had a good appreciation for respect, loyalty, discipline, and the symbols that represented those ideas. Fremont was just like any other high school. In general, they weren't that bad. When compared to Knox's disciplined cadets, however, it was the raging yang to their sober yin.

    Samuel stared off into the sets of uniforms hanging up, unsure of their significance. Until it would be revealed, he'd continue to ponder his own thoughts and philosophies of the schools inter-relations.

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    « Jun 14, 2009 2:59:07 GMT -6 »

    "Officer Noir, good to see you."

    Discipline Officer Eva Noir had been one of those essential figures Navarro had assigned to the event for a reason: considering its massive bulk in numbers and the weight of the due punishments that would be given, Eduardo needed someone effective to carry out the necessary precautions. It was one matter to call in six dozen security officers and expect them to self-regulate; it was another to request the presence of their commander.

    "Don't stray too far Eva, I'll need you to make sure this all runs smoothly."

    That was all he'd say - no point in making small talk when the masses had arrived and every pair of eyes now stared towards the burning center stage, wondering what exactly was going on. And the Director gazed back, his chin composing a deep frown, his nostrils beginning to flare from the deep breaths taken. He absorbed the faces as minuscule details on a vast, massive scale of blurring lights and hues. When a Collective, the individuals disappeared and the unity, the uniformity rose. So to see those few individuals that refused to accept or respect the code of honor that represented the uniform itself left blemishes on that beautiful work of art, and over time it irradiated the quality of the entire collective.

    And with that thought in mind, flicked on the microphone that was clipped to the collar of his own suit collar, and barked.


    The volume, rage and bite of his command immediately provoked a response: waves upon waves of clattering metal seats as students turned away from their friends to lean forward, their eyes now truly watching the man at center stage, their ears truly listening.

    And the Director just gazed back.

    Pressing firmly onto his walking cane, Navarro began to stride as he spoke to the Collective, his eyes ablaze, his lips a torrent of storms, lightning and thunder all asunder, "You are here today, sweating and panting away the heat, for one reason and one reason alone: there are some among you that find it unnecessary to follow the codes of this institution that has welcomed them into its halls. They toss aside their respect, their good will to the beliefs this school stands for all to satisfy themselves. And for what? To stand out? Be cool, feel a little comfort in a day full of stress and torment?[/b]"

    Pause for dramatic effect. Then continue once more.

    "This is the COLLECTIVE! You all are here to learn, to be educated in the way of life, and yet some of you cannot even begin to conceive what that one word means. The reason we wear those itchy, cheap drabs of clothing is not to irritate you or to steal the face you have, but to unite us all under one banner, one ideal: order, discipline and recognition of a greater body. That is what these uniforms stand for - that is what they represent! And yet some of you have abandoned that fact and placed yourselves above it?[/color]"

    Second pause, followed by a leering stare to maximize that setting of fear and intimidation to some, and despise and recognition by others. And then the apex.

    "Here, on these grounds, the Collective is your home - no, it is your god, deciding all that makes your life, creates all that exists around you, and its word is law. And I am the head of that god, and when I see the unity, the uniformity of this collective dismissed as some ridiculous joke, I take action. And on these grounds, the System is the hammer at which lets us enforce that word of the Collective's law. That is why we are here today: to send a message of what happens to those who push aside or even burn that simple dress uniform.[/color]"

    The Director sighed and took a step back, began glancing back at the student body and waving his left hand toward the posts behind him, his face a sneer, "Here stand five uniforms, ignored by their students and left behind, forgotten. But not today. Because in this hour, they'll see more use from their users than ever before. Five of you will be ordered to fulfill this honor you've so casually ignored. Five instigators that have been recorded as walking around the Collective campus without their own uniforms. This is your karma. This is your retribution. You will be called, you will stand before me, and you will be given your due punishment. [/color]"

    At last, the Director silenced himself for a moment, giving one final stare to the crowd before slipping his free hand into his jacket pocket, retrieving a small slip of paper that carried the five names. He then spoke them aloud.

    "Daniel Acabee of Knox Academy; Doreathea Benjamin of O'Hare University; Julian Gilmore of Knox Academy; Aroon Kamsing and Nero Vivienne of Fremont High School. These five students are to step forward before me, and right now.[/color]"

    The Director glanced around the crowd nearest him, hearing the murmurs, watching the faces contort in surprise and anticipation of what the Director intended to do. He only frowned, for they would soon know.

    And soon, they'd remember. [/blockquote][/color][/font]

    « Last Edit: Jun 14, 2009 3:01:29 GMT -6 by Conner » Back to Top  


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    « Jun 14, 2009 3:12:47 GMT -6 »

      « Last Edit: Jun 14, 2009 12:56:43 GMT -6 by kira » Back to Top  

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      « Jun 14, 2009 8:48:03 GMT -6 »

      Cammy simply rolled her eyes, once the announcement was made.

      Couldn't we just have a simple quiet day? What the hell does he want?

      Once outside at the designated time, she pushed her way through the sea of people to get a better look at the big 'who-ha'; taking a seat in the front line. She saw the uniforms, and the obstacles that laided in front. Her brow couldn't help but to rise at the the display, though her eyes were hidden behind black square framed shades. She couldn't help but to chuckle at the fact that someone would take wearing a uniform so damn seriously. Cammy barely wore it properly herself, though she wore it; mainly for the fact that she did like camo. Today was no different, she wore the pants, without the jacket since it was a bit hotter than other days. But the beige short sleeve shirt, again was not at full length. Again it stopped just above her navel, showing off her abs.

      I wonder where that girl is from before.. I would love to hear another scolding.

      Sarcasm of course. Cammy was in plain sight for her choice of alteration to be seen by many, but she really didn't care. Once the director spoke again, her eyes would roll once more.

      This is just ridiculous now... It's laughable.

      Speaking under her breath to no one in particular, whomever was close to her would be the only ones that could've possibly heard her words.

      "They always think by punishing a few would set everyone else straight.. It normally leads to more rejection and rebellion."

      « Last Edit: Jun 14, 2009 13:06:52 GMT -6 by kira » Back to Top  

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      « Jun 14, 2009 12:51:31 GMT -6 »

      Blah, blah, blah, blah....

      The Director certainly liked to drag out a simple statement into a monologue, and he sat with his arms loosely folded and his head tilted back into the sun. It was a particularly pleasant day out, in fact. One he missed from back home, if it could be connected as such.

      However, any such pleasantries were interrupted when he heard his name elected amongst the five whose 'fates' had been decided. A murmur or two around him, and one student who recognised him turned to look at the Thai before he even reacted. Sighing slowly, he shook his head and pushed back against his chair, iliciting stares from most of the chairs within a ten metre radius of where he had been sitting. Looking at him as if he was walking death row, he raised an eyebrow with a lack of real care, and chuckled under his breath as he walked through the 'conveniently' parting throng of students. Apparently, none wanted to be too close, in case his poor fortune 'infected' them as well.

      'The cowards. No matter, they'll all react sooner or later.'

      As much as the Director had been put to the back of his mind when he'd spoken, Aroon did not miss a word...He'd remember the remarks of the Collective being a 'god', of being the 'greater body', of it's apparent omnipotence....If anything would rile people up, it was the apparently limitless arrogance of a man and his school who fancied themselves not just judge, jury and executioner, but the very deity upon high.

      'You dug the first few feet of your grave with that, you stupid old bastard...'

      A guard watched his advance as he made his way toward the Director, his hands in his pockets as he walked without care, seemingly, and without fear of whatever might come. When one of them crept just a little too close to him, his eyes shifted to glare at the man, his lips parting as he shot a brief word. "Boo."

      Chuckling at it, despite the fact it was likely funny to nobody but him and certainly would do nothing to the guard, he eventually found himself standing a few feet from the Director, his dark eyes fixated on the old man. The carefree expression had changed as he glared into the visage of the man who, above all else, was the sole target he had at the Collective.

      "You know, purple really isn't my colour...."

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      « Jun 14, 2009 16:39:48 GMT -6 »

      Of course, when the assembly was called to attention by Director Navarro, every one was more or less inclined to listen. Aleece had personally never heard the man speak, had never even seen him really, well in person and almost immediately she could tell that this was going to be no ordinary demonstration, of course it wasn’t you got that feeling when just first walking up seeing that weird obstacle course and seeing the uniforms. But what was going to be the extent what was this crazy old man fixing to pull?

      Well…the masses will want to know won’t they? And as an appreciator for news, and information, developments that may or may not directly affect her, Aleece felt obligated to record, save and share…all that she could. Slipping her hand into her fatigue jacket pocket and pulled out her phone. Flipping it open she was glad she had turned off the key tones before never liking that annoying beep that happened every time she pressed a button. Glancing down she found the video recorder, knowing what ever was going to happen they were going to be treated to a visual revelation. She couldn’t see to well from her spot and she was behind a pretty tall guy at the moment but she didn’t think anything was happening yet as the Director continued.

      …Here, on these grounds, the Collective is your home - no, it is your god, deciding all that makes your life, creates all that exists around you, and its word is law. And I am the head of that god, and when I see the unity …

      This guy…with that one statement she knew he was egotistical and she thought she had heard of this once - it was called Narcissistic Personality Disorder, or…the God complex, usually the person with it had a pretentious sense of self – importance, is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power…the list went on like that. Admittedly she didn’t know what the System was or really get it before coming, its what she got for not being informed, but she was changing that now.

      When the five students were called her brow furrowed into a frown when she heard Aroon’s name, the only one she recognized out of them all and it was what made her twist to get a better view her phone coming up, she was practically on the big guy in her way but she wanted to catch it all, and she mumbled a ‘sorry’ and an ‘excuse me’ as she looked at the screen of her phone to make sure she was getting this right, as she went to her toes.

      Smile for the camera, everybody’ she thought to herself as she itched to get closer but didn’t want to draw anymore attention to herself.

      « Last Edit: Jun 14, 2009 16:42:21 GMT -6 by kira » Back to Top  

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      « Jun 14, 2009 17:26:09 GMT -6 »

      For the vast majority of the speech, Nero barely registered a word. The more he tried to listen to the Director, the more his fury rose. Everything from the Director's mannerisms, his stride, the way he phrased things, they all quickly raised Nero's ire to near-uncontrollable levels. The mere mention of being "the head of God" nearly drove Nero to throwing his chair at the man, though he managed to will himself to calm down, content at the moment to sit and glare at the ranting old man. Finally, nearing the end of his speech, the Director would call for the students he would make an example of, ending with the former gang member's own name.

      Has he already forgotten about the first day of school? As if I'd go along with any such ridiculous punishment.

      Several students around him would stare expectantly at Nero, who had at this point refused to stand, his arms crossed and his eyes glaring at the old man with the cane. From the corner of his eye, Nero could see several gesture towards him, as if pointing him out for others to deal with his silent rebellion, and with a roll of his eyes, Nero would stand. Luckily, his seat was near the end of a row, giving him far fewer to push past in order to make his way down to where the Director stood.

      Of the other students, Nero could only recognize one, the Thai he'd wound up picking a fight with earlier in the year. The irony was amusing, the fact that despite their battle, the two would share the same public punishment for something so ridiculous as not wearing a uniform. Picking the closest open spot, Nero would stand off to Aroon's right side, his thumbs hooked inside the pockets of his jeans as he caught the tail end of the Thai's quip.

      "Remember the warning I gave to the University Minister? It applies to you, as well. I'll not accept your punishments so easily, "God"."

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      « Jun 14, 2009 17:47:46 GMT -6 »

      Ryker was already as 'at attention' as he would ever be. He respected the Director enough to not make a spectacle out of himself, but he wasn't going to take a military approach and snap to just because the old bastard was grouchy.

      The speech began and it wasn't all that hard to guess what was happening, and it wasn't surprising that they wanted to put on a strong front after the little incident with the Bad Wolves fliers and fires. But no matter how much he agreed with the Director there was an uncomfortable sensation in the pit of his stomach.

      "Here, on these grounds, the Collective is your home - no, it is your god, deciding all that makes your life, creates all that exists around you, and its word is law. And I am the head of that god..."

      Ryker was the only one that moved at this point, he sought out the only person in the entire school that would be able to successfully keep him calm at this point. With rage written on every line of his face he bee-lined for Samuel, the tall blond that luckily wasn't too hard to target.

      When he finally found him Ryker smacked him int he shoulder hard and glared at him. "Sam, you got about two seconds to stop me before I go up there and break that blasphemous old bastards face." Ryker was not joking, the fact he he restrained himself this much was nothing short of a miracle.

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      « Jun 14, 2009 23:35:54 GMT -6 »

      The Director was considerably more pissed off than Samuel had first expected. In a few ways, he couldn't blame him. A few years ago had been a little unruly, but the past few had gone pretty smoothly. With the sudden influx of transfers things have been a little crazy, which Samuel had gotten to experience firsthand in the form of a flashbang to the face.

      The growing intensity of the school would only be matched with the Director's own, going so far as to claim himself as God. Now, Samuel had always followed orders, always played nice. At this claim, he found his own ires beginning to rise. While he wasn't the most devout, Samuel was a practicing Catholic, and that quote wasn't anything short of blasphemy.

      It seemed he wasn't the only one disturbed by this quote as Ryker seemed to have hunted him down, looking at him to quell his own inner flames. Sam briefly looked at his friend, turning his gaze back towards the stage memorized as he spoke briefly.

      "Just wait," Samuel whispered, intent on not missing a second as he leaned forward in his seat.

      "I'm not sure if I should be stopping you..."

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      « Jun 15, 2009 2:34:40 GMT -6 »

      Kiet had been sitting in the second row back from nearly the beginning. It had been with some amusement he watched Ian take the seat only a little in front and to his left. Through most the the speech he just sat back and listened. At one part there was definitely a good bit of chatter that would erupt from the crowd.

      To him it was little more than words, they didn't give him the slightest unpleasantness. His parents were of two different religions and had decided to let him pick his religion when he saw fit. To this point in time he hadn't and probably wouldn't until he was a good bit older. If you're going to commit yourself to a belief, be old enough to study it.

      Though with the uproar going around he couldn't help but feel inclined to look around. He saw some people moving around, others just fidgeting. Then out of the corner of his eye he saw his dorm mate show a sign of friendship with someone. The agitation in his posture was clear even with the distance between them.

      He didn't know if he should expect some sort of riot coming. Though if that did come to pass he was fairly sure he'd have to side with the schools for now. Not because of the uniforms, or because he agreed with the Director's words. It was a choice based on the fact that there was a decent amount of fairly young Knox students here. Students who might not be in the best position to keep themselves out of harms way.

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