Author Topic: Doin' It For The Fame (Open) (Read 204 times)

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 Doin' It For The Fame (Open)
« Jun 18, 2009 3:46:57 GMT -6 »

Luli growled under her breath as she pushed her hair over her shoulder, her lip was still busted up and her arm was covered in a bandage thanks to that pit bull of a woman on the beach her face was brushed and she looked like she had taken the shit beating of her life. Exiting the drug store she had her antibiotic cream and replacement bandages in hand in a small brown paper bag. The nosy old cow behind the counter had given her a sympathetic but beseeching look telling her that no man was worth the beating. She didn’t want to correct the hag on her assumptions of why she looked like she had taken the beat down of her life…not worth it.

She just didn’t want this shit to scar, she could easily admit she was a vain and shallow person and this shit wasn’t flying. The streets were bustling as one would expect and if she was in a better mood then she would have enjoyed it. She had a beanie pulled down over her long lack hair, and what she’d constitute as her street wear comfortable ripped and faded hip huggers that sagged a bit precariously on her thin hips, layered tank tops and the sweat band that matched her beanie pulled up to her forearm (On the arm that wasn’t currently bandaged up) and slip on checkered Van’s

It wasn’t until the sound of a beat box sounding, pumping out some no name tune, that she paused and saw a small crowd. Pushing her way to the front she watched the old school break dancing and she had to admit all that twisting and tricks they were doing was impressive. If there was one thing that always got Luli in a good mood it was music and dancing. Slipping her hand into her back pocket she pulled out a couple of bills she had left over from her change and was dropped into the pile started for the tips when she felt someone’s hand wrap around her thin wrist for whatever reason.

Jerking away she instantly scowled, one thought crossing her mind, what the fuck now.

« Last Edit: Jun 23, 2009 17:03:50 GMT -6 by luli » Back to Top  

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 Doin' It For The Fame (Open)
« Jun 23, 2009 15:57:40 GMT -6 »

"No more money in the pot. Bets are final."

Bishop said dryly as he laid his eyes on the young woman a full second after taking hold of her delicate wrist. It didn't seem that this woman was aware of what she almost started by dropping those two seemingly innocent bills. This was the scene of a civil agreement between two rival crews: a dance off. Bishop happened to be chosen as one of the neutral observers to the event. He had to make sure nothing fishy was going on, nothing would break the terms and rules set for this engagement. So Bishop's intervention in this case was completely appropriate.

"Tips will have to wait until the end."

He calmly added before letting go of the visibly irritated Asian girl's wrist. He had to admit, even though her lip was swollen and her expression was anything but sweet, this young woman had a beautiful visage. The young man's inner gentleman was begging to fix the damaging first impression he had just made. And so, the lad decided to take another route. Stretching out his arm for a friendly shake, he took a more approachable tone of voice.

"I'm Mir, I'm acting as a sort of referee here, so I'm simply doing my job. Please enjoy the show from now on."

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« Jun 23, 2009 16:16:11 GMT -6 »

Sure they were both good, Torque preferred one side more than the other though and he had $50 riding on this one. Betting was becoming more and more a part of his life and while he knew he'd never be seen dead in a casino, street betting was one of the things he just couldn't resist, especially when it was something as interesting as a dance off, they were always fun.

Bodies moved to the beat, Torque grinned and clapped with the hooting crowd every time someone pulled a particularly extravagant move. Occasionally, he'd shoot an eye at the referee to make sure it was all fair, a decent sum of money being in the pot and all. Mir he'd said his name was, Torque couldn't help as he spoke to him that he'd heard the voice somewhere else although a bit distorted. He had no clue where.

A girl wandered over, seemingly oblivious to the fact it was no mere display of talent, it was a fight for pride and reputation, simply using less than violent means which Torque actually found something highly respectable. All of a sudden, the team Torque had money on pulled out a rather impressive tag between dancers and the moves flowed faster now, becoming more intense.

Torque even joined his side of the crowd in hooting as he watched the girl get turned away from putting money in this late. For now, he'd simply carry on cheering whenever something decent happened and hoping he'd make a return on his investment.

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« Jun 23, 2009 17:25:35 GMT -6 »

Luli’s scowl eased up at the word pot, and bet her eyes narrowing a bit as she tipped her head back and looked at the guy holding her wrist. Okay well she wasn’t stupid this motherfucker was big, well bigger then her anyways. She let her eyes dragged to the side as she listened to him continue on and say that all tips would have to wait till the end.

Now Luli wasn’t slow she had lived in California all her life she was a native and Chula Vista wasn’t a stretch for her either, so…when she finally looked around again and noticed everything that was going on she felt her neck want to heat up suddenly. She hadn’t realized she had just walked up on a dance off.

She wanted to continue to be bitch on the grounds that she had pretty much embarrassed herself but she swallowed it down well enough and slipped her had into the referees as he introduced himself anyways. “I’m Luli…sorry ‘bout that. This is not a new concept, believe me, I’ve bet in one of these before…I just blame the drugs,” she said lifting the bag with the pharmaceutical label on it and meaning the antibiotics and pain relievers she had been given.

It was something to be as agreeable as she was, with a busted face, her pounding head and a throbbing arm, and just having made a jackass out of herself. Miracles of miracles it was at the moment. So either out of pride or stubbornness she would wait until she could drop her money off as a tip.

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« Jun 24, 2009 13:39:08 GMT -6 »

A friendly smirk appeared on the young man's face as the lady's hand slipped in his. Giving it a mild shake before letting go, he responded. "It's a pleasure Luli. And, heh..." Bishop chuckled as his eyes fell on the bag, quickly identifying antibiotics and wound treatment medicine of all kinds with a single peek. "That's a good call." His attention turned back to the center stage, as members from both crews jumped in, playing a 'try to top this' kind of game. The event was slowly approaching its finale, which made the white haired man pull out his cell phone and take a quick look at the timer he had running. Raising his left arm, and lifting only his index finger, he cried out to all those present.

"One minute left!"

The pressure was on, and now the competitors were pulling out every single trick in their arsenal in a desperate attempt to get the crowd's favor. Now one might argue that those who had money riding on either side would be logically biased, but the fact remained that a lot of the spectators hadn't put a single penny on the line, so in the end, it was going to come down to a matter of public approval. As the remaining seconds dwindled down to half a minute, Mir opened his mouth once more, his eyes still on the contest, jokingly asking a question with a half-whisper, making sure that only Luli would hear him.

"Now tell me," he said, "how did someone get the messed up idea of busting up a sweet face like yours?"

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« Jun 24, 2009 14:14:01 GMT -6 »

With a quirk of her lips at Mir, Luli turned her attention back to watch the two crews contend possibly feeling the pressure of the match they were in. This was the sort of things she liked to do that she knew Colin would absolutely hate and probably brood or make snide comments about if she would have dragged him along. Sometimes she wondered why she even bothered, but the fact remained the guy gave her exactly what she wanted in bed. Even now knowing what she had stumbled on, Luli enjoyed herself, though she kept herself relatively reserved as she watch compared to the crowd.

When her new friend the referee called out one more minute left it seemed to put that much more demand on the dancers trying to out do one another and it pumped the spectators up as well. Shifting her weight to one foot Luli slipped her hand into her back pocket in a casual stance, and for all intents and purpose looked bored. If it weren’t for the keen look on her face and the small upturn of her lips she might have.

She spared a second to look at the guy next to her before shifting her attention back to watch them finish up, her grin widening just a bit, “well if you think I look bad you should see the bitches teeth I knocked out, literally, won’t be biting on anyone for a while I’m sure.”

Luli still didn’t know who the man eating dog was that decided it would be a good idea to fuck with her but she had a feeling she’d be running into her again.

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« Jun 25, 2009 23:39:28 GMT -6 »

"I'll take that as a warning not to get on your bad side." Bishop said as he chuckled. Despite the brutality of the act, Luli referred the Iranian troublemaker couldn't help but to be amused. There was something about a cat fight going brutal that made the young man grin. He was easily entertained by the vices of his fellow humans, and envy at its ugliest rarely failed to lift his humor. The seconds were coming to a close, so Bishop lifted his hand as a signal for the finish. Instructing one of the other supervisors to interrupt the music. The silence didn't last half a second. Cheers and applause came out from all sides as the crowds expressed their satisfaction. Mir grinned as he threw a peek at Luli before moving to the center of the stage. "That's my cue."

Placing himself between the captains of the two crews, the young man raised his voice to get everyone's attention. "Alright, alright, alright! Now that's what I call some quality entertainment. You won't be seeing this shit on HBO anytime soon ladies and gents. Only in the streets will you be amazed like this! Now then... let's get down to business!"

As he said that last word the crowd fell silent, waiting for the white haired man's instructions. "Those who say that the Cardinal Eights have earned the right to call this block their turf... MAKE SOME NOISE!" It was up to the crowd to show their appreciation, and in the case of a certain student who had fifty dollars running, now was the time to scream his lungs out.

(OOC: Trying to involve Torque a bit.)

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๖ۣValencia Tiao
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Now what?

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 Doin' It For The Fame (Open)
« Jun 28, 2009 18:12:00 GMT -6 »

Dagny was there the whole time cheering on the dancers during the dance off. She didn't pick a side. She was still getting an idea of who was capable of what in San Diego and it'd do no good to gamble too soon. It might leave unwanted first impressions and as an ex-street performer, she didn't want to do anything stupid in territory unknown to her. The dancers unleashed trick after trick, greatly exciting the faux fortuneteller. A live show meant a live audience and she was likely the liveliest one there—Shy tourists merely watched with silent anticipation and those in on the dance off cheered with fervor. As for Dagny? She grooved wildly yet rhythmically to the beat, as if performing a tribal war dance encouraging one team to finish the other off. The large tinted goggles she wore clung to her face as she screamed and hollered, sure that no one would hear her over the blaring speakers and the fever-pitched crowd.


Tiny, ferocious, and filled with enough energy to match the performers sizing one another up with their skills and technique. It's a wonder how she didn't hit anyone yet with her broad and unconstrained cheering. And the dance off ended. The referee stepped in and announced that this was the time for the audience to voice which team should lay claim to the land. Okay, Dagny didn't put any money into the pot and she was willing give money to both sides after the dance off (people need to eat and she knows what it was like to live off of handouts), but she was willing to boldly belt out a roar in favor of the Cardinal Eights.


If those around her weren't terrified of this primal scream, or at least startled into temporary silence, they should be scared of her wide, sturdy stance that challenged others to go against her opinion.

((OOC: An “In-her-own-world” kind of intro post until direct interaction calls for direct acknowledgment. Don't worry guys, I'm not ignoring you all; I know your characters are here~))

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« Jun 29, 2009 1:50:37 GMT -6 »

Luli just breathed out in amusement at his comment, not believing for a second he would have to worry about a waif of a girl like her. She help her own when it came to a brawl with any hoe that decided they wanted to get a little mouthy, but with males…it was a world of difference. She was hardly delusional about her none existent strength. With a quirk of her lips she watched the acting ref gesturing in a way that said, ‘do what you gotta do.’

As soon as he got to the middle of it all and started spouting his crowd pumping words she looked around, not one to make a really big scene she stayed quiet. She’d be dropping money off as a tip for both teams so…it didn’t matter who she cheered for at this point.

Luli did turn her head looking to the side when she heard the bellow in her life probably and raised an eyebrow at the girl that looked to be no bigger then her, probably smaller giving her love for the Cardinal Eights. Grinning again she shook her head and turned back to Mir and crossing her arms across her middle, wondering just who would win, especially after that reaction.

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« Jun 29, 2009 16:02:39 GMT -6 »

Bishop was expecting many things when he called out to the crowd to cheer for the first of two teams: testosterone-filled, loud-mouthed encouragement, high pitched screams of crazed fangirls, his body trembling at the sound of a roar coming at him from all directions. What he didn't expect was to go half-deaf for minute as the monstrous roar of one particularly pumped up spectator pierced into his right ear and made its way out through the other like a mad torrent. Reflexively taking a step away from the source of the sound, Bishop turned to face it and take a good look at the source of its origin.

His jaw dropped. Before him stood a small Asian woman. How could something so small produce a sound so overwhelming? The man couldn't explain. All his body could do was pass his hands through his hair in order to straighten it up after that shockwave of a roar. Taking a deep breath, the young man composed himself before continuing with the procedures. He still had a job to do.

"Ahem," he said in a weak voice, still recovering from the shock, "let's hear it out for the 24th Street crew!" Silence was the only response he got, except for the cheers of a few dedicated fans. The crowd was taking more time than Bishop to recover from the little one's massive cheer. After a few seconds of desperate claps and sporadic shouts, Mir declared the final verdict.

"I guess it's no surprise after what we've all heard here. This one goes to the Cardinal Eights!" Cheers surrounded the place, though not as strong as the one heard before. One of the other judges took the pot and busied himself with distributing the winnings to the luckier gamblers present. Bishop went to the side and picked up a small plastic bucket. "C'mon! Show your love for these hardworking boys and girls and give 'em a bit spare change if you don't mind!" He shouted as he made rounds. Offering a smile at Luli when he'd pass by her and an expression filled with amazed approval to the loudest stranger in the crowd as he made his way around.

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 Doin' It For The Fame (Open)
« Jun 30, 2009 4:36:09 GMT -6 »

Luli didn't find it at all a surprise the Cardinal Eights won hands down, from what she had walked up and seen they were the best. When Mir passed her with the bucket she reached for more money in her back pocket and dropped it in the bucket along with what she had originally planed to with a grin. It was a shame but her source of entertainment in this was going to be cut short and she had already gone a whole day without doing something. Luli was close to saying to hell with it and doing something despite her busted face, but her vanity was winning over.

Slipping a hand in her back pocket she casually turned and tried brush her way through the dispersing and lingering crowd, the music once more turned back on the volume not as loud but still attracting people to stay. She suddenly felt a arm wrap around her waist and pull her in and she turned in the obviously male grip, raising an eyebrow when she noticed it was one of the male member of the winning crew. They were all still obviously pumped from their win and she grinned at the good looking guy.

Despite her busted and bruised lip he still tried to spit game, “hey lil’ momma, we’re going to be having a party for our win later on.”

With a raised eyebrow she watched as he wracked his eye down her lithe form pursed her lips in amused fashion when his hands went to her hips. He was cute…but completely not her type. Cocking her head to the side she waited for him to go on.

“Whatchu say? Wanna come?” He lifted his chin his lips twisting in a cocky grin. So lifting a hand her fingers along and under his jaw leaning in a bit, her self confidence not missing a beat she wrinkled her nose a bit before pausing a couple inches away from him and humming.

“Hmm…” she breathed out almost thoughtfully before pulling back and tapping his cheek with a step back, “maybe.”

Stepping back Luli turned and headed off once crossing Mir the ref as she did leaving the guy behind and hearing a faint ‘pssh’ as he probably waved off her dismissal.

“Hey,” she called out to him lifting a hand, “you going to this victory party?”

Luli’s tone was laced with amusement and even if she had just brushed off the guy who asked her didn’t mean she wouldn’t be interested in going.

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« Jul 6, 2009 15:03:52 GMT -6 »

Bishop was busy splitting the earnings between the two crews when Luli came to him, asking if he was going to the victory party. The truth was that he was invited to each crew's celebrations should they win, and the events that unfolded favored the more deserving Cardinal Eights. The problem was that he was still a bit new to the city, so he needed some directions to get to said party. Luli looked like quite the party goer, and Mir was willing to bet that she knew her way around quite well. He was planning to depend on the girl for directions and, should they get lost, he'd find a way to get a laugh out of the situation. With a nod, the white haired man answered the Asian woman.

"Yes but," his lips curled up to a smirk, "hear me out. I know the address, but I have know idea where it is." The lad admitted without any embarrassment, yet his mind was preoccupied by something else. The little Asian girl with the crazy war cry had piqued his curiosity, and leaving it unsatisfied was bad for his mental health, or so he convinced himself. Now here was the deal, what method would he use to get her interest? There were two paths that Mir was hesitating to choose from: the blatant invitation, or the clueless guy who said the address out loud. Now, as tempting as the second route was in terms of reverse subtlety, Mir preferred appearing as an individual who played with an open hand. "Just gimme a sec," Bishop said with a wink, "I gotta do a last minute change to the guest list."

Mir returned to where the other girl was, standing a couple of feet away from her as he made his offer with a faint smile that did little effort to hide his curiosity. "The Cardinal Eights are going to celebrate victory, and I think that they owe part of their success to you. So, care to tag along with us as we try to find our way there?" Mir said before taking a step back and turning around to catch up with Juli, not even waiting for the response, simply turning his head over his shoulder to throw a look at her, gesturing with his head to tell her to come. Once he returned to Juli, he explained himself. "It just felt appropriate. Now then, would you have any idea where 1451 Casey Avenue is?" He asked, waiting to for her to take the first step."

Plus on est de fous, plus on rit. The more, the merrier.

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« Jul 7, 2009 0:13:36 GMT -6 »

Luli's smile curled up in a wider smirk when Mir smiled and answered favorably returning her nod she was pretty sure she could find this place no problem. She was a California native after all, born and raised. This area was no stranger to her like she was no stranger to it and lifted eyebrow she crossed her arms waiting for the guy to walk off to invite someone else along, watching him curiously as he walked up to the girl that must have been smaller then even her and had managed to produce the loudest yell.

She looked like she would no doubt be tons of fun and if there was one thing Luli loved to was fun. Smiling widely when he returned she unfolded her arms and planted a hand on the guys shoulder lightly.

"As a matter of fact I do know where its at," something mischievous colored her expression as she leaned in a bit to the two. "Thing is...we'll have to have a nice ride to go in."

It just happened Luli had a hobby of stealing cars for the grins and giggles and she'd been itching to do get her hands on some sweet wheels that would no doubt catch some attention. "How about this, you know where the collective is?"

Raising a questioning eyebrow she looked to both briefly before going on, "meet outside the campus gates at nine...and I'll pick ya up."

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« Jul 17, 2009 12:10:42 GMT -6 »

Did Bishop know where the Collective was? Let's just say that he had a few maps and pictures of it in his apartment. So when Luli asked him if he knew about the facility's location, he nodded with a smile. After Luli told him to meet him at nine, he looked at his watch, realized that he had an hour or two to prepare himself, and placed his hand on the girl's shoulder. With a voice that did nothing to hide his enthusiasm, Bishop showed that he was in agreement.

"I'll see you there then."

That being said, he waved good bye with the same hand that was on the girl a few moments ago and left the scene at a rapid pace. A couple of blocks away, out of most people's sight, Mir dropped into his car, an unassuming black Hyundai Accent with every single option (excluding the GPS navigator, because it's a thief magnet) included in it. Could he afford a better model? Without a doubt. Did he need a fancier car? Not at all. Anyways, once he made it back to his apartment, Mir headed to the shower, throwing all his clothes in his laundry basket before stepping in the small square space. At that moment he realized something. Luli was younger than him, and she said she was going to pick him up. So much for the gentleman bringing the lady out for a wonderful night. With a shrug, Bishop guessed that it was a sign that the equal rights movement was doing some actual progress, thought that did nothing to comfort him about the thought of the drive back home. He was more than willing to bet a couple hundred bucks that Luli would be to hammered to be behind the wheel by the end of the party.

Those random thoughts entertaining his mind, Mir stepped out of the shower once he was done cleaning himself up. A quick shave, some anti-perspirant and a couple of sprays of ckOne later, the lad stepped into some casual clothes, choosing a nice pair of dark blue jeans, his trademark necklace and a tight black t-shirt with a white motif resembling a biker tattoo on it as his attire for the night. Opening his liquor cabinet, the white haired man picked a bottle of tequila, then fetched a carton of mango nectar from his fridge, placed the two in a plastic bag, and headed out.

Four minutes 'til nine, at the gates of the Collective, Bishop stood, wondering what Luli would surprise him with.

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« Jul 17, 2009 14:11:37 GMT -6 »

Surprisingly it hadn't taken Luli long to get ready, what had was getting out of the house without Colin and getting Rudie, then motivating her enough to get her to go with her. From there it hadn't taken much to find their way to La Jolla and for her to find the perfect car. A blue Bugatti Veyron 16.4 the sheer fact it went up to two hundred and forty miles per hour (if not more) was all Luli needed, didn't hurt it looked pretty too...

With her friend with her, hot wiring the fast car was a cinch, the druggie was a genius when it came to stealing cars not even needing her help to get it. Luli had a feeling her friend had popped something before but it didn't bother her much and she was grinning when she pulled up to the collectives gates. Smoothing her hands over the slick wheel she she opened her door and stepped out motioning Rudie to join. The car was still running and the music they had been listening to bumping out of the stereo system, Mainlining Murder .

She stepped in front of and leaned against the side of the front of it and placed a hand on the hood, winking to Mir. "So," she started off teasingly enough her grin impish at best, "this a good enough ride for you?"

Laughing to herself she motioned to her friend, "this is Rudie, by the way. Rudie Mir."

Her introductions were short wanting to get to this party and not wanting to be caught with this car as hot as it was for to long. She knew the limits about borrowing cars and as soon as they got to the place this party was at...she'd ditch it as quickly as she could.

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