Author Topic: Souichi Grey (Done/fixed) (Read 171 times)

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Joined: January 1970
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 Souichi Grey (Done/fixed)
« Jun 13, 2009 21:58:15 GMT -6 »

Personal Information:
    Year: Freshman

    Name: Souichi Grey
    Date of Birth: 1994
    Age: 15
    Nationality: Usa
    Ethnicity: Caucasion
    Blood Type: AB+
    Height: 4'8"
    Weight: 97 lbs
    Hair Colour: Light Brown
    Eye Color: Deep blue
    Handedness: Right
    Sexual Orientation: So far as she knows, Straight[/ul]

    Physical Appearance:Souichi Grey is short. Like, really short. Like Shes a good two feet shorter then almost everyone. She looks weak, and fragile, but her body is in superb shape, giving her the reflexes and the movement gifted her. She keeps it healthy and pure- Shes fit and fast and full of life. She is thin and small, seemingly weak and unable to defend herself, though nothing could be further from the truth.

      Apparel & Accessories:Generally wears normal teenage clothes, though when at home will slip into a more comfortable Garb. She will wear her fighting garb whenever she is at a martial arts tournament or when she is training on her days off.

        Personality:[/b}Full of Attitude and fire. She takes no shit from anyone, and refuses to be put on a spit and cooked because she is a woman. She can be kind and caring to those she becomes friends with, and trusts just as much as the next person. She is loyal and faithful, though innocent in her youth. She's a brilliant strategist and fighter, and is quick to think on her feet. She is confused by how the world has turned out to be, and wishes to help make it a better place.

          Miscellaneous Information:


              Strength: D
              Dexterity: B
              Constitution: D
              Wisdom: B

                Strengths: She is fast. Her small and light body gives her fists the fury to move with a steady pace. She can strike quick as a viper and move to strike again and again. She has sharp reflexes- she can see when something is coming for her, can manipulate a battle and manuever to get herself in the best position to deal damage to her adversary.
                Weaknesses: She doesnt have a lot of strength or ability to withstand many blows. She takes damage heavier then most would because of her small frame, and her arms don't pack the power needed to inflict sever damage. Her body is curvy and beautiful, but frail and weaker then many individuals.


                Souchi Gray up in japan, and from an early age loved the physical arts. When she was four, her parents would take her to martial arts classes, her father being a sensei in a rather popular dojo. As soon as she was able she was trained in these arts, and though she was his daughter, her father treated her as another student, never letting up or giving her a win or move. She developed quickly, the styles he taught being from every form of martial art and blended into his own personal interpretation of a good fighting style. By age ten she was a fighting prodigy, and was top in her class. Of course, this wasn't what the young girl wanted for her life, and though she was somewhat happy, it was not soon to last.

                She discovered upon attending a public school that kids her age didnt take well to new or weak students, and grew up constantly trying to defend herself or run away from fights and conflict. At age thirteen, her parents divorced due to her fathers adament way of staying with the dojo more then his family. Her mother moved to america, taking Souichi along with her. She was homeschooled for two years, finishing out her middle school life with nothing but training and occassional, disappointingly short visits from her father. At age fifteen, she was placed in Fremont High, the young girl finding herself safest around those whose desire is to learn rather than fight.

                She wanted to be a teacher for elementary students, and hoped that this would help her work toward her goals.

                  « Last Edit: Jun 14, 2009 23:17:31 GMT -6 by souichi » Back to Top  

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                  Joined: January 1970
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                   Souichi Grey (Done/fixed)
                  « Jun 14, 2009 22:30:27 GMT -6 »

                  Alright, budday.

                  The bio itself is pretty minimalist, rather bare-bones, but I believe it covers everything we ask of you, even if just barely. Regardless, an approvable bio is an approvable bio, but there ARE a few minor flaws I want you to fix.

                  Mostly, it's just grammatical errors and coding stuff, and since that's all you need and there's nothing necessarily else to work with, once you fix those you are already approved to RP, so just go ahead. Just PM me when it's done so I can lock the bio afterwards.

                  APPROVED HOMIE!

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