Author Topic: Calloway, Seth (Hircine High Transfer) (Read 288 times)
Past Jack Gavyns
Intelligence/Terror Specialist

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Joined: June 2009
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 Calloway, Seth (Hircine High Transfer)
« Jun 14, 2009 0:47:17 GMT -6 »

Name: Seth Calloway.
Nationality: American.
Ethnicity: Caucasian.
Age: Sixteen.
Grade: Junior
Weight: Two hundred and twenty five pounds.
Height: Six feet, two inches.
Handedness: Right
Blood Type: O


Body: Well-conditioned, a powerhouse. Seth is certainly not built for speed, his muscles making him too bulky to be as agile as those smaller than him. Currently, he has no piercings, tattoos, or the like.

Cosmetic: Typically wears dark coloured T-shirts (though not necessarily black), dark jeans, and sneakers. On occasion, he has been known to wear old fashioned clothing as a way to dress up for formal occasions, more often than not a white dress shirt, black vest, and a red tie.

Formal Attire

Eye color: Deep blue.

Hair: Natural black hair, the back spans the length of his neck, the sides reach to his jaw, while the front extends past his eyes, just before reaching below his nose.

Habits: Smoking, gambling.

Other Information

Personality: Completely self-absorbed. Nothing that Seth does is for someone's benefit other than his own, which in turn can make him either very easy to predict, or very difficult. Most often a very cold person when involved in some sort of a confrontation, Seth is otherwise a charismatic yet manipulative individual. In two words, he is a sociopathic megalomaniac, not caring about anything in the world other than himself.

Hobbies: Theft. The rush he gets from stealing causes it to be one of the few things that he consistantly does for enjoyment.

Extracurricular: None.

Important Details

From the moment he was born, Seth's parents had been uneasy with their son. The feeling didn't diminish with time, but rather it grew as fast as Seth matured. At the age of five, when asked who his hero was, Seth replied that he himself was his own hero. Understandably, his father followed up the question with some gentle prodding as to the reason behind this choice, to which Seth answered without hesitation " 'Cause I'm the most important person in the world."

This would remain the focus of Seth's attitude for the rest of his life.

Like many his age, Seth watched somewhat violent cartoons and shows, however even that fact quickly became twisted. As the other boys wrestled and played with each other, Seth copied those he saw on TV in order to begin what could be considered training.At the age of nine, Seth had taken to stealing from various stores, making sure to avoid those that had video cameras, where his speed began to manifest and grow, in an odd contrast to the strength-based fighter he would become. His cold arrogance made him unpopular, even a target for some bullies, but in a strange turn of events, Seth beat all of them easily. He had the mindset of a fighter, while those he fought were simply children throwing fists.

Seeing his son begin to take an interest in something, Seth's father began to train the boy in an effort to bond with him. Street fighting, dirty fighting, it was all common sense fighting that his father taught to Seth, things that he would have eventually learned with experience, but was gaining benefit from early. Soon, Seth began to surpass his father, training outside of their scheduled sessions, battling at school as well as studying human physiology. In essence, Seth was the best fighter he could possibly be physically, reaching his limits and never meeting his match. All that was left was the mental aspect, to see how far Seth would go in order to accomplish his goals. It was during this time frame that Seth would join a local gang, his intelligence and charisma thrusting him towards the upper levels of noteriety within it. However, due to the gang's influence and damage on the school system, the School Board split the members up in schools across the country, leaving Seth in San Francisco.

A short time after his fifteenth birthday, Seth challenged his father to a friendly spar. Heartily accepting this chance to get closer to his son, Seth's father soon found his son fighting with viciousness and ruthlessness never before seen in the young boy. Caught unprepared, the older man was on the receiving end of a brutal beating, far worse than Seth had ever given out, and in a matter of minutes, succumbed to his injuries. When the authorities investigated the death, Seth's mother testified on his behalf, claiming it to have been a sparring match that had gone out of control, an unlucky accident for her husband, and refused to press charges. In her grief, however, Seth's mother grew sick, and never recovered. In a matter of a few months, she had passed on, leaving her son the family bar as inheritance and forcing Seth to be placed in an orphanage, where he was required to undergo multiple psycho-analysis tests. At first, Seth's results were nothing spectacular, though once a more experienced therapist took over the testing, the man discovered that Seth was deliberately altering his results. In an effort to help "reform" the boy, Seth was sent to a new high school.

At the age of sixteen, Seth was transferred from his high school to Hircine, as it was the closest educational facility that had on-site residences. Strangely, Seth requested this very school by name, though the reasons behind this behaviour remain known only to himself, as Seth has kept tight-lipped as to his motives, in his typical fashion.

Hircine History:

In many ways, Hircine had been exactly what Seth was searching for. The violence and division between the students and the faculty bred by Stern Mason's riot earlier in the year made the perfect setting for Seth to find things to entertain himself. Taking advantage of the situation, Seth took steps to create the largest gang at the school, Revelation, promising to free the students from the Watchers maniacal rule. Despite initial conflicts with Varronite Pillar Ein Gilsin and his Genaht, Revelation would eventually ally with the Pillars in order to battle the Watchers and Principal MacMillan in a final showdown, and during this event, Seth would personally end the Principal's life.

Seth would enjoy a brief time as Hircine's School Captain during the rivalry between Hircine High and the Paragon Institute, his actions mostly consisting of information gathering through Valencia Donahue, or as he initially knew her, "Layla Hamilton". With both schools' destruction at the hands of an unknown bomber, it seemed that the students of San Francisco no longer had any will to fight, bringing an end to Seth's amusement and causing him to turn his eyes elsewhere. Luckily, numerous phone calls had been made to him from an old acquaintance about another school reasonably close by, one which was still rife with conflict.

John C. Fremont High School.

Fighting Style: Seth hasn't been trained in any martial arts styles. In fact, more often than not, Seth isn't interested in fighting at all, as he feels he has nothing to prove. However, on the odd occasion it does come up, he will use his strength to great effect, favouring feints and other deceitful tactics. Despite being a larger fighter, Seth relies on kicks for power strikes, though tends to use his arms more often in battle.

Strengths: Very powerful, even considering his size, enabling him to keep up with those who would seemingly have the advantage over him in strength. Both his punches and kicks are powerful, and with proper positioning and the required openings, Seth's kicks have the potential to be devestating. Much more intelligent then he lets on, even ranks among those that are usually considered top of the class, though he is still in the public system, rather than the gifted program. Fairly high endurance, and an average tolerance towards pain.

Weaknesses: His more devestating kicks take time to set up and execute, as well as the required openings, which makes such attacks difficult to perform, at best. Such focus on power has left him with less speed than one may expect, though not to the point of being a slow hulk. Naturally, larger fighters will tend to be stronger, and smaller fighters will tend to be faster.

Strength: C
Dexterity: D
Constitution: C
Wisdom: B

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 Calloway, Seth (Hircine High Transfer)
« Jun 14, 2009 1:30:23 GMT -6 »

Clean-cut, nothing to say here, really.


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