Author Topic: Magnum Pengfei Ives (Read 142 times)

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Joined: January 1970
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 Magnum Pengfei Ives
« Jun 14, 2009 21:18:26 GMT -6 »

Personal Information:
    [/b] O'Hare University
    Year: Freshman
    Occupation: Self-employed, freelance writer and illustrator, or so he claims to be. (He has yet to make a single penny)

    Name: Magnum Penfei Ives
    Alias: Magnus
    Date of Birth: September 9th
    Age: 19
    Nationality: American
    Ethnicity: Chinese/ English/ Scottish
    Blood Type: O
    Height: 5’ 11”
    Weight: 125 LBS
    Hair Colour: Golden [Blonde]
    Eye Color: Reddish brown
    Handedness: Right handed
    Sexual Orientation: Straight as an arrow[/ul]

    Physical Appearance:

      Apparel & Accessories:
        [/i] to love the Gameboy.[/ul]

          [/i] often. Often to the point that it would make him seem like he’s just plain nuts. When someone manages to snap him out of his half dazed composure by simply interacting with him, he’ll do stupid things and say stupid things all for the sake of drawing out a laugh or two. With that being his usual first impression, one would tend to think that he doesn’t take things all that seriously.

          But he does. He’s not a constant joker.

          There are two things that Magnus takes serious. One is art, which he is a fan and practicioner of, and the other is a different form of arts. Martial Arts. Of which he’s also an active practicioner. And while confident enough of his abilities in both of these fields to keep from calling what he attempts trash, he’s very self critical of his abilities, tending to see far more flaws than anything else. Hence he’s a poor judge of his own work. He’s always striving to better himself. Maybe the intense self criticism and the frequent joking around provide some sort of weird balance for him. Work hard, play hard.

          Artists can be strange sometimes. But being an artist, Magnus keeps a very open mind. He always takes multiple possibilities into consideration, and is very open to the opinions of others and is accepting of them, and will at the very least respect a differing view point should it severly clash with one of his own. See, Magnus values relationships and people more than anything else, so he tends to try to keep them going as long as he can. Defensive of the people he holds close, Magnus is as loyal as a Yellow Lab and then some. The young man who prefers to hang around in the background of things is always willing to offer support, a shoulder to lean on, or an ear to listen to a rant about how stupid an ex-lover or some kid in math class is.

          He’s the type to let his actions speak for him. To him, words are empty without fulfillment.[/ul]

          Miscellaneous Information:
            [/i] it. He’s an amateur instrument player at best, but he’s usually seen with that pair of headphones slapped over his ears and music being pumped into his ears constantly. And while he seems to be in a daze half the time he’s strolling about, he’s actually very aware of what’s going on around him, hence why he hasn’t walked into a tree branch yet. It’s misleading of course, which is exactly what he wants.

            While he’s not addictied to it, Magnus does enjoy video games, particularly ones of the survival-horror genre and the Megaman Franchise. That and the occasional Pokémon. No, he doesn’t like Mudkips. In fact, he’s made it a personal promise to faint any Mudkip he comes across in said game. It’s one of the few jokes he’s sick of, and that’s saying something.

            He’s terrible at remembering names. But he rarely (if ever) forgets a face. He has an uncanny eye for physical characteristics.

            Now for something combat related. Magnus is very skilled with bladed weaponry whether it be a pocket knife of some sort or a genuine sword. His swings are very accurate, and his personalized blade technique can be very tricky to follow. Still, due to his actual lack of a knife on him most of the time (mostly due to a desire to not be thrown in the local slammer), he fools around with rulers or pencils instead.

            Close enough, right?

            He speaks with a distinguishable Bostonian accent.[/ul]

              Strength: C
              Dexterity: C
              Constitution: D
              Wisdom: B

              Style: Wing it and pummel the guy… But only if he attacks first.
              Weaknesses: Magnus’s prime flaw is his lack of physical endurance. It’s the only thing of his that’s below average. He’s not used to taking too many hits, as he mostly focuses on avoiding or neutralizing blows that are directed at him. And Magnus tends to try to avoid conflict most of the time, making his body not used to the abuses of combat. You have to do something pretty drastic to get him to throw the first punch. Also being a pacifist solely by definition, he does not like to fight, and has a habit of not checking to make sure whoever attacked him is going to stay down long enough for him to get away should he manage to floor the person. This has nearly gotten him screwed over only a couple of times however.

              Strengths: Smarts but mostly perception. Magnus has them and he uses them. While he’s not the smartest fighter in the ring, his cleverness coupled with his decent speed, agility and strength make him formidable at least. He’s also very versatile, and his wide knowledge of techniques ranging from basic strikes to complicated grapples allow him to attack unexpectedly and adapt fairly well to almost any average hand to hand combat situation. He may not like to fight, but that doesn’t mean he hasn’t practiced. A lot. He uses his brain to time counters well and analyze incoming attacks quickly, and uses brawn to add the “oomph” needed to make his own attacks effective.[/ul]

                [/i]. As far as he was concerned, that was enough.

                The location of his upbringing fueled Magnus’s open mindedness. Stuck on the edge of two totally different life styles, Magnus got a taste early on, earlier that most, that there isn’t only one way to do things, and that things can vary vastly between two different people.

                He was still an idiot as a kid though (like most kids), don’t get me wrong. There was a point in time when Magnus did think that he could punch out a person just because he didn’t like them.

                Personally he blames the rap music.

                It was kind of why he took up martial arts at such a young age. Between the hours he shifted from a quiet kid at a doodle pad to a hyperactive light molecule bouncing off the walls of differing martial arts academies.

                He calmed down. After about eleven years.

                Magnus’s pacifistic nature developed around the time he was sixteen. He quieted down a lot for one reason or another. Maybe he was just maturing or maybe almost being charged with assault and being sent to the kiddy slammer woke him up a little bit. Or maybe it was both. But whatever the case may be, it was at this point that Magnus figured he wanted to focus more on his pencil related art and tone down the smashing through brick and bone art.

                His deeper commitment to his drawing and writing it also what made him decide to hit San Diego.

                Having grown up where he did, Magnus developed this belief early on that an artist of any sort needs to have a wide perspective and not be closed minded unless he wanted to fail. So having grown up in Boston all his life, he deicded to go somewhere where things were different. On the other side of the country.

                That’s it.


                ...What? Were you expecting some epic, dragon slaying, emo depressing tale of love, tragedy and boobage?

                Too bad. I told you he lived fairly normally. Which can be boring. Nothing all that special has happened to him.

                Yet. [/ul]

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                Joined: January 1970
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                 Magnum Pengfei Ives
                « Jun 16, 2009 20:15:16 GMT -6 »

                Approved, welcome to the Collective

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