Author Topic: Creating A Scene [Open] (Read 316 times)

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 Creating A Scene [Open]
« Jun 4, 2009 1:24:37 GMT -6 »

The sound of faint whistling lingered around the Thai as he walked from his locker, the shrill but pleasant tune emanating from his lips as he made his way through the corridor amidst the eyes that would surely be watching him. For whilst he was doing little out of the ordinary, Aroon was drawing suitable attention to himself. Not clad in the uniform would be one thing to state, something rather obvious in fact, but the normally reserved Thai had a rather devious grin etched across his lips.

After a few weeks of playing subtly, keeping himself unnoticed, he'd grown bored. His little bonfire had drawn miniscule attention, something he attributed to the faculty smothering any comment and opinion on it, so when subtlety fails...

...Draw attention.

Now, Aroon being slightly built, hardly a powerhouse, that attention wouldn't come from his two hands. Not directly anyway...

Pausing outside one particular door, he twisted the handle surreptitiously before slipping inside, glad that nobody thought to lock this room up. A rather serious mistake, twice in a row in fact. Glancing at the floor in the corner, he heaved up the ten-pound sledgehammer onto one shoulder. It seemed like an odd tool for a janitor to have, that much was for sure, but he wasn't about to start debating the fact. It was a convenience to him, and he only looked in annoyance that, the next time he walked past here, this door would almost certainly be locked up.

Adjusting his coat slightly over the hammer, tucking the head under his arm and threading the handle into his pants leg, he doubled back out of the room with the same caution...Attention or not, he'd rather pull off this part of his scheme without being caught out.

With the tool required now in his possession, it was just a matter of walking without (ironically) drawing focus to the slight bulge in his coat and leg. When he slipped past the last of a line of classroom doors, he saw the plate on the door a few meters in front of him


That was the closest thing to an invite he needed as he slid the sledgehammer from his coat and cocked it over his shoulder again, striding forward and casually swinging the door open before looking around at the bounty of targets he had. The circuit breakers for the majority of Fremont must be in here, going by the size of the panels. For a moment he was almost contemplating finding a fire axe from somewhere, but shook the notion off and shucked the hammer into his hands. With a textbook swing the head smashed into the electrical equipment with a sickeningly loud crunch, the sound of disintegrating plastic and rending metal music to the Thais ears. Figuring he'd have maybe a minute, two tops before someone began to investigate, he swung the hammer a half-dozen more times in rapid succession, practically severing the panel from the walls as the lights overhead suddenly fizzled out.


Hooking the heavy weapon over his shoulder again, he strode out into the hall as the murmurs of confusion began to echo from classes left and right, an idle pace and a malevolent smirk on his face at his actions. 'Try and ignore that, you bastards.'

As an afterthought, he began to pitch the hammer-head into the glass panels of the classrooms he walked past, causing the toughened panes to rupture in a spray of glass shards...

All he needed to do was wait for a faculty member or two to show up, along with whoever else couldn't resist seeing what was going on outside their classes.

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« Jun 4, 2009 1:33:05 GMT -6 »


    Ryorin thought to herself as she rushed out of the room upon hearing the breaking of glass, seeing him standing there. She wasn't the only one who had their attention drawn towards the sound. Hell, you'd have to be crazy not to be drawn to something like that. Although, in a school like this, that was to be determined. However, with the burning of the uniforms, students were on their toes. Ryorin perhaps most of all.

    Whether the teacher had told her to stay put or not, Ryorin would not. She had been pissed about the fire of the uniforms. Pissed at the fool or fools that had destroyed any plans she had had for the school, as well as creating a nightmare for the students. Now, perhaps these two events weren't connected, but Ryorin wasn't going to miss any chance to be able to speak with the Wolves of the school. Not on her life, even if she risked everything.

    She had ran out the room in a sprint, beating everyone else outside the classroom and she wasting even less time running to the origin of the sound, only to see Aroon standing there. Perhaps he was the one who did it, perhaps not. That would be determined.

    "Aroon...did you do this?"

    She paused for a moment, shifting in her uniform. If he had done this AND if he was a Wolf, would there be a fight. More than likely.

    "Please don't tell me that you're one of the 'Wolves' mentioned in the flyer."

    Of course, Ryorin wasn't sure if there were multiple wolves or just one.[/size][/color][/ul]

    « Last Edit: Jun 4, 2009 1:33:59 GMT -6 by shu » Back to Top  

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    « Jun 4, 2009 2:03:46 GMT -6 »


    The hammer collided with the midsection of one of the teachers who tried to sneak up on him from the side, winding the man and knocking him onto his back with a whipping motion from the handle, sending him into a coughing fit. Definitely not one of the more adept members of staff, that was clear to see...He shifted his eyes from side to side at the few students who'd come from their classrooms, most of them hesitant at the sight of the rather ominous looking sledgehammer in his hands. Surprising how quickly people could be cowed...

    "Aroon...did you do this?"

    Behind him, he recognised the voice somewhat. A brief chuckle of laughter dropped from his lips as he glanced over his shoulder, smirking at Ryorin. Now things would start to get more interesting...

    "Hey, Ryorin...."

    Rolling his shoulder, he popped the head of the sledgehammer back up to its resting state across the nape of his neck whilst he turned around to the girl. The girl who, on his first days, had questioned his motives as a martial artist. The girl who believed strength and power were two different entities. He quite liked her thinking, if he was honest. At least she took a view as her own instead of just following a standard opinion someone else came up with. At her questioning of whether he was responsible, he raised an eyebrow, waggling his hand to move the sledgehammer on his shoulders.

    "Woof woof...."

    That was all the answer he needed to give. He wasn't about to explain any further, only that he was responsible for the blaze and nothing about the validity of the 'wolves'. Nonexistant or not, she had simply thrown a massive amount of fuel onto the fire as some of the students began to put two and two together in their heads, albeit coming to a result of five.

    Just a little assumption could go a long way...

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    « Jun 4, 2009 2:10:48 GMT -6 »


      Ryorin slipped her shoes off. It meant that she was getting ready for a fight. She did not like the uniform, especially the shoes, and fought better without them. She shoved them to the side, but didn't strike just yet. She prefered not to fight, and would try to find a way around this, but she doubted it would end like that, not with the things Aroon did and the response that he gave her.

      "I'd prefer not to fight, so I'll ask you this beforehand. What foolish thoughts crawled into your head to do things as stupid as this?"

      She would wait for his response. She had basically told him what her plans were and she was not one bit afraid of that sledgehammer. It actually gave someone like her an advantage. It gave more weight to Aroon's attacks and if he planned on swinging it around he'd be more of a hindrance to himself than to his opponent.[/size][/color][/ul]

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      « Jun 4, 2009 2:27:38 GMT -6 »

      He rolled his eyes as she removed her footwear, aware that the intention was most likely to give her more freedom of movement in case a fight broke out between the pair. With a sigh, he shook his head and bobbed his shoulder, causing the hammer to arc up before the head slammed into the ground. Leaning on it, almost idly holding it despite keeping full attention around him, he spoke with an amused lilt to his voice.

      "Foolish thoughts? Boredom. Intrigue. To see how people would react to it. Take your pick, there's nothing so insidious about it. What's that expression over here....'Some people just want to see the world burn', or something like that? Who says there has to be a real rhyme or reason to it?"

      With his explanation, he shifted his weight, clipping the outside of his foot against the hammers handle as he flicked it back up onto his shoulder. His expression changed slightly, this time a little more serious as he continued speaking and turned away from the girl.

      "I didn't come here to fight someone like you, Ryorin. Oddly enough, you're quite good conversation so, if at all possible, I'd like you to not get involved."

      There was an air of truth to his words as he showed his back to the barefooted girl, an unafraid and confident aura about him as he began to take a step or two away, his ears perked regardless as he waited for whatever she might retort with.

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      « Jun 4, 2009 2:47:51 GMT -6 »


        She was obviosuly angry, but she wasn't going to let the anger control her judgement. She was very good at controlling her anger, but there were times where even she needed to let emotions out. This was not yet the time, but it things were going as they were going, it was going to be.

        "You would cause the whole student body of Chula Vista to be targeted, labeling us all as potential Wolves, over shear boredom?! You would potentially start a war between the schools because of the schools blaming each other as housing the wolves and causing trouble for all the schools, over shear bordom?!"

        Certainly, Aroon was not thinking. Because of his actions, EVERY student was potentially a Wolf, which meant they were all subjects should the school continue on. Not only that, but that would cause trouble for all the schools. What would happen if Knox blamed the Fremont students, or vice versa? It could potentially start a war between the two schools. War, anarchy, these are things that this school did not need.

        "I wouldn't like to fight you either, but it would seem like I would have no choice. However, if you were to explain to the higher-ups that you are the 'Wolf', I'd be happy not to engage you. However, one way or another, I will have you telling them your identity. I'll not endanger the students of this school to a civil war within Chula Vista over your Boredom and Intrigue."

        There was not just and air of truth in Ryorin's words. There was a sea, a swell, a savage wind of truth.[/color][/size][/ul]

        « Last Edit: Jun 4, 2009 2:48:26 GMT -6 by shu » Back to Top  

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        « Jun 4, 2009 2:59:48 GMT -6 »

        Now normally things like power outages don't bother Ryker, he'll just find a flashlight and read until it got too dark and then he would work out hard so he could go to sleep early and avoid mind numbing boredom. But when it was in the middle of the day, in class, that meant that someone was fucking around with his school. If a storm did itt, nothing to get upset about, but with the way everyone was going batshit he doubted that was the case.

        So he left the classroom that already settled in to throwing shit around around like monkeys. Instead of being annoyed by them he simply left the classroom, and followed the noise. His blazer too warm for the time being, and it was resting over his shoulder.

        Ryker unbuttoned the top two buttons of his shirt as he walked into a rather interesting conversation with a girl that for some reason pissed him off, and a Thai with a sledge hammer. A sledge hammer that was more than likely used to smash the school into darkness.

        "You know, I had a feeling you were an asshole."

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        « Jun 4, 2009 3:27:47 GMT -6 »

        "...Pretty much, yeah."

        He smirked again as he listened to her minor outburst, shooting a glare sidewards to a student who was edging closer to him, his hand tightening in its grip on the hammer. Almost immediately, he shied back again, keeping his distance from the Thai. There were times, he mused, where being unable to block out perception of his surroundings came in pretty damned useful. Rolling on his heels, a smooth motion that brought him a hundred and eighty degrees around, he cocked an eyebrow at the girl as she began suggesting that if he admitted his 'position', she'd not try and fight him. The notion made him laugh, quite openly in fact, before he composed himself to reply.

        "Who says I'm hiding that fact anymore? I expected at least a sliver of retribution for my little campfire, but nobody managed to get a sniff of me. If I'd so decided, just like then, I could have done all this and managed to go unnoticed. No, Ryorin. I want people to see what's happening. I want them to recognise what's being done. I want it to stir the students up. You think most of them don't want to assert their own selves instead of being what someone else dictates? The wolves are everywhere, Ryorin. They just need one to howl before they begin to understand."

        A poor analogy, perhaps, but the most logical one that came to mind. He wasn't one for any kind of monologues considering his attention drifted too quickly most of the time...

        "But, if you're so keen to make a point, why not try your luck? I'll even get rid of the hammer if it--"

        Another voice seemed to isolate in the rabble, another familiar one at that, and with a quick glance backward, he stifled the smirk once more as he saw the boy from the cafeteria...Didn't fate just gift-wrap them sometimes?

        "Sticks and stones. I assume you're just itching for a shot too? Best get in line. The girl beat you to it."

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        « Jun 4, 2009 3:39:45 GMT -6 »


          She calmed herself down, letting herself take a few breaths. She held her anger in but did not get rid of it. Despite what some people thought that Anger was not the answer, Anger was an emotion just like everything else. If one could not follow their own emotions than they would not be a human. She just did not let her anger get the best of her.

          "If it was that easy do you think it would've already been done? Thousands of people have tried to incite the students to rise up against the system and it's masters. Schools have been destroyed, mass riots abound, so many attempts have been tried, and yet..."

          She extended her arms like a circle opening up, showing him the school.

          "The system is still here. If this keeps on going, it'll be the same like all those other schools. Because it shows the higher ups we are just who they think we are. Unbroken animals who need to be broken. If you want to combat the system, you must do it legally. You have to beat them at their own game.'re just a pawn that's playing their game at the moment."

          Another student came up. It was the same student that had hit the mailbox and caused the car to crash. She spoke to Ryker.

          "Actually, you can have him all to yourself if you want. However, let me finish speaking to him. Then you can do as you please."

          The fight had not yet started and at the time would be called off. Aroon's next words would dictate Ryorin's next course of action.[/size][/color][/ul]

          « Last Edit: Jun 4, 2009 3:47:41 GMT -6 by shu » Back to Top  

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          « Jun 4, 2009 3:54:58 GMT -6 »

          Ryker was not as intimidated as other students were when he looked at the sledgehammer. It was just another item that would cause intense damage, but only fif it hit. And it was a pretty slow weapon. So instead of looking worried he just stepped forward and grinned at the Thai.

          "Well if memory servers she's likes talking more than fighting, so we'll see how many years we age before you go insane and decide to fight."

          Unlike both Aroon and Shu he couldn't care less about the System or the other students in it. They kept their head down and nothing would happen. Although when he thought about it, as he had enough time for thinking since she liked to talk quite a lot. He decided he didn't like either of their positions just because the girl was a nosy bitch and the Thai was a prick.

          He'd rather have a decent fight with the Thai than bother talking with the girl. "Come on, I don't have all day, I want to get a couple good swings in before a teacher with a billy club shows up."

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          « Jun 4, 2009 4:23:18 GMT -6 »

          "You can believe what you will. I'm not about to force my opinions onto you Ryorin. It's just a shame you can't see things from my perspective...Yes, the system is still here. I'm not trying to stop the system. Merely make a few adjustments."

          By now he was simply listening to her, knowing that she wanted to get this off her chest and figuring the sooner she finished the sooner they could get on with whatever was going to happen. His hand, in preparation, tightened on the handle slightly as Ryorin apparently dismissed her intention to fight, passing the 'luxury' over to the other boy who'd shown up. Glancing over his shoulder again, he made eye contact briefly in a silent exchange, acknowledging what was to come.

          "What it all comes down to, Ryorin, is this. I'm just a guy with his own ideals, his own way of thinking, and I'm not about to relent because it interferes with whatever perfect notion other folk have."

          Interjecting when the other boy quipped off about teachers showing up, he raised an eyebrow with a rather bemused expression, waggling the hammer again. "Teacher with billy club, versus me with my sledgehammer...I wouldn't worry, you'll get your chance one way or another, even if we have to go out the damned window."

          Punctuating the comment with an anticipatory smirk, he shifted his position to be able to shift his head back and forth between the pair without any bodily rotation.

          "So, what now? I'm just sorta winging it from here on..."

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          « Jun 4, 2009 4:34:12 GMT -6 »


            She shook her head, refering to Aroon as the fool and Ryker the other. People like Ryker who thought of nothing but violence was one of the reasons the fight against the system wouldn't get anywhere. Then there was Aroon, too caught up in his fool 'ideals' to not realize the common sense of it all. If Aroon had so much as even tried looking he'd realize the truth.

            "Fine. Just realize that even ideals can be foolhardy and stupid with a lack of common sense. I hope you realize that before another school and it's victims fall prey to the system because some fools think they can challenge the system with such tactics."

            She headed over and put her shoes back on, letting out a quiet scoff as she did.

            "Alright you two, let yourselves go at it."

            She told them before walking off, muttering to herself.

            "Like lambs to the fucking slaughter. At this rate, the system will never be erased or changed in any way."[/size][/color][/ul]

            « Last Edit: Jun 4, 2009 4:35:20 GMT -6 by shu » Back to Top  

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            « Jun 4, 2009 4:58:39 GMT -6 »

            Ryker was growing pretty bored with all of this talk, and he showed it by crossing his arms and tapping his foot, staring at the two people who didn't yet realize that talking was all leading to a head end that Ryker saw coming by the time he entered the room and heard their first arguments.

            The girl liked to think she was superior and knew better than the Thai, and the Thai was just looking to stir up some fun for himself. It wasn't hard to guess who he identified with more.

            It showed when the girl kept talking and Ryker raised his right hand, mocking the flapping of gum's with his hand and mouthing blah blah blah blah blah blah BLAH! while she kept going on and on.

            Finally the speech part of the confrontation was over and Ryker wasn't sure how heroes in movies could sit through super villains spouting out their bullshit instead of just shooting them int he skull and save themselves the boredom.

            Twisting his neck around twice, loosening his muscles, and without taking stanch launched himself forward, his left foot leading as he closed the distance, looking to flash a quick left jab in front of Aroon's eyes before he got a swing off. While he threw the punch he naturally shifted himself in the warrior's stance, making the jab look to be in good form.

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            « Jun 4, 2009 5:13:52 GMT -6 »

            "Hm, I'm sure we'll just wait and see how things turn out, Ryorin."

            He watched her with a muted grin as she slipped her footwear back on and muttered to herself, having 'sic'ed the pair on each other with a parting jab. Satisfied that he'd allowed her to have her piece, he rolled on his heels swiftly to face the other boy even as he was approaching.

            'Well, aren't you just in a big fucking hurry?'

            Contrary to thoughts, ten pounds is surprisingly light. Even with the handle taken into account, the sledgehammer would weigh no more than twelve or thirteen pounds. Hardly a knee-buckling weight by any stretch of the imagination, even for a fighter of his lithe build. In fact, that made it quite the effective reach-extender for him...

            As his attacker lunged with the jab, he continued to rotate, stepping out a foot or so as he did so, and simply sidestepped the entire advance whilst bringing the hammer to a ready position. If his opponent didn't continue to move forward, the entire rotary motion the Thai had made would culminate in the hammer swinging with the full force of a baseball-like swing straight into his lower back.

            Now, his opponent was definitely a little bigger than Aroon was, but a hit of that magnitude wouldn't just deal serious damage, it would almost certainly end the fight, blocked or not. Still, it was only a possible chance. If the other boy moved even another two steps forward, or happened to see the swing coming, it wouldn't take much to dodge.

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            « Jun 5, 2009 12:34:10 GMT -6 »

            "Aw fuck!"

            There was no doubt that Ryker didn't want to catch a sledge hammer anywhere on his body. In a knee jerk reaction he dropped his weight, instinctively wanting to get the fuck out of the way of the ten pounds of death swinging at him, and found himself in a squat, staring at an opening.

            The swing had been all out, all or nothing, home run swing, and when it tore through the air above Ryker's head it gave him many opportunities. But when he was facing a one hit fucked weapon he was going to neutralize as best he could.

            With his hands out in front of him Ryker stepped forward with his left foot, grabbing his opponent around his thighs, midway between the hips and knees, and pressed his head into his hip to avoid the possibility of neck injury or being easily put into a headlock. Showing his impressive strength Ryker lifted while standing and slammed his opponent into the ground.

            Releasing the legs just after impact Ryker stepped forward and to the right, so he would be standing at the Thai's side while he was on the ground.

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            « Jun 5, 2009 19:39:01 GMT -6 »

            His opponent was either blessed with dumb luck or a guardian fucking angel, or both, it seemed. The heavy, wide swing of the hammer skimmed over his target, missing by mere inches and (oddly enough, thankfully) not catching his opponent in the head. A shot to the gut or the back was one thing, but a swing like that to the head would easily kill someone, even Aroon knew that. Still, the fact was it hadn't connected, leaving a moral quandary to the Thai as he wrestled between gladness at not snuffing out someone in his first month at the Collective, and annoyance that his opponent was limber and quick enough to dodge a fucking sledgehammer at that range.

            'At this range, though, he'll either try and tackle me or roll away. Hardly a whole lot of options.'

            Indeed, it seemed he was going to be brought down, or at least attempted to have such a thing done, as the dark-haired youth went for his legs. First things first, Aroon would pitch his right knee forward as quickly as he could, not so much going for power at the pitiful range he had, but simply to jar his opponent, even if it meant he would still get the clinch a moment later.

            That moment was all he was aiming to achieve. Whilst the hammers swing was wide and indeed a heavy one, it fell back to the fact that it was still fairly light in comparison to the larger designs. Aroon wasn't about to start trying to lug a thirty or forty pound hammer around when a ten would meet the requirements. As such, as it swung into the end of its arc, he twisted his arm, using a whipping motion to bring the head of the tool up, the handle vertical before he brought it down (handle first this time) into the middle of the other boys shoulder-blades, intent on knocking him onto his stomach before he could attempt to hoist him up and off his feet, or tackle him to the ground, or whatever he had in mind.

            'Needless to say, he'd have an advantage in the ground game. I think I'll stay on my feet, thank you very much...'

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            « Jun 6, 2009 17:38:33 GMT -6 »

            The reaction Ryker got was hardly unexpected, it was exactly what the body instinctively did to fend off just this move he was doing. The most natural reaction was to try and smash the face with a knee, but that is why he had his hands in front of him as he went in low.

            The knee was caught by Ryker's right hand and tugged away from his face so the strike would be dissipated across his chest, and his body angled forward so his shoulder slammed into the hip, and his other hand was free to grab the back of the other thigh. The sledge hammer smashed into his back at just about the same time, but as he already had a solid base of balance it was absorbed by the spring on his knees and the blow did not flatten him.

            But that didn't mean it didn't hurt like a bitch. Grunting he drove forward and straightened his back, pulling his hands up, his hands lifting at the mid thigh, and with Aroon's hands retracting from the strike to the shoulders with both hands on the sledge hammer there would be nothing to slow down his impact to the floor.

            Having his head against the hip he was able to clearly see when he was supposed to pull back, keeping him from smacking his skull into the ground, and quickly moved into a ground and pound position.

            « Last Edit: Jun 8, 2009 19:15:27 GMT -6 by shu » Back to Top  

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            « Jun 7, 2009 20:43:34 GMT -6 »


            Groaning in pain as his back struck the ground, Aroons face winced and his teeth bared at the burning ache that ran through his shoulders. The instant he'd struck the concrete, his body proceeded to enter a state of pure adrenaline, fuelled both by the wanton destruction, the thrill of the fight and the pain of the blow. Growling in anger, he shifted his hands on the hammers handle before reluctantly letting go of the heavy weapon. He couldn't rely on it in this fight, apparently, though so long as he kept it within range, it might yet prove its usefulness.

            Shuffling back with a push of his heel against the concrete, he put himself a little further from his opponent as he tried to come down again from his standing position to attack. In the raw power game, he would likely lose here, and if he wanted to be in any kind of ground game, he certainly didn't want to be the one on his ass...If the dark haired boy tried to move in, he would kick at the ankles and shins to keep him back whilst keeping his hands ready for any swung blows, after a moment flipping onto his side with a small twist and pushing further away with a turn and slide of his feet.

            The burn in his back from hitting the ground would still be present, a painful ache across his shoulders and about midway down his spine, but it wouldn't be enough -yet- to keep him off of his feet. The Thai was not powerfully built, but his bodys conditioning made him surprisingly durable for a fighter of his stature.

            "A shame I didn't use the metal end, huh?" he quipped, a lopsided smirk creeping on his face as he paced, keeping just enough distance between himself and his opponent for him to compose himself. That had been close, he didn't want to take a chance like that again...

            « Last Edit: Jun 9, 2009 3:12:47 GMT -6 by shu » Back to Top  

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            « Jun 10, 2009 11:22:21 GMT -6 »

            When he was dropping forward his target wasn't fully obvious, there was the initial blow that gave him a moment to pick his target. He could have pushed himself forward, forced himself past the legs, and mounted for a ground and pound, and it had been his intention until he saw that the sledge hammer hadn't popped out of his hands during the fall.

            Ryker dropped onto his target rapidly, grasping the left leg, and swung his right leg over as he twisted around and fell on his shoulder with his head tucked to his chest. With both hands grasping hard at the back of the ankle and shin Ryker shoved the leg under his armpit, started the performance of a variation of the classic kneebar, one incredibly difficult to escape.

            With the kneecap pointed toward his body Ryker pushed his hips forward while his shoulders arched back hard. With the impressive strength he had at his disposal there was no doubt he was fully capable of hyper extending the knee, which would put a quick and painful end to the fight.

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            « Jun 12, 2009 3:07:22 GMT -6 »

            ooc: Really, -really- being presumptuous, but it's a good move. I'll concede that much. However, you're open, and if you think you're taking my leg, read on. ;)


            It appeared that in his effort to push himself away from the other boy, Aroon had ended up letting one of his legs get caught up in his opponents arms, and as soon as he fell to the ground the pressure began through the limb...A short expletive left his lips as his leg was caught in place, and in a flash of real, unadulterated savage behaviour he reached his arms back to a familiar friend that he'd left within arms length...

            'Oh, you'll let go of that leg, one way or the other....'

            "Hey, you!" he managed to yell through pained lips, the pressure in his leg bad enough to have the Thai visibly wincing as he heaved his upper body up slightly, a half-crunch kind of position so to speak, so was capable of looking over at his opponent. Lifting his hands slightly to make the sledgehammer visible, he continued on, a very serious tone to his voice.

            "Way I see it, we've two choices. You can mess up my leg and I'll cave you in with the hammer. We both lose, and you'll probably end up in a fucking wheelchair and I'll end up on crutches. You're too close to get away before I could hit you now, it's plain to see..."

            His hands were ready on the hammer the whole time, the muscles in his shoulders and arms twitching with anticipation..Even if his leg was injured first, he was ready to lunge with that hammer to take out the other boy as well, no matter the situation.

            "Or, you let go, we both back off, we call it as it is. Needless to say, I've other places to be, and I'm sure you don't want to be caught up in my handiwork either.....That's the choices."

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            « Jun 13, 2009 10:59:27 GMT -6 »

            Ryker was ignoring his opponent at first, he had the advantage and was looking to disable his leg before letting up. But then again he hadn't expected the sledge hammer to be within reach, which changed the odds of him hyper extending the knee and finishing the fight as the victor without a fractured skull rather difficult.

            There was little doubt that Ryker would rather not take a sledge hammer to the skull, but things weren't quite as simple as backing off on his hold. He wasn't the fastest guy, and he was working from a disadvantage, the only thing keeping his skull intact was the fact with one last press he would be putting the Thai in crutches.

            So when he was given his options he glanced up, his brow tense and his jaw tense as he gauged just how serious he was. There was little doubt that pain was there, but this guy, understandably, was quite attached to his leg. Well Ryker was also attached to his motor functions and basic ability to wipe his own ass.

            "Yeah, that makes perfect sense. How about you drop the sledge hammer back where you can get at it and let go." After all it was a lot easier to drop a hammer than to let go of a leg, take it out from being pinned behind your shoulder, and roll out of range by the time the hammer dropped quite literally.

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            « Jun 13, 2009 14:40:54 GMT -6 »

            ooc: Urgh, short post. Tired, a bit drunk too. It's 2:30pm. I'm pissed. Whoot!


            It appeared they were at something of an empasse...Aroon was not quite willing to let go of his insurance first, all things considered, and he doubted that his opponent would do the opposite.

            "Forgive my lack of trust, but I'm not letting go of this thing until you let go of my leg. Put it this way, if I -really- wanted to hit you with this thing, I'd have done it without even bothering to talk, regardless of my leg. Let go of my leg, and I offer you my word that I'll not even twitch with the hammer."

            The look on his face was deathly serious. He wouldn't attack the other boy if he let him go. The fact was that he was actually a little impressed at the display he'd shown, losing a lucky victory simply because of the Thais handy tool being, well, at hand. Regardless, he wasn't stupid enough to put all that trust in one person after a fight, and he kept full grip on the heavy weapon.

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            « Jun 14, 2009 13:49:36 GMT -6 »

            Ryker made the same argument in his mind, thought it over twice, and then grimaced as he responded.

            "It is a lot easier to drop a hammer than to let go of a leg, take it out from being pinned behind my shoulder, and roll out of range by the time the hammer drops."

            He couldn't exactly voice it any more seriously than that, and he was very close to jerking himself back in an attempt to predict when the hammer would drop, drive himself back, and make the Thai strike the ground while still taking the damage.

            "And since I'm not the one who seems to like destroying school property and being an overall delinquent, we'll be trusting my word over yours."

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            « Jun 14, 2009 14:20:19 GMT -6 »

            Rolling his eyes in an expression of annoyance and exasperation, he shot them back at his 'captor'.

            "Perhaps so, but that's really not the point..."

            He shot a sidewards glance around at the students who ringed them, deciding that more than enough time had been wasted on this fruitless effort to make a truce. Instead, he groaned.

            "Alright, fine. New plan. On the count of three, we both let go. Better?"

            Glaring at the dark-haired youth, he raised an eyebrow as if to expect an affirmation that the new plan would be suitable for him. Damned if he was letting go first, though in some degree he could understand the perspective of his opponent...

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            « Jun 15, 2009 16:14:31 GMT -6 »

            Ryker groaned at the compromise that still would need the Thai to be as good as his word, which he wasn't willing to trust with his skull on the line. And when the argument was between a leg and a skull, the skull was in more danger.

            "Fuck no, it' snot better. That still means I got to trust you. Fuck all if I trust your ass."

            He wasn't sure if that would get him killed, but he was looking up at the hammer and looking to jerk out of the way if it really came down to that, but there was a point that he could make to end the stalemate.

            "Listen up, I'm not the asshole who took a sledge hammer to the schools power, or another student. How much longer can you wait around and try to cripple me with facility on the way?" Ryker pressed the issue after a quick breath. "So trust that I'm less of an asshole than you and move that fucking thing away from my damn skull!"

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