Author Topic: Worth of the Uniform (Punishment Assembly) (Read 1,686 times)

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 Worth of the Uniform (Punishment Assembly)
« Jun 16, 2009 22:55:56 GMT -6 »


    « Last Edit: Jun 16, 2009 22:56:57 GMT -6 by shu » Back to Top  

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     Worth of the Uniform (Punishment Assembly)
    « Jun 16, 2009 23:18:25 GMT -6 »

    Kira watched everything unfold from her seat, keeping a stern face, keeping her back straight and tense ready for a outburst from the student body. She watched everything with a stone set face. She had been punished many a time by her father, and though she wasn’t a fan of the ‘emotions are weakness’ motto, it was definitely a disguise. There was no religion in her family so the mention of this institution being her God was damn near hitting close to home for her. She found it pathetic for some students to get so bent out of shape over words, if it wasn’t your God, then you did as the smart Jew in the time of the Holocaust and you gave up the pretense of your religion and you worshiped inside your soul as you actions said otherwise.


    That’s what it was all about. Life was about survival. Survival of the fittest, survival of the strongest, the smartest. You had to do what you had to, in order to survive, and if that meant pleasing a higher authority for a few years….well then you should just fucking suck it up.

    She watched the chaoticness of the front unfold, the girl being dragged down the aisle by guards, how some tried to jump in and stop what they saw as a abomination to the system. Her eyebrow quirked up when she noticed….was that Hicks? The boy she had met in the Fremont gym…’s was. She pursued her lips tighter but other than that she didn’t budge. She also caught a movement from her peripheral vision and she noticed her roommate Aleece.

    Kira’s whole body was humming with tension and adrenaline, she was sure that this day could only get more interesting but she was going to be selfish and watch out for herself today. You learned, when you are from a military family, to pick your battles wisely, and there was no way, even if Kira had her guns, that she would ever even come remotely close to winning this battle.

    So there she sat, watching as the events unfolded around her.

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     Worth of the Uniform (Punishment Assembly)
    « Jun 17, 2009 10:54:23 GMT -6 »

    And so it starts..

    Again her eyes rolled as she was clearly summoned to the stage in place of another. She knew it was going to happen. After all, come on now, she took off her shirt how could that go unnoticed? But she heard the words of the guy that went up before. They weren't all monsters, but why did that term even have to be used? Most teens were just misunderstood. Some had been through hardships that made them be the way they are, others were just followers.

    Her Headmaster continued to speak and she listened carefully. Crushing any form of rebellion? She could only wish them luck on that. They could try to teach them a lesson by punishing a few but it would possibly only give delay. Permanently silencing a rebellion? Never going to happen. As long as mankind holds tight to their beliefs, to their emotions it would never happen. Cammy casually made her way up to the stage, placing her hands in her pockets.

    When you take away everything from a person, they no longer can be controlled; for they no longer have anything else to lose. That's when they become dangerous.

    Standing near the two that had be detained, she simply shrugged her shoulders staring at her Headmaster and the Director simultaneously. No form of emotion on her face.

    "What? It's really hot out here."

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    « Jun 17, 2009 12:55:43 GMT -6 »

    So, things were getting rather out of hand, weren't they?

    First, the director called himself god over the collective. As figurative as it was probably meant to be and however much I felt it to be true, he didn't have to show a moderate amount of arrogance and actually say it. I sighed and shook my head, trying to ignore how hot it was getting. This wouldn't end well.

    Secondly, some idiot felt like taking a girls punishment. What was she, his girlfriend or something? Either way, it was a fairly stupid move considering it would only amount in trouble for him and more for her if I knew the director as well as I thought I did. Apparently I didn't know him that well. The girl had been found as signaled by a ridiculously loud shriek and the boy was allowed to return back to his seat unscathed. Actually, unscathed is a relative term. He was escorted screaming something no one could hear over the chaos.

    Thirdly, a girl felt like showing off her six pack, took off her shirt and was left in a sports bra. I heaved a greater sigh and figured that this was barely the tip of the ice burg of today's festivities. She was summoned to the stage and went without escort, being a smart alek. I glared straight forward, hands clenched in shaking fists to try to contain myself.

    You know what? Enough was enough. They were mocking the director and everything the school had stood for. Sure, I was exactly a model student, skipping a month like I had, but I didn't want to tolerate this anymore. I should've kept my head down and said nothing. Yeah, since everyone does exactly as they should, as evidence by this entire thing being necessary at all.

    "Oh, to Hell with it."

    I got up and strode to the stage, my heart nervously pounding all the way. I'd never done anything like that before and I was concentrating on not wetting myself, shut up.

    "Can you lot, oh I don't know, shut up?!" I said from the front row. "The director's just trying to make your lives a little easier by showing his breaking point. It might be a good idea to listen."

    After my little outburst, I went back to my seat and sat, my heart still pounding and my hands shaking at what I had done. I had definitely not expected this of myself.

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    « Jun 17, 2009 14:22:28 GMT -6 »

    The Headmaster was getting fed up with this, the students pathetic attempt to defy authority, obviously they didn't really see much reason to fear authority. He had even warned the student body that there would be consequences if people continued to try and disrupt the assembly. It seemed that a student wanted to call his bluff, he watched as a girl got up from her seat and started striding to the stage. With two of the students on the stage having attacked guards, and then that other student making his way past the guards it was apparent that this was going to be trouble.

    He didn't know if she planned to get to the stage and attack the guards or the Director, or if she was going to try and incite the students. Obviously she thought that there would be no consequences for disobeying a direct order, and that was the problem.

    He didn't want to wait and find out what she had planned to do. He made a hand motion to one of the Marines nearby holding a combat shot gun, loaded with rubber slugs. Nothing that would kill a student unless hit in the head, but it would certainly hurt badly, and probably leave a bruise for a few weeks.

    She was in the front row, turning to address the students it would seem, the Headmaster took aim for her back pulling the trigger. The sound of the gun blast would echo through the gathering, the rubber slug speeding out of the gun barrel to slam in to the girl's back. It wouldn't permanently damage her, but she would feel a pain like no other.

    He didn't care that she was speaking out on their favor, he had said any disruption would be punished. He never said that he would pick and choose depending on what he thought about their words. The students needed to be shown that unlike many schools across the nation when The Chula Vista Collective said that there would be consequences they didn't fuck around. There was a reason they dealt with the worst cases and had success, they were the only ones that would stop at nothing to put everyone in line.

    Needless to say the roar of the shot gun was enough to silence most if not all, the Headmaster stood there without any expression on his face. No horror at shooting a child, that same stony face, gaze hidden behind glasses. Watching the world outside detached from it. To him age didn't matter, even the youngest student in the Academy was to be treated like a soldier, he didn't give special treatment to women and children. A bullet from a child is just as effective as one from an adult, often more effective.

    Not that he expected her to have a gun and shoot someone, but the fact that she was a girl didn't make her less of a threat then a college male. Especially with how riled up the crowd was already. He was sure this would make some kids lose it, rage overwhelming them. But he was also sure that the horror of the spectacle, the casualness in which the Headmaster shot her would make the more rational students stop their rasher counterparts from acting out, lest they suffer a worse fate then being shot with a rubber slug.

    "Now settle down everyone."

    He said it loudly, his voice was more annoyed then anything. He didn't care about the horrified silence that filled the air. It was good, a brutal show of force is more likely to stun them, show them that he was not joking. If she was allowed to do as she pleased and walk away there would be nothing to stop the more rebellious students from doing their thing, starting a riot. If they still wanted to try then it could be put down, but he doubted it would. He was nipping it in the bud before it could begin.

    Now the Director had the silence he needed to continue with the assembly and get things moving along. Hopefully he would take advantage of the stunned silence as his chance to punish the students for their crimes.

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     Worth of the Uniform (Punishment Assembly)
    « Jun 17, 2009 14:36:36 GMT -6 »

    Afano looked around from his seat next to the aisle only a few rows from the front. Being his big self he needed the aisle seat so he had enough room to be seated with bothering someone else. While looking around at the chaos that had ensued the general assembly on the uniform topic he saw many people attack, be attacked, god claims and various shouts and yells.

    Personally Afano didn't mind uniforms, the only thing he did mind was the white button up shirt that barley fit his large stature. Nobody needed to see tight clothes on a guy near 300 pounds. Nobody.

    Afano leaned to the person next to him and begin to start idle conversation. "So what do you think about all this?" Afano waited but found no reply. He then looked next to him to see the man that was in front of him had jumped over other empty seat to riot in the front.

    With Afano's attention to the front he saw a girl running over toward the stage. While he initially thought little of it he noticed a marine surrounding the stage and other officials getting permison from an offical to aim and shoot at the girl who began to try and calm the crowd. Afano's morals kicked in as he ignored the fact that the thing most people would see in a large Samoan running for the stage.

    Afano ran at the girl and unfortunatly was no where near fast enough to save the girl from the rubber pelet shot to her back. Afano still ran towards the girl after the shot in an atempt to save her and others from further harm. Afano covered the girl and helped her up and made an attepmt to return to his row and try to keep the injury toll at a minimum. Afano was large and had an above average pain tolerance and would try his best to fight the pain if he was shot.

    If Afano's rescue attempt suceeded he would go back for more of the injured. After one shot gets fired the students will out rage and all be shot down.

    "Hey, it's not safe here I'll take you back to your seat." As Afano spoke he realized now that everyone saw his large body out in front and that his intimidating presence would be cause for alarm, shock, and more fire.

    (ooc: modified)

    « Last Edit: Jun 17, 2009 15:35:03 GMT -6 by Deleted » Back to Top  

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     Worth of the Uniform (Punishment Assembly)
    « Jun 17, 2009 15:58:04 GMT -6 »

    This was becoming less than tolerable now. Torque was pissed, really pissed. It had been a long time since he'd really felt the desire to just hurt someone as much as he did right that second and he just needed a target. People had ignored what he said, determined to promote their own stupid goals. Did any of them even have an aspiration in life or were they all simply living day to day.

    Sun comes up as do they, another riot in another school. Sun goes down, they fade away, living fast and dying fools.

    This was the time for action. Enough had been said, enough whistles had been blown. Literally. The shot ringing out triggered a switch in Torque's mind, lust for blood rushed forwards hearing the yelps of the girl, the gasps from the crowd as she crumpled. He noticed the big guy running, was he going to protect her? This was where it got fun.

    You see, Jonathan happened to have sat himself in an Aisle seat simply because he arrived late, somewhat near the front. He was certainly ahead of the big guy coming down rather quickly for his weight and he even had time to think exactly what to do. The man was drawing closer now as Torque thought once a second.

    It'll just cause a riot
    Do I really care?
    I can't make myself a target
    But this guy is fucking annoying
    Ok, he's getting it.

    The Samoan would have very little time to think, he was so focused on the girl at the front he had probably not even thought to take his eyes off her and the gun. This would of course be his biggest mistake, Torque specialized in speed. He was close enough now. With one swift movement, his arms would hook in to a small gap in the back of the chair and he'd stand, taking it with him.

    Spinning and rapidly gaining momentum, the chair would come away from the ground and the seated part itself would be set to meet face. Torque didn't like fighting but when he did it, he did it fast. Should the chair connect, it might do no more than simply phase him, that was still all the time he needed.

    "Listen up you gargantuan fucking beast. This ain't no playground, put your ego away and join me laughing at the stupid bitch who got herself shot or fuck right off, am I clear?"

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    « Jun 17, 2009 16:23:51 GMT -6 »

    Afano's dedication to saving the girl was unfortunately short lived. He didn't want to see anyone getting hurt, even though his size said other wise. As Afano ran for the girl who had been shot down by now an unfolded steel chair came swinging right into Afano and a high speed swing from a student who had also been in an aisle seat. Afano took the full force of the blow head on.

    Unfortunately for the attacker it only dazed Afano as he then stopped and turned to the man with the chair. After he yelled out to him and the crowd as a whole.

    "Look, you can bitch all you want, I don't got an ego. I'm just here to keep the peace, and to occasionally put cocky pricks in their place. If you wanna fight we can do it somewhere where we won't get shot." Afano tried to slip back toward the aisle seats to avoid being shot at hoping that a marine solider wouldn't be too risky by taking out a few innocents just to take him out. Afano began to back up to go find the girl. "Besides that chair shot was nothing, I take those for a living."

    Afano ran off toward the front after his words. Afano was a wrestler, a chair shot was like a good cup of coffee to keep you awake.

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     Worth of the Uniform (Punishment Assembly)
    « Jun 17, 2009 17:18:48 GMT -6 »

    Sitting in the back of the assembly mixed into the crowd is a regular freshman whose is starting a new year at this high school. In life Conrad did not expect much to be given to him. He gets what he puts in and people treat him like how he treats them. This means that Conrad would just coast on by these four years getting good grades so he could go to a good college. After college he would get a good stable job that he will love and meet a nice girl. From there he would have 2 kids and raise them to be successful adults.

    The first part of the day appears to be promising. Sure the uniforms where a little hot and uncomfortable, but it was not so bad since he had carried a few bottles of water with him. During the middle of one of his classes the Director made an announcement for an important assembly for some strange reason. Assuming that the assembly would be important Conrad had left his ipod and cell phone in his book bag. Unfortunately, as soon as the director spoke Conrad regretted his decision. The whole point of this assembly is to publicly humiliate some students who did not wear their uniform? The idea made Conrad smile and chuckle a little, “kekkekeke.”

    Just looking down at the assembly Conrad thought of some many different ways to accomplish this manner in a safer and more effective manner. If the Director wants to make an example out of those five students there are better ways. The Director only thing the director is doing is making a fool of himself and irritating the student body. Again if he wanted to point out the trouble makers that would act out at this assembly there are more effective ways to do it. Not to mention that would be pointless. Those people would show themselves anyways in due time. What he needs to do is find all the schemers in this audience that are paying close attention to the schools every move looking for the right time to act and cause trouble.

    Then again all people who might cause trouble are easy to recognize, but then again Conrad looks like a person that would cause trouble since he does have several tattoos and ear rings. Maybe not the smartest move to make these marks, but they sure are cool. Anyone who will cause trouble will be caught and dealt with. What goes around comes around, and the director is only asking for trouble.

    In a low mumble, “This director seems to be a moron.”

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    « Jun 17, 2009 18:33:39 GMT -6 »

    Caleb left the train and took in a foul stench from the city. It would have been worse if his sense of smell wasn't still recovering from the drunk dude he sat next to the last 3 hours. Caleb couldn't sleep because he kept moaning and groaning as he slept. And he didn't dare to take out his laptop, because drunk people are quite unpredictable. So, he sat for three stiff hours watching the dull landscape change from dull to excitingly boring. But he managed to survive with most of his mental stability in good order. The station was cramped with people and their luggage. Caleb just found a steady stream of sheep and merged with it. Rolling his own luggage behind him with his clothes and such, while having his more expensive stuff in his backpack. Including the brand new laptop.

    Once in a while, Caleb stopped to ask for directions, otherwise he just walked to the collective, such a commie name for something. He needed to stretch his legs and he could get a good look at the city at the same time. He wasn't in a hurry getting to his new school. He had several hours before they expected him at the office at the main office. After an uneventful stroll through the city he reached the school's main grounds. Where a lot of students, or in fact, almost all students, were gathered. Caleb was quite surprised at the scene, because the first thing he saw was a girl being shot with a gun. Judging from the lack of blood (in movies they always had a gallon of blood exploding in every direction) and the girl's reaction, that it wasn't a real gunshot. Probably a soft gun or something similar.

    Still, it was barbaric. Shooting a girl, at that range. Fucking lunatics. One of the guards turned his gaze around and saw Caleb standing away from the seats, and what was worse, out of uniform. It took some pretty convincing arguments plus some evidence that Caleb had in fact just transferred there and he had not yet received his uniform. The guard decided that Caleb should just stay there with him, lest he should be noticed by the people up front and be called up there for his lack of uniform. Caleb placed his backpack on the ground. Just waiting for some sort of explanation for that sort of barbaric treatment of girls. He fished out his cellphone, cleverly hiding it in his right palm, well hidden from the guard on his left.

    « Last Edit: Jun 17, 2009 19:23:58 GMT -6 by shu » Back to Top  

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    « Jun 17, 2009 20:33:16 GMT -6 »

    At the moment she was waiting for didn’t come from some stupid ass grunt nope, the headmaster took that honor and the title of dumb ass. Shooting a girl in the back with a rubber bullet or not…She had caught it on her phone because the fact she had gotten up putting the spot light on her almost instantly.

    Regardless if she was seriously injured or not…he was feeding a monster now. The generic reaction? Anger…pure, lawless, and chaotic.

    Shaking her head a little she made sure to pan her phone around catching each and every reaction she could. Wonderful job you are doing here instilling fear, she thought to herself, you are breeding nothing but disarray and rebellion. With a sigh she sat in here spot wedged between the riling students. Is this what they wanted? she wondered to herself in mild disbelief. Maybe she should be making her way to the outskirts of all this before she got caught up in it…

    And move she did easing her way back through the crowd where she originally was, regardless of what the Director had planned this was enough to get a uproar of the public voice outside the collective, hell the whole world outside here for those who wished to watch and listen.

    What was a few outrage cries of no name students when compared to the mass of everyone else? Her lips curled up in a small grin through her astonishment…and she couldn’t help but send her thanks. As she backed up she noticed the blond guy who apparently got the same idea she had, had as she passed if she caught his eye she grinned.

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     Worth of the Uniform (Punishment Assembly)
    « Jun 17, 2009 20:44:39 GMT -6 »

    The whistle had been more than enough before. His sensitive ears could only take so much. The noise had been piercing, along with the echo. It had brought him to he knees earlier, though few might have seen it, as the attention was on the stage, and Connor made no noise. He kept his pain to himself. That alone took a lot out of him.

    He could hear voices here and there, then a girl speaking on behalf of the lunatic on the stage, parading the 'rebels' like cattle. She was taking his side? That was disgusting. Sometimes, Connor was thankful he was blind. The whole situation was getting him aggravated, along with the discomfort of the heat.

    The noise that followed shocked and confused, as well as hurt more than the girl. Though the slug may have hit her, the bang from the gun had again hurt Connor's ears. He dropped again, and was deciding whether or not it would be wise to try and leave. If that happened, he might make himself a target, and receive worse pain. However, if he remained here, then he wasn't sure how much more he could take, both of the scene before him, or the sporadic loud noises.

    When he was recovering, he could feel there was now a scuffle going on. At least, some minor disturbance. Connor decided to try and remain. He knew the few who were making all the ruckus would be getting there's soon enough, whether it was deserved or not. Part of him wanted to act. However, he was not a rash person. he thought before doing, and now was the time for doing nothing.

    He was trying to burn certain voices to memory. Ones that had spoke out, ones that seemed to hold strong conviction. Ones who might be willing to rise together for a cause, and that cause would be to remove the corruption. What most people didn't realize was that the school was much like a large corporation. A large company relies on it's employees, all at the bottom rung, to do well. Occasionally, CEOs forgot that, and the employees would strike. The company would give into their demands.

    In this situation, the school needed it's students, but the students also needed the school. There would be no strike, but a riot. An uprising, and the stronger will would prevail. At least, Connor would hold fast to that belief.

    This was the start, and the upcoming events from here would be interesting.

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    Horseman of War

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    « Jun 18, 2009 1:12:13 GMT -6 »

    OOC: Two BIG posts - as can be expected. This one's a summary and wrapped up with a reaction. Though the second post is IMMEDIATELY thereafter.

    He knew it would come. Their hate for him. Their compulsive, emotional analysis of his actions. It was more than predictable - it was the same reaction seen for thirty years of System research, and the same sort of attitude by the student body that had kept the single strongest argument for the Corporal Punishment System's alive.

    Just look at them. How can they even begin to learn, to mature, to become perfectly acceptable adults in American society when the simplest of System expectations and regulations was being treated as tyranny?

    'What happened once is happening again: we enforce, and they rebel. How could their parents even let us go when that's what will come back to their homes?'

    So if every administrator of the System could expect their students to react in such a ridiculous demeanor each time the rules were enforced, then why assemble them? Why collect them together to witness the punishment of five students over what many in their ranks considered pointless and benign?

    Simple: to hold up the mirror and remind them of just why there is a System to begin with. That, and to recognize just how many had to be dealt with in time.

    The assembly was breaking down into chaos - much sooner than the Director had expected. Standing in front of the crowd, Aroon Kamsing and Nero Vivienne proved their own violent tempers by striking their guards from below the belt. It was funny that the student body would most likely see each of the two guards stationed to one punished student as excessive and oppressive, but they always failed to remember the rule of cautiousness: never under estimate the abilities of even children. It proved valuable as the two were instantly struck down and recaptured.

    But the mania continued. Hicks, dragged by his feet, screamed and hollered his belief in those students that were successes, and those his beliefs were unfortunately clouded by the insanity of his nearby fellows, they were not lost on the Director, who shut his eyes and inhaled deeply, his thoughts briefly turning on the loyal senior.

    'I know more than you know son. Keep that soul of yours strong - we'll all need it soon.'

    The crowd's heat grew with every second now, reactions to Hicks' outcry, the boys' little resistance and the 'God' comment. Navarro knew that he'd need to contain the situation in time but felt it was best to let the children turn further from their own self-image of intellect and personal morality, allow themselves to become more like animals collectively than they'd ever know. However, it was the Headmaster that reacted first, and for this the Director was satisfied.

    The whistle, the amusing sarcasm and the "nice cop" attitude helped calm the situation for a short while, and the Director felt no objections to Johnson's request to replace Acabee with the scantily clad Knox girl. He simply nodded at this and eyed the girl as she strode to replace the clearly shaken Knox cadet, who made his rapid reentry into the crowd.

    'His fear will serve us well. A good choice in action Headmaster.'

    Then came the lashing and rants by the "System supporters." One boy recognized the foolishness of the student body and cried out to all of them, but as predicted, was silenced by the batter of ignorance. A similar girl attempted the same, but made a dangerous mistake - she stepped onto the outdoor platform area, immediately landing a rubber pellet by Headmaster Johnson as he enforced the clear policy of not stepping within bounds of the punishment arena.

    And of course, the outcries increased as the children saw this as oppression.

    'My God, have they learned nothing?'

    And as expected, other responded: one massive bulk of a student attempted to "rescue" the fallen girl hit by the rubber pellet while another intercepted him for the wild notion of letting the girl revel in her mistake. Of course he was using violence to drive the point, which immediately slit his cause's value, and only further reinforcing the Director's point: violence emanated everyone in that crowd beyond, as did selfishness, ignorance and a lack of foresight or empathy. Those who didn't care at all were either excessively violent or too apathetic to try and follow the proper code of ethics; those who saw the System as justified were either drowned in their own egos when compared to the "rebels" or simply failed to recognize the entire purpose of the System's laws; and then there were the "rebels" themselves, who seemingly felt any sort of attack on their "freedoms" was an evil action worth mounds of violence or damnation.

    If a faculty member used force to make a student learn, that was abuse; if a discipline officer used punishment to consequence lawfulness, that was corruption; if a Director reminded the children just where they stood in the way of all things, then he was an arrogant fool. They could not read or interpret anything; they could not see past their own flawed options, and they could definitely not see the greater effect of their mindless objections. They truly did not deserve to be a part of The Collective.

    No wonder they failed to see the God in that community of schools as the Director did; they were too blinded by their own love for themselves that they thought the Director's claims were about himself. What children they truly were.

    And yet, there were some like this Hicks that showed potential, and it was this that the Director kept his mission ongoing. He could work to educate the children properly - even if they failed to see it. That was for the collective good in the end.

    After the second ring of Headmaster Johnson's authority failed to calm the cries of the student body entirely, the Director decided that enough had been said and done. He had his evidence for the Collective's insanity; all that had to be done now was turn the mirror on the children.

    The sweat on his brow had become a wash, his face a glistening light as he gave more weight to his sturdy walking cane. He kept his dark gaze on the crowd for the few moments that his right hand lightly clicked across his palm, three buttons pressed in the process. The simple message sent command prompts to each security officer under Noir's command - one that had been anticipated and fully trained for.

    Barking into the microphone with deliverance, the Director gave his new command: "Officers - Ready!

    Within a moment, each uniformed officer of Noir's unit stepped briskly back from the line of defense and lined up, their non-lethal shotguns pivoted toward the furious crowd.


    Shotguns were dropped to their sides, the officers unlatched their reserve pistols and returned their scopes to the children before them, their eyes lining away.

    And the order was given.

    "HIGH FIRE!"

    Each officer clicked their trigger finger before the hair, but just before squeezing back, pulled their supporting hand upward and pivoting the barrel to the air, and finally firing their single shots into the bright blue sky, the result a massive flush of sharp cracks and surprised screams as the pain that many in the front row expected never came.

    The Director could have shot down those rebellious children, but chose against it. He'd not make their beliefs about his administration true just yet.[/blockquote][/color][/font]

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    Horseman of War

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    « Jun 18, 2009 1:12:28 GMT -6 »

    OOC: Part II; carries the big weight folks.

    "That's enough!

    There he stood, glaring at the student body, as he rounded past the five warranted students and faced the Collective body. His body was taut with aggravation and disgust, his face a snarl as he faced down each and every set of eyes.

    "What's wrong with you? Have you forgotten so quickly why we are here? This is an assembly of the System's laws in action. This is a reminder of why we are here in the first place: to learn, to mature, to become a part of something more. And yet here we are! You've proven why the System is essential to this world - to punish those who have rightfully earned their consequences.

    "And yet this entire collective responds with violence, ignorance and chaos - as if you're all above the laws placed before you! You say this System oppresses you, we only respond to your own resistance. You do not follow the laws, you are punished - that is the System.

    The Director stepped towards the five students now, running his aim toward each, then looking back towards the crowd, "These five students have broken a code of the Collective - failing to wear their uniforms. Had they been the only five in the entire campus to refuse such a simple, basic command, then they'd have been isolated from the rest and punished properly. But this is not so simple: many of you have committed the same crime, and since it is such a basic level of our expectations for each and every one of you, it was necessary that you all see what happens when a code of conduct is not followed.[/color]"

    "And yet... you refuse. Students like Mr. Kamsing and Mr. Vivienne reply with violence, placing themselves above the rest of the Collective! And they're not alone - there are many among you are think themselves more important, more valuable than the order and comforts of everyone else. These students feel no need to restrain themselves when around others - they are the abusers who hurt you in the hallways, who tear your heart with terror, who break your spirit for their own gain. And the System is there to stop them - to give you peace and order. They are the ones rebelling now. [/color]"

    "Every action has a reaction - and this situation is no different. This entire scene has been chaos, violence and oppression - but not by the System, but by you. We are not here to destroy you: we are here to teach you. It is your own fault that we are forced to arm ourselves with these terrible tools of enforcement. But many of you are still but children, and do not understand the need to accept the needs of others before yourselves.[/color]"

    Director Navarro glanced back to the line of five students and their guards, preparing to motion them forward, "Officers, turn the children toward their collective being."

    The ten guards pulled their five captives on their feet and swung them toward the crowd, their heads facing the eyes upon them, their bodies firmly held between two others. At first, Director Navarro was directly before them, staring toward their glaring eyes as he gave them one last order before showing them to the Collective once more, his voice now booming to the crowds as well, "Now, it is time you face your God - the Collective itself.[/color]"

    Stepping aside, Navarro allowed those peering eyes to fall upon the five rebels - and realize just what the old man meant, as a smile slipped over his lips.

    "Oh yes... do not forget that. The System might be the judge of law, you are the jury, the divine judgment of those who fail the System. Even after these children learn from their mistakes, only you can decide whether to accept them into the Collective once more - will you shine mercy on this tearful O'Hare intellectual, or smite these two violence heathens? All of us have a power on this campus, and when united, there is no difference. But you must be united children, you must be in order so that this power can be implemented. Otherwise, you are no different than them. None whatsoever.[/color]"

    At last, the Director returned his gaze to the five rebels, his spectacles spilling loosely down his nose, the pressure on his body weight tremendous, but his will remained strong. With a wave of his hand, five of the ten guards released themselves from the students, allowing their colleagues to grab the brunt of the weight as they revealed tools of the day - protected clothing scissors.

    "And now... it is time this Collective learns the consequences of its actions. But first these five must know what it means to be without the protection of this community - to be naked outside of the unity. If they want individuality, then let them have it for all to see.[/color]"

    And from there, the five guards began their rapid slice downward, cutting away whatever piece of clothing sat on the shoulders and hips of the five students - soon leaving them entirely nude before the eyes of every other person in the Collective campus.

    'Before they can be welcomed back, they must be exiled.'[/blockquote][/font][/color]

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    « Jun 18, 2009 1:52:22 GMT -6 »

      Ryorin thought to herself as the director spoke. It was the circle that got everyone nowhere. The system and it's faculty armed themselves with their weapons and rules, delivering punishment to the students because of the students, yet it is because of that reasons that the students rebel as they do, because they wield their weapons and rules. It was a vicious cycle that would never end, yet both sides would never look for a way to work a few differences out. There was no compromise.

      Ryorin shifted in her seat once more, this playing out almost as she thought it would, to her disappointed. But why should she expect any different? This had been going on since she joined the system schools and even going on longer before then. To expect something different would be mad, however she hoped that something would change. Too bad they wouldn't happen with the way things were going now.

      Both sides saw the other as an enemy. That's how it was in war. Most people who fought in way never looked at the bigger picture. They believed their side was solely right when most of the time it was far beyond that. Sometimes it's easy to tell what's right. In World War II, Hitler was the enemy and people against him believed him to be wrong. Evil. They would be right. Despite Hitler's and his supporter's beliefs, it was too easy to deny that was he did was right and just.

      However, in other wars it's different. They believe they are fighting for peace and justice. Bullshit. Hardly anybody looked at the higher picture and the people who did have the power to stop it were too stuck up in their own selfish wants to care.

      Ryorin hoped to change that. To get both sides to look at the bigger picture and hope for both sides to at least reach an understanding.

      And then the 'Punishment' was to commence and when Ryorin saw those scissors come out she knew what was going to happen. Seconds later, it did, and Ryorin shook her head slightly, wondering what the hell the Director was thinking.

      You call this Punishment, Director? I'm disappointed. What is the meaning of this? Revealing their stark naked bodies to those that many supported? Not only that, but what will this do to the people who are being punished? The O'Hare girl might be embarrassed, but what of the other four? Nudity? Hah, like that's to be ashamed of, especially to men their age. Most men would do the same thing if you slipped them a bit of money.

      And thus the circle began to spin again. It was just like the Wheel of Time.[/size][/color][/ul]

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      « Jun 18, 2009 2:44:28 GMT -6 »

      As they were frogmarched forward and 'presented' to the Collective, Aroon simply let his eyes hang over them with what could be best described as a bored expression. Once again, a shitload of talking had followed the somewhat expected uproar as things slowly descended into a beautiful state of anarchy. A shame, really, that they were unrefined as of yet, that they hadn't quite reasoned that they shared a common enemy...

      It would just be a matter of time.

      Apparently, however, their 'punishment' was due. Aroon rolled his eyes as he mentally thanked the gods that he wouldn't end up dying of old age before things actually got moving. Still, when it was made clear what was actually in store for them, the Thai actually broke out laughing. Not a chuckle, not a snicker or a muffled snort of amusement, a full-out, straight from the gut laughter that almost brought tears to his eyes.

      'That's it!? That's the great, big, bad punishment he came up with? Getting us naked? Good god, give half these kids a bottle of vodka and they'd do it themselves!'

      Shaking his head as the guard holding scissors approached him, he continued to smile at the crowd, an almost entertained look on his face before he looked down at the guard, speaking quietly enough for him to hear.

      "You know, I'm more than willing to just take my stuff off myself, but I know, I know, the big guy's paying you." he nodded in feigned understanding at the guard as he began the first cut, and with a chuckle, he continued, speaking loud enough enough that Nero would be able to hear as well.

      "I don't know about you, but I think my guys getting a little frisky here!"

      All the while he continued to remain amused and laughed in the very face of the man holding the scissors. Yes, probably not the brightest of moves considering the eventual presence of his genitals in range of sharp and pointy things, but as it was, the very reason he maintained a verbal tirade only was that he was certain of one thing. If any of these guards actually cut them seriously, there would be some trouble on their part. Clearly, this was intended to be humiliation, not torture.

      Or, it appeared that way so far, at the least. After a minute of cutting, when the guard had torn away his apparel, his only annoyance was that he really liked those pants. the olive pair hadn't been cheap either, and he wasn't sure if they'd have any more of them in stock. Hm, thoughts for later, perhaps. Instead, as he was stood in front of the entire collective, his 'pride' hanging in the breeze, a split decision crossed his mind. By now he had to be sure at least some of the shyer girls in the crowd had sneaked a peek to corrupt their virgin eyes, and the...less shy, to be polite, had already gotten their eyeful. Even better, when a couple of cameras began to flash, he swung his pelvis from side to side, causing his tackle to flop around, generally getting a bit of a rise (no pun intended) out of those who would notice, and making a mockery of the punishment on his part, at the least. The O'Hare girl at the end, he noted with a little bitterness, was mortified. If he could at least draw the attention towards himself, it would keep a few of the eyes off that girl whose involvement seemed to be out of simple bad luck.

      Not like him, that was for sure. He was here for more reasons than not wearing his uniform. So, instead of dealing with it in a more appropriate way, he was now effectively being given free advertising to the entire female populace of the Collective. Again, this was one of those times where his well-maintained body would prove to be a commodity.

      Some might question where the Thais shame was, how he could be so willingly able to do what he was in front of close to a few thousand people, most of whom would now know his face daily. The fact was, Aroon grew up in Thailand. Any tourist who's been to Thailand knows one thing is common.

      Nude beaches.

      Naked in front of a bunch of adolescents? Easy pickings after the ordeal of dealing with sagging, haggard looking Americans on vacation when he visited some of the beaches near him. As a result, after his entertainment, watching the reactions of the Collective as it gawked at the display ahead, he simply stood, glancing his head back at Nero again.

      "Look at it this way, we're totally guaranteed to get some action after this..."

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      « Jun 18, 2009 5:59:41 GMT -6 »

      Watching the assembly with a smirk, Conrad took in the chaos that occurs around him. What stood out the most to him was the director’s action and how he manages to control the students under his command so perfectly. The director’s aura just seems so calm and orderly that Conrad became star struck. Sure shooting the girl seems a little too extreme, but she was warn and still broke the rules.

      Maybe joining Fremont was the wrong decision. He should have gone to Knox. Since this is his first day hopefully they will let him transfer. Sure it will be annoying, but it seems like the safest route to power or something interesting. Being a pawn for the system might be more fun than trying to make at an upstart. If anything Conrad can stay there for 2 years and transfer back. In short there is more opportunity at Knox.

      The punishment was simply to strip the students? That is stupid and very mundane. Sure the director is fanatical and powerful, but it seems like he lacks creativity. Most of the time a blunt approach is the best, but this is not blunt enough. After the students are strip they should be shot, beaten, hands and legs bound, and then hung from a tree outside to serve as a warning. If the students are getting upset at this display then just think about what will happen then.

      Just thinking about all of these thoughts put a smirk on his face as he trace the Maltese Cross that is tattoo on his left hand.

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      « Jun 18, 2009 9:01:27 GMT -6 »

      There was a third gunshot. Another blast which hurt the blind child's delicate hearing. Could they find another way to get attention? Connor mused at that thought. Considering that the students were diving farther into chaos, Connor answered his own question. No... I suppose not. He got to his seat, and at least there was enough of a pause for even his hearing to return to hear what the director had to say, and for the punishment that he was to deliver to the five as an example.

      And again, Connor was thankful he was without sight.

      He had no desire to witness this disgusting punishment. Not that he had anything against the human body. On the contrary, he was more aware of it than most. However, to put on such a display as a way to keep order? This was the big punishment? Embarrassment on a mass level? This was too much. Connor was all about having order and peace. From what the director had said, it was this type of rebel that struck terror into the hearts and caused fear in the students. These types of students. Connor shook his head.

      He was not known in this school. Not well yet, anyway. However, even he, one who did follow the rules, was normally quiet, and very well behaved (the staff knew that much about the new student) couldn't side idle anymore. His words held power and meaning and he spoke loud enough to reach those on the stage. His tone held no animosity, nor did it sound like he put himself above anyone or anything. Connor, in truth, never believed he was better than any. however, he used his mind over his physical prowess, and that set him apart. He could be very charismatic, and could match wits with the best. Perhaps his rally would begin here.

      He spoke with courage and authority. "No, I am afraid you are mistaken, he who is the Director. It is not just the students. Most don't resort to this kind of act. Violence, perhaps. But not something like this. Only the few who are truly evil would pull a stunt such as this." Mathew was a mastermind at his old school. He would put on a massive display to get a point across. That was one person who knew how to strike terror into ones heart.

      He sighed. "It is the system which relies on corporal punishment and displays like these to enforce order. That is[/b] is what would cause the terror. Uniforms, as minor as it may seem, is a way to take away individualism. In the real world, that which you deem we are to be made ready for, is changed by the individual, not the masses. It was great men and women who changed the world. The individual. The single. Those that lead the groups to greatness."

      He never took a step forward. He spoke from where he stood. "As a leader, you are trying to run a dictatorship. Unfortunately for you, the world we enter into after here is a democracy. The people have a voice, and no display will silence it. Your intent here was to bring order. To show us it is we at fault. However, all you have succeed in doing was to rile those you are trying to rule." Connor grinned.

      "Great kings fall due to there own folly."

      Connor could feel two people coming up from behind him. He knew the would be grabbing him after his little speech. He also knew the director or the other man on the stage would likely have a response. Thankfully, he had bee allowed to say his piece before he would be punished. Connor spoke before the two guards had grabbed him, shocking all who might think he was without ability.

      "And here are the enforcers, right?" Connor allowed himself to be taken. Where they would go from here was up to the director or headmaster now. Connor didn't struggle. Not yet. No foolish struggle. He was overpowered. No, he would wait for the opportune moment.

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      « Jun 18, 2009 9:57:54 GMT -6 »

      My nerve had gotten away from me. No surprise there. As the director was demonstrating, everyone had a breaking point. But while I was so absorbed in trying not to wet myself, I forgot one really vital thing -- no one was supposed to go in the platform area. So, while I would love to believe that I made it back to my seat physically unscathed, I most definitely didn't.

      How things actually played out was more like...

      "Can you lot, oh I don't know, shut up?!" I said from the front row. "The director's just trying to make your lives a little - HELL!"

      Yeah, the rubber bullet hit more before I had any chance to make an effect. It hurt. A lot. My pain tolerance was a lot lower than most. I mean, the most pain I'd experienced was getting hit playfully over the head with a hard back book. Well, there was that appendectomy, but I'd blocked all that pain out. Despite the fact that it was rubber and would cause only a bruise, it was more than I could handle.

      I fell to the ground. Not only that, but I just lied there, writhing a little. I was escorted to the infirmary after I'd made the sufficient splash, so to speak, and that's about it. Yeah, I was a fool, go ahead and laugh. Besides, maybe after that I have a purpose here other than to learn.

      Maybe I could actually do something. Like, I don't know, get people to realize the flaws of the system and what's great about it. The first step to doing anything is learning what needs done.

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      « Jun 18, 2009 10:23:55 GMT -6 »

      "You're mistaken boy", his eyes fixed on Conner.

      "This is no democracy. Perhaps in an alternate universe where we lived happily together, where the Media gave a damn about what was happening to us, we could make appeals, we could live peacefully. Right now in probably about 10 other schools in this great nation, I can guarantee you there are public spectacles taking place with the end result being the butchery of all who would dare come close to the situation."

      Torque hadn't even sat yet, he was merely leaning against the side of a chair remaining focused after a moment of concern when the guns had been pointed towards the crowd. A lot had been said, very little had been done. A few exposed naked bodies? It was nothing he'd not seen when he looked down or at the very least on the majesty of the internet. What truly interested him here was the ever so bold statement the red head had made.

      "I've heard tales of kids crucified, burned, molested, raped, stabbed, shot, sliced, diced and oddly enough, spiced and consumed. You know why this kind of thing happens? Because our youth is the most aggressive the world has been aware of to date. If the world flowed like you desired, people would be left free to wreak mayham. This is not a peaceful place to be, gangs at an all time high and what not."

      Jonathan turned to face the Director, aware that people had focused their gaze on him by now.

      "These people are trying to help you. They guard your lives, they ensure that you make it through this hell hole with your limbs in tact as best they can. What does the Director ask of us? That we wear uniforms, that we comply to some very simple expected standards and that we treat each other fairly."

      Back towards the students now.

      "Why do you insist on violence? What purpose could it possibly have? Are you fighting to stop the system? A child gets beaten for not doing his homework, a tragedy in any other world but this is the time we live in. Guess what, take the hint and do your fucking homework. Most of the blood spilled on school property has little to do with teachers and yet you blame them? This man is your God for these years of your life. He watches over you, he molds you, he creates who you will be for the rest of your life. He protects you and you fight it."

      Torque took a moment to laugh and he'd slowly clap, showing his severe lack of enthusiam.

      "Well done students, you're fighting that which you created yourselves and pinning all the blame on the ones trying to redeem your misguided attempts at teenage life. I pity you."

      He was done. Speeches didn't come easily but he'd managed to keep it fluent and if he stuck around much longer, there'd be a roar of violence to oppose him. This wouldn't be because it was logical, it would be to deny what he had said in bitter ignorance. The response came more rapidly than he thought, a boy rising from his seat and running towards him, screaming as he came. They were not words from his mouth, it sounded more like a war cry.

      Torque ducked and shielded, there was no way he could defend himself like this without becoming a target for more violence. And then something unexpected happened. A student, one who'd not said a word or rioted stuck their leg out sending the boy charging towards him flying down in to the painful looking floor.

      There was a certain smash as face met floor and Torque was left standing looking rather shocked.

      "Well fuck."

      « Last Edit: Jun 19, 2009 12:52:44 GMT -6 by shu » Back to Top  

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      « Jun 18, 2009 10:24:51 GMT -6 »

      OOC: Maybe it's just me.. but if anyone didn't notice there are 2 girls on the stage. T_T

      Oh boy

      Cammy had a feeling what she had gotten herself into. It was nothing that was going to be good. The Headmaster of Knox was getting more and more upset, to the point that the foolish girl that attempted to come onto the stage was shot in her back. Rubber bullets hurt like hell, especially while wearing little clothing to protect against the impact. Cammy face winced slightly at it knowing how much it would hurt, but it was more or less an 'oh wells, you should've stayed put' kind. Finally the Director spoke once more, signally some other officers to take fire into the crowd. But it was just to scare the students to the possibility of what could've happened.

      Cammy listened to his words, and admitted certain aspects were pretty much true, but still maybe a little misplaced. She never said she didn't agree with certain things, certain rules. So why had see done what she done today? Well as she said it was hot, and well maybe she wasn't exactly in her right state of mind either. But what was done was done, she was up there now - still not giving too much care. Cammy was never on the ground to begin with, so she was simply just turned around without much resistance to the crowd.

      Her gaze shifting to and fro at her follow peers, before she noticed the scissors. Her brow perked momentarily at it before she too, like the boy beside her (Aroon), started to chuckle at it. Objective to taking off her clothes? Nope. Would her father kill her? Probably. Likelihood of him ever finding out? Extremely low.

      Strip us to our bare essentials in front of our peers as a form of punishment, very creative I'm sure.. Though I know this couldn't be all.. Shameful, what a bunch of perves, just want to see us naked... If any part of this was to also strip away our dignity, I plan on keeping mines in tack thank you very much.

      "Hey now, no freebies 'kay."

      Cammy's eyes looked towards the boy beside her as he swung 'himself' around for the crowd. She couldn't help but to chuckle at it. Boys never had a problem taking their clothes off. Girls had more to show, but Cammy stood there proudly. To put it bluntly, the only hair on Cammy was on top of her head. She liked to keep herself 'clean cut' if you wish. Looking at the guy that held the scissors, she spoke loud and clear enough.

      "Thank you.. I did say it was really hot out here."

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      « Jun 18, 2009 10:40:43 GMT -6 »

      The boy who had responded to him had not understood Connor's point Not in the least. The boy believed Connor thought this was a peaceful world, and that mayhem was to rule. That was not even close. Even held by the guards, Connor's mouth was still free. The boy before him was shot down, again with some kind of rubber pellet. "So, this is the better way? You say you have heard of worse acts. This may be true, but Since when does this kind of a display prove or solve anything? I never said I would like for mayhem. I simply pointed out that this is not anywhere close to how the real world works. Step outside these walls you believe protect you. Experience the real world, and you make the comparison."

      Connor heard the word crucifixion. That got his attention right quick. His voice lowered, enough so the boy could hear it. "If you think for one second that I am unaware of things, you are more ignorant then those that use violence as a means of control." He aimed his shaded eyes at the boy, the sunglasses hiding their pale, eerie look. "You've heard tales of kids being crucified, right?" Connor's face reflected more experience than his few years credited him with. "Try living through it. Then you tell me that the system works and protects you." His words were harsh, as it held the feelings of that painful memory.

      His voice rose in volume, addressing all. "I do not know of a perfect way. No one does. But I can tell you, this isn't it. Not even close." He was held fast in the grip of the stronger ones who held him, preventing his moving or escaping. "There is no perfect world. There is no perfect system. But one that uses displays and violence to counter violence? That is a huge hypocrisy."

      He was silent now. No words would sway these people. In time, maybe he could figure something out. But, for now, it was best to be wary. Speaking out of turn as he had done was already grounds for trouble.

      « Last Edit: Jun 18, 2009 20:05:29 GMT -6 by shu » Back to Top  

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      « Jun 18, 2009 10:53:59 GMT -6 »

      Slightly dazed after taking a shot here and there Afano helped the fallen girl as she seemed to be okay and decided to make her way to the infirmary on her own. Afano now turned his attention to the matter at hand.

      The headmaster had given a rather large speech about the "system" and how people who had broken the rules must be accepted back into the union, or the collective. Afano was still confused on the whole matter. What did make sense to him was that the Director made perfect sense.

      Although no rebellious adolescent would make any use of it Afano realized that his words were true. Although the method of violence and gun shot was wrong Afano decided to protest in a different way doing unto himself what had been done to the five selected rebels.

      Afano stood toward the center and on top of a chair even though he still stood out in the rebellious crowd. Afano expect to be fired upon and braced for it as much as he could before his speech.

      "The Director is Right!!" Afano began to yell with his loud Samoan roar echoing through every member of the collective. "This is a place of unity, if you all want to rebel and amount to nothing, thats fine! But I am willing to take the same punishment for not wearing my uniform and it's pride."

      Afano, the tall large near 300 pound piece of Samoan meat stripped his clothing and present himself as an offering of acceptance for the Collective and those enduring the same punishment. "Violence will get us no where, take from one of the strongest guys here." Afano watched as other stared and rioted against his non-violent naked protest. Plus the slight breeze felt damn good.

      (ooc: Thats right, you all love it!!!!)

      « Last Edit: Jun 18, 2009 11:08:28 GMT -6 by Deleted » Back to Top  

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      « Jun 18, 2009 14:29:16 GMT -6 »

      OOC: Can't react to everything, sorry. :(


      From his kneeling vantage point on the stage, Nero could only really make out bits and pieces of what was happening around him. The vast majority of people shouting out their objections or support for the school system blurred together to make a horrible jumble of noise in the young man's mind, and slowly but surely, he was developing a headache. Despite his annoyance, two events that Nero could make out would bring a smile to his face.

      First, the Headmaster's threat of campus wide punishments nearly brought Nero to laughter. Of course he didn't care about the other students, and in return, they didn't care about him. It was a perfect system, for what it was, and if the majority of the student body were to be punished for something Nero did, then the faculty would simply be making more enemies for itself, rather than intimidating or blackmailing students into behaving.

      The second, and perhaps more amusing event, would be when Nero caught sight of who had replaced one of the other students iniitally scheduled for their punishment. Her lack of fear in the face of both the Headmaster and the Director was entertaining, to say the least, and the longer things continued along this same vein, the sooner Nero could see the faculty losing all control over this assembly.

      The next few minutes went by in mostly a blur, as a single gunshot spurred forth a flurry of reactions, most of which Nero watched fairly impassively. The fact that the girl had been hit with a rubber bullet concerned him, though mainly due to the fact that he recognized the danger he himself could be placed in if rebelling around an armed faculty member. Making a mental note of this fact, Nero almost stumbled when lifted to his feet, his captors turning him towards the gathered students. The majority of the Director's speech had been ignored by the former gang member, though the very last statements had caused him to grind his teeth together in frustration.

      Perverted fuck. I'll kill him!

      One of the men holding him would release, passing him off to the other, and while Nero could only watch with fury in his eyes, the man pulled out a pair of scissors. While it seemed two of the others had no problem with their punishment, Nero's anger would not be contained. Angrily, he began thrashing wildly as the man cut at his shirt, and as to be expected, causing the scissors to miss their mark at times, inflicting numerous small cuts along his upper body, and making the process take much longer. By the time the man started on his pants, Nero was panting from the exhertion, giving up his struggles and seemingly resigning himself to his fate. Aroon's first comment would be met with nothing but an angry glare, as it was clear Nero was in no mood for such games. However, his second comment would actually be met with a reply, and for once, it had Nero's sarcastic humour behind it.

      "Bright side... to everything... I guess."

      When the man began removing Nero's shoes and socks, however, he would find that the fight had not quite left the former gang member, who would suddenly drive his knee into the crouching man's face. Once again, Nero found his knees being taken out from underneath him, the man restraining him kicking at the backs until he was brought to a kneeling position. Certainly there would be more punishment in store, but Nero assumed he was meant to stay awake in order to suffer the "embarassment".

      « Last Edit: Jun 18, 2009 14:45:47 GMT -6 by shu » Back to Top  

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      « Jun 19, 2009 2:26:33 GMT -6 »

      Ryker watched while he steeled himself, trying to keep calm, trying to be ready for the worst things he could think of. Each had the corner of his right eye twitching as his body started to vibrate in the chair again, shifting his forearms off his knees so he could instead grab them and dig his fingers into the joints.

      Unlike the others he was hoping that the punishment would be just to be displayed, shown as rebels, hope they would be made outcasts. It wasn't until scissors were slicing through clothes that his eyes bulged and his mind went white with rage.

      In the white was the system he once trusted, turning to shit in front of his eyes.

      Ryker's legs drove back between the legs of the chair, his hands shoved off the his knees, and he thrust his whole body forward and toward the clear lane that would lead him to the stage, where he would act out on his disgust and rage.

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