Author Topic: Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger (Read 833 times)
Taner Cross

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 Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger
« Dec 10, 2015 15:58:55 GMT -6 »

"Ha, I don't think I could put up with everything it takes to be a doctor."

Taner keeps going with the massaging. He definitely doesn't consider himself intelligent enough to pull of being a doctor, at best he could grind his way through on pure focus. The comment on the weight difference gets a bit of a laugh out of him.

"I'm also a lot larger than you."

Over half a foot and a good sixty plus pounds as well. He shrugs with a bit of a smirk.

"If you want to do it that way, okay. But I warned you."

He should be fine to get them back. Unlike her impromptu joining in, Taner had planned to work with hard from the get go and prepared as much as he could to do it. Of course he could easily be overestimating himself. He glances up when she mentions the training again.

"Alright, lay it on me."

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Bianca Stark
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« Dec 11, 2015 0:16:03 GMT -6 »

"No? Massage therapist, then?" She flashes a smile. He was pretty good. She arches an eyebrow at his comment about being larger and chuckles quietly just a second.

And then considers his words and warning.

"Hnnn, well. We'll see if I can stand up, first, then."

She settles herself a bit, content despite the fact her legs are still sore; they're much better than they had been.

"Hmmm, where...oh. Oh yeah. I want to bring in the neuro-stim darts. They basically stimulate the pain of a real wound, no bleeding out. They don't need to penetrate to work, either, so any agents with a power at all similar to Uncle John's get a taste, too. They last for a minute or two...teach people how to work despite the pain." She slowly glances at her legs. "They're really not fun to be hit with, but...they'll be good for training. We just have to try not to hit someone in the head, because that's an instant KO."

She's got more, thing at a time, yes?

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Taner Cross

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« Dec 11, 2015 0:32:55 GMT -6 via mobile »

"Massage therapist is too peaceful for me."

Taner says quietly, besides the idea of rubbing on random people seemed quite odd to him. That said he continues working on Bee's calves. If she was going to walk on her own he'd need to.

"That would work."

He comments on the plan to use neuro-stims.

"They have them here or would they need to be brought in?"

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Bianca Stark
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« Dec 11, 2015 8:40:13 GMT -6 via Tapatalk »

She just smiles at his comment about an RMT being too peaceful. That had a lot to do with their upbringing. She agreed, though he was doing a good job.

"I have to check, but I don't think so; it shouldn't be too hard to get clearance and bring them in, though." She closes her eyes a moment with a slight wince. "I figure we would keep teams small and evenly matched to start."

Basically a control and test to see if people would be interested.

"And then after progressing we could alternate stacking teams, because we're not going to have the luxury of being stronger all the time. We have to be better."

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Taner Cross

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« Dec 11, 2015 12:50:07 GMT -6 »

"You've got a good plan. Not sure which faculty member you'd have to run it by though, just to be safe."

Taner should have expected as much from a Stark, with a well thought training program. He keeps working her muscles, pressing slightly harder for a moment when she winces as he tries to get a deep knots from the cramps.

"Well, you know I'm down for it."

He grins again.

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Bianca Stark
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« Dec 16, 2015 7:33:49 GMT -6 via Tapatalk »

"I'll probably run it by Jack and John for sure."

She inhales sharply and curls her fingers into fists as he digs deeper, instinctively shifting away a second before exhaling. Ow.

Bee manages a dry chuckle sometime after.

"I knew I could count on you~"

She carefully shifts her legs a bit.

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Taner Cross

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« Dec 16, 2015 8:22:16 GMT -6 »

"Anytime, Bee."

Taner nods with the flash of another grin a crossing his face. He gently sets her legs back down on the ground before standing himself. Once up he extends his hand out to her to help.

"Let's get you back."

He's still ready to have to carry her back to the pod when necessary.

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Bianca Stark
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« Dec 16, 2015 9:34:01 GMT -6 via Tapatalk »

The brunette places her feet on the floor, knees bent, and grasps the offered hand to get back to her feet, gingerly shifting her weight.

"Yep~" Feels like she could last a little while. Halfway? That would definitely be pushing it. She takes a few testing steps, heading back to the bars to pick up the weighted wraps she had dropped from her wrists. She winces a little, going down, and back up. But hey, she made it!

"Okay, good to go."

She heads out, at a carefully leisurely pace..!

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Taner Cross

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« Dec 16, 2015 9:56:07 GMT -6 »

Taner follows her over just in case something goes awry in this time run. But everything seems okay for the time being which is good. He grabs his own gear, slinging it over his shoulder as they head out.

He digs out his bottle of water and takes a health gulp before offering it to Bianca as they walk. His arm remains extended regardless for her to hang on to as they go, for support of course. If she is going to tough it out, the least he could do is support her.

"This place much different from DC?"

He never attended so he wouldn't know.

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