Author Topic: HELLO OLD FRIEND (Lucien, Open) (Read 312 times)
Lucien Marais

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 HELLO OLD FRIEND (Lucien, Open)
« Dec 17, 2015 17:07:19 GMT -6 »

"Oh? And who would these new stars be?"

He wouldn't lie, he kind of liked the arrogance from her, to a degree. Something about how she was so confident and self assured, about knowing exactly how good she was, how dangerous she could be. And that meant to earn that kind of praise for her meant some serious potential. Potential worth actually looking into.

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For the Fatherland!

Just let me off the leash

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Venus Campbell
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 HELLO OLD FRIEND (Lucien, Open)
« Dec 17, 2015 17:10:13 GMT -6 via mobile »

"Zoharin Cross is an intelligence agent I've taken a special interest in," she mused, watching Lucien's face for any sign of his thoughts. It was an old habit, and somewhere in the back of her head, she reminded herself that she didn't have to TRY to read him. He was pretty open.

"Rebecca Jefferson is defense. She also seems to have some potential. Reckless, but if that recklessness is cultivated, she would be an excellent partner. I almost wish she was intelligence."

Then, she shrugged. "And of course, there are others. The Silverman kid has potential if he can get over his hero complex, and Eric Phillips will make an amazing agent if he can lose the cockiness and learn to be a bit more careful."

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Lucien Marais

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 HELLO OLD FRIEND (Lucien, Open)
« Dec 17, 2015 17:29:09 GMT -6 »

"A Cross, a Silverman, and new names! You know how to find 'em!"

He wouldn't quite laugh, but there was some definite mirth in his voice. He'd been clearly mulling over the names as she listed them off - he knew of the Crosses, but hadn't known there was one here in Paradigm Chicago. Jefferson and Phillips were new, but her speaking at all well of them had him curious! And, of course, it was hard not to know the Silverman kid was in this branch, though Lucien'd not met him yet. At least not a proper, personal introduction or anything. He looked thoughtful as he mulled over the names, but obviously, if Venus said someone had potential, they did.

Potential without work was just "if," though.

"Tell me what you've seen of them; I tell you so many of my war stories when we see each other!"

He was grinning again.

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For the Fatherland!

Just let me off the leash

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Venus Campbell
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 HELLO OLD FRIEND (Lucien, Open)
« Dec 17, 2015 17:39:33 GMT -6 via mobile »

Unlike Lucien, she did laugh. It was a sharp sound, much like the rest of her, and was known to be intimidating. However, she wasn't trying to intimidate the younger agent. She just found it funny.

"Phillips managed to get ahold of a personal item of mine and clean himself of the evidence. Impressive that he even noticed the powder at all."

Considering he knew of Aaron, she didn't bother talking about him, and she wasn't ready to share her precious Zora with someone yet. She wanted to see what the girl had, first.

"Jefferson doesn't seem to be easily intimidated. She's training with Amtrum, apparently regularly, and keeps going back. She stood up to me, and allowed me to show her proper handling of her weapon."

Not exactly war stories, but interesting facts to list.

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Lucien Marais

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 HELLO OLD FRIEND (Lucien, Open)
« Dec 19, 2015 1:55:29 GMT -6 »

"How did Eric manage that one?"

Lucien couldn't do that! Rebecca sounded pretty self explanatory, but this Eric was obviously a crafty one.

...He did notice she didn't mention Zoharin, but wouldn't press the point. She must have had a reason, just like they both knew about Aaron so talking about him wasn't very useful. Well, Lucien knew he existed, had heard he had talent but was immature and uptight, needed real world experience. Venus was the one who'd actually dealt with the kid at all.

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For the Fatherland!

Just let me off the leash

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Venus Campbell
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 HELLO OLD FRIEND (Lucien, Open)
« Dec 20, 2015 11:44:52 GMT -6 via mobile »

"His power," she said with a nonchalant shrug. Obviously, Lucien didn't know of the intelligence agent, but she really had no reason to delve deeper. He hadn't asked anything specific, and so the answer he received was equally as vague.

She gave a little hop up to one of the roots, landing silently and easily, eventually placing one hand against the trunk of the tree. Really, it was just to add a few inches to her height: she didn't like Lucien, or anybody really, lumbering over her.

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Lucien Marais

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 HELLO OLD FRIEND (Lucien, Open)
« Dec 27, 2015 13:18:15 GMT -6 »

"That's some power, to get past you! What did he do?"

Someone with invisibility, for example, would've still been caught easily! He'd never been able to sneak anything past her, but then, there was a reason he was in defence. He spotted the gesture, too, and took a little step backwards, just shuffling his feet away a tiny bit; she didn't like being loomed over, and must've been feeling a bit crowded just then. They'd been around each other long enough that he still didn't know all of her tells, but he could pick up on some of them.

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For the Fatherland!

Just let me off the leash

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Venus Campbell
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 HELLO OLD FRIEND (Lucien, Open)
« Dec 27, 2015 17:22:29 GMT -6 via mobile »

"He got a picture of mine out of my room," she said with a tilt of her chin. It obviously rankled that he knew anything about her, and her skin crawled as she wondered about what happened, what he might have learned.

Venus sighed, a forceful sound full of her displeasure. "He managed to get his hand in my room, took hold of it, and brought my picture out of my room. I don't know, yet, what he's learned. I have some research to do."


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Lucien Marais

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 HELLO OLD FRIEND (Lucien, Open)
« Dec 27, 2015 17:28:55 GMT -6 »

"I could make him tell you?"

Oh, he wasn't going to torture the kid or anything, that "make him" was a much softer prospect than, say, making Imperial operatives talk. But he had his ways, and raw intimidation factor, and she was his friend. So of course he'd offer to help out.

Though, obviously, she'd always been better at getting straight answers from people they interrogated. Someone'd once described his methods as like "getting your groceries with a flamethrower".

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For the Fatherland!

Just let me off the leash

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Venus Campbell
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 HELLO OLD FRIEND (Lucien, Open)
« Dec 27, 2015 20:29:56 GMT -6 »

Venus seemed to vibrate with laughter for a moment, thinking about her French friend trying to force Eric to tell her what she wanted to know. It might be good for his arrogance, despite everything.

"I want to get the information, first," she said carefully, seeming to think about her options. "However... I'm kind of curious to see if he can deny your... methods."

Winking, she leaned against the strong trunk of the tree. "He's intelligence. They seem to think that being intel only means being able to find the information out. I wonder if he knows how to... keep it."

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Lucien Marais

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 HELLO OLD FRIEND (Lucien, Open)
« Dec 27, 2015 23:57:47 GMT -6 »

"Talk to the Director, maybe we could make a proper training exercise of this? We could even make some phone calls and bring in some men from Langley, if we wanted."

The CIA had been doing intelligence stuff since long before superpowers were a thing, after all, and they still contributed usefully in the current world, even their non-powered operatives. But then, would it be overkill? Who knew, but if they could spare a few veterans it probably wouldn't hurt; it wasn't like Paradigm and the CIA had never worked together.

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For the Fatherland!

Just let me off the leash

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