Author Topic: Had Me Syriasly Worried (Savaak) (Read 296 times)
Aaron Silverman

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 Had Me Syriasly Worried (Savaak)
« Feb 26, 2016 23:47:04 GMT -6 »

In war, casualties are inevitable. Not everyone gets to go home, and not everyone leaves without pain. Otherwise it wouldn't be a war, more a schoolyard tussle. Aaron had been well aware of that long before shipping out, long before the war even became a thing - all the way back in the earliest days when he was sat down and had a conversation about joining Paradigm, Mom and Dad said it might come to this. Fighting the Empire, war, risking his life, risking killing other people if he had to.

That doesn't make this easier to swallow, doesn't make the walk through the medical area they've set up hurt any less. Doesn't make it feel any less like a loss that somebody got hurt who shouldn't have, on his watch. Doesn't take the foul taste out of his mouth or make him less angry at himself.

Savaak'd lived, though. They'd got what they'd come for and everyone'd come back to base alive. At least there's that, right? Right now, he's looking through the medical area for her, and regretting that out here, there's no chance to stop for a "sorry you blew up" card.

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Savaak Puckett

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« Feb 28, 2016 0:08:48 GMT -6 »

It looks like Savaak's already been released! Hopefully he talks to medical staff or someone gives him a head's up.

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Aaron Silverman

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« Feb 28, 2016 0:28:08 GMT -6 »

One of the staff tells him so when he starts asking around for her, then!

That's a weight off his chest, but he had been kind of hoping to see her before she got released. Still, at least that means she's okay. He hasn't gone and retrieved his phone from wherever he's quartered, so he goes off to look for her in the base!

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Savaak Puckett

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« Mar 1, 2016 0:46:37 GMT -6 »

It appears can be quite difficult to find, because after a while of searching, Aaron is still unable to locate his fellow agent!

Does he...?:
A) Give up
B) Make another circuit in hopes of finding her
C) Check the barracks

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Aaron Silverman

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« Mar 1, 2016 0:48:17 GMT -6 »

Aaron is so bad at giving up he should've gotten his ring from Oa by now. Let's go with C.

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Savaak Puckett

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« Mar 1, 2016 0:53:42 GMT -6 »

C it is! He makes his way to the barracks, without sight from Savaak along the way!

Does he...?
A) Just barge in
B) Knock
C) Call her name

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Aaron Silverman

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« Mar 1, 2016 0:56:40 GMT -6 »

B, followed by C after a few moments.

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Savaak Puckett

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« Mar 1, 2016 1:05:26 GMT -6 »

Aaron does the gentlemanly thing! There's no immediate response to his knocking, but he can hear something akin to movement on the other side! Finally, as he calls out her name, he can hear a familiar voice on the other side.

"Yes?" It seems muffled for a moment, followed by the sound of footsteps as someone approaches the door. A moment later, it opens enough for him to see Savaak, who seems tired but whole.

"Oh. Hi, Aaron." She offers him a polite smile and nods, taking a step back from the door.

Does he...?
A) Enter in silence
B) Ask how she's doing
C) Immediately apologize

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Aaron Silverman

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 Had Me Syriasly Worried (Savaak)
« Mar 1, 2016 1:10:57 GMT -6 »

"Hey, good to see you're up and about."

He doesn't move to come in unless given a more obvious invitation, but he does approach the doorway, making the request implicit!

"How're you doing? I was worried, wanted to check up on you."

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Savaak Puckett

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« Mar 1, 2016 1:19:37 GMT -6 »

The saddest part is that it's the second time he's done so in as many weeks. My intel agent winds up with a worse track record than Rebecca.

"Thanks. That's sweet of you." No one's there at the moment besides them, so she takes another step back and gestures to the room. Her motions are a little slower than before out of soreness, but it seems Savaak is still Savaak.

"Take a seat if you'd like."

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Aaron Silverman

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« Mar 1, 2016 1:45:32 GMT -6 »

"Thanks. No need for you to stand on ceremony, either."

He takes the offered seat, watching to see if Savaak will do the same, and manages a bit of a smile. At least she looks like she's doing better, but that she got hurt at all is hard to swallow, makes it a little difficult to look at her. He's been hurt often enough to relate to the soreness, to recall how he's felt coming off injuries. Every now and then he still remembers the feeling of that chair leg impaling him, or the burns on his chest and face, and has to feel around a little to check if he's still whole.

Pain is part of this job, part of being a hero. But he'd rather take it than allow others to. Especially when their safety is put in his hands.

"I'm sorry, for what happened back there."

It had been on the ceiling, how the hell was he supposed to expect it to blow up in her face?

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Savaak Puckett

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« Mar 1, 2016 2:10:35 GMT -6 »

She pushes bag she'd brought with her under the bed with her foot before sitting down on said bed, ankles crossed as she adjusts. His ceremony comment goes unresponded as she regards him for a moment and shrugs, eyelids flickering as she sucks in a small breath. Still, she pushes through it.

"Thank you, but there's nothing to be sorry for, Aaron, empathy or not." This conversation seems familiar for some reason. "It's war, and I've hard worse." Sort of. Rath's power make have cooked her from the inside out, but the power trip had left her with such a buzz that it felt like she was flying, as though nothing could touch her. This wasn't the injury to end her, but it hurt far more.

"We had no way of predicting what the robot would do or was capable of. We both took a chance to stop its assault. My carelessness was what backfired. You did the job you were supposed to do." And got her blown up. It's almost like it's her player's fatality.

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Aaron Silverman

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« Mar 1, 2016 3:33:19 GMT -6 »

When they'd talked about the time warp, it had mostly been him expressing sympathy, and regretting he hadn't been there to bail her out. This is stronger, more potent. He'd been right there, she was under his watch. It wasn't even like Pearson, really, where the explosion started to go off while he was busy fighting someone else and he had a split second to save those children, too short a time to even realise Miranda was in the line of fire; it had been right in front of him, and he'd had a moment to notice Savaak charging in, right before the explosion. He hadn't even needed her, he'd beaten that thing one on one, so why hadn't he just told her to stay away?

In case it wasn't that simple, obviously, but still. It's his job to be prepared. Eric would've portalled that robot into the Sun and brought everyone home for milkshakes or something without having had to bat an eyelash.

"The job I was supposed to do included getting everyone back safe," which, well, he did, kind of. He'd personally taken her back to base, alive and with the medics able to treat her, hadn't he? But that doesn't feel like it counts. "I know this is war, and people are going to get hurt, but we went in there and I was supposed to have your back. You could've died in there."

Maybe he just doesn't want her blaming herself for it, because yeah, just charging after the robot he was already attacking, immediately before he set off its explosive payload to stop it from firing at them, was pretty damn reckless. Not the most reckless thing he'd ever seen, but... he couldn't muster any anger or annoyance over it. He just wishes he was the one feeling that pain instead of her, on some level.

At least she'd lived. He'd beaten the bad guy and brought her back to get healed up, and she's alive now, so that's something. It just doesn't count as saving someone if you're why they got hurt, to him. Slowly, he takes a breath, and forces some warmth into his expression. He came here because he was concerned for her, not because he wanted to flagellate himself.

"Though, you didn't, and that's the important part, right? I really am glad you're okay."

It just feels like deflecting responsibility, since he's why she got hurt.

« Last Edit: Mar 1, 2016 3:51:30 GMT -6 by Aaron Silverman » Back to Top  

Savaak Puckett

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« Mar 4, 2016 17:00:22 GMT -6 »

"I've already died once, Aaron," Savaak points out super helpfully. She even points a finger to the side with a casual flick, as though gesturing to the elephant in the room that they both are apparently trying to avoid. Her smile returns a moment later as she pushes the memories aside.

"we were all told to watch each other's backs, not just you. And I refuse to let you shoulder my mistake like it's yours. We learn from our mistakes, and this wasn't yours." Her smile returns, warming her expression a little.

"That being said, thank you for your concern, but I'm fine. Really."

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Aaron Silverman

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« Mar 5, 2016 0:02:10 GMT -6 »

"Refuse," huh? Quite the way to put it. And yes, she'd died before, and her reminding him doesn't quite make him scowl or anything but does put a very visible frown on his face. Like hell is he letting it happen again, especially when he's around to do something about it. That fades a little when the warmth returns to her expression, but he's still chewing on what she said.

Yes, it was her mistake, and he shouldn't force responsibility and the opportunity to learn out of people's hands by insisting on shouldering everything, on treating everything as his fault. Isn't that just as selfish as acting as if nothing is his fault, as if he can do no wrong, as being judgemental and treating everyone else like a screwup and a liability?

Where is the line between being heroic and having a hero complex, anyway?

"If you say so," he says, trying to give her a smile of his own. Funny how everyone but him seemed able to just shrug this stuff off, but then, he'd kind of shrugged off his own injuries in the past, too. He remembers being more worried about the kids, and Miranda, than himself, when he got hurt at Pearson. Or how every time Mr. Amtrum messes him up in Tutorial, he shrugs his shoulders and gets back up for another go once the infirmary finishes patching him up.

"You did well, though. That trick with the lasers? Awesome; I had no idea you could do that."

Well, awesome except for the part where a man died. An Imperial soldier, a man who'd tried to kill them, who, if he'd survived, would have gone on to kill other people... but a man. If he forgets that the people on the other side are exactly that, people, well, that could lead somewhere he couldn't come back from. He already knows the terrible things his power can do to people if he cuts loose.

He came here to be a protector. Not a killer. A fighter, yes, but to defend the innocent, not to do any more harm than he absolutely had to.

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Savaak Puckett

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« Mar 5, 2016 0:20:57 GMT -6 »

"I do." Her words are polite but firm as she nods. It is a rather apt choice. One wonders how she may or may not intend to pull it off. She doesn't have a god or hero complex like some people do, but apparently she's not above owning up to her mistakes, even when someone says one thing to her while thinking another.

"Thanks. I didn't, either." She shrugs. Hence the shadow and not just him standing in the doorway when it went off. She's not too thrilled with having killed someone, but she didn't come into this place - this war, especially - expecting everything to be sunshine and rainbows. She could do her best to avoid it, but sooner or later, there would be casualties; more of them. If not with the junior agents, then elsewhere.

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Aaron Silverman

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« Mar 5, 2016 1:00:38 GMT -6 »

"I'm still trying to figure out how my darkness can do anything about their stuff. Your power's really something."

Owning up to one's own mistakes has nothing to do with gods and heroes, it's just part of being a mature, decent human being.

Anyway, of course people are going to die, this is war. Doesn't mean Aaron has to like it, doesn't mean he wants any but the absolute bare minimum of destruction to happen. There's one, maybe two (three? he's not sure about himself) people he wants to not survive this, everyone else is a bystander. Kharne and Clavish are the only two deserving names at the moment.

The man in the bunker would've killed them if he had a chance. He'd tried. But he still didn't deserve to die, probably. What kind of life had he led, bringing him to that bunker? What had his name been? Where'd he come from? Was he evil at heart, a believer in whatever selfish cause the Empire had, or had lies and threats forced him on the long march from his home, and would he rather have stayed there and lived in peace? He'd been somebody's son, maybe somebody's father, or brother, or husband, and there were people back where he'd come from whose hearts would be shattered forever. Maybe he and Savaak had forcibly taken away somebody's Sarah, or Eric, or Miranda. Aaron imagines his own parents finding out, if he were to die on some dusty battlefield, remembers Miranda's funeral, and knows that somewhere out there, that soldier's family is going to get the exact same news, feel the exact same pain.

War is so much easier when you can pretend the other side aren't human, don't have people anxiously waiting for news that they're okay, don't have thoughts or feelings or people they care for. When you can act like they're just ants you're stepping on. The allied cause is just, he knows that, but so much was going to be shattered with no way to ever go back to how it used to be. Every life that's going to be lost, that's being lost right now, is worth something.

And when the Empire is brought down, that won't be the end. There will be more war, more pain. People will keep finding more and more reasons to hurt each other, to kill each other, each more stupid than the last. Was he going to end up turning into a living weapon, thrown at whomever the free world decides it doesn't like next? Were they all? That's not what he signed up for.

He doesn't seem to notice that he's fallen thoughtfully silent and started staring off into the distance, mulling over all this, but eventually snaps out of it enough to offer a few more words.

"Sorry if all this seemed weird, me coming to see you, but I really am glad you're all right. Wasn't sure I'd get you to base fast enough."

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Savaak Puckett

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« Mar 5, 2016 2:33:49 GMT -6 »

"Thanks, I like to think so." She shifts her position, trying to get comfortable as they speak and finding no solution. "But I imagine yours has its uses, too."

Then there's the really long silence again. It tends to happen with him around her, enough by now for her to know to get up and walk around the room, stretching as much as she can while his thoughts spiral out to whatever destination they will reach. As such, when he snaps out of his headspace, he sees her walking back to the bed from the other side of teh room.

"I appreciate it. I didn't know how bad things were until afterward." It was also probably better than being handed off from one person to the next. Some of the warmth fades from her voice as the subject changes.

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Aaron Silverman

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« Mar 5, 2016 4:01:02 GMT -6 »

Not all that long a silence, but yeah. He'd got kind of caught up in his own thoughts for a bit there.

"Lucky. Probably better not to know until you're already fixed up, you know?"

It's less scary to know you dodged a bullet than to know how bad it is while you're still hurt. Even though she told him not to take it on himself, he still keeps thinking about her hit by all that shrapnel, lying before him covered in blood. That might be part of why he's still here, as if just seeing she's okay and letting himself feel some relief.

He doesn't say that, though, lest he bring the mood down further, instead giving her what is hopefully an easygoing smile.

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Savaak Puckett

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« Mar 7, 2016 0:39:44 GMT -6 »

"Mhmm." Just depends on how you deal with medical emergencies and bleeding out. Savaak leans back on the bed, wrapping her arms around one of her knees and embracing the spike in soreness. Either way, she was alive now, and she was in one piece. The war had only just begun.

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Aaron Silverman

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« Mar 7, 2016 3:13:34 GMT -6 »

"That won't happen again. I promise."

She doesn't seem to blame him for it, but he still blames himself a little. Can't help it. Sometimes it really does seem like the only good he could ever do for anyone out here is dying and getting out of everybody's way. He'll keep being the reason people get hurt until somebody else dies, like Miranda, or he's finally unlucky enough to go down himself.

"You have messed yourself all kinds of up. And if you go to war like this, you'll not do anybody any good. You need to do whatever it takes to snap out of this before you get yourself and your loved ones killed."

He's trying, spectral remembrance of conversations past. Even though he's glad she's alive, he can't help feeling like if he'd been a tiny bit better, nothing bad would have happened.

"I don't mean that in some weird hero complex way, just that next time I'm out there, I won't let you down. It's not about blaming myself or anything, just being more careful."

« Last Edit: Mar 7, 2016 5:56:34 GMT -6 by Aaron Silverman » Back to Top  

Savaak Puckett

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« Mar 7, 2016 15:14:52 GMT -6 »

Savaak leans forward, elbows digging into her thighs as she sits down and rests her chin on the back of her hands as they fold over one another.

"And how are you going to guarantee that, Aaron? To anyone?" There's no predictability to a mission, let alone a war.

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Aaron Silverman

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« Mar 7, 2016 15:22:57 GMT -6 »

"I mean, I guess I can't. If I could control everything we wouldn't even be at war right now."

And by God is that hard to say. But this is war, and anything can happen any time. Maybe next time they go out somebody gets shot by an Imperial sniper a mile away, before Aaron can even think to do anything about it.

"All I can guarantee is doing my absolute best to keep that promise."

And that much, he does mean.

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Savaak Puckett

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« Mar 7, 2016 15:42:21 GMT -6 »

Savaak lets out a quiet noise of agreement at the comment about having enough control to not let the war exist at all, but otherwise waits. In the end, she shakes her head.

"That's the thing, though: there will always be conflict. When two people want the same thing, it starts. It may not be full on war, but sooner or later, someone will go, 'I have the power to do this and get what I want.' They'll want to see if they're right." The joys of living, everyone.

"You can't control other people's actions or desires. The best you can hope for is that you can work together and compromise, or else be prepared and hope they are as well. Help them get there, if you like, but when we're out there, having our backs on some level is usually a given." From all the promises, she's going to go with the fact that Aaron is one of those people who will actively do so.

Restless, she straightens and rises to her feet. There's no such thing as comfortable.

"As for myself, I can promise you that it won't happen again on my part, either. So now we see what happens when in action."

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Aaron Silverman

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« Mar 7, 2016 17:17:06 GMT -6 »

Her little spiel about conflict didn't actually have anything to do with his promise, or at least his promise as he intended it, but he listens anyway. Drinks it in silently, eyes on her, looking intent, and nods as she finishes.

"We'll just both have to be more careful out there," he says with a smile to her promise, trying to brighten things a little. Though he does notice how she can't quite seem to get comfortable.

"You sure you're okay, though? You seem... antsy."

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