Author Topic: Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger (Read 830 times)
Taner Cross

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« Nov 19, 2015 13:28:40 GMT -6 »

Saturday, the day most teenagers love as there is no school or classes and no threat of them coming the following day. In normal circumstance it would be a chance to relax and hangout with friends, but Paradigm is no normal circumstance, and Taner is in many way no normal teenager. 

He had awoken at four in the morning to begin his training for the day, having seen his shortcomings well during the challenge against Director Allcott. Everything needed to be amped up if he is going to close the gap. At the very least he would be better prepared should the trainer the Director spoke of show up.

It began with a ten mile run around the campus, doubling his usual distance and pace, which left him fairly disappointed in himself. A 6:32 per mile pace wasn't acceptable by his standards. He'd given himself no break, immediately making his way to the academy's gym to begin his weight training for the day. He planned to increase his usual repetition weight and number per set by twenty-five percent. But before he'd weight the machines, Taner went to his calisthenics routine after a quick addition stretch post run.

He quickly went through most of the exercises, giving himself very little down time during transition. He currently is on pull-ups, though a quick look by another being would notice that he is only holding the bar by his finger tips and not his entire hand. Sweat had soaked through his shirt as he continued to push his body as far as possible.

"Ten... eleven... twelve..." 

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Bianca Stark
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« Nov 19, 2015 17:36:36 GMT -6 via Tapatalk »

. o O ( Why make when you can join?! )

Man, some might have thought Taner was crazy for being up so early. Crazier still, probably, was Bianca as she literally danced into the gym around five fifteen.

Head bobbing.

An earbud was in her ear, and testament to what she was listening to was leaking from her lips: "Work it har-der, make it bet-ter, do it fas-ter, makes us stron-ger, More Than Ever Hour Our Work Is Never Over."

She spun on her heels, arms pulling in. She had weights strapped to her wrists and ankles, what seemed to be a few more at her waist. She looked up, saw Taner - wasn't he normally running at this time? - then grinned and jived her way over to hop up and grab the bar, pulling herself up in a matched pace.

"Thirteen... Fifty one... Do it harder~ Eleventy nine... Stronger one..."

She hadn't noticed the fact he was only using his fingers just yet, and continues messing with him unless stopped!

"Forty two..."

Oh, fingers, hi, hey.

"...our work is...thirty two..."

Jeez he's been working up a sweat, hasn't he?

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Taner Cross

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« Nov 19, 2015 18:04:44 GMT -6 »

Much like he does, Taner is in a zone as he continues his pull ups as Bee joins and attempts to break his count. It doesn't bother him, however just another aspect of training. In the field he would have to be able to focus on his goals and tasks while chaos ensues around him.

"Nineteen... never over... twenty."

He holds himself up on twenty, looking over toward Bee with a smirk.

"I figured you'd be sleeping in on a Saturday."

He shifts each hand at a time from his fingertip grip to a full hand. A few deep breaths before tucks his legs and brings them up, over the bar to hang from his knees.

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Bianca Stark
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« Nov 19, 2015 19:43:48 GMT -6 via Tapatalk »

Good stuff, good stuff! Bianca is impressed! He even did the song with her. She bobbles a little and pulls herself back even with him, blue eyes darting to his fingers as he adjusts his grip.

"Yeah. Well...I decided to kick my lazy bones out of bed..." Slackerrrrrrr. Slacker no more! "Gotta get back into a routine."

After a moment or two she loops herself over the bars, sitting alongside him to be a nuisance.

"...aren't you normally running around now? Switching it up?"


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Taner Cross

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« Nov 19, 2015 20:03:37 GMT -6 »

"Got up extra early to start."

Taner takes a moment again to collect his breath and shake out his arms. He smirks slightly at her mimicry of his position, partially wondering if she would try to keep up. Of course, being inverted in a sweat soaked shirt, gravity starts to be a bitch. He, obviously, has no choice but to remove the shirt and toss it aside before it wraps around his neck.

"What routine you have planned?"

He asks while interlocking his fingers behind his head and proceeding do his next exercise. His abdominal muscles tighten as Taner curls his upper body skyward until his elbows near his knees. Once there he twists to thrust his right elbow at his left knee and vice versa, fingers still interlocked. Then a controlled decent back down.


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Bianca Stark
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« Nov 19, 2015 22:24:00 GMT -6 via Tapatalk »

A+ competition? How could she ever pass that up!she takes a slow breath as she uncurls to hang out beside him. She's saved from the same topless fate by two things: the knot in her shirt and a sports bra beneath that. If she was gonna hang around and work out, get back into a routine, might as well go hard with Taner. Her eyes darted to him and quickly flicked away, back forward.

"Whalp," She began, locking her own fingers, "Warmed up on the way here... Haven't planned too much more, just that I shouldn't be as lax as I have been."

Kick her ass, it was.

Uuuup, side-twist, side-twist, doooown.

"Running first thing. Weight training to continue building and maintaining strength."

She already has a subconscious inkling that she's going to be terribly, terribly sore tomorrow.

Bring it!

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Taner Cross

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« Nov 19, 2015 22:35:30 GMT -6 »

Taner keeps going at the exercise, keeping a rather aggressive clip as he does.

"Two... you think you're... four... going to be... five... able to keep... six... up without... seven... hurting yourself... eight..."

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Bianca Stark
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« Nov 19, 2015 22:41:32 GMT -6 via Tapatalk »

She has a sudden hate-on for Taner, but grits her teeth and keeps pace!

"Hnn...jerk, hah...I'm'a damn well try..."

Might have to drop the extra weight in a bit! Unless Taner was wearing extra, in which there was no way she could, in good conscience, ditch her own.

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Taner Cross

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« Nov 19, 2015 22:47:40 GMT -6 »

He's got no extra weights on, there would be plenty of weights later.

"Nine... just trying... ten... to look out... eleven... for you... twelve."

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Bianca Stark
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« Nov 19, 2015 22:54:30 GMT -6 via Tapatalk »

"...phew...yeah I know...thanks..."

It's genuine, but with a bit of sarcasm - also genuine - to tint her words.

The burn was already felt, though, and Bianca keeps going.

"...good way...t'get back in..."

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Taner Cross

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« Nov 19, 2015 23:19:28 GMT -6 »

Taner suppresses a brief laugh.

"You're a... real tough one..."

I stopped counting because I realize the number should skip as Bianca talks. They're nearing twenty though but Taner doesn't seem ready to slow.

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Bianca Stark
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« Nov 19, 2015 23:33:57 GMT -6 via Tapatalk »

Do laugh! Shorten the exercise! No? Drat.

"...nineteen." Bianca marks it! " people ', pushin' me...twenty one..."

She goes opposite with the twist this time so they semi-face one another, and manages a smile.

More like grit teeth and lively eyes, but, surely he gets it: he counts as one of those people. Her mom being a former Agent and her dad CIA working alongside Paradigm when needed...well, it wasn't Aaliyah's training, but, similar enough! She blows the rest of her breath out and in as she lowered herself, feeling sweat bead and slide against her skin; she chooses now to ditch the weights at her waist and wrists. Next time she returns to bring in sync!

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Taner Cross

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« Nov 19, 2015 23:49:21 GMT -6 »

Taner returns the smile. He had to give her credit, she's definitely got spunk. The littler sister trying to keep up with the others, or that's how he feels about it. He finishes at 25, but doesn't drop down. Instead opting for a spiderman hang for the moment.

His mind drifts to the battle of words with John...

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Bianca Stark
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« Nov 20, 2015 7:51:57 GMT -6 via Tapatalk »

Well, it was good motivation, at least. She struggles through the last two, but does them anyway. Even though ditching the weights made it somewhat easier. She breathes out and hangs by her knees, glancing over.

"Hnnn... What's up?"

There hadn't been too much of a pause between the two exercised she'd walked in on, and had naturally assumed they'd transition right away. Not that she wasn't thankful for the slight reprieve, but! Something seemed to be up.

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Taner Cross

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« Nov 20, 2015 11:35:57 GMT -6 »

"Hmmm? Oh, nothing but my feet."

Taner replies with a grin, immediately pushing there other thoughts aside to refocus on the task at hand. He reassumes the position, interlocked fingers and all. Another twenty-five coming up, but this time he would thrust his left elbow to his right knee first thus reversing the exercise as Bee had done when she attempted to grin at him. He starts counting again.

"One... two... three..."

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Bianca Stark
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« Nov 20, 2015 11:45:40 GMT -6 via Tapatalk »

Bianca snirks, despite herself. He seemed kinda distracted...

Wait wait wait—


Bianca stares at him a moment—and then dives back in! Argh, abs, hellooooo. She goes quickly for the first two to catch up and match pace, and firmly shoves the thought of whether she could handle another set out of her mind. If the doubt crept in, there wouldn't be an easy way to overcome it.

"...I was serious...five..."

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Taner Cross

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« Nov 20, 2015 11:59:56 GMT -6 »

"I know... six..."

A rare admittance of hiding something, instead of the usual down-double on everything being fine. He takes the time of a few reps to dwell on whether or not to say anything further.

"Seven... eight... nine..."

He exhales sharper than usual.

"Just... ten... realized how far... eleven... I have to go... twelve."

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Bianca Stark
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« Nov 20, 2015 13:44:39 GMT -6 via Tapatalk »

Bianca quirked her head a little and pressed her lips together, giving him some time in this rare instance. Too much pressure and he'd probably not bother to say anything more.

Her patience was rewarded, though, and she gives a soft grunt of exertion as they come back up.

"...ngh, I see...thirteen..." She bit her lip a moment, knowing it really had to be bothering him. "...guessing that's...fourteen...why you're up...fifteen...ohGodsoearly...sixteen..."

And training more by the looks of things.

Was this what it felt like to be slashed across the stomach?

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Taner Cross

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« Nov 20, 2015 14:04:10 GMT -6 »

Taner doesn't really show much strain other that the occasional grunt of exertion though his muscles are starting to strain.

"seventeen... you're correct... eighteen... nineteen... you okay?... twenty"

He glances over on the twist as her speech seems to indicate some pain.

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Bianca Stark
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« Nov 20, 2015 14:09:35 GMT -6 via Tapatalk »

No pain, no gain!

"...yeeaah, good...twenty one..." Back up! "...couple weeks off...twenty two..."

Almost there she can taste it!

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Taner Cross

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« Nov 20, 2015 14:16:13 GMT -6 »

Taner isn't convinced but he'll let her push as long as she wants to.

"twenty-three... if you say so... twenty-four... twenty-five."

Hooray. Taner grabs the bar with his hands on the last one to help him get his legs down before dropping to the ground. Feel the burn. He stretches a bit while breathing deep.

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Bianca Stark
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« Nov 20, 2015 14:26:52 GMT -6 via Tapatalk »

Bianca reaches to cling to the bar and unwind her legs, the joints a little stiff. Probably tore some muscles more than necessary but...she hangs on a moment, letting Taner dismount first before slipping down, herself. She slowly straightens and lightly rubs her abdomen before turning it into an innocuous stretch.

"...really, I've actually been lazy on my workouts for a few weeks."

She wasn't used to doing so many, either. But still, Taner wasn't wrong to push harder after realizing, and sharing it with Bee made her think, too.

She lifts her arms high over her head and exhales slowly.

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Taner Cross

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« Nov 20, 2015 14:53:55 GMT -6 »

Taner gives her a look at the admission. He reaches out to pat her on the shoulder before heading toward the leg press machine.

"You don't have to push as hard getting back into things."

Less of a taunt and more of genuine concern for her potentially hurting herself. That especially went for any weight training. He starts loading each side with 45 pound plats 6 to a side.

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Bianca Stark
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« Nov 22, 2015 20:40:57 GMT -6 »

"Maybe I don't have to, necessarily."

She kind of did. She did want to, at that. Still, she gives him a soft smile for his concern, and moves to take it a bit easier on herself for this round of reps. Being that Taner was using the machine, she watched him load up the weights and blinked a bit at how much. Resolving to keep an eye on him, she selected some hand weights and began using them in squats, the weights tucked over her shoulders in a comfortable grip.

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Taner Cross

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« Nov 22, 2015 20:48:00 GMT -6 »

Taner settles into the seat and releases the weight. It's heavy to say the least. He lowers his legs down almost against his chest before extending his legs all the way. Rinse and repeat.

"Just... trying to look out for you."

Much easier to talk in this one as he continues his reps at a good pace.

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