Author Topic: Unorthodox Reunion (Ryker) (Read 168 times)

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 Unorthodox Reunion (Ryker)
« May 18, 2009 0:00:51 GMT -6 »

(OOC: Continued immediately from here.)

Samuel was glad Ryker didn't immediately strike him, and wasn't a little bit surprised at that fact. It didn't take long for his old friend to realize who it was that more or less dragged him away. Sam didn't add anything to Ryker's initial comment except a casual nod, honestly still feeling too much at unease while in the general viscinity of Fightmaster, or the crazy woman he was crazy enough to high five.

Once they were out of the immediate insanity, Samuel would drop his arm from around Ryker's neck and let out the largest sigh of relief.

"Holy crap, Ryker. That was a pretty crazy scene." Sam started out, venting his initial thoughts til the moment actually began to sink in.

"But hold up. Last I heard you were still there. In Arizona. I was told you were sent to Juvi."

Samuel tilted his head downward somewhat, displaying what almost looked like dissapointment from an older brother. He hadn't gotten to hear Ryker's viewpoint on the matter. Only that he snapped and beat the hell out of a kid. One that probably deserved it, but rough nonetheless.

« Last Edit: May 18, 2009 0:12:48 GMT -6 by sam » Back to Top  

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 Unorthodox Reunion (Ryker)
« May 18, 2009 1:47:55 GMT -6 »

After getting a good distance away from the people who had pissed him off to the point where he was about a second from going after a facility member. "Not crazy, annoying as hell." He grumbled, his jaw tense as he looked back the direction they came, looking as though he was still toying with the idea of running back the way they had come.

But then the realization clicked inside his mind, now that he was more rational an less pissed. Turning his head suddenly to Samuel he got that look in his eye like he finally realized who Sam was and where he remembered him from. "WAIT A SECOND!" Ryker stepped up to the guy, looking up at him with his eyes narrowed as gears ground in his skull.

"... aren't you that guy everyone said got blown by his cousin through a dorito bag?"

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 Unorthodox Reunion (Ryker)
« May 18, 2009 20:43:16 GMT -6 »

"Not funny."

With a short exhalation, Samuel pivoted on the balls of his feet once more. Turning completely away from Ryker, he began to walk again, assuming his old friend would follow him. For those that have never met Ryker, it would seem like he's a natural douchebag, being a dick to all those around him. That wasn't true. He was a douchebag on purpose.

"You can thank me later for saving your ass, by the way." Samuel spoke again, not bothering to turn his head back to see if Ryker was following him or not.

While Samuel couldn't say the two of them were close friends, they were at the least decent school mates, in his eyes at least. In all honesty, while living on the base Samuel hadn't had any real friends besides those he only saw at school, and among them was Ryker. While always pushing the limits, Sam never expected him to go to juvi. He was a douche, but not the kind that should be put behind bars.

"So what, you get sent to military school the moment you're out of jail?"

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 Unorthodox Reunion (Ryker)
« May 19, 2009 9:49:13 GMT -6 »

Ryker grinned and followed after him, he had no idea where he was going but he also didn't care. It was the first day and he had been pissed off once, he could miss a few classes, it was all the same anyway. Sure his joke pissed off Sam, but that didn't keep him from enjoying it. Kind of like bashing on Clinton, without the interns.

Pushing air between his teeth Ryker glance to the side. "I would've won," He insisted, of course knowing that wasn't the part Sam saved him from. He didn't like being pulled off even if it was for his own good, but all the same he grudgingly gave him thanks. "Thanks."

Then came the million dollar question, what happened to him with the whole sent to jail thing. Yeah, that wasn't a sore subject anymore. It wasn't like it was a horror show or anything, it was just a place you could get away with more violence, were bored out of your fucking mind, and had to ignore your neighbor jacking off.

"Nah, not really. After I got out I found out they were transferred by six months and decided that I would do better in a place where I could finish off school." Ryker sighed and cracked his knuckles in front of him, looking annoyed suddenly. "Trust fund asshole threw the first punch and I'm the one who gets tossed in the can."

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 Unorthodox Reunion (Ryker)
« May 19, 2009 23:04:21 GMT -6 »

(OOC: Not good with small talk. Short.)

Samuel smirkd, finding a small victory of getting thanks after obviously fishing for it. Sam didn't really doubt Ryker's ability to solve his problems with force, but that was the issue that got him thrown into juvi the first time. This way, Ryker was kept out of trouble, and Sammy played his part to defuse what was just another bomb in the heartland of the Chula Vista Collective.

"Yeah, well, Trust Fund didn't have knock out power. You ever read comics, Ryker?" Samuel tilted his head back towards Ryker, making eye contact for just a brief moment as he asked his rhetorical question.

"There's actually a lot of philosophy in there. Spiderman's uncle said 'with great power comes great responsibility.' Coming from comics or not, that's a principle that can be applied to anything. You had the full ability to end that confrontation without go that far. The law only deems what force is necessary and reasonable, after all."

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 Unorthodox Reunion (Ryker)
« May 19, 2009 23:28:55 GMT -6 »

Ryker couldn't keep the plainly frustrated expression off his face, his jaw tense. Shit, how would he know if Trust Fund fund had knock out power, who would give him the chance? Showing his irritation he turned his head to the side and spit, snarling at the mere thought of being locked up because of some prick who couldn't take a punch.

"Shit, I only hit the prick once, people who fuck with me usually can take at least that much without x-rays in the aftermath." He seemed to calm down pretty quick this time though, unlike with the teacher where he was still hot under the collar about. No, that guy got put down, he had closure on that piece of bullshit. Well, mostly.

"Nah, saw the movie, Spiderman 3 or something. He was a prick, backhanded his girlfriend or something." Which pretty much ruled out the whole 'power and responsibility saying' for the moment. But Ryker wasn't total brawn, he gave it thought and shrugged. He wouldn't admit it but he could have gone easier on the guy. "Not much to do about it now."

"By the way, Sam, it's a pain in the ass to go from one uniform to another."

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 Unorthodox Reunion (Ryker)
« May 21, 2009 20:31:22 GMT -6 »

"Spiderman 3...!?" That's not was...agh!." Samuel put the nerd back in the closet, not wanting to get off track. Not even about the tragedy of that film.

"Just use more discretion next time, man."

Samuel sighed and kept walking, intent on making it to class on time. Unlike the man at his side, Sam had no real problems with the staff thus far let alone any pent up aggravation. Ryker was a little hot headed at times. Samuel was pretty used to the chain of command. When someone told you to do something, it was best to just do it. Easiest way to resolve a conflict was to prevent it from happening.

Speaking of which...

"It's not that bad. At least this one gives you some options, and, you can take it off at the end of the day. We should probably get to class, before that trouble we walked away from catches up with us."

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 Unorthodox Reunion (Ryker)
« May 23, 2009 15:58:25 GMT -6 »

Ryker was grinning and cackling by the time Samuel managed to get the nerd-alter-ego locked down and return to himself. A guy of Samuel's build going geek on you about something like that was hilarious, no matter what the subject really was.

"Not bad, that uniform isn't bad?"

He looked incredulous, because he was. He hadn't figured out quite yet that they were in separate schools, and that Knox wore the traditional camo, while the others wore school collars and prep clothes. But he could see them wandering around, and it wasn't too hard to point that out.

"It's a bunch of idiots wandering around in purple. I feel like I'm in fucking Minnesota again."

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