Author Topic: Semper Fi (Open) (Read 183 times)

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 Semper Fi (Open)
« May 18, 2009 3:34:33 GMT -6 »

The uniform always itched, no matter what he did it always itched. In fact, if there was one thing he didn't like about the Military lifestyle it was probably the uniforms that they wore. Although, in the end you got used to them, and after a few years it wasn't so bad. It was almost second nature to him. Sure he liked looking the same, in fact he liked the way the uniforms looked, it was just that they were so damn uncomfortable.

"Finally a break..."

Justin walked across the soft grass towards the parking lot, finding a place to sit on a curb. He took a seat slowly, letting out a groan as he did. His right hand reached into the inside of his uniform jacket, pulling crumpled up carton of cigarettes out from the inside pocket as his left hand pulled out one of the few remaining cigarettes and placing the filter to his lips which caught the cigarette. He replaced the carton and started searching for his lighter, finding the thing in his left pants pocket, he pulled it out and lit the Marlboro.

Inhaling to light the cigarette he stopped the flame, and put the lighter back in his pocket, exhaling the smoke in a sigh of relief that he had this moment to satisfy his nicotine craving. His right hand came up to catch the cigarette between his index and middle fingers, relieving his lips from their previous duty of holding the cigarette in place.

"Can't believe it's finally here, my final year...."

The senior of Henry Knox Academy continued to reminisce about his time at the school, excited for the future but also terrified about it. He had his heart set on signing on, but before long he'd have to choose whether he was going to go to college to become an officer or sign up out of the Academy.

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« May 18, 2009 5:45:25 GMT -6 »

An audible sigh could be heard near the entrance of the school by a little boy wearing a military like uniform. Ian was one of the few elementary students that attended Henry Knox, and as much as he liked competing with the older students, it was quite tiring. Not to mention the uniforms were uncomfortable as hell. He wasn't quite sure just how much of this uniform he would be able to take...but of course, he reminded himself that during the weekend, when there was no class, maybe - just maybe - he could leave campus with his parents, as they had promised.

So why was Ian in the parking lot anyway?

His parents had also promised that they would drop by this day, but did not give a specific time. He had been waiting for a while and was on the brink of admitting defeat....or in other words, assume that they had forgotten and head back to his dorms. He pulled down his baseball cap to cover the disappointment in his eyes. Usually he was not quick to judge, but he knew his parents well. They would have called at noon at the very latest to let him know the time they would be dropping by, but it was well past noon. So he got up, turned around and started walking back toward campus. Maybe he'll go work on the drills that Ian had recently learned, compared to the other kids, who knew them from the previous years.

["Can't believe it's finally here, my final year...."]

Ian's ears picked up a voice and he looked up, spotting an old guy (well, to him, he's old) sitting on a curb, smoking a cigarette. He approached him, because he recognized the uniform, and stopped a couple of feet away from him.

" long have you attended Henry Knox?" asked Ian.

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« May 18, 2009 16:30:10 GMT -6 »

" long have you attended Henry Knox?"


Justin looked over to see a little kid, one of the younger students who also was wearing a uniform. Justin couldn't help but smile at how cute the little kid was. He knew that younger kids went to this school, but he still didn't think much about it, and it wasn't like he talked to the little kids very often. Justin flicked his cigarette after taking another drag from it. He smiled over at the kid.

"Oh, it's been a year and a half now I guess... give or take. Military family so, we move around quite a bit. How about you? How old are you, what grade are you in buddy?"

Justin put his cigarette out a bit early, tossing the stick away since he didn't want to give this kid any second hand smoke. He turned on the curb to face the kid, putting one foot on the grass, the other lowered down on the concrete. He had a little brother that went to this school, but nowhere near as little as this kid since his brother was already a teenager. Still, he couldn't help but get that big brother feeling when talking to little kids.

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« May 18, 2009 16:51:47 GMT -6 »

It seems as if Ian's first impression on this school had been proven wrong. The people here were much nicer than others had actually let on; first with Ray, and now with this guy. Better yet, he was enrolled into Henry Knox, so at least Ian would have someone he knew at the school, even though they weren't likely to have any classes together. Ian was probably as tall as the guy sitting down, which was kind of sad in Ian's mind, because he couldn't wait to get older. He would be faster, stronger, wiser...but just a better person overall. The things he would be capable of doing at that age! And maybe even help out his parents with their work, seeing how they're always so busy...

["Oh, it's been a year and a half now I guess... give or take. Military family so, we move around quite a bit. How about you? How old are you, what grade are you in buddy?"]

A year and a half? Ian nodded his head slowly. Military family? Well, at Ian's age, you pretty much make friends with everyone, so leaving friends behind wouldn't make that big of an impact. Not that Ian ever thought about it, since at the age of seven, he does not even retain the knowledge of what a military kid goes through...

"I'm new here, actually," Ian grinned, his right hand pushing up his cap to reveal his chocolate eyes. "I'm seven and in my second year of elementary."

Of course, somewhere down the line of maturing, he'll have to realize that having a trusting nature isn't always a good thing, and that approaching people with random questions can be annoying to some. Sometimes, Ian himself often thought that maybe he was maturing too fast - a thought that only crossed his mind because of an overheard conversation between his parents.

"I'm Ian, by the way," he said, his hands slipping deep into the pockets of his uniform. He jumped up on the curb next to the guy, but remained standing, only because he would feel a little too short sitting beside him.

"'Move around'? I guess you adjust well to changes, huh?" Ian asked, though that last bit was somewhat of a rhetorical question. He was beginning to wish he was accustomed to moving. Maybe then he wouldn't have felt so out of place.

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« May 18, 2009 17:33:49 GMT -6 »

"Nice to meet you Ian, I'm Justin, Justin Kamp."

Justin was still amazed that he went to school with such little kids. A seven year old boy, Justin couldn't even remember what went on in his head when he was that young. He remembered events and the friends he had, hell he even remembered having crushes on girls back then, at least, one girl. He just pretended to hate girls at that age like the rest of the boys. Still, he couldn't help but wonder how smart this kid must have been for his age, since he had a vocabulary ten times better than seven year old Justin by simply using the word 'adjust' in a sentence.

"And yeah, I get used to it pretty easily. I've been all over the place, Ft. Lewis in Washington, Ft. Campbell in Tennessee, I've even been to Germany. So you're new then? Welcome to the school, you'll get used to things before long I'm sure. It can be a little hard getting used to a new place, but I'm sure you'll get used to it in time. So where are you from?"

Justin wondered just what they taught the younger kids, if they taught them any drill and ceremony, such as marching and cadence and all that other stuff. Justin himself was a big fan of armed drill, he liked being able to use rifles with marching, no matter how out of commission those things were. He was able to do a lot of the more complicated moves, managed to do a helicopter once but nearly cracked his head open.

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« May 18, 2009 17:47:31 GMT -6 »

Ian was no genius boy. He just had high expectations to meet with his parents, so learning and applying new vocabulary words things he often did without much of a second thought. It had become so much like a habit, almost like an unconscious action, like brushing your teeth in the morning, or taking a pee before you sleep. Or something. Either way, this guy was super nice, but Ian was only familiar with the states that he listed, along with Germany. Germany! He went to Germany! Man, Ian wished he could go out of the country, but that was out of the question. The hospital needed his mom, and his dad wouldn't go away on a trip unless the entire family was there, so... Booooo..

But hey, even though he had a strong basic vocabulary, there were still some words he had trouble pronouncing? Like anemone and M&M's...

["... So where are you from?"]

"Suburbs of Chicago," he replied, a happy-go-lucky smile still on his face. "Well, I was, and then my family moved somewhere around here..."

If anyone asked for his address, Ian wouldn't be able to give a proper reply because his parents never told him the home address. They gave him a cell phone instead, but he had no one to call other than his parents, and it was EMERGENCY ONLY...they emphasized emergency quite a bit.

He plopped down right next to Justin.

"I'm sure you've heard this a million times, but smoking kind of sucks for your health," Ian was still smiling, so whether he was serious or joking was hard to tell. His dad smoked all the time, and his mom hated the fact that he did.

"Thanks for putting the cigarette out, by the way. I think it was for my well being, right?"

Sometimes, Ian didn't even realize that he was just an observant little kid. It might get annoying for some, but he's a little kid. What do people expect from seven year olds?!

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« May 23, 2009 23:38:24 GMT -6 »

"Yeah, that's right kid."

Justin laughed a little bit at the comment about cigarettes being bad for health. Something about a young kid like this saying something 'sucked' seemed amusing. His mother would often get upset whenever Dustin said something like 'sucked' around her when he was younger. Of course Justin didn't exactly provide a good influence for his brother in that aspect, and always encouraged him to say it. After all, it amused Justin to hear his little brother speak so openly even if he got in trouble. The little squirt did have his fun side, that's for sure.

"Smoking is bad, you shouldn't do it. As hypocritical as that sounds... hypocritical means saying something, but not exactly doing it. Like me telling you not to smoke, but I still do it. Anyway, I'm sure it won't be the last time I get that advice from someone. I've been thinking about quitting, but something tells me as soon as I join the Marines I'll end up smoking again since a lot of soldiers smoke."

It was true, and while Justin wouldn't let his Mom find out about his habit, his dad was much like Justin. Not to mention it was also something to take away some of the stress the blood thirsty voice in his head gave him. Considering he was most likely going to have a short life span no matter what, might as well do what you want in that short time.

"In any case, never do it. And try not to hang around people while they are doing it because you need clean air, ok buddy?"

Justin liked this little kid, something about him just seemed nice. Even if he was slightly curious and somewhat talkative, he was nowhere close to being the obnoxious show off that was Dustin.

"So what are you doing out here?"

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« May 26, 2009 0:05:58 GMT -6 »

"Ohhh! Marines? That's so cool... I heard it was super intense!"

["In any case, never do it. And try not to hang around people while they are doing it because you need clean air, ok buddy?"]

"My dad smokes, so it's inevitable! He tries not to smoke around me though, 'cause my mom's a doctor and she gets reeeeeeeaaaal angry when he does..." Ian grinned, pulling up his knees and resting his chin on them. "But I won't hang around people when they're smoking. That's a promise!"

...but ten years down the road, would he still be able to keep that promise?

["So what are you doing out here?"]

At this question, Ian's smile faltered briefly at the rememberence of the false hope of his parents coming to visit. Because it was past noon, it was most likely not going to happen - most of his parents' work occured after twelve.

"I was waiting for my parents, but I don't think they're coming today," Ian grinned, stretching out his arms and legs from his sitting position. "I wish they at least dropped off Arcanine. But my parents told me that I wouldn't be allowed to keep him in the dormrooms because someone might be allergic. Arcanine is my dog, by the way~"

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