Author Topic: A New Acquaintance (Juliet) (Read 174 times)

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 A New Acquaintance (Juliet)
« May 20, 2009 21:32:52 GMT -6 »

The day was nearing an end, but Alden was feeling kind of restless today. He didn't feel like returning to the dormitories so early, since the day had been light when it came to the homework he received. Instead he decided he'd stroll the campus grounds for a bit. Maybe he'd even go for a good run. Though what he considered a run wasn't what most people called a run.

Those amber hazel eyes would glance down the pathway as he worked his way toward the large Entrance Park. There was still quite a few students from all the different schools wandering to and fro. Alden didn't really pay attention and specific person, instead casually allowing his eyes to wander from face to face. No one really stuck out through, apart from their respective uniforms. Alden just so happened to be wearing his own desert camouflage uniform, though he had taken the top off, revealing the tan colored tank-top beneath.

Eventually he'd move toward one of the benches lining the smooth roadway through the entrance park. He'd toss the top part of his uniform there for a throw his arms in in a wide stretch, before dropping them down onto the back of his neck. Allowing himself to drop back, he'd plop himself down on the seat for now. He wanted to allow the crowd to thin a bit before he prepared himself to exercise.

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 A New Acquaintance (Juliet)
« May 20, 2009 22:46:39 GMT -6 »

Juliet did not like the uniform deal. Not one bit. What happened to fighting against conformity! What happened to freedom of expression and liberation to all mankind! To be honest, Juliet was not an extremist in any way, shape or form, but she was never one to enjoy wearing uniforms and to look just like everyone else. It was the rebellious and selfish part of her that loved to be unique and stand out. Then again, Juliet knew that the only way to be obtrusive and outstanding, in a non-academic way, was to rely on her personality in which she has faith in. She was confident about in making bonds with other people.

Making her way down to wards the entrance park of the campus grounds. All the trees and plants down to the non-existent weeds that had resided in the lawn before were trimmed to perfection. Gross. Everything was too orderly, too neat, too boring. Juliet had been growing irritated and restless with walking around the park until she saw the perfect opportunity to bother an innocent Knox student lying down, resting on the park bench.

Juliet made her way over and plopped herself down on his legs. Consider him lucky since it wouldn't have been pretty to have a hundred and forty pound teenager just plop down on his stomach.

"Hiya," Juliet said grinning as she'd wave above the face of the guy. "What'cha doin' here, should be in the dorm if you're so tired."

Yup, it was just like her to act overly friendly with strangers.

« Last Edit: May 20, 2009 22:46:49 GMT -6 by eden » Back to Top  

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 A New Acquaintance (Juliet)
« May 20, 2009 23:19:25 GMT -6 »

Alden had closed his eyes as he laid down, and it wasn't long before he felt pressure on his legs. His hands would have slipped from the back of his neck and shot forward, slightly. Unknowingly he would end up grasping at the girl's back and stomach. It was then his right eye would slip open and his hands would release, his left kind of waving toward her as he listened to the words she spoke.

"Eh, sorry. That was a little unexpected.. But don't assume just because I'm laying here and closing my eyes that I'm tired.."

He'd smirk slightly after he spoke, and it would widen to a smile afterwords. Alden wasn't really sure what to think. She was obviously friendly, and by her uniform he could tell she was from Fremont. Which did make him wonder whether or not she was just trying to catch him off guard. Then again, if that had been her goal she could have gotten him when he was laying there. Maybe she was just bored.

"Actually, I was about to go for a little run. Just waiting on the foot traffic to clear out.. What's your name?"

She would most likely notice the light English accent he held when he spoke. A lot of people usually pointed it out, but that didn't bother him. The only thing that sucked about it was that they always assumed he was from London. Not every English person is from London.

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 A New Acquaintance (Juliet)
« May 20, 2009 23:33:18 GMT -6 »

"Whoa there!" Juliet would laugh as she felt the guy shoot up in surprise with his hands on back and stomach until he opened his eyes and released his hold on her.

He was sure easy to surprise! More importantly, he had a really cool eye colour. It was a brilliant amber, as to her boring warm honey.

"Eh, sorry. That was a little unexpected.. But don't assume just because I'm laying here and closing my eyes that I'm tired.."

Juliet caught the guy's smirk and felt a little challenged as her fiery side was sparked. Just because she looked innocent and has a doe-eyed look does not mean she was demure or simply just too full of energy! She paid no heed to his legs as she shifted over so that she sat on his legs crossed legged while she fixed her skirt so that of course she didn't look too indecent to the passer-byers even though she wore shorts under.

"Well then, I guess you deserved this pleasant surprise Mr. English-accented person!" Juliet would say in response to him retorting her comment, and of course she was referring to herself as the pleasant surprise.

"Actually, I was about to go for a little run. Just waiting on the foot traffic to clear out.. What's your name?"

By then Juliet's eyes lit up in interest.

"A run? Oh, I'm Juliet, and you?"

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 A New Acquaintance (Juliet)
« May 20, 2009 23:49:24 GMT -6 »

Well then, I guess you deserved this pleasant surprise Mr. English-accented person!

Well.. I have been working pretty hard lately.. A surprise is good every now and again.

It seemed the girl was comfortable on his legs, and he didn't exactly have a reason to complain here. Instead his hands would slip back behind his neck and he'd lean his head back, those amber eyes still upon hers. Eventually she'd tell him her name, and Alden would stare at her face for a few moments. He was use to meeting a lot of people, so Alden liked to try and remember a face to a name. Juliet.

"Alden. And yes.. A run. A good run is healthy."

Alden's version of running was parkour. Just straight running didn't ever really hold his attention for all that long. Usually he'd start out running and then progress from there. Jumping, climbing, flipping and rolling his ass all around town. And since there really wasn't anything planned today, he figured he could end up being gone for hours. Though.. Now that he had met Juliet here, maybe things would change.

"So where is Romeo?"

A simple way to ask a question he kind of wanted to know. Was she spoken for? Alden wasn't entirely doing it just because he was kind of interested in her. He was also doing it to try and save his ass a little here. The last thing he needed as an angry boyfriend to deal with.

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 A New Acquaintance (Juliet)
« May 21, 2009 0:01:19 GMT -6 »

"Alden. And yes.. A run. A good run is healthy."

"Nice ta meet'cha Alden and I concur!" Juliet would say cheerfully pumping a fist into the air. "Now if only Fremont's uniforms were more suitable for physical activity. I mean skirts? C'mon! It's a hassle to worry about 'indecency' when I'm out and about!"

Of course, she'd emphasize the the word indecency with her long fingers as if quoting something the headmaster would say. Sure Juliet didn't like the whole skirts for school thing, but she didn't exactly like the military idea either, so she chose the lesser of the two evils and she just disliked it when teachers warn her about her eccentric behavior around campus.

"So where is Romeo?"

Juliet immediately scrunched up her face as if her nose caught the scent of something repulsive.

"That," she paused, "was terrible joke!"

Juliet would playfully slap the side of his leg lightly as if they were close childhood friends. She was a weird one and this was only one of her cases.

"And a little nosy! Mind you, I'm a single, free soul that is not waiting for some kind of man to sweep me off my feet like I'm some kind of damsel! Hell no!"

Juliet would place her hands on her hips haughtily.

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 A New Acquaintance (Juliet)
« May 21, 2009 1:14:55 GMT -6 »

Nice ta meet'cha Alden and I concur! Now if only Fremont's uniforms were more suitable for physical activity. I mean skirts? C'mon! It's a hassle to worry about 'indecency' when I'm out and about!

He'd let would let out a small laugh and close his eyes once again. Alden really didn't think he had anything to worry about when it came to this girl. She seemed nice enough so far. A little more friendly than most seemed to appear to him. It wasn't a bad thing in his eyes though. It set Juliet apart from the crowd. She was far more interesting then the rest of the students he had met so far.

That was terrible joke! And a little nosy! Mind you, I'm a single, free soul that is not waiting for some kind of man to sweep me off my feet like I'm some kind of damsel! Hell no!

His eyes would open once again because of the slap, though he didn't react as he did before. Instead he feigned pain from the slap, and lift his right hand to cover his heart.

"Awww, come on. I barely even know you for ten minutes and you already shot me through the heart."

Of course he was joking. It was nice to let out the playful side for once. Most of the kid's he knew in the academy were far too serious all the time. It was rather dull. Alden would just have to savor the time he spent with Juliet here, he guessed. She spiced things up a bit.

"I got an idea.. If you'd like, I can follow you back to your dorm and you can change.. We could go for a run. I'll even buy you something to eat after.. Sounds like a good deal, right?!"

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 A New Acquaintance (Juliet)
« May 21, 2009 22:11:13 GMT -6 »

"Awww, come on. I barely even know you for ten minutes and you already shot me through the heart."

Juliet made made a little gun with her hands and pointed it at Alden's chest a little to the left.


She'd blow on the tip as if blowing out the smoke from the gun. Okay, so Juliet was a little childish and some would say she's extremely flirtatious but really she just treated females and males the same. Hence, it would seem like she was just way to friendly with unknown males and males in general.

"I got an idea.. If you'd like, I can follow you back to your dorm and you can change.. We could go for a run. I'll even buy you something to eat after.. Sounds like a good deal, right?!"

Juliet shuffled off Alden's legs and pointed towards Alden.

"Now you sir, know the way to a woman's heart!"

And, yes, she definitely loved the idea of grabbing food after a good run. After Alden was ready Juliet would lead him towards the direction of her dorm so she could get changed. Although by the time she reached the vicinity of the dorm she already tugged her tie loose and shrugged off her blazer. The clothes really prevented fluid movement.

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 A New Acquaintance (Juliet)
« May 21, 2009 22:35:16 GMT -6 »

Now you sir, know the way to a woman's heart!

He's nod after he spoke, a smile on his face as he waited for her to get up, and then followed suit. Once he pulled himself to his feet, he'd reach back and grab his uniformed top, and drap it over his left shoulder once again as he followed Juliet to their next destination, her dorm.

Again those eyes weren't focused upon any particular person. Even though he was following Juliet, Alden hadn't locked eyes upon her. Instead, he simply glanced about at the passing students as they went on with their business. He was sure by the time they got back outside, most of the traffic would be clear and they'd be able to go on with their run. They would near her dorms soon enough, and as she walked in he'd wander up next to her. He figured some kind of small talk would be appropriate.

"So.. How long have you been going to Fremont?"

Alden still didn't really know much about the female he was following. But he felt intrigued by her personality. She was easy to talk to. And he couldn't say she wasn't easy on the eyes as well. Not that looks meant everything, but they did help out a bit. But, she was still practically a stranger. So he hoped she didn't mind all the questions. It was only for the sake of learning a bit more about who she was.

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