Author Topic: Blood/Lust *Mature* (open) (Read 357 times)

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« May 26, 2009 20:05:52 GMT -6 »

"Joshua. Joshua Treborn! JOSHUA!"

"What, what? What the fuck do you want?"

"Watch your mouth you little skid mark. What I want is to know what the hell you think you're doing there?"


"With a porno magazine?"

"Is that a problem?"

"Yes, Joshua, yes-"



"My name is JT asshole. Stop calling me Joshua."

"...That's it. You're gone Joshua, gone. Stand up!"

"Fuck off. I told you I'm relaxing."

What happened next is still in dispute among students who weren't in the classroom. Everyone agrees that Mr. Hughes, the teacher, swiped the magazine from JT's hands. And that JT sat still for a moment, shadowed eyes staring where the porno had been a moment ago. But that's when things get hazy. Some say JT struck first, others say Mr. Hughes did. But one thing was for certain.

Mr. Hughes definitely lost his right ear that morning.

The fight had been brutal and fast. Even though JT was six-foot-two and several inches taller, Mr. Hughes outweighed him by easily thirty pounds, mostly muscle. JT flailed and lashed out with whatever he could throw, while Mr. Hughes held him down and attempted to choke him out. The teacher had the upper hand but then JT grabbed a hold of Mr. Hughes' balls and twisted them 180 degrees around. Hughes screamed and loosened his grip just long enough for JT to turn his head and grab a mouthful of ear. Yup, he pulled a Mike Tyson and literally ripped the whole damn ear right off.

Back in the moment, we find Mr. Hughes writhing on the floor, one hand on his nuts and another cupping the hole of his missing appendage, slick with flowing blood. JT stands tall and proud, the ear dangling from his teeth, lips red. With a smirk he spits the ragged hunk of flesh onto the floor and says jokingly, "There's anatomy for you 'teach."

JT then turned to face the rest of the class and proclaimed loudly, "Anyone else got a fucking problem? If not, come clean this asshole off the tile before he stains it."

OOC: Feel free to take this however you want. Talk, fight, in the classroom, walking by, whatever. Be creative.

« Last Edit: May 26, 2009 20:08:27 GMT -6 by zev » Back to Top  

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« May 26, 2009 22:17:49 GMT -6 »

Class had started long ago and most students were already in class(except for the usual skippers of course). Xiao took her time, enjoying the quietness of the halls and feeling pretty free to spread her wings in the almost empty halls; usually they were so jam packed that she had to squeeze her tiny self through the halls to get anywhere, and was often almost stepped on or squashed by older males.

As she frolicked about, a piercing screamed seemed to have appeared out of no where. See, she would have ignored if it was the usual screams that resonated through the halls, but this one sounded different, more gruesome, and just begged for investigation!

She now jogged, making her way to the mystery sound until she found herself at a classroom. She stepped on her tip-toes to get high enough to see through the window of the classroom but to no avail. The small five foot two freshman was not going to accomplish anything that way. So being the un-shy girl she was, she bluntly opened the classroom door finding a bunch of disturbed and afraid Juniors. What had caused this ruckus and sudden terror? Well, apparently some real tall blond guy with some real creepy eyes that could scare anyone; well, except Xiao of course who thought he was pretty cool, the ear in his mouth and blood all over him making him more 'sexy' for her. Strange tastes? Yes, she had some real odd tastes when it came to men but what can you say? Everyone likes their men different....right?
She looked him up and down, and down....and down.....oh, well what do you know, that's where the ear in his mouth came from! It all made sense now! He had bitten off his teacher's ear! Wow, could she get any slower than this? Probably.

"Well now, tsk tsk, what have you done here?" she smirked, an air of amusement and interest present.
She took a few steps closer now, going around the teacher and ignoring some of the students who were now escaping from the classroom. screaming at the top of their lungs. They really knew how to make a moment perfect~

She stopped just in front of him, looking up, way up due to the fact that height-wise, she stopped at his chest.
She lifted her right hand and rubbed his cheek with her finger tips to get some of the blood off. She then brought hand hand back down and licked off the blood.
"You know, red really is a good colour on you." she started. "So, having a bad day so far I assume?" she asked, glancing over at the teacher who was now attempting to crawl away from them. Xiao had a feeling that he was pretty much afraid of them both now then just the male. I don't know about you, but I wouldn't be too fond of a random person enjoying the taste of my blood while I bled on the floor near her.

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« May 26, 2009 22:58:14 GMT -6 »

Ahhh, that's better.

Ryker shook himself and then zipped up his pants, flushed the urinal, and stepped up to the sink. After scrubbing down his hands the Sophomore left the male restroom and tucked his hands into his blazer, walking down the hall at a casual pace.

While walking through the hall he was slammed into by a student who had been running frantically down the hall. Frowning he spun with the impact and kept going, interested on where they were all coming from. When he found the source he wasn't quite sure how to react.

There was a teacher pushing his feet into the ground to try and get away from the psychotic student, having pissed himself because of his twisted and crushed nuts, his hands holding his wounds.

Ryker had never seen something so pathetic in his life, but his mind had gone blank as he tried to understand how he was meant to react to this situation. There were two potential assailants, a Chinese girl he suspected simply didn't have the IQ to realize something dangerous was happening, and an American who had blood on him.

Pulling off his blazer and tie Ryker put them both in his right fist, staring out from just inside the classroom, and then shouted to be heard over those still making much noise in the class. "If you didn't have a damn good reason for this, god help you."

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« May 27, 2009 13:51:10 GMT -6 »


A redhead simply sighed when the entire thing happened. She sat in the back of the class with her head resting in the palm of her gloved hand. The story basically was:

Sad guy reading a magazine filled with photo-shopped whores he can't fuck and a teacher who desperately need to borrow one to clean some pipes.

Oh yea and an ear missing. She saw this back home a couple of times but then it was the other way around so she didn't find it that spectacular.It wasn't even done symmetrical! The pretty lady just chewed her candy, waiting for this situation to unfold,. Who knows? she might enjoy herself.

"Anyone else got a fucking problem? If not, come clean this asshole off the tile before he stains it."

Oh the bug began to talk now.Tche, he reeked of filth.
"Get a shower , ya lil cockroach."
Amadis raised her head ,leaning back against the chair and only now opened her golden eyes to see how ugly the blur would be. Yea she might help the teacher by playing the friendly nurse <3 Ohh the ideas began to pop up in her head.

But her dreaming ended when a weird girl popped up, clearly being an idiot. Red wasn't a good color on that blond brat! The mere sight of his hair made her hurl and the taste of her gum taste bad. Another fool popped up saying something with the word 'god' in it. In her eyes there was no reason to speak of that lowlife deity in her presence. It made her stop chewing and cross her curvaceous legs. She parted her full lips and yelled at the blond,

"Oi, brat .Hold your inbred tongue. You're hurting my ears."
the corners of her lips slightly curled up, she was rather amused by her own choice of words.

« Last Edit: May 28, 2009 2:01:09 GMT -6 by Deleted » Back to Top  

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« May 27, 2009 17:01:43 GMT -6 »

JT grinned at the sight of so many students high-tailing it out of the room. All that hysteria for a missing ear? Had they never been in a real fight before? He'd seen worse while cleaning out the cages in between matches at the cartel's compound. The tall blond was about to wipe the warm blood off his chin when a very small, surprisingly cute Asian girl walked into the room, drawn by the screams. Eyeing the new arrival with a puzzled look, JT was further surprised by her completely fearless attitude. She was even kind enough to take some of Mr. Hughes' blood off his hands, so to speak. When she asked if he was having a bad day, JT reached down and held the girl's chin firmly in between his thick fingers, replying smoothly,

"Maybe. But things seem to be looking up..."

Still in an 'excited' state from his porno reading, he was about to say something along the lines of 'Why don't we put that mouth to better use' when he was interrupted by a man's voice at the door and a female's voice at his back. Annoyed and increasingly pissed at the interruption of his relaxation time, he rolled his reddened eyes and glanced towards the doorway, over the head of the Asian girl, the missy being so small that was easily possible. He barked at the smaller male intruder,

"Unless you're God himself I don't need to give a reason to you. Piss off hombre."

Then JT rolled his head around in an exaggerated, irritated motion and locked eyes with the, damn, enormusly tall female at the back. In the same barking tone he loudly said,

"And you, She-Hulk. Shut the fuck up or pin your legs to your ears and use YOUR tongue to polish off my dick. Otherwise I don't wanna hear word-one outta your mouth."

Turning his attention back to the Asian before him, JT began to say "Now, where were we-" before he cut himself off. Mr. Hughes had spent the entire exchange inching his way to the emergency phone and was nearly there when JT finally caught sight of him again. "Oh fuck no you don't. Get back here tiny balls, we're not through!"

And JT began to bear down on the fallen teacher, pale blue eyes flashing with horribly violent ideas...

« Last Edit: May 27, 2009 17:02:44 GMT -6 by zev » Back to Top  

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« May 27, 2009 17:18:28 GMT -6 »

There was no reason to doubt that the blond asshole was the same one who had destroyed the teacher. It was so surprising that he barely managed to do so much as blink at how brutally crude he was. How had he survived to this age with such a disgusting attitude?

Well there was only one reason, that he destroyed the people who decided that they would try to stop him. That hardly stopped him from acting out on the rage that blew away any rational thought.

Ryker reared his right fist back in an exaggerated motion, gesturing that he was going to come around with a heavy haymaker like most fighters that just wanted to obliterate what they were throwing their fist at. But as he stepped forward to motion the continuation of haymaker Ryker jabbed out his left hand. Ryker wasn't overwhelmingly quick, but he fought to win. If JT so much as looked his way, instead of focusing on the teacher, he'd have a hard time reacting in time to Ryker's underhanded trick.

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« May 27, 2009 18:23:08 GMT -6 »

OOC-Anybody mind if i jump in this thread?

IC- Mikhail had been standing in the hall wondering where to go when the door of a classroom burst open and a large group of students ran by screaming in panic.

Curious he went to the class they had come from and saw a horrific scene unfold in front of him: Two guys were facing each other, one had a small girl standing besides him, a teacher lay on the ground covered in blood and a girl was sitting at the desk with a small smile on her face.

Mikhail looked closely at both guys and realized from their stance that they were both fighters and very good ones at that. The Russian behemoth didn't know whether this was part of the curriculum or not but until somebody cleared it up with him he wasn't going to let this continue.

"ENOUGH,SETTLE DOWN NOW!!!" he held himself to his full height and yelled the order out like his old drill instructor did.

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« May 27, 2009 19:16:23 GMT -6 »

She let out a short giggle, liking his response. He was definitely an interesting fellow and later, would have to get his name. Right now, it seemed it would have to wait: a random loser and a girl in the back appeared out of thin air. What the heck did they think this was: a free show???
Oh well; anyway, at that moment, the teacher squirmed away and most likely assumed to get away; well Blondy had other plans. He stromed towards the teacher, most likely thinking of making his day worse. Well that would be entertaining and romantic! Go blondy go! But sadly, with an annoyed look, she looked away from the blonde male and towards the door, where the other Asian was attempting to be some hero and stop aaaaall of this mayhem! Oh how terribly boring and predictable. Well, this wasn't her problem. And so Xiao decided to move farther way, as to not be in the way of what was most likely to be a fight.
"Oh Blooooondy! <3 Mr. Asian-man is thinking of beating you uuuup~ You may wanna take care of him first." she smirked cat-like.
She moved to a nearby desk, flipped her skirt behind and sat on top of it, crossing her well toned legs. This would be entertaining, no?


Apparently it wouldn't... In came a Russian tank; 'The Russian are invading' was all she could think and she had an amused face on as she thought this. Oh my, what random and crazy thoughts she had.
Any who, this black haired Rhino was not all that interesting though, especially if he planned to ruin this fun day!
"Party pooper." she whispered under her breath.
But come on! Everyday it was the usual fights and resulted in the usual lame injuries, now this was fun! So why would anyone want to stop this? Then again, Mr. Rhino didn't seem to bright, so maybe he was just too stupid to notice that this was fun and not bad like he most likely assumed.

"Oh buzz off Mr. Rhino! You're turning me off big time!" she started. "And who are you to tell us what to do?!" She pointed her index finger at him.
But in general, she stayed put where she was and hoped that this would become more interesting and not boring like it seemed to be getting so far.

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« May 28, 2009 3:43:09 GMT -6 »



"now now calm down."


How dare that inbred swine call her ugly ?! And how dare he pay more attention to that dense Asian toddler? Unforgivable! She bit down on her candy which made a cracking sound.
Amadis quickly got up and hid her facial expression by keeping her head low. She grabbed her desk and tightened the muscles in her arm.

She lifted the damn thing up and threw the table at the blond. Even if he was standing on the other side of the classroom she held enough strength to threw it. It wasn't that big of a table so it wasn't that hard. Amadis didn't care if he dodged it or if the table hit someone else.Right now she was pissed off and when that happens she doesn't care who gets in her way.

She wasn't going to shut up for this annoying brat who probably couldn't find his own dick with a tweezer and a magnifying glass.

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« May 28, 2009 12:41:01 GMT -6 »

Mikhail was a little insulted at being called a rhino, he wasn't that wide or smelly, so maybe that girl was just being rude, in which case he didn't need to acknowledge her at all.

What he did acknowledge was the fact that this situation was extremely tense; it was one of those moments where time holds it's breath waiting for someone to make a wrong move.

A wrong move was made alright, a girl in the back of the class got up and his instincts told him that she was about to do something incredibly stupid.

Mikhail tensed himself ready to act and when she lifted the desk off the ground he broke into a run intent on taking the small Chinese girl out of harm's way. What he didn't expect was the strength behind her throw, whatever she was her strength was almost at a match with his and that if that desk hit anyone normal, they would probably dead.

Not having calculated his path, he ran right in front of the desk and fell to his knees when it collided with his skull with a dull thud.

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« May 28, 2009 20:24:33 GMT -6 »

OOC: I think you should have waited for me to post Mikhail, but it's cool. I'll pick it up from there.

IC:Many thoughts slithered their way in and out from JT's mind. Crush his nuts again? Stuff the porno mag down his throat? Maybe just stick his finger in the teacher's new hole? So many wonderful ideas that the sucker punch took the blond almost completely off guard. Only in the last fading moment did JT's sixth fighting sense kick in and warn of danger. Turning his head only slightly, JT caught the punch full in the face, just above his nose and right between the eyes. Unprepared and off balance, the mutt was sent staggering backwards, so fast and so far that he crashed into a series of desks and metal chairs.

Falling all over himself, he barely missed out on seeing the newest intruder, the Russian looking behemoth, get blasted in the head by a desk thrown by none other than the She-Hulk. This was turning into a regular free-for-all! Finally coming to a noisy stop flat on his back, JT stared at the ceiling for a moment before reaching up and shoving the pile of twisted furniture off his body. Hauling himself up one limb at a time, he ran his tongue over his teeth and hacked up a wad of saliva, spitting out the glob onto the ground. It was tainted a deep crimson hue.

"Now that's what I'm talking about! Even though I could tell that wasn't your hardest you still got some juice. But it's gonna take more than a half hearted jab and a split gum line to stop me cocksucker!"

Ignoring Mr. Hughes, who at this point had stopped any attempt at reaching the phone and instead took cover behind his desk, JT took She-Hulk's cue and snatched up a bent metal chair lying at his feet. Holding it in one hand and then snapping his body around like a whip, he hurled the whole thing toward the doorway, straight at Ryker. Not content to sit back and watch the results, after throwing the chair, JT instantly took to the road and charged after. He'd probably reach Ryker's location a half-second after the chair did, at which point he'd deliver a devastating right hook to the man, be he on the ground, moved, dazed, whatever.

The beast's off the chain now boys and girls. Didn't you read the sign? Beware of dog...

« Last Edit: May 28, 2009 20:24:56 GMT -6 by zev » Back to Top  

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« May 28, 2009 22:02:08 GMT -6 »

The punch connected right on target, fully striking the face just between the eyes. But what happened afterward had Ryker taken back for a split second as he glanced at his left fist. He tapped it against his leg as followed the mess the blond left on his way to the ground. "How the hell did I do that?" He asked himself, puzzled.

Shrugging he moved forward harder, having no intention of letting his target up after watching the aftermath of his violence. Snatching up one of the chairs with his left hand he showed he still had a sense of humor. "I guess this thing is loaded today?" Not expecting a response he leaped into the air, pulling the chair under his feet as he went up, and then when he was coming down...

Well there would still be a little time to react, but as Ryker was coming down, riding the chair like a lethal meteor sent to smite the evil blond. The only difference was that instead of a flaming meteorite it was Ryker and a chair.

« Last Edit: May 28, 2009 22:07:04 GMT -6 by zev » Back to Top  

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« May 31, 2009 20:30:29 GMT -6 »


Leave it to a sucker-punching, wanna-be hero to come out with a rocking move like that. Catching the chair in mid-flight and surfing it down like a stainless steel board, the Asian certainly had some moves. Luckily JT wasn't so shabby himself. Having already been in the middle of his run-in, JT was already moving forward when the man reacted. Working purely on instinct, JT did his best rockstar impression and sank to his knees. Skidding across the smooth tile, he leaned way, way back and narrowly avoided the chair, the sharp feet skimming past his nose and missing by a few mere inches.

Running out of momentum, JT fell forward onto his hands and let out the breath he'd been holding as the fly by happened. "Fuck yeah!" Fuck yeah? Yup, JT was really getting pumped up now. Wasting no more time, he clambored to his feet, arms flailing out to the sides to keep his balance, and spun back to face where the Asian touched down. And then he took off again, to catch the 'hero' before he had a chance to turn and take up a stance.

As JT came rushing in he lashed out with his right foot, his leg cranking up to chest height and then pistoning out, the way the feds would break in a locked door. It was a move with a single plane of motion but deadly results if it hit even half on center, It wouldn't be surprising if the other guy was sent flying back into the windows by the wall. If somehow JT missed, as soon as he saw he had missed, he'd be well prepared to slam his foot back down to regain balance. Then, he'd spin away from Ryker, only to come back around fast and hard with a back elbow, delivered with JT's left or right arm, depending on which direction Ryker might flee.

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« Jun 1, 2009 14:18:35 GMT -6 »

What was this?
Everyone was jumping around like it was a fucking flee circus. While the black haired guy was fighting with the blond she was just watched how her table hit some random idiot that had the guts to get in her way. She frowned her eyebrows and chewed on her candy again. Amadis gritted her teeth when she noticed it had lost its flavor. Those bastards ruined it for her! She couldn't even enjoy her fucking candy. And now that idiot decided to step in and act all cool by taking the hit? Did this new guy really want to direct her bad mood at him?Her blood began to boil and she clenched her fist. She looked at the idiot and lowered her eyelids, his pathetic attempt to help the Asian girl really pissed her off.


Time to make some new candy. With a slightly vulgar and masculine voice, sounding almost like a chain smoker, she addressed the idiot.

"Did ya die , loser?"

If he looked up at her he would see those golden eyes glaring down at him. The once tense atmosphere around her turned into mere blood lust.Her gloved hand began to twitch and her lips formed into a disturbing grin.

Now get up and entertain her.Before she decides to impale you with a fucking chair.

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« Jun 1, 2009 18:53:28 GMT -6 »

"Shit, really?"

He had thought his move was pretty brilliant, and thought that it could pretty much to an end to the fight depending on his toughness, but instead he somehow managed to sink to his knees and skid just under the chair Ryker rode tot he ground. The impact of the chair had him off balance, he wasn't a fucking skate boarder, and he ended up shoving his left leg off to the front of the chair, stopping his momentum and solidifying his balance before he fell on his face.

When he turned the blond was rushing him down. Grinning at the attack that came his way Ryker twisted to the side and hooked his left arm under the leg, his right hand clamping down on the top of the ankle, effectively locking the leg in his grasp. But that was just what he did tothat leg. After that point he pushed down and away with his right foot, watching as the chair would slam into JT's foot or ankle, either taking it out or hurting his balance.

What was left? The window just behind him. Still grinning Ryker would use his left foot as the pivot point and pull hard on the leg, swinging him around, aiming to literally whip him around and have him smash into either the large window or into the wall just next to the window, if he was lucky.

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« Jun 1, 2009 20:33:58 GMT -6 »

Mikhail was on his knees from the impact of the solid desk, the girl who had thrown it had an amazing amount of power to her and that just made him excited.

"Did ya die loser?" he heard her ask him with bloodlust in her voice.

"Well it's true what they say, Americans hit like little girls." He replied with a feral grin on his face.

Anybody back in Russia would have known to back down that instant, Mikhail had earned the nickname The Fury for a very good reason and this foolish was about to discover the deadliest combination of fighting that has ever been created in the Motherland: Combat Sambo combined with a berserker's fury.

"Little girl I would suggest you walk away from this fight now, unless you want to be taken away in a stretcher." He rose to his full 6'7" height, ignoring the blood leaking down his face from his forehead and staring into those golden eyes of hers, grinning like a lion who had found his prey.

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« Jun 1, 2009 21:08:55 GMT -6 »

Catch-22? Perhaps...

JT's right leg was caught and locked by the hero, stopping any attempt at a spinning elbow. JT wasn't shocked though, he had used his chosen attack before with similar results. That's why it is a high risk attack. The blond could sense what would happen next: the man would either try to trip JT up or push the leg the wrong way and snap the shin/knee in half. Luckily for JT, he looked down and saw the incoming chair, meaning most likely a trip. Easier to counter.

Hopping up on his remaining left leg, JT dodged the chair and ended up suspended in mid-air, torso near Ryker's chest level. Here was where things got cool. JT's arms were already outstretched, being used as balance. So, he took his right arm, bent it in ever so slightly, and snapped it back out, knuckles aimed right for Ryker's neck, practically right in line with JT's arm. A mid-air punch, lacking the power of a normal punch, but placed in a spot like the neck (wind pipe), ever bit as effective.

Whether the attack hit or not, JT was going to hit the floor on his back, hard. There was no avoiding that. But with any luck, his fist would find flesh and Ryker would be joining the blond on the floor as he became stunned from the blow. Or at the very least, release his grip long enough for JT to wriggle free and retain his footing.

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« Jun 2, 2009 20:33:00 GMT -6 »

Xiao was still sitting on the desk, watching as everything was about to turn into some type of battle. It seemed to be the usual bad guy versus good guy, and hopefully the outcome wouldn't be obvious like most games and movies. But she was patient and watched on to see what would happen.

In the corner of her eye, she could see something coming at her, and quickly; she had turned her head enough to see that it was either a chair or desk, but did not get to see it enough o see exactly what it was. She quickly stood up and hopped onto the ground below to get away, and she was perfectly safe, but apparently Mr. Rhino felt like he had to 'protect' her anyway. Did he not realize she could protect herself? It's not like it's the middle-ages and she's some type of weak maiden; this is modern America dammit! Either way, Rhino dude got hit in the head and stayed where he was, on his knees, barely moving.

"Huuuh.... Well now." she said, unsure as to what to say. She wouldn't thank him, there was no way she would, not in a million years. He hadn't done anything noble and she wouldn't pretend he did anyway just to make him feel good about his stupid act of 'kindness'. Pfft, such things were for the weak, only close friends and family deserved such acts; not strangers, that was just stupid beyond belief.

"Idiot..." she whispered before turning her attention back at Blondie and Asian boy. She had missed something though since all she saw was Asian-dude surfing the chair and Blondie sliding underneath it. "Holy shit! What the hell did I miss?!"
Oh, it was getting interesting alright, very interesting and amusing.

Their moves were crazy and intense, something she couldn't imagine herself doing in a million years. God, they were awesome!!
From behind, she could hear Rhino and Red complaining or yelling at each other but she barely paid attention to what they were saying, it didn't seem to concern her anyway. So Xiao kept her attention at her entertainers, enjoying every minute.

Asian boy had Blondie's leg but Blondie made a bold move which would most likely send him to the ground once completely. 'Blondie! What ARE you thinking???' she thought. But that was when she saw his hand, aiming for Asian boy's neck, 'Oh, I see now. Very smart.' she smirked, hoping for a hit. But his brilliant move could go all wrong for all anyone knew. It just depended on what happened and how Blackie will react. Either way, whatever happened, it will most likely be very awesome anyway!

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« Jun 3, 2009 12:18:24 GMT -6 »

Since Ryker was aiming to slam his target into the wall his neck was turned, looking for the most favorable place to slam the blond into. What JT did manage to accomplish was throwing off his aim as his head jerked against his shoulder as the side of his neck took the quick mid air punch. Instead of being flung through the window Ryker tensed his grip and kept himself stiff.

This lead to JT's shoulder taking the initial brunt of the attack, followed by his chest as the momentum twisted his body and his leg in Ryker's grasp. Knowing he still had the leg but it wasn't locked took the most effective route of attack, which wouldn't look nearly as flashy as his previous moves.

His right leg leg hooked around so his shin was pressing into the back of the knee, but his opponent's shin was resting over his. Ryker leaned forward with his left knee bent and his foot firmly on the ground for a center of balance, as the pressure on the leg lock would keep the blond in place while Ryker went forward and wrapped his arm around his neck from behind, locking his hands together in such a way that was banned from most fighting sports because it was nearly impossible to break.

And then it would all depend on the the sparse seconds JT would have left as blood flow to his brain was effectively locked off.

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« Jun 4, 2009 8:13:43 GMT -6 »


With swaying hips she walked over to him. When she was 10 feet away from him she suddenly stopped and spit her candy in his face. The upper 2 digits of a human middle finger with its nail torn out would land in his face accompanied with a blob of red saliva. Oh the red look was so 2009~. The flesh was nearly chewed off the finger except for a few tendons dangling from the bone. As the finger flew through the air she raised her voice..


The redhead yelled something along the lines of.."Fuck you, whore's son" in Russian. Her Russian was rusty since she was kept here for 3 years but she still knew how to insult someone..vaguely. Even though she was Russian she sucked at her own language, a punch in the face was more effective in her eyes.

"Little girl I would suggest you walk away from this fight now, unless you want to be taken away in a stretcher."

"Heh , I'd like to see you try, headfuck."

Red saliva ran over her chin and she raised her head, showing a quite gruesome scar running across her neck. Tche who did he think he was? If he thought his height made her back off he was seriously lacking some brain cells. The difference in their height made her even more tempted to fuck him up in more ways than one~. She ran her long tongue over her lips , oh she couldn't wait to taste his blood Amadis slightly spread her legs and took a fighting stance, waiting for him to make a move.

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 Blood/Lust *Mature* (open)
« Jun 4, 2009 12:52:56 GMT -6 »

Mikhail wasn't impressed by the scar at all, neither by the near eaten finger. He could see it in her eyes that this girl was as mad as a rabid dog and he wondered how far she'd go.

"винт с вас грязные сука, прежде чем я толкать мою ногу вниз горло"

"Screw off you dirty bitch before i shove my foot down your throat" was what he growled at her in perfect Russian.

He didn't like the fact that she spat candy at him or called him a headfuck. He also didn't like the way she was looking at him but it didn't matter at all what he liked, his blood was boiling with tension and he was feeling like a million bucks.

It had been awhile since he had had a chance to fight and even if she was a girl, he wasn't gonna hold back.

This was the battlefield and she was his enemy, to forget that would certainly be death, or so he had been taught.

He spread his legs and brought his hands up in front of his face like a boxer and waited for the onslaught to begin.

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« Jun 8, 2009 5:12:53 GMT -6 »

A few veins bulged on her forehead. This jerk was Russian?! oh that traitor. Her grudge to wards Russians was still present..especially if they were men.

"Ooh~?What are you waiting for? don't tell me Russian men became little pussies that are afraid to attack women first?Heh how typical.."

this was boring. She hated waiting for the first move or making one. It was a drag plus she hasn't been in combat mode for ages. Man...tick tack tick tack, what a waste of time.
Being quite the lazy and narcissist she decided this wasn't what she wanted. Her moods could be literally switched off when something turned out to be...troublesome. So instead of dirtying her gloves she just pushed herself forward, focusing her strength in her arms. Both her hands shot for 2 chairs that stood beside her and then she threw them at him in a X pattern. This time meaning to hit him but also to distract him. She wouldn't wait for them to hit them and lunged forward, sending her right fist at the hollow area below the thyroid cartilage. Since it's the only area where the windpipe wasn't protected it wouldn't be pleasant, especially it was done with rock hard hands.

« Last Edit: Jun 9, 2009 8:01:59 GMT -6 by Deleted » Back to Top  

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« Jun 9, 2009 3:15:28 GMT -6 »

Kiet had continued to sit in the far back window corner this whole time. It was such a strange scene to watch from start to finish. The insane, the delinquents, the large, the also large but more attractive than the first large. If anything could be missing from the equation it was popcorn.

The one who started it all he'd definitely have to avoid, not the kind of guy you pat on the back and call chum. The large girl, was well large and attractive. What more was there to say, sure her appearance was one that would have mixed feelings of intimidation and arousal. Yet her actions leaned more toward the intimidation, he'd have to avoid her too.

Ryker the only one he knew by name was as much of a delinquent as he'd expected. Yet he was slightly more inclined to side with him merely because of his rooming arrangements. Then there was the part Russian part bear, guy, thing, creature. Sure he was judging him by appearance, how could an appearance like that not have some impact. Though he seemed more level headed and might not be someone you'd have to treat like the plague.

Leaning a little further back in his chair he continued to watch. No intention to get involved he only had to wait. Then possibly carry some people to the infirmary. Hopefully not the girl since he was scared of her, and also concerned how he'd manage to carry her without coming across as some pervert. Though the hope was far greater it wouldn't be the bear, the weight alone would kill him.

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 Blood/Lust *Mature* (open)
« Jun 9, 2009 7:43:24 GMT -6 »

OOC- well this is my first ever rp fight so if i do screw something up then please tell me

IC-Mikhail ignored the chairs going towards him, they were just useless objects and probably were meant to be a distraction more than an actual weapon. And besides even if they hit him they would cause much less damage than the girl who was charging at him.

He didn't expect her to be that fast and barely dodged the punch aimed at his throat.The blow bruised his windpipe instead of crushing it. This fight had begun and Mikhail didn't like the odds. His throat was in pain and he had trouble breathing, if this didn't finish quick he would likely pass out from lack of oxygen.
"Time to finish this"

He lowered his head and charged at Amadis in an attempt to bring her down to the ground with his massive bulk. If his first move worked he'd then put her in a chokehold to try and knock her out before she could do any damage to him.

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