Author Topic: Recollections and Plans. (Open) (Read 144 times)

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 Recollections and Plans. (Open)
« Jun 4, 2009 16:16:51 GMT -6 »


    Ryorin thought to herself in a seat in the library, a book open in front of her. She was trying to read, but each minute that proved to be harder and harder. The fact that Aroon was the 'Wolf' was one thing, but that fact that he was doing these actions without even thinking was another. If he had planned to get rid of or at least change the system with these tactics, than it would be better for Ryorin to change schools.

    But then, that would be going back to square one again, something she could not afford. She only leave if there was war within the school and it was certain that it would be shut down or that control would be change to absolute. No, she'd sit on the sidelines and look on as Aroon made a fool of himself.

    But then, fools was plural. It meant that Aroon wasn't the only one she was talking about. Could it have been Ryker that she was also referring to? Or was it all the ones who are like Aroon who keep on trying tactics that even 'special' students could tell that it wouldn't work? It could be both. After all, it was people like Ryker that the system still existed. All they cared about was fighting. They didn't care to look at the bigger picture. It was that reason that it was all like this in the first place.


    She muttered to herself, slamming her fist down on the table, causing the tower of books on the table to fall, causing the noise. She had stacked the books for that reason. Anytime her anger would get to her and she had to let it out, the books would fall when she would slam her fist down. Kind of like a gunshot in fireworks. When they had fallen she would just stack them back up again and the cycle would continue.[/size][/color][/ul]

    « Last Edit: Jun 4, 2009 16:23:24 GMT -6 by shu » Back to Top  

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    « Jun 6, 2009 20:47:24 GMT -6 »

    Hicks was studying.

    Or rather, today he was supposed to be studying, though, as he continued to rub his mouth and noting the clicks that came from his jaw as he opened and closed it repeatedly: he realized that, well, he wouldn’t be getting much studying done today. It was unfortunate, really, the CPT on the horizon, Hicks had planned to study all day before he ran into this one guy, you know, typical Holister wearing, backwards cap having douche bag? He smacked this girl in the ass and Hicks went and demanded an apology for her sake: only to be rewarded with a punch to the mouth. Sure, the other kid got sent on his way, but Hicks’ entire day was thrown into chaos: that’s what sucks about plans, in fighting, life: they’re great until you get punched in the mouth and then you’re just like: what now?

    Hicks had been next to the pile of books.

    He had planned to -after getting punched in the jaw- to look cool in the library studying: that was the thing that sucked about looking cool, in fighting, life: it was great until you jumped three feet back and out of your chair in terror due to a tower resembling the empire state of books falling next to you…


    He gasped as he moved his eyes to the girl who he had been sharing a table with, she seemed nice -at first-, but now she was slamming her hand against the table, knocking down the books she had gathered: it was friggin’ psychosis, really.

    “Chill out Sally May,” he spoke with a smile, “Even if they are fools, no need to look like one by causing earthquakes in the library…”

    He noted that she started stacking them up again and at this he began to help her, though he was tempted to make two smaller stacks…

    “So, y’know, excuse me for overstepping my boundaries or something: but what’s bugging you?”, he asked, “Not everyday you see a five foot five girl punching out an oak desk and knocking down all of it’s little book buddies…”, he let the statement hang in the air, partly out of a fear and awkwardness of the whole situation, “Hicks by the way.”

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    « Jun 6, 2009 22:14:12 GMT -6 »


      She stressed out the word wrong because that's basically what it was. It would take an idiot to look at his strateegy and go 'That's a good idea!' She wasn't saying Aroon was an idiot, but with so many failures of the same tactic with the same result, it wasn't going to work this time either. Like that scientific outlook.

      To reenact the same tests over and over in exactly the same way and expect different results would be foolish or better yet insane. Sheer stupidity.

      Ah, the saying didn't go that way, but it was close.[/size][/color][/ul]

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      « Jun 7, 2009 9:48:34 GMT -6 »

      “Oh, that wolves among sheep horseshit everyone is talking about? That’s what has gotten you so pissed?”

      Hicks asked, so, we had ourselves a little idealist, someone who held very strongly to her own morals and values, but, probably good hearted -if a bit passive aggressive what with the entire book thing-, Hicks smirked a bit as he finished stacking the books and sat back down…

      “Look, don’t that get to you, kids have been trying to ‘break the system’ for years now, for me? Eh, I don’t see the allure: it doesn’t bring more violence -what most of these kids want anyway-: half of the student body is at their throat constantly, it won’t make their lives easier: most of us are fighters, we thrive in combat and the like, ending it would just get us more in trouble…”

      He looked at her once more, from the tops of his eyes as he went back to his book…

      “Besides, it’s not like the system needs fixing: we’re doing fine right now in the library: so we have to wear uniforms and be nice to teachers -something we should be doing anyway-: no need to get our pants all in a bunch,” he dropped his book down, “You get me?”

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      « Jun 7, 2009 20:34:04 GMT -6 »


        She asked the guy. No, she doubted that it would be any different with or without the system. It was so deeply integrated into many students. But what she was wanting to offer students really was a choice. A choice of how they wanted to live.

        "Fight and get strong to survive, or not and probably not survive. It was a choice of self-preservation. Without the system or at least some changes, they would get to choose..."

        Choice. Was this what is was all about for Ryorin? No, there was more for her, but why share that with someone she didn't even know.

        " I can't make their choices for them. If they want the system they can have the damn system. I just want to give them the chance to make a choice."

        She paused for a moment.

        "The only reason we're talking like we are is I am who I am. I'm not a student who had to fight to survive. I can leave this school and the system anytime I choose to. But I can't allow myself to without doing something."

        Both of them had forgotten why Ryorin was truly mad.[/size][/color][/ul]

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        « Jun 7, 2009 21:21:44 GMT -6 »


        Hicks sounded disappointed as he heard her speak some more…

        “If what upsets you is that they never had a choice, well, you’re going into something that NO ONE can fix. It’s the human curse to be pushed into things without much of a choice: you don’t choose your parents, where you’re raised, the values get instilled, the people you meet and oddly enough: hell, even if you say that you can leave the school at anytime: can you really?”

        He nodded to himself.

        “Then you choose giving yourself no future: will you go some other place? Is that the answer? I mean, I understand wanting to change the world: but these are facets that can change because they work. I mean, everything works great here at Freemont, we have kids that go to both Ivy League schools, Chula Vista’s O’Hare provides a great educational option and from what I’ve heard the Knox academy produces a bunch of officers at West Point…”

        He looked at her.

        “That’s the thing I don’t get: what are these kids fighting? Are they fighting against the fact that they’re going to get in trouble for doing stupid shit or not doing their work? Or is it just the fact that they authority figures imposing their will on them? I mean, the latter? That’s just the real world: no matter how big of a boss you are, you’re going to have someone who is the boss of you…”

        He looked at his Rosary…

        “Even God is controlled by our belief in him.”

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        « Jun 7, 2009 21:42:24 GMT -6 »


          She said, wodnering why the hell he was associating choosing who your parents are and the choices that they themself want to make. It was a stupid association. You just couldn't do it that way.

          "What you say is true. Many students are able to go to better place where they might be able to live better lives. Ivy League Schools, West Point, it's all good. But is it really right?"

          She paused a second before going on.

          "A student doesn't do his work or might not do good and they get physically punished. Even looking at the teacher the wrong way might get you beaten. I've seen it happen before. Not only that, but there are students who choose to fight first before anything else. There have been times where I've been talking to people only to hear 'Shut the Hell up so I can get some poundage in' or something along those lines. It is those types of students that the system creates and sends off to live on."

          Another pause.

          "Is it really right for students to be that way? Is it right to sacrifice a student's heart for a more violent person just to send them off to the Ivy League or West Point? I wouldn't prefer it that way."

          She let out a sigh.

          "Believe what you will about me, but I have my own future and I've chosen it. I'm not going to give up just because others say it can't be done."[/color][/size][/ul]

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          « Jun 7, 2009 22:00:45 GMT -6 »

          “Nah, I’m not, but it’s fine if you see it like this,” he nodded, “My point was that we DON’T get the option to choose almost anything for ourselves, there are options we have laid out for us, but if we don’t get to choose the options: is it really a choice?”

          He nodded…

          “If you see how utterly trite and circular our argument is, then you realize that there is no point in it: just like there is no point in the system: sure it gets abused, but kids are abusive as well. Kids like the wolves catching fire to the school and getting all chaotic and junk, kids like Ryker or the other bullies,” he nodded, “Violence isn’t a new thing, it’s always existed, the fact that the kids now express it openly and not in alleyways, on playgrounds, or in street fights? That’s what you’re fighting against?”

          He chuckled a bit…

          “Look at me for a moment: I get my ass kicked on a regular basis. Trust me, the system has caused me a lot of pain: fourteen. This psycho girl comes at me with a sledgehammer -I had kissed another girl at 8th grade prom-, hits me right in the crotch: I had a hematoma, which amounts to my blood vessels being burst up, I had this in my crotch. Freshman year, I got hit in the knee with a baseball bat, cracked my cap: total knee cap replacement.”

          He lifted up his forearm, a big scar…

          “Right here, running from thirteen kids on a golf course, took a sharp turn and ripped open my forearm on a sprinkler system, all these injuries: inflicted by students. You wanna know what happened to everyone of them afterwards? They all got hospitalized or expelled…the corporal punishment system is controversial: but you’re wrong when you say it enables violence.”

          He stared at her through big brown eyes…

          “It controls it, it’s happening in our halls in front of the watchful eyes of teachers and professionals who can stop it before it gets to far: rather than out on the streets. Kids’ll fight anyway, might as well hit two birds with one stone and make their schools the arena.”

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          « Jun 7, 2009 22:16:35 GMT -6 »


            Ryorin thought for a moment of a good example.

            "Teacher's are more prone to stopping things with violence or doing things their own way with violence. By being violent with students, the students feel like they have to fight back, perhaps in order to prove themself. Shouldn't teachers be trying to get students to rely less on violence and more on communication. What I'm saying is, instead of trying to lower or prevent violence, they don't even try, even if it doesn't seem possible. They are relying more on violence to solve problems. You know the saying...Violence only breeds more violence."

            She stopped for a moment, trying to catch her words.

            "Is this what the world and humans are truly about? Showing each next generation that violence is the way to get things across? Sure, wars are a big way to get thoughts across, but violence shouldn't be the only action..."[/size][/color][/ul]

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            « Jun 7, 2009 22:59:01 GMT -6 »

            “Why would a teacher try to teach us to stop our problems without violence: when you yourself just said that violence is what makes us human?”

            He asked rhetorically…

            “And no, this school teaches us more than violence based things: you’d be surprised how few kids actually end up fighting, there are a handful of bad seeds, but that’s everywhere: y’know? Or perhaps you don’t, perhaps you’re just bitching for the sake of it, but complaining about violence? That’s your big enemy?”

            He shook his head…

            “Look lady, first choice, now it’s violence: it looks like you’re trying to fight something and you yourself don’t really know what you’re fighting or what you even want from fighting it or how to fight it: and believe me when I say: if you don’t know what you want, you end up a lot of shit you don’t.”

            He looked at her once more before looking down at his hands…

            “So, if what that Wolves guy is doing is wrong, what’s the right way? What’s the better plan? And if you know it, then why aren’t you executing it?”

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            « Jun 7, 2009 23:11:29 GMT -6 »


              She said. Honestly, she was getting tired of talking to this guy. She knew exactly what she wanted. She may not know how to get her destination, but she the destination herself.

              "If you want to beat the system, you've got to beat them at their own game and do it legally. Because any other way and we will be seen as beast who need the system to tame us. As for my plan and why I'm not executing it. There's a couple of reasons. One, I just got here a couple of days ago. I'm still learning about this school and because of that, I'm alone in my struggle. I can't change something so big alone. As for you..."

              She changed the subject a bit.

              "Why the hell do you care anyways? You speak like you enjoy the system or you at least have no quarrels against it. Then why are you here speaking to me about this? Should it even matter to you what I'm here sulking about?"[/color][/ul][/size]

              « Last Edit: Jun 7, 2009 23:12:33 GMT -6 by shu » Back to Top  

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              « Jun 7, 2009 23:20:47 GMT -6 »

              “Yeah, it does matter, at least when you’re ruining my study session by letting out your frustrations on oak desks.”

              He smirked a bit as he looked at her: her frustrations were climaxing, but Hicks wasn’t finished. He enjoyed talking, voicing his own beliefs and hearing counterpoints allowed them to be questioned, honed, fine tuned: this girl, provided a rather shit part of doing that, but in the end, he figured his questions -despite how stubbornly she responded to them- would help her: whether she liked to admit it or not.

              “As I said before, seeing other people angry, upset, beat up: it does something to me, perhaps it’s me growing up in this horrid system, but I get concerned for them: I’d like to help them and you,” he let it drift in the air, “You look like you need a lot of frggin’ help.”

              He snorted to himself.

              “Hell, I bet the remedy to your frustrations would be fighting someone, even in competition or something, I dunno, maybe you’re like me. When I face a problem, I need to have it punch me in the face -literally, metaphorically, whatever- then it’s personal.”

              Hicks let the smile stay on his face cryptically…

              “Maybe that’s what you need to fight the system more effectively: it punching you in the face.”, he snirked, “Though, you don’t strike me as the type of girl, you’d probably just want to stay here complaining about something that’s wrong than doing anything about it: a real rose,” he nodded, “Sure, you have some thorns, but ultimately, you’re just pretty to look at and your thorns ultimately can be avoided by just not going into the thorn bush.”

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              « Jun 7, 2009 23:40:06 GMT -6 »


                It wasn't Hicks that was frustrating her...even though he kind of was to a point. It was something more.

                "I firmly believe in my heart that this isn't the way the world is supposed to be. Perhaps it's foolish believing that or it's a crime to believe so. If it is, I choose to be foolish or a criminal."

                She paused, going back to memories that she thoought of every day.

                "There are things I've seen because of the system, things that students shouldn't see nor experience. Even if it is naive to think it so, but I just can't stand here and do nothing. I don't want students to see or experience that."

                She looked at a bracelet on her arm, etched in words that she had heard long ago.

                "Non Mihi, Non Tibi, Sed Nobis"

                "It means 'It's not for me. It's not for you. It's for everyone.' It's a saying I'd like to follow in life. I can't help it. I'm an naive, noble idealist. I've heard 'That's not the way the world works' many times. No, it's not, but I believe that it should. I would like to tell you don't worry about me. You should worry about everyone else, but you probably wouldn't agree with me. I would also like to tell you that I don't need help, but you probably wouldn't agree with that either."

                She put her hands on the table with a firm touch.

                "I do not need help in understanding my ideals and goals. I already understand them. If I didn't, I wouldn't be going after them. I believe that with my course I'll be able to help someone, and in that cause perhaps make something better..."[/ul][/color][/size]

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                « Jun 8, 2009 19:02:18 GMT -6 »

                “Personal question: how long does it take you to learn something?”

                Hicks asked in the air as he continued looking at Ryorin…

                “I mean, you come in here, all pissed about something you can’t control and you let out your anger by sending books to the ground in a school library, you’re obviously mad about something, but you don’t seem to be saying much of anything: our conversation is completely one sided, devoid of any development or use…”, he sighed, “You’re dancing a line between stubbornness and pretentiousness that I don’t particularly like and to top it off, you’ve got a healthy dose of self righteousness as well.”

                He nodded…

                “I honestly think, perhaps, you should take your own advice and mind your own business, though, I dunno…doing the opposite fits you I guess, you seem the type who always has to be a main character,” he chuckled, “Seriously, if you want to help people, perhaps you should learn how to be more hospitable, charming…”

                He looked at her…

                “Otherwise, you’re going to have to rely on fear and intimidation to get others to side with you: isn’t that the ultimate irony? You lack charisma and thus are bound to repeating the same atrocities you abhor if you want to really change things?”

                He snickered…

                “Or you could always start turning tricks, that might work.”

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                « Jun 8, 2009 19:37:09 GMT -6 »


                  She started laughing, trying hard not to laugh so hard that she might be too loud for the library and get kicked out. Hospitable? Charming? It was ironic that she was being told to be more of those two things when she was one of the most hospitable people here. Charming, maybe not so, but certainly something that she felt she didn't need to be more of.

                  "Hah, perhaps you should learn more about people before making your judgements, eh?"

                  She stood up from her chair.

                  "You've got me during a bad moment and I'm guess I understand why your judging like that against me..."

                  She took a step in the direction of the exit of the library.

                  "Although I guess I do have to thank you for something. You have helped me with what I need to do now...which is stop complaining."

                  She let out a smile, even though she was probably being cryptic or spontaneous at the time.

                  "Don't worry about the books. They were there when I got there. I do have to say, you've got me all haven't seen a fraction of how I really am."

                  She told him. It was the truth. Ryorin rarely got angry and when she was she was a totally different person. Perhaps this guy might see her for who she truly was one day and perhaps realize the error in his judgements.

                  With that she would start to walk away, unless he had something else to say.[/size][/color][/ul]

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                  « Jun 8, 2009 20:11:00 GMT -6 »

                  Hicks smirked.

                  Through all the meanness and the vague self righteousness, the girl had finally gotten the point: stop complaining and start doing. She probably thought the nineteen year old boy was a jackass, some jerk who did what he wanted because of some sense of entitlement, but ultimately: he knew she was good. She knew she had good intentions, she just needed direction, or at least execution. Good ideas by themselves were useless or at least, that’s what someone as pragmatic as Hicks thought.

                  As she got up and walked away, Hicks went back to reading his book, studying only half paying attention to her. Though, as he rubbed his still aching jaw -which had only heightened in pain after going through so much verbal gymnastics- he looked up from his book and spoke clearly, with a large smile.

                  “You're welcome, Sally May.”

                  Heh, all this and I still didn’t even get her name. Eh, whatever, Sally May has a nice ring to it.

                  « Last Edit: Jun 8, 2009 20:11:49 GMT -6 by shu » Back to Top