Author Topic: Broken and Bloodied [Open] (Read 218 times)

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 Broken and Bloodied [Open]
« Jun 8, 2009 1:41:56 GMT -6 »

ooc: Consider this open to people I've not rp'ed with yet, there's a lot of you out there. ;)


Classes had finished for the day as Aroon crossed the courtyard, later than normal having hung around a little longer to go over a few pieces of coursework and ensure everything was in order...Not too unusual, he liked to maintain the A's where he could, and as such put in the time where necessary in between his casual acts of destruction and other assorted misdemeanours. An odd combination, perhaps, but far be it for time to be spent questioning the methods in the Thais mind.

He'd left his bag stuffed in his locker along with his books, needing nothing different for tomorrow than what was already there. No point lugging it around unnecessarily, after all, and it meant he was in no rush to return to the dormitory. Most of the students had returned 'home' for the night, or had set out on their ventures into Chula Vista for whatever recreation they could devise. Rather dull, as far as he viewed it. Instead, as per his usual routine, his headphones were set in his ears blasting music, blocking out all outside noise as he observed the slowly shadowing courtyard. Thanks to the height of the buildings, even though there was plenty of daylight still out the courtyard was almost in a dusky shade as the sun dipped behind the western quadrant of the school.

'It's nice out like this...'

Such simple thoughts, but everyone must have them at some point or another...

He didn't hear a thing coming, nor could he see a shadow due to the darkened ground, so when the club struck him in the back, it did so without any resistance from the Thai, knocking him completely off his stride and to the ground. Managing to compose himself just enough so he could regain his footing quickly, he was barely vertical before another shot caught him in the face.


He hit the ground roughly, the air knocked from his lungs for the second time in as many seconds as he coughed to try and get his breath back. The fog descended over his eyes as he pulled the headphones from his ears, blinking through the double-vision.

"--all he can do? This is too easy!" he heard from one voice, amongst at least four others that seemed to be coming from all around him. Whatever this was, they were planning ahead well. He couldn't see in all directions even at peak form, not if they all attacked at once.

"You see what happens, you bastard!? You see what happens when you start stirring up shit for everyone else? It comes back to haunt you, man!"

"Hey, get him on his feet and hold him steady, hurry up before he snaps out of the daze!"
, the words were rushed, almost anxious as he felt his arms being pulled, and his body hoisted up. Out of reflex, he planted his feet when his body was righted out, though didn't have enough clarity to stop his arms being restrained.


Groaning in pain as a fist slammed into his nose, he was fairly sure it was broken this time if the club before hadn't done so. However, the sudden flash of pain seemed to 'shock' his brain back to a degree of lucidity. Blinking through the sticky moisture around his eyes -blood, he thought-, he managed to get a proper look at the one who'd just hit him, apparently the ringleader of this little debacle.

"Does Ryorin have anything to do with this?"

'What the hell are you talking about"

"Hm, I'll take that as a no..."

Another punch, this one to the gut which rippled through his muscles and sent a tremor of pain through his back. That first hit had really gotten it's moneys worth...He grimaced through the blood and realised that he was literally snarling at the youth in front of him before he spoke.

"Do that again, see what'll happen to you...I dare you."

"Give it up. You're half-done as it is."

Bunching his fists, the Thai strained against the hold on him, finding the resistance too much for him to muscle his way out of before the next punch cracked against his face again, splitting his lip. With the blow, his head flopped forward, his eyes closed as the resistance slackened completely. Tilting his head at the sight, his attacker stepped forward and grabbed a handful of the Thais hair, pulling his head back up to look at his face. Nothing. His eyes were closed, his jaw slack. Two quick slaps to the cheek. Still nothing....

'Screw this....Leave his ass here, someone else will deal with him."

He turned to walk away, and as he did so, Aroon 'snapped out' of his feigned unconsciousness. Slamming his head backwards into his captors nose, the blow stunned him enough to loosen the grip on his arms. Slipping his left free, he spun a perfect half-turn before looping his arms around the right arm of the larger youth that had held him in place. With a twist and a sudden flex, the arm broke at the elbow and shoulder, causing the boy to scream before he fell to the ground from a punch to the face. Turning to face the 'ringleader' of the group, Aroon was quite the frightful sight. Blood ran down his face in trickling rivulets, an almost-feral snarl on his lips as he began to approach him. He saw the club, a tree branch someone had picked up, swinging for him this time and stepped further into the swing, hooking around the wrist with one palm before dragging the arm out, his other forearm smashing the outstretched elbow before a backhand shot to the mouth put the second of them down...

This was not Muay Thai. No. This was the predecessor art that Aroon had received instruction in as part of his Muay Boran training, an art so old that it could be considered one of the oldest in the known world, an art whose sole purpose was to kill, maim and cripple. Used by the royal guards of Thailands kings, it was renowned to be able to fell a hundred armed men for every one user on a battlefield.

Jaturongkabaht, also known as Muay Koshasan.1

He stood, waiting for the other two who were part of the group to approach, but neither of them approached in the few seconds he stayed in one spot. A quick glance in either direction showed them nowhere to be found. Clearly, this had been an act of opportunity, and now that Aroon could retaliate, they wanted no part of it. Turning to see where they'd gone, a stupid mistake on his part, inexcusable even considering his current state of mind. A final shot to the back of the head dropped him to a knee, opening a long gash in his scalp, before the ringleader stepped to the side of him, the tree branch hanging from one hand nervously. He raised it to swing once more, though he hesitated before bringing the heavy club into its downward path. That moments hesitation was the fatal error.

Lunging out with his left, he smashed his fist into the youths crotch. Immediately, the branch dropped from his hand as he instead tried to soothe the pain in his genitals, though it would be shortlived. With a yell of anger, Aroon had a fistful of his hair tightly held as his right knee slammed into his face, immediately followed by the left, then the right again. Dragging his head up, he glared at the boy furiously.

"I should break every bone in your fucking body...."

With a last wrench down of his head, he leapt from the ground into a swift and powerful jumping knee, the cracking of bones prevalent for that instant as he fell backwards, hitting the concrete with a thump as Aroon stood, barely, and breathed deeply. His right arm hurt like hell from one of those hits, his back was on fire, not to mention the blood that ran down his face...He was a mess, and standing simply by will alone...Not for much longer, anyway. Surely someone will have seen what's happened and at least try to offer assistance?

He managed maybe five or six steps away before his legs gave out and he fell to his knees, the shaking in his muscles almost uncontrollable as he nursed the blinding pain he had from those hits to the head...Red flashed at the corners of his sight as he struggled to keep himself conscious, but eventually the injuries took their toll and he fell forward into the concrete himself, still looking around vainly for whatever semblance of help might be out there...

1: Jaturongkabaht - Smashing Elephant Boxing style, a particular brand of Muay Boran trained to royal guards back in olden times.

« Last Edit: Jun 8, 2009 1:45:59 GMT -6 by aroon » Back to Top  

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« Jun 8, 2009 1:58:40 GMT -6 »

Aroon would fall into the palm of Gil's left hand. It was one of the few times his palm wouldn't be destroying a target, instead he simply caught the falling sophomore with a small smile on his face.
"You certainly are a mess, at least you gave a few of them a good thrashing in return." Gil mentioned softly as his other hand came to brace Aroon's shoulder.

Gil had been out for a walk, letting a Swisher sweet wood filter cigar keep him company when he heard a sound he was all too familiar with. The sound of battle. Moving quickly with the cigar abandoned behind him, Gil arrived for the aftermath of the battle. Two guys were already down and Arron had started whaling on his last one.

Seeing the fall of Aroon's last attacker as he darted to the scene, Gil surmised he wasn't a threat. Aroon was probably not in the greatest condition from the look of him, and Gil wasn't going to just leave him there At this point he and Aroon were on friendly terms, and Gil would keep it that way for now.

Gil took one of Aroon's arms and slung it around his shoulders while the other arm snaked under the supported arm and came to rest under the other arm and Gill helped Aroon to his feet.
"So was that just a social call, or did you royally piss someone off?" Gil asked.

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« Jun 9, 2009 0:20:52 GMT -6 »

He wasn't sure exactly when he snapped out of his unconscious daze, but when he did he noticed two things immediately. First and foremost, he hurt like hell. Secondly, though equally importantly, he was not face down on concrete in the courtyard. No, instead, someone was carrying him away...

'Great. The director's probably got me for fighting...' he thought bitterly, not yet opening his eyes. His head still hung low, and he could feel the dried blood crusting in his hair, cracking when he was jostled by certain movements. Cracking open one eye, he groaned quietly as he looked to the ground. Yep, concrete there too, so he'd probably not been out for too long, but it was long enough to be completely unguarded.

'Tch, unguarded. Earlier on was unguarded. I didn't think that it would escalate onto me that quickly.'

Glancing to his right, seeing nothing of note, then to his left. Red hair, red goatee...

"Gil...? What happened? After I passed out, I mean...?"

One of his eyes was swollen up enough that opening it wasn't worth his while, the other just crusted with blood from a cut on his forehead that had trickled down, but he could still make out the redheads visage through his heavily obscured vision.

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« Jun 9, 2009 0:35:10 GMT -6 »

Gil looked down as Aroon came to. He gave a small chuckle.
"Well after you passed out I kept your face from getting a little too intimate with the concrete. I've just been carrying you along for the moment." Gil replied as he helped Aroon along.

"So was this just self defense, or are you going to want to ignore the nurses office?" Gil asked with a raised eyebrow. He had only seen the aftermath of the fight, He hadn't bothered with the other students yet, they weren't going anywhere on their own and he at least knew Aroon to a small extent.

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« Jun 9, 2009 1:00:54 GMT -6 »

"I....see. Thanks, then...."

He stopped and considered the reasons for it. Sure, they were acquainted enough to consider one another friends, but only just so. He let that one sit for now as he decided instead to handle Gils next comment, shaking his head slowly as he groaned through the pain.

"No, scratch the nurses office. This -was- self defence, but I have a feeling that I'd get looked over quicker at the hospital. Besides, I'm pretty sure I'll need a couple of stitches in my head, if I'm feeling it right. The nurse is just going to send me there. Might as well skip the middle man, right?"

He jabbered slightly, figuring that the frequent speaking will at least let him notice if he was slurring his speech, and help him to keep himself conscious. He was lucid now, but he didn't know when his mind was going to blank out next...Speaking of which.

"My car's in the parking lot, would you mind coming with? I don't trust myself to stay conscious all the way there, and I think I'm a little messed up for driving..."

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« Jun 9, 2009 1:04:22 GMT -6 »

Gil gave a nod about the reasons for skipping the nurse's office. He felt that driving Aroon would be the best choice.
"Yeah I can get you there, I'm surprised you're still talking really." Gil replied as he took Aroon to the parking lot.

Once there Gil leaned Aroon against one of the car's there and thankfully didn't set off an alarm.
"So which one is your's and where are the keys?" He asked as he still supported Aroon with one arm while the other was held out for the keys.

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« Jun 9, 2009 1:33:24 GMT -6 »

"Hey, I may not be built out, but I can take a punch or two...."

He allowed a strained chuckle to escape his lips at that, smiling faintly behind his bloodied lips, his teeth streaked with the blood as well. Glancing around, he couldn't see exactly where his car was. He was sure it was over by the corner of the thoroughfare, but...


Stuffing his hand into his pocket, he pulled the keys out, pointing the fob roughly in front of him and pushing the auto-locker. Two loud bleeps and flashes of headlights later, and he dropped the keys into Gils hand.

"That one, there. The Audi."1

By now he 'd regained enough faculties to at least support his own weight, so he shrugged his arm off of Gil slowly. Testing the first couple of steps, he hobbled towards his car. Odd, because his legs hadn't actually taken any damage, though the shot to the back of the head might have pinched a nerve. He turned his head to give a thankful smile and nod to Gil before he opened the door, slumping into the passenger seat.

"Ugh...I'm going to have blood on the fucking seats...."

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« Jun 9, 2009 1:39:42 GMT -6 »

"well I guess some good comes out of this. I get to drive and Audi." Gil said with a grin as he tried to get a little bit of a lighter mood in the car while sliding behind the wheel.

"As for the mess, at least it can be cleaned. Dilute peroxide with a little water and the blood comes right off without any damage to the inside of the car." Gil said with a wink as he started the vehicle and smoothly pulled out of the parking lot and merged with traffic to get to the hospital.

Though he drove at a decent clip, Gil made sure to go at a reasonable speed and made it so any turns they took would be gentle enough to not aggravate Aroon's head.
"So were they after you for any particular reason?" Gil asked.

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« Jun 9, 2009 1:54:55 GMT -6 »

"Well, at least one of us is having fun..."

He raised an eyebrow as he turned his head, an amused yet incredulous expression on his face. At least he was lighthearted about the whole thing, and wasn't asking too many questions. That would make things complicated, at least until his head was more together and he could think straight...He nodded at the 'recipe' for bloodstains and attempted to commit it to memory, but had a suspicion he'd have to google it at a later date.

After a minute, when Gil -did- ask about the reasons behind what had happened, he shrugged his shoulders in silence. "They didn't say anything along those lines, just the usual macho bravado crap. Frankly, it's not why, but who that interests me more. They were well-organised, but their form broke when I lost it. I'm sure someone must've convinced them to do it..."

He groaned for a moment as a particularly unpleasant wave of nausea rolled through him, a throbbing between his eyes accompanying it. Typical signs of a concussion, he was sure of that.

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« Jun 9, 2009 2:07:55 GMT -6 »

"Figures, organized and prodded along. It sounds like someone considers you a threat even if you didn't do anything" Gil said thoughtfully. Perhaps Aroon would be of greater interest than he thought. he clearly had a rep in some form or another to provoke this kind of attack. But he would leave the matter alone for now.

Pulling into a parking space near the emergency entrance of the hospital, Gil shut the car down and got out his side before locking the door and closing it and then walked over the Aroon's side to give him a hand if needed.

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« Jun 9, 2009 2:22:12 GMT -6 »

"Well, you know me, I just aim to please...."

He grunted as another wave of pain flashed over him, and leaned his head back in the seat rather reluctantly, staring at the dark material of the soft-top roof. The dark color did well to ease the pressure on his eyes that, rightly thought, the light was causing. Keeping them closed for a minute, mentally doing algebraic problems in his head to keep himself from drifting off again, he only noticed when they arrived at the hospital when the car pulled up to a stop.

Pushing his door open, he clutched the side panel to ease himself to his feet as he got out the vehicle, taking a moment to stabilise himself before raising a hand to Gils offer.

"I'm alright for the moment, I think, but thanks all the same..."

With that, he walked forward slowly, pacing each step and breathing in time, before stepping through the automatic doors into the bright white of the hospital. He hated those fluorescent lights at the best of times, and right now they were just fucking evil. Squinting his eyes shut, he approached the desk by following a mental path he'd made along the floor, using Gils feet as a counter balance so he didn't deviate in his direction. Resting his hands on the counter, he peered through his unswollen eye at the nurse behind the counter with a weak smile.

"Yeah, I need to see someone about...Well, this." he accented the words with a swirl of his hand around his face...

"Uh....certainly, take this and fill it out,", she handed him a chart with a pen tied to it. Why did they do that? Who wanted to steal a fucking biro? "Someone will see to you as soon as possible..."

Nodding, he took the chart and turned around, glancing to see if he could find some seats that weren't surrounded by people, the rabble of moans and groans from others already irritating the hell out of him...

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« Jun 9, 2009 2:29:01 GMT -6 »

Gil walked over with Aroon and waited with him while the kid got signed in and was told to wait for a doctor. He followed Aroon to where a couple of empty seats were and stood there looking out the window.

"Well at least we got you here in one piece." Gil said with a small chuckle.
"Could have been a lot worse though. The last person I saw beaten this bad, well he didn't have the help you did." Gil said softly with a small narrowing of his eyes before looking back over with his good natured expression.
"Well I'll wait her until they get you checked in and then I'll just kick back until they get done with you." Gil said.

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« Jun 9, 2009 2:49:10 GMT -6 »

"One piece, well, that's a start. Thank you, still. You did me a really good turn back there, and I guess I owe you one."

He spoke quietly, the pen having stopped moving on the form in front of him for a moment whilst he spoke. A moment after, it began to scrawl along, filling in all the requested information. Name, age, address, the usual shit that bothered the hell out of him. He had insurance, for crying out loud. Why not just put that question on the form on its own?

He'd heard Gils comment on someone he'd known taking a similar beating before, but didn't particularly want to dwell on it. He wasn't sure of the full extent of his injuries, and certainly wasn't willing to start considering what could have happened if someone hadn't helped him...Instead, he proofed the form before scribbling his signature on the bottom of the form, slowly pushing from the seat and walking to the desk, handing the nurse the clipboard back and being told to take a seat and he'd be called shortly.

As he went to sit down again, he reached into his pocket, pulling out a small fold of bills and handing a couple of fives to Gil. "If you're going to stick around, go get a cup of coffee or a newspaper or something, I know it'd bore me silly to sit for however long on my own with all these coughers."

He smiled as he held out the money, hardly a princely sum, but a few bucks as a gesture of gratitude for Gils offer to wait.

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« Jun 9, 2009 2:57:31 GMT -6 »

Gil shook his head and smiled.
"Keep the money Aroon, I helped you because I wanted to. I'm not ungrateful, there's just no need." he said as he slide his hand's into his pants pockets/ Gil rarely ever accepted much from people.

"Keep in mind I don't want you thinking you owe me one either. I don't like anyone owing me anything." He added. Gil wasn't attempting to be rude, his easy and relaxed tone should make that much clear.
"The best way you can repay me is to let the doctors look over you and not spread this around. I'm not one to be embarrassed, but I don't want everyone thinking I'm some savior who will drop in when needed. If you want to do something for me, just do that." He said in an attempt to make a compromise.

Gil didn't want Aroon to think that he would outright refuse something out of pride, but he also wanted Aroon to not have to worry about owing him for something.
"Besides, I don't drink coffee, my cigars are my vice." he said with a grin.

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« Jun 9, 2009 3:30:18 GMT -6 »

He hesitated for a minute before he retracted his hand, slipping the money back into his pocket with a short nod. A fair standpoint, he supposed. After all, he certainly wouldn't have taken the money himself, but that was just a matter of pride on his part. However, despite Gils remark to the contrary, he did consider that he owed him one. That, on the other hand, would not be so easily allowed for dismissal. He did, though, manage a chuckle at the request to keep quiet about the assistance given, for fear of being viewed as some kind of rescuer.

"Ha, alright, you're getting that one."

Sitting back down, he leaned his head against the wall, closing his eyes and once again doing math problems to keep his mind turning over, turning his head to Gil when he made the quip about his cigars and smirking at it. He wasn't one for smoking, but he did have a liking for caffeine. Indeed, if anything could be called his vice, that would be it.

"Aroon Kamsing?" a voice called out from somewhere over by the nurses desk, and glancing up he saw a doctor standing and waiting to lead him over.

"Yeah." he replied, pushing to his feet slowly, groaning with a flash of bared teeth before turning to Gil. "I'll see you when they're done poking me with a sewing needle. Thanks, again..."

With a nod of gratitude once more to accent his words, he walked slowly over to the doctor, who turned and gestured for Aroon to follow him before walking through another set of doors to the examination rooms.

ooc: Will skip the long boring bit of what happens, since I'll recap it all to Gil afterward.

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« Jun 9, 2009 4:00:46 GMT -6 »

"You're most welcome." Gil said as Aroon was led by the doctors to be taken care of. Gil figured it would take a little while so he let out a deep breath and clasped his hands at the small of his back.

Gil received a few odd looks due to the fact he was standing still as a statue. Most people were busy talking low or watching the t.v. with nothing but boring shows on it. Or last but not least, they were pacing as they waited. Gil however, faced the windows with his eyes closed. He was doing what he enjoyed most when waiting for something, letting his mind drift.

Gil would simply let his thoughts drift back and forth until Aroon or one of the doctors arrived for him.

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« Jun 9, 2009 4:20:45 GMT -6 »

About Twenty Minutes Later...

Walking much more easily now than he did on the way in, Aroon paced out of the examination room and turned to thank the doctor once more. The blood had been cleaned from his face and hair, at least making him a little more presentable, a bandage wrapped around his head and his right arm looped into a sling to deal with the obvious physical injuries, and a small piece of paper for a prescription of painkillers to handle the ache in his head.

Spotting Gil at the other end of the waiting room, he stopped beside him, speaking slowly, his lightly accented English clearer than the slight slur he'd had before.

"Concussion, a couple of stitched up cuts and a partial dislocation of the right shoulder. Quite the collection, I think...."

He smirked at that before he rolled his neck slowly, the muscles starting to relax from the first of the painkillers the doctor had given him, a nifty little injection that had made it take effect quite quickly. He was feeling better, that had to be said, but mostly he was just glad to be tidied up somewhat. Thankfully now fully lucid, even with the slight 'airiness' the medication was giving him, he shrugged his left shoulder.

"Ready to go?"

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« Jun 9, 2009 4:26:06 GMT -6 »

Gil had heard a doctor's voice discussing some injuries to someone, he caught the last of it and suspected it was Aroon that this explanation was being given to.

Gil would turn around as Aroon approached asked if he was ready to leave. Gil gave a nod and started heading to the car. He looked over at Aroon and raised an eyebrow.
"So what all to did you have done to you? I caught the last few injuries the doctor was explaining to you, anything else?" He asked.

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« Jun 9, 2009 4:48:57 GMT -6 »

"Uh, he made sure my shoulder was fully relocated, got about ten stitches for a cut in the back of my head, butterflies for the ones on my forehead and lip, and a prescription for some medication I can't even pronounce for the pain. Oh, he also gave me some injection, painkillers and muscle relaxant. He thinks I might have pinched a nerve in my back."

Sighing quietly, he shrugged his uninjured shoulder again.

"Other than that, it was pretty much just 'Stay out of trouble, keep the wounds clean, don't strain your arm for a few days, and if you feel nauseous speak to a doctor about the concussion, considering your condition'...The sort of thing I'm sure he says to anyone who gets in fights.", he muttered with a raised eyebrow, deliberately leaving out the conditions name, not really wanting it to be something that was commonplace knowledge. His Low-Latent Inhibition was a closely guarded thing to him here, he would keep it that way if possible.

As they neared the car, he went to reach for the keys, wondering where he'd put them for a moment before remembering that he'd given them to Gil...Furrowing his brow, he left his free hand in his pocket as they walked.

"I hope you didn't get too bored...?"

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« Jun 9, 2009 4:54:06 GMT -6 »

"I just let my mind wander, it's a wonderful thing to be able to do, lets my think without focusing in a way, and I don't notice how much time passes. So it sounds like you went through the mill, I know how that is." Gil replied as they reached the car. He pulled out the keys and unlocked the vehicle.
"I figure as you are loaded up on painkillers and other stuff, it would best if I drove again." He said as he got behind the wheel and waited for Aroon to get in.

"And I'll be honest, I like riving the car." He said with a grin as he started up the engine. Once Aroon was settled Gil would leave the parking lot and start driving back to the campus.
"So are you going to need a hand getting to your dorm room?" Gil asked as he drove.

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« Jun 9, 2009 5:07:50 GMT -6 »

"Hmph, I wish I could do that as easily as you apparently can...." he muttered, smirking a small, lopsided smirk at the notion of being able to just...switch off. Hell, the only time he could do that was when he was asleep or unconscious, and the former was rarely particularly restful in any regard. Glancing as Gil got to the drivers door, he nodded with a smile. It would work out better to get back to the Collective in one piece, that was for sure, and if Gil liked driving the Audi, well, he could consider it one of those things he could do to repay the favour he'd received.

"It's not bad for a used model, I have to say. I mean, I don't know a thing about cars besides what pedal does what and that sidewalks aren't good, but it just felt right when I took it for a test-run."

As they got into the vehicle, he managed to pull the seatbelt on with a little difficulty, hooking it across his body with a stretch of his arm before leaning his head back again, the faint 'thud' of the headache almost completely subsided thanks to the doctor and his fantastic syringe. He didn't turn when Gil spoke, offering him help to get to his dorm room, but he raised his left hand in a sort of dismissive wave.

"No, but thanks. By then, I'm sure I'll be able to drag myself up without too much trouble. I'm only on the third floor."

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« Jun 9, 2009 12:01:10 GMT -6 »

Gil gave a slight shrug at the comment about his ability to just mentally drift.
"All it really takes is a little.. well not so much as practice, but learning to just not focus." He said.

As they arrived at the campus Gil shut off the engine and once they were both out he made sure the car was locked before handing Aroon the keys.

"Well home sweet home, such as it is." He said as he let his hands slip into his pockets after the keys were retrieved. Gil kept an eye out just in case, who knew if someone had watched him give Aroon a hand in taking off for th hospital and if they had friends watching.

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 Broken and Bloodied [Open]
« Jun 9, 2009 15:42:39 GMT -6 »

“Be that as it may, I doubt I’d have the same luxury in being able to get the hang of such a thing…”

Shrugging off the comment further, he left the comment in silence for the minute or two before they arrived at the campus grounds. Swinging the door open with a careful effort not to slam his head against the edge of the panelling, he stepped out into the darkening air and pushed the door over with a flick of his good hand.

Turning on his heel, he watched Gil lock the car once more before handing him the keys, taking them with a thankful nod. He would need to find some way to repay the redhead for his assistance, though it would need to be something of worth that he could convince Gil to accept, having apparently no intention of accepting anything tangible.

“Well, it’s better than a box in the street, that’s for sure…” he retorted, smirking as he turned back towards the door to the apartment building. He’d taken a few steps before stopping and glancing back at Gil, smiling briefly.

”Listen, I’ll keep quiet about you helping me out, but again, thank you. And I will find some way to pay you back for this.”

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 Broken and Bloodied [Open]
« Jun 9, 2009 15:47:06 GMT -6 »

Gil grinned.
"Alright then, but do it quickly I don't like people feeling indebted to me." He replied. Hell he would likely forget until Aroon had paid him back in some way for helping him out. But Gil figured he would drop it. Aroon was clearly determined to do so and Gil had made his views clear.

With a small wave Gil turned on his heel and started going out for a basic walk. His had been interrupted after all, and he wanted to spend some time just wandering around campus before heading back to his own dorm room.

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 Broken and Bloodied [Open]
« Jun 10, 2009 2:01:25 GMT -6 »

ooc: It seems somewhat redundant for me to continue this when everything that was to happen -has-, so I'll call it here. That turned out quite a bit more productive than I thought. ^^

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