Author Topic: Preparations (Oneshot) (Read 92 times)

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 Preparations (Oneshot)
« Jun 9, 2009 10:58:35 GMT -6 »

There Headmaster Johnson stood, standing in an empty warehouse on the outskirts of town. Recently leased for the year, using federal funds of course. The whole warehouse was empty, nothing but the concrete floor under his feet, a thin layer of dust settled around it. The place had obviously been unused for a long period of time, he couldn't even see the outlines where things were stored, the dust seemed unsettled, except for where his footsteps where. Clear indicators of where he has walked.

There wasn't much to it now, but behind those sunglasses a devious mind was at work. Cameras would be positioned around the whole building, inside and out. Nothing that happened inside or around it would be missed. A ring erected in to the center of the warehouse, a place of fighting. A place for people to prove their strength.

Why would the Headmaster of a school want a fighting ring? Well that was Classified, but it would allow him to siphon out the weak and worthless, and focus in on the people that had true potential. The MAPP project needed no less then the strong. After all, those too weak to handle it would only die.

Giving himself a slight silent nod, approving of the image in his head he reached in to his pocket, grabbing his cell phone and flipping it open.

"Yeah, I secured the warehouse. Yes. Preperations will begin at once. Everything is moving within the time frame we set up. Understood sir, Johnson out."

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