Author Topic: Rok Souji (Read 144 times)

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Joined: January 1970
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 Rok Souji
« Jun 9, 2009 16:27:01 GMT -6 »

Personal Information:
    [/b] John C. Fremont
    Year: 9

    Name: Rok Souji
    Alias: Souji
    Age: 15
    Nationality: American
    Ethnicity: Japanese
    Blood Type: AB-
    Height: 5'9"
    Weight: 140 lbs
    Hair Color: Black
    Eye Color: Brown
    Handedness: Right
    Sexual Orientation: Straight

    Physical Appearance: Rok isn't very tall, nor does he look all that musculer, but being the punk that he is, he has had quite a bit of a track record of fighting and causing trouble at previouse schools. So he can sure dish it out. His black hair is kept short, but messy or slicked back at times. He isn't too keen on the whole idea of perfection. His muscle structure is toned, nothing way out there.

    Apparel & Accessories: Usually a white sleeveless shirt, and a pair of green slacks. Every now and then changing it up for a black shirt and blue jeans. He also seems to have a bit of an issue with the uniform.

    Personality: Rok is pretty easy going, a slight temper and problem with adults. He has his own views on the world, esspecially when it comes to people with power and means to abuse them. Nothing ticks him off more than someone who can take what power they have over others and use it against them for no other reason than they can. At first he seems like just your ordinary street punk, hardly going to class and always caught fighting. Once someone gets to know him, it just takes off from there.

    Miscellaneous Information:

    Strength: B
    Dexterity: B
    Constitution: D
    Wisdom: D

    Style: Street Fighting
    He was never formally taught how to fight, he just did it, and picked up what he could and adapted to it. Never really mattered to him to have any set style, too many rules behind them, besides situational fighting isn't his style, he would rather be ready for anything than just a few things.

    Weaknesses: Without formal training he may not be the best fighter so his moves wouldn't be as precise or as trained as others. He is also not the most endurant person. His stamina is rather low, and he burns out easily. He prefers one hit wonders to keep up with others.

    Strengths: His preference of one hit wonders isn't just for talk, he throws mean attacks that can put people down if they aren't careful. Street Fighting may be an inpure way of fighting, but thats just moe of that ones better than the other talk. Rok has alot of heart which can carry him a little if need be.


    Rok grew up without knowing his dad, and his mom never worked, she just stayed in bed watched TV or went out drinking and having fun. The bills where always paid, but food was hard to come by. When kids at school would find out, they teased him and bullied him. He soon got angry enough to step up and do something about it. He got into more and more fights, and his moms lectures went unheard.

    He went on to go against rules because he could, earning a name as a slacker and bully. His time was spent mostly just skipping class and fighting. He didn't care much for learning anything in school, just how much of a reputation he was earning around the schools, trying to pick out some turf for himself one day.

    This also got him in more toruble with even other schools he wasnt attending. Finally junior high rolled in and rolled by, this is where he maid most of his name, he did everything he could to make it to the top of the game, even faught teachers from time to time, before finally getting expelled for the violance against the faculty. Now on his way to the John C. Fremont high school will things change?

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    Joined: January 1970
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     Rok Souji
    « Jun 9, 2009 17:31:46 GMT -6 »

    The biggest problem here is the spelling, just remember spell check is your friend. Other then that I think you are free to RP.

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