Author Topic: Wow, I Can Get Sexual Too (Aleece) (Read 455 times)

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 Wow, I Can Get Sexual Too (Aleece)
« Jun 14, 2009 22:22:47 GMT -6 »

Aleece felt herself being pushed back and she went without the slightly hesitancy, but Hick’s weight on her urging her back made up her mind for her and she was soon settled with her back to the mattress. She was left with a shiver that spread goosebumps in its wake when his hand found the edge of her top and pulled it up. The room was a bit cooler to her heating skin then she remembered a few moments ago.

He just seemed immensely more comfortable now then he did at first too. Tipping her chin up her breath hitched involuntarily as his mouth worked down and she swallowed thickly when his lips neared her belly button feeling incredibly exposed and susceptible under his appreciative glance. Aleece was sure her face was washed in a deep shade of red, her breath a little deeper and making her chest move deeply with every intake.

The tight material of her pants didn’t make it past her boots and she was left to squirm underneath him when his fingers slide under the material of her panties feeling a little to constricted. She felt him shift above her as her finger trailed back down his arm…

It would have been fine, at this point, perfectly…alright but there was the unmistakable sound of a door knob turning, a creak, and the sound of that voice was enough to burn straight past her brief mortification straight to anger. Aleece completely disliked this guy…

One arm was quickly pushed over her chest the other tugging up her clothes before she started to push on Hicks to get him up. “Great friend you got, Hicks,” she muttered looking at the guy who hadn’t even had the decency to look…away and with a sigh she tipped her head back looking for her tank top but for some reason not finding.

What the hell was the deal with losing her top?

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 Wow, I Can Get Sexual Too (Aleece)
« Jun 14, 2009 22:42:05 GMT -6 »

“Jeremy,” he said in between looks at Aleece -he really hadn’t gotten the chance to look at her naked in the light yet-, “I’m going to beat you.”

Jeremy paused a little bit as he looked at Aleece and then back at Hicks.

“C’mon man, chill with that shit.”

“No. I’m going to beat you and I don’t know when I’ll stop -if I ever do-.”

Hicks, sighed a little bit as he went up to his friend and clocked him right in the stomach: Jeremy buckled up and then went right out.

“You can use my bed! I have condoms in my dresser!”


But, soon the door was closed and Hicks was left staring at a topless Aleece, still, with his pants unbuckled, still visibly aroused at the sight that stayed before him: and resigned that he was never, ever, ever, in the history of the world: going to have sex. There might have been a chance, hell, there could have been a strong chance that he might of…but…he never would.

Searching for his button down, he finally found it and flapped it up to straighten it out, still looking at Aleece with a perplexed look on his face…

“Not that I mind or anything -because you of all people know I went through hell to see those lil’ buggers-, but…” he looked at her again, this time trying his hardest to focus on her face (to no avail), “But…where is your tank top?”

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 Wow, I Can Get Sexual Too (Aleece)
« Jun 14, 2009 23:14:41 GMT -6 »

The exchange only served to incense Aleece further for some reason, maybe for the fact that Jeremy didn’t find any shame in eyeing her up while she only had her arm to cover her modestly sized chest? Ugh…males.

That was it…I'm was going lesbian, she thought to herself as she sat up when Hicks moved off of her and didn’t bother to feel sorry when the guy got sucker punched in the stomach, actually she felt kinda good with that. Sitting on the edge of the bed now she looked at her date and raised an eyebrow, noticing the way he didn’t bother to…try and meet her eyes or rather he did try but wasn’t succeeding in anyways. She felt the corners of her lips twitch up despite her self and with a sigh at his question she shook her head.

“Dunno, actually I was hoping you would know, since you were the master mind that took it off of me,” her words were ribbing but teasing though and it showed by the small quirk at her mouth. For all she knew was it could have fallen between the bed and the wall, but she didn’t know what could be down there with it. Chewing on her bottom lip Aleece looked at her lap her hand doubled in a small fist, the heat slowly but not completely leaving her face.

“Um…but I think we should find it…I…left my jacket out there in our seat,” she said quietly.

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 Wow, I Can Get Sexual Too (Aleece)
« Jun 14, 2009 23:35:14 GMT -6 »

“To be fair, this probably wouldn’t be so nerve wracking if you had a bra on…”

Hicks paused a little bit, as he finally got used to the sight of her and went to looking around for something, anything for her to put on.

“Goddamn it, why do you have to be so small? That friggin’ tank top is all balled up…thing looks like a Kleenex tissue…”

He grumbled a bit as he continued looking around before giving up and getting a bit of a better idea, slipping off his button down shirt and tossing it to her: so it would be a little big, hell, the thing could probably serve as a big dress if she wasn’t wearing jeans, still: it was better than nothing.

“Wear this, I have an idea that might be ridiculous enough to work…”, he said as he looked at her get dressed and then when she would finish he would walk out into the Hookah Bar and slip on the jacket a bit tightly: he looked ridiculous. But, the stretched out material that barely buttoned and seemed to almost tear at the seams felt comfortable (even if he midriff was showing in it)…

“Well…”, he nodded, “This is kind of ironic, first time I nearly get to do something with a girl and I come out looking even gayer than usual.”

“You could still have sex with her.”

“Shut up Jeremy.”

Hicks looked towards Aleece and sighed a little bit…

“Suppose we should stop by your dorm, pick you up a shirt: though, I’ll admit, that thing really does bring out your curves.”

Hicks smirked a little bit…

“This? This jacket just makes my tits look huge.”

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 Wow, I Can Get Sexual Too (Aleece)
« Jun 15, 2009 0:11:51 GMT -6 »

She watched Hicks root around for her top and she smiled a little as he complained she couldn’t help her tops her small, her chest seriously lacked, she knew. When he stopped Aleece titled her head as he offered his shirt and she took it with her free hand. She was about to asked what exactly he was going to do for a shirt when he beat her to the punch.

Standing she slipped the offered garment on and buttoned it she followed him out the ends of his sleeves falling past her finger tips as it swallowed her whole. The hem of the shirt fell to her knees practically and she felt a bit ridicules in such loose fitting clothes. She liked comfort but she felt like she was going to be going to bed soon. When Aleece looked up she stopped dead in her tracks and her eyes widened a bit…

Hicks had…managed to fit in her jacket and she titled her head a little wondering just how that was even conceivably possible. He was a big guy and that fitted leather well…it was a little snug on her. Suddenly she snorted out a laugh and quickly brought her sleeve-covered hand to block it as best she could. Forgetting the fact that she had just walked out in a different set of clothes pretty much then when she entered.

The only thing that managed to shut her up was his friends comment, what was with this guy? He had no shame…what so ever.

Looking down at herself though she didn’t say a word and she chuckled quietly to herself as she met his gaze again, “I agree. I should be jealous.”

She turned then intent on heading out, not wanting to pleasure of enduring the other guys company any longer.

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 Wow, I Can Get Sexual Too (Aleece)
« Jun 15, 2009 0:24:52 GMT -6 »

Hicks kept walking as he held Aleece’s hand: both of them looking ridiculous, but that was life: life was being ridiculous. Life was about getting punched in the mouth: but most of all, life was about moving on. It wasn’t about winning or losing, it was just about fighting: but Hicks couldn’t deny it. He had won. This girl, this girl had let him into her world, had been willing to have sex with him, took him in scars, stupid lines, fumblings hands, and shitty sex and all. Here he was, walking down the street with her, chafing in leather now wet with sweat and her in a big button down…

And he was completely and utterly happy.

“I gotta say Aleece,” he spoke with a small smile, “We make a cute couple.”

He spoke as he finally approached the dorms and then twisted her into a big hug, kissing her on the forehead…

“Next date we have, I’ll make sure that my friends stay far away, seriously, I think I now know the reason I get my ass kicked so much.”

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