Author Topic: Gaider, Alexander (Not finished) (Read 173 times)

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 Gaider, Alexander (Not finished)
« Jun 10, 2009 16:58:43 GMT -6 »

"Well then, Soukyuu it's time you begin your mission..."

"Yes sir, commander..."

Applicant #: 11345
School: John C. Fremont High
Year: Sophomore

« Last Edit: Jun 10, 2009 19:07:19 GMT -6 by zeronegative » Back to Top  

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 Gaider, Alexander (Not finished)
« Jun 10, 2009 17:12:29 GMT -6 »

Full Name: Alexander "Soukyuu" Gaider
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Japanese, maybe European
Nationality: Russian?(Citizen) American (living)

Age: 17

Height: 6'5"
Weight: 177lbs (underweight)

Eye Colour: Bluish-gray - but dubbed by his master, "Cloudy"
Hair Colour: Brown


-- This is the main clothing that would be on Alex during his days at school. He doesn't like to be "out there" as he keeps to a simple style. Its also quite versatile to certain situations such as unsuspected meeting, casual introductions and just plain fun. But he does have more than this. He had a full fitting wardrobe for mostly any occasion from his master. He doesn't like light cloth, or anything close to colors that woman may where. That may seem a little contradicting, but that would be to his general knowledge and logic.

Three words: Hard Nose Person. He grew up with a sense of honor and duty to his master and only to him. But from anything than that, he tries to fit in society as a normal person, only when orders are given. To him, everything has a purpose and also every action has a consequence. He doesn't like to leave anything undone as to what may happen to him in the future. But the main reason is fear. Fear of his master and of his actions. Many people would find him to be a little lax, and at sometimes quite cold and emotionless. In a retrospec, he doesn't like to be bored and tries to find "fun" in some ways. People intrigue him, for he has normally alone most of his life when training with his master.

In the end, his persona tends to adapt to the person in question, something he was taught as a young age. Its rare that he may show who he really is.

Fighting Style:
-- Alex used three different martial arts to what he sees fit. Two sub-arts and one main art... Well he tries to learn them away from the watchful eye of his master... heh heh.

Three Styles: Savate(Sub art)-recent; ongoing, Piguaquan(Sub-art)-recent; ongoing, Combat SAMBO(Main Art)-12 years

Savate Kicking arts (taken from wikipedia)

--He used this art to create range within him and his opponent. Its mainly use to systematically break down the opponent. Constant strikes to "Soft" parts of the body, making range to not have any opening and or to be punished afterwards. He makes use of his long legs striking with only the end of the foot. (heel and toe)

1. Fouetté** (literally "whip", roundhouse kick making contact with the toe), high (figure), medium (median) or low (bas)

2. Chassé** (side or front piston-action kick), high (figure), medium (median) or low (bas)

3. Chasse` italien** (aimed at the opponent's inner thigh, with the toe pointed at the opponent's groin. Contrast the chassé bas lateral, which targets the front of the thigh.)

4. Revers** (frontal or lateral "reverse" or hooking kick making contact with the sole of the shoe), high (figure), medium (median), or low (bas)

5. Coup de pied bas** ("low kick", a front or sweep kick to the shin making contact with the inner edge of the shoe, performed with a characteristic backwards lean) low only, designed to break the shin bone.

6. Coup de pied bas de frappe** (coup de pied bas which is used to strike the opponent's lead leg)

Uses open handed techniques based of the system of Piguaquan. His strength is of the whipping technique, to create strength from body weight transfer, hand turning and graceful spinning. To take in account of his height and long arms. He builds momentum to crash his strikes upon the opponent and give him backup upon his Savate training. Mixing these two techniques together are quite the dangerous combination.

Combat SAMBO
This is the main art that he was taught for the last twelve years. He doesn't have much weaknesses within this art due to this being his main art. The training involve was intense to the point of it nearly killing him. But as he was bought up, he never disobeyed any order that was given to him from his master. He becomes a robot, a man beyond human structure to completely destroy his opponent and even eliminate if need be.This art uses mostly close range locks and throws but to a complete difference to some arts like judo or jujitsu. Focuses inner core strength to use his natural flexible to lay uncomfortable positions on his opponent. Yes, he uses the standard locks and throws, but as his master explains, when he begins to improvise, that's is when he is at his best. and nothing is able to stop his brutal deadly art.

Personal Weaknesses:
--Known to be quite emotionless at times.
--Doesn't like too much touching, causes him to not think and react.
--Soft spot for art, due to his master being an avid artist himself.
--Not very good with females, tends to overthink and overreact.
--Doesn't know when to quit, in certain situations.
--Seemingly stiff in some situations, Military mindset.

Personal Strengths:
--Quite observant
--Quite loyal, respects authority to a point.
--Head strong in finishing things
--Knowledge in the Arts
--Military training
--Able to survive without certain necessities.

History: (Events of his life)

He was born sometime in the year of 19--. He was found and picked up in Asia, then taken to an orphanage in America. He wasn't considerably a bad kid, but his demeanor and quietness made him the most hated among the kids and even the staff. He periodically snuck out of the orphanage many times, only to be found and punished harshly. After understanding his place here and knowing full well once you reach a certain age, it's impossible to be adopted, he left at the age of 14. He traveled the streets for a while even going through as much as six states, reaching Las Vegas, Nevada. He went through many hardships from that time, and that was taking a toll on him as much as he was the brink of death as he collapsing in front of a Sambo master, Alexander Gaider.

He was a famous man in Russia, actually to be blunt, he himself held more power than President of Russia, in some of the true eyes. His entourage was about to take him out of his misery as Alexander stopped them. He crouched down to boy and asked him a simple question, "Where do you come from, boy?" Tired and fatigued to the point of passing out, he only was able to say, "L- Lou-is-iana." As he finally lost consciousness...
Transported him back to Mother Russia, gave him his name.
He began to train hims in the art of SAMBO, learning under the Russian Military.
Earned citizenship became a child soldier.
Under Gaider Sr. training he became a first-class sambo practitioner, got a little bored of Russian "competition."
Seeing his boredom, Gaider Sr. Transfers him to America for "field training" and also to teach him of the outside world.
Gaider Jr. Dubbed "Soukyuu" due to his Asian decent, accepts mission and "tries" America for himself. For his master says that it is more to life than just surviving, educate yourself.
He purposely sent to one of the most violent school in American, location New York... Objective confirmed, Public High School 552.
Took testing to find set grade, was able to enter junior class, but was lead back due to foreign background.
After 8 months, he was moved to a move "suitable" surroundings, Chula Vista Collective.
Throughout his life he learned 6 languages. German, Japanese, English, Spanish, Russian and also Dutch. Three of them he's actually fluent but the others, he just knows for his master's sake. He smokes, but only periodically, mainly for public eye, never on a mission or in front of his master. His purple shades were one of the last things he was left with when he was found. Has Unknown hobbies, and doesn't see women as a threat, only if they strike upon him.

« Last Edit: Jun 17, 2009 14:52:50 GMT -6 by zeronegative » Back to Top