Author Topic: Understanding (Read 82 times)

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« Jun 11, 2009 2:11:12 GMT -6 »

Once again he walked the halls of this prep school, well to him anyways, wearing a leather jacket, a white shirt and blue jeans. His black hair was slicked back, though the hair upfront wanted to go forward so it stuck up alittle. His brown eyes scanned the area watching all the uniformed conformist students go about their day. Boring. The one class he went to that day had been a Junior class and he slept through it. Of course being a Freshman he wasnt supposed to be in that class anyways.

His thoughts had turned into those of how to start his days here.

"Attack random people to find someone to entertain me? Go to the roof and sleep, skip down the hallway with my little dog singing 'We're off to see the wizard'? Hmmm."

Souji descided to go with the first option and took a wide step with his left foot as someone passed his right side, throwing his arm out in a full swing he would catch the kid in the neck with his elbow, the swing not stopping as he threw the arm forward, the kid hit the ground hard and slid for a bit. But wasnt unconciouse just hurting he was coughing and spit up a little blood from being jarred so hard. But all in all he'd prolly stand up soon and pretty pissed off too.

So Souji descided to run over, kick the guy onto his back and get in the mounted position and start pummeling the guy. He seemed to have enough sense to block alot of the attacks, but he obviousely wouldn't hold that up for long. It wasn't that Souji wanted to hurt the guy he just didn't want the guy to get to his feet and fight back. Souji wanted to see what the heart of this school was like.

~Will anyone defend you? Will they come to your aid? Will they root me on, will they run away? It's hard to tell.~

« Last Edit: Jun 11, 2009 2:28:09 GMT -6 by mil » Back to Top  

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« Jun 11, 2009 8:33:05 GMT -6 »

'Senseless. Pointless.'

With her back pressed against her locker, Shaolin would watch as a student would proceed to pummel another. It was the most random act of violence she'd seen yet, as it hadn't even started with a bit of witty banter. Or moronic insults. It just...happened. In a way, Shaolin had found it interesting, scribbling on her notepad as usual, with a little smile, as she watched Souji beat on the student. The mute girl would doodle up his face, taking little care in it and creating another one of her near-to carricatures. Examining her work, she'd smile gently and flip the page, writing something in big bold letters before looking back at the "fight".

'I stop..?'

Yeah sure, why not? Light as a feather, Shaolin would begin to creep up behind the violent student. She was sure that he was too busy beating in the dudes face to notice her, even if he did happen to hear her. Because of this, Shaolin took her time, not at all concerned with the victims well-being, and concentrating on hers. After getting close enough, however, Shaolin would break into a sudden run when she knew that no matter if he noticed her by then, he would not have the chance to stop her attack. Using her forward momentum to add an extra kick of power, Shaolin would launch herself at Souji, bringing up her left knee to hit him behind the head with all her might.

Hitting the mark or not, Shaolin would land in an elegant roll, pushing herself to her feet quickly and turning to look at her could-be opponent. She'd rip the page from her notebook, toss her clipboard aside and flash the paper at him. The writing said:

You're funny =D!

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« Jun 11, 2009 11:14:33 GMT -6 »

The boy was indeed alittle too focused on punching the boy on the ground to notice someone sneaking up on him, he was taking his time keeping the kid on the ground in the defence in hopes of attracting someone to come to his aid. But he heard a noise, too late to do much other than turn his head in response, the knee would slam the side of his face instead throwing him off the kid and rolling to his stomach, doing a quick push up and raising to hsi feet he'd look to the person who had attacked him.

~A mute?~

Was his thoughts to the paper she flashed, though this discovery showed that she was not concerned for the guy he attacked, probably seeking some sort of entertainment. Thats good cause so was he.

"Funny huh?"

Souji would spit to the side a bit of blood mixed with it as it hit the ground. He'd get ready to fight this person.

"Well hello to you too."

Souji would respond as he made his move, this person would be difficult to deal with, seemed they wouldn't make much noise so thats one less sense that would be of much use, and he had never faught or even interacted with the person before. The mystery behind the person was always the exciting part though.

Souji would move in for the attack, ever so slightly. He didn't like entering someones attack points without knowing how they did it, so far he noted the close range tactic of the knee. So once within range he'd throw a quick right low kick to whichever knee was closest to him, to see how stable or reactive the person was.

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