Author Topic: Work It (Hicks) (Read 97 times)

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 Work It (Hicks)
« Jun 11, 2009 23:27:30 GMT -6 »

Kira was beyond annoyed, she had a daily routine and now it was broken she would most likely have to skip her jog because she wouldn’t have time to go back to her dorm to change into something less sweaty and sticky in order to run; and she wasn’t about to give up her time at the range with her precious toys – running she could let slide today. Nope, she was across town at the John C. Fremont High School, making her way to their weight room. She let a sigh of frustration pass her lips.

It had taken more than a few moments for the vice principle to give her permission to use it without some sort of dumb chaperone. Even if it was a Saturday it was still open for use, there were sports teams that needed it after all. It had taken a call or two on his part to verify that the Henry Knox Academy weight room was indeed shut down for the next few days, for renovations and installation of new equipment and the such. Finally reaching the gym, she walked down the hall and to the door on the left, passed the wresting mats and through another door to another hallway that finally led to the weight room.

Depositing her gym bag she looked around, and huff of indignation leaving her lips. This was not a weight room. It was small, about the size of her dorm room, the equipment looked well used, ill taken care of, dusty as if hardly used. The room smelt of sweat and dirt and was musty; she could even see a discarded shirt and shoe lying around as if a janitor refused to enter this place. At least though, she was alone – she didn’t see high schoolers having the discipline to come here willingly on their free time on a Saturday.

Dressed in her usual pair of plain black ribbed tank, black cotton track shorts and some black gym shoes, her hair in a long braid and pulled away from her face she went to work deciding where to start first. Glancing around she made her way to a old fashioned bench press, squatting she worked on putting more weight onto the bar, thinking how pathetic some of the kids using this gym must be to only have two hundred on it.

Setting her weight to around three hundred and fifty pounds she placed it on the rack and layed down on the highly uncomfortable bench. She probably could have added more, but she didn’t have a spotter behind her and she wasn’t about to risk herself actually getting hurt. Shifting a bit she wrapped her fingers around the bar handles and lifted up, bringing it down with a huff of air and pushing it back up. Thirty reps of eight should do it for this station before she moved onto the next one…whatever that one was.

Kira could feel the sweat start to build on her body as she continued, looking completely at ease with the weight she was pushing up and down above her head and neck. Her feet firmly planted on the ground, looking allthe world a professional, but she did this every day at her gym. Her breathing was calculated and even, breathing in each time she pushed up and breathing out each time she let the bar down.

« Last Edit: Jun 11, 2009 23:36:39 GMT -6 by kira » Back to Top  

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 Work It (Hicks)
« Jun 11, 2009 23:50:06 GMT -6 »

Hicks, had to work out.

And, no, this wasn’t some joke or speaking in metaphors: he was literally required to exercise every day to encourage the various muscle damages he had: today he was working on shoulders and forearms. His right shoulder had a torn rotator cuff, that was from his Freshman year, he had swung a straight without winding up and had hyper extended his arm: really fucked up his shoulder. His forearm on his left arm had staples and plates in it due to the accident he had running from a fight when he was fifteen.

In order to keep those muscles strong, be at 100%, they constantly needed strengthening, if only to compensate for what they lost…

“Walk away me boy, walk away me boy, in the morning’ we’ll be free…”, he sang to himself as he entered the gym and gave everyone their high fives and the like: he was wearing a undershirt and basketball shorts and he had his eyes on the bench press. He would probably start off with 350lbs, that was around 100lbs past his weight, but, good enough to warm him up and get a burn on before he began working his forearms and shoulders (this explained why Hicks had such big arms) and as he finally found his bench…

He noted that a girl was in there.

A girl, in track shorts that left little to the imagination when you were walking forward and she was pretty much spread eagle, caught up in the ritual of weight lifting. A girl who was sweating through her tank top…

And a girl who is currently lifting the same exact amount as you…

Hicks, walked up to her, his eyes widening, finally getting behind and serving as a spotter: this chick was small, there was no reason she should be lifting this by herself.

“Please tell me that these are like…helium weights or something.”, he paused, “Otherwise, I think you’re one step away from going super saiyan or something.”

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 Work It (Hicks)
« Jun 12, 2009 0:43:27 GMT -6 »

Kira knew she was getting looks for how much she was pressing, but honestly she had been doing this every day since she was little. She never missed her time with weights, even after ROTC runs and drills, or just plain long days where most would rather do nothing she would hit the weight room and release her aggression or frustration on life. If she was tired she forced herself to do more. She knew that as a girl she was at a serious disadvantage in life, and so her goal and oddly enough her parents goal was to make sure she could match the men in strength and take care of herself.

She was small to the eye, but she could pack a punch that would knock you out. It took effort to get to where she was, plane hard, cold, dedicated and determined effort. She didn’t budge at the looks she was getting, and she wasn’t going to be stared down into the norm that men thought women should be in. If they thought this was shocking they should see her leg press, since that’s where most of her strength was anyway.

She blocked out a few of the low whistles she was getting. She knew that her sweat was working right through her thin shirt, outlining the contours of the bra she was wearing underneath. The longer she pressed, the harder it was getting to push up as she mentally kept track of the number of reps she did. As she felt her muscles fatigue at the weight most would consider impossibly difficult she force herself to work harder. She wouldn’t put these damned things down until she had finished her goal of sets.

Kira had let her eyes fall closed as she concentrated on what she was doing. Her forehead set into thick lines of concentration and her brows lined with sweat as she breathed in and out through her lips, steady and rhythmic, not to mention deep breaths that pushed her chest up as she filled her lungs to maximum capacity. So being that she was so lost in her routine, she didn’t notice when someone came up to spot her, that was until she heard their voice, she noted the surprise and a ghost of a smile came across her features before vanishing as she pushed up again.

“Nope, no helium.” She panted out, letting her eyes open to see who had stepped up behind her and noticed the hands the flowed with the bar. He was spotting her she realized, and she sent him a brief grateful smile, but she had done this plenty of times without a spotter. They continued like that for a few more moments until she finally hit her goal and lifted the bar back and up into its place. Slowly she brought her hands down to rest on top of her flat stomach, her heart beat practically visible through her chest with how hard it had been working.

She stayed lying there for a few moments, regulating her breathing, her eyes locked with his. “I’m Kira, Thanks for the spot.” She acknowledged, reaching down to the ground to grab her sweat towel with one hand, the other still on her abdomen as she patted the sweat away from her face and neck.

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 Work It (Hicks)
« Jun 12, 2009 1:15:17 GMT -6 »

“Really? No helium?”

He spoke calmly…

“Then chill out a little bit, you’re making me look like a jackass: we lift like, practically the same amount for a warm up.”

Hicks spoke exasperatedly as he went to go put on some more weight: this girl, 350lbs. Yeah, that had to have been twice her weight, easy: Hicks had been weight training for awhile, so, could he do that as well?

I’m here to make sure my shoulder is fine, after I just ripped my muscle and the like: but, because I don’t want to look like a little bitch, I’m go to bench way more than I should…

How are you in the top 10% of this class?

He went and picked up a few 45’s: 450, that wasn’t so bad, a nice little Mario Middle. Hopefully it didn’t make him look like a little bitch, as he turned to the girl and asked her quite calmly…

“Mind if you spot me? A few years ago I just got off of a torn rotator cuff, and yeah, this is my rehab…I kind of don’t want to rip anything when I’m supposed to be healing, so y’know.”

And he positioned himself under the bench and brought it down to his chest and then up, chest and then up, chest and then up. And finally, after three, he placed it in the holder…

“Yeah, definitely going to need a spotter, so let’s go Super Saiyan, it’s your job to help good ol’ Hicksy,” he smirked, “And if you play it right Momma Hicks my just give you some cookies or something.”

He laughed, but honestly wouldn’t put it pass his mother.

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 Work It (Hicks)
« Jun 12, 2009 3:26:06 GMT -6 »

She let a soft chuckle leave her lips as he spoke about them lifting the same weight, she knew she surprised men often with her strength, so it was nothing new to her. But this boy just seemed…adorable. Not making her feel bad or freakish for being able to lift as much as him. Her lips did purse a bit at the chill out though, she always lifted that much, why should she chill because some men got their fragile ego’s hurt.

She watched him move and add more weight to the bench press, and a knowing smile presented itself on her lips. He was going to lift more simply too prove too himself that he could. She was used to it by now, men having to feel that they could do better than her, be better than her. She pushed herself up off the bench, standing and then bending over to stretch the muscles in her back, before standing up straight and lifting her arms above her head to stretch the muscles there. She didn’t want them to cramp up on her or anything; she had given them a hell of a work out seconds ago.

A small frown crossed her lips at the mention of a injury, and how he was supposed to be healing, but she understood the need to show her up. “Ol’ Hicksy huh?” she asked playfully as he pushed the bar up and out of its holder, doing a few reps “That your name then? Hicksy…..its unique.” She said with amusement written on her face as she looked down at him, watching as his muscles moved under his skin to accommodate the weight. She chuckled when he mentioned his mother possibly giving her cookies and she shook her head a bit, but never once let her eyes off the bar, or off his arms just in case he did let it drop. That kind of weight could crush a sternum no problem, she had learned that back in her freshman year when she tried too much at one time, back then she couldn’t lift as much as she can today. It had been painful to say the least.

“You shouldn’t be lifting this much with an injury….” She said lightly when he placed the bar back in its holder. Her voice was full of genuine concern, even if she did understand his motives. “And I like cookies.” She replied playfully, ready for him to do the next set. “Whenever you are ready big man.” She teased softly.

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 Work It (Hicks)
« Jun 13, 2009 23:21:43 GMT -6 »

It was tough, lifting weight, making jokes, trying not to stare at underboob (Hicks, in his infinite wisdom had divided boobs into quadrants: consider the nipple the axis. Top boob, inner boob, side boob, and underboob: underboob was by far the favorite, though sideboob was not to be counted out), still though as he brought the weight down to his chest he began to speak through a strained voice…

“No, probably not: but my dad’s a doctor,” he smirked, “He needs his son to give him a lot more business.”

Hicks, then continued: and continued admirably once he got into rhythm , one, two, three: soon ten times in a row as he finally locked in and rose up with a large huff and puff, looking at the girl.

“So, are you a substitute teacher or something? I’ve never seen you around here: and I know for a fact you aren’t in high school.”

Well, who knows: with surgery nowadays, maybe her rack is in highschool.

“And once more, goddamn if you’re my age: I’m friggin’ way taller than you and way more heavy: you’re probably lifting double your weight, while I’m only doing 1.5 -if I’m lucky-, seriously man,” he looked at her and smirked, “You’re a fucking beast: I almost want to ask you to help me out with rehab, but I have that illusion of masculinity to hold on to."

« Last Edit: Jun 13, 2009 23:22:39 GMT -6 by kira » Back to Top  

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 Work It (Hicks)
« Jun 14, 2009 1:20:45 GMT -6 »

Kira spotted him as she was asked while he did his reps, not at all self conscious about her body and the view he probably had. She was used to guys leering at her all the time back at the Academy, hell around San Diego for that matter, so she wasn’t at all perturbed at the idea that he was getting a rather covered eye full.

She listened intently while keeping her eye trained on the bar and the boy’s arms, which she had to admit were impressive. They were much more finely toned and worked then some of the boys in the academy and it gave her a soft appreciation for him. She was also impressed when he mentioned his father was a doctor, and chuckled as he mentioned how he single handedly gave his father business. Glancing just briefly down his body and noticing the scars present, nodding her agreement to his statement.

Kira noticed when he fell into a rhythm, and the breath she had been unconsciously holding was released. She was never a fan of someone over doing themselves, and possibly getting hurt, because of little ol’ her. Finally he locked in and her eyes met his, and a huge smile graced her features at his question. “Hardly a substitute. I am actually a Knox Academy student. They shut our weight room down for a few days, forced to come here. It’s why you have never seen me around.” She supplied.

At his next statement she let out a genuine laugh before sobering up, “Yes, well, I am a junior, seventeen years old. I have been conditioning to lift my whole life.” She said with a bout of pride. “Not a day that I haven’t hit a weight room.” The tone in her voice told him that that was a clear fact, she honestly had never in her life since starting missed a day at the gym lifting. At the mention of ‘fucking beast’ though she blushed deeply, she knew it wasn’t meant to be taken that way, but she couldn’t help the blush. She’d never been kissed much less anything else, but she knew he was talking about the weights. At his next words she jumped at the chance to move on in her mind. “Masculinity goes hand in hand with stupidity. If you want help I wouldn’t be inclined to say no, it would give me someone to work out with.” She said seriously.

Honestly she was such a fanatic about her physical strength and health that it often drove others away, if someone had a reason to be around her, it would be nice.

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