Author Topic: Internet Tough Guy [Seth, spectators] (Read 145 times)

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 Internet Tough Guy [Seth, spectators]
« Jun 12, 2009 21:13:22 GMT -6 »

ooc: Immediately follows events in the IC chat room.


Shaking his head, he tapped 'enter' on the keyboard and pushed his chair back. He was both amused and irritated at the actions of the kid in the chatroom, and when baited had decided to take him up on the offer. It was no real task to head downstairs and stand in the courtyard for ten minutes to see if he'd show, and if he didn't then it would just further make him look like a fool.

He stood up, pulling on a pair of sneakers and a shirt to go with his shorts before turning and walking from his room with a casual flick of the door. The 'away' message he'd left bringing a small smirk to his lips as he paced along the hall to the stairs.

'We'll find out just how tough you are if you actually bother to show up.'

He was downstairs and outside in less than a minute, pacing across the courtyard with a clear intent before stopping quite abruptly, maybe a third of the way across. Turning and looking around, he waited for the other boy to show up he would indeed do so..

"C'mon, tough guy, I'm waiting..." he muttered to himself as he watched carefully, noting with amusement that a few people had begun to look out of their windows, apparently eager to see what would happen themselves.

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 Internet Tough Guy [Seth, spectators]
« Jun 13, 2009 9:02:17 GMT -6 »

Seth yawned. "Aww boy scout wants to fight. AFK." He typed the words then pressed enter on the laptop, to which he promptly closed the top of. The boy stretched out a bit and decided to head over to the kitchen. Opening the fridge he would take out a Monster and take a big gulp of it. Being sleep during a fight wouldn't be fun. He put the monster back in, not wanting to get cramps during fighting. He thought then to himself. Should he bother changing or no. He stood there in his form of the school uniform, black version of the school's pants and a white collared shirt seeing as he had taken off the tie and the coat earlier.

He decided that it was fine enough and it was probably some fat pimply kid trying to be cool. Seth then was about to grab the coat, but decided he wouldn't need the item inside of the coat. After all, he only used that to threaten so he wouldn't have to fight when he wasn't in the mood.

With that the boy decided to walk out the door to his room, not even bothering to say a word to the runt who decided to stay in his room. Looking over just as he exited he saw her asleep so it didn't even matter. He then walked out the dorm building and down the outdoor steps. He decided to go find the courtyard after that. Which took another five to ten minutes. He wasn't into it too much. Finally he found it and saw one lone person standing. He issued the challenge so his guard should be up right?

Seth jetted off as fast as he could sticking out his right elbow and dropping his shoulder in an attempt to tackle the person.

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 Internet Tough Guy [Seth, spectators]
« Jun 13, 2009 14:23:38 GMT -6 »

The very fact he'd been the first outside made it easier for him to see when someone would approach him, already keeping an eye out for any advance made towards him by the chat room pest...As such, when he saw the other boy advance for him, it was no real difficulty to consider his counterattack. Advancing from the distance as it was, at least a good few metres, Aroon would face the boy almost dead-on as he neared him, swiveling his torso clockwise as his left forearm pushed against the oncoming arm of the charge, pushing against it to send it skimming past his body.

Torquing his body like a tightly coiled spring, he retracted anti-clockwise with his right arm, the elbow and lower forearm the attacking section, as he whipped around to smash it towards his opponents face. If he'd ran at full pelt, then stopping himself dead would be almost impossible, and at the range, dodging wouldn't be a whole lot easier...The mixture of the two forces would make the counter-strike considerably powerful, even for the slight build of the Thai, and if his opponent was completely unlucky, it could even be a potential fight-ender...An elbow to the face at full speed and power? Aroon doubted even the bigger fighters he'd seen could handle such a thing.

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 Internet Tough Guy [Seth, spectators]
« Jun 18, 2009 13:03:13 GMT -6 »

Seth took a slight bend at the knees, and then pushed his legs forward. With that he took a leap into the air doing a forward roll, being hit while rolling would dullen the damage of the elbow. With that he continued on with rolling forward, hitting the ground somewhat hard. He wouldn't be knocked out that quickly. He had to make Aroon think he was good if things to come would be properly done.

Seth turned around and launched himself off his feet with his right fist thrown at Aroon in full swing, aimed sloppily at Aroon's cheek. Seth forced himself to fight worse than he normally would. It felt like shit doing this. Seth would sigh under his breath while he was swinging, closing his eyes while doing so.

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 Internet Tough Guy [Seth, spectators]
« Jun 18, 2009 13:39:08 GMT -6 »

ooc: I'd not be so coy as to fight 'half-assed', even if it is in character. It just provides opportunities to exploit.


So with a flashy little roll, his would-be opponent had managed to slip safely from the Thais first attack. Good, so long as he could at least put up a reasonable fight, this would be worth the while. It gave him a moment or two to actually look at the other boy. Going by what he could see, there was no discernable difference between them in build or height, though looking at a fighter in motion made such things an inexact science.

Again, when the pale-haired youth swung again, he had a substantial margin to work with in order to defend himself. It took only a step back and a weave of his body to his left to move out of the fists trajectory, and with a raised eyebrow at the closed eyes presented to him he snapped in a clockwise motion, driving his left fist towards his opponents temple as he turned. So far, he was feeling an advantage in speed, but he had a doubt or two on that...With another step or two back, he muttered quietly at the boy.

"If you carry on pulling your punches, I'm going to humiliate you. Now, are you going to fight or act like a fool?"

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 Internet Tough Guy [Seth, spectators]
« Jun 18, 2009 20:36:33 GMT -6 »

[[OoC: Exploit away. This thread bores me two posts in.]]

Seth took the hit to the temple, but didn't budge an inch. He stood there with his eyes closed still. Then the other started talking. God dammit, it was a fight talk with your fists. Seth would be extremely pissed off at this. Pissed off enough to kick his opponent with a full swing. Seth would aim the back of his foot at his enemy. The impact would be most likely as a bludgeon. Seeing as he had hit him with the flat end of his leg it would dullen the hit. His leg would have swung with

"Stop speaking. Forever."

With that. Seth would take a quick hefty leap backwards, leaving imprints of his strength in the ground. He retook his stance. Foot swinging back, dragging dirt up as he moved it behind himself and swung his fists up in front of his body.

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 Internet Tough Guy [Seth, spectators]
« Jun 18, 2009 22:54:19 GMT -6 »

ooc: If your attitude is like that, let me save you the hassle.of being 'bored' so you can bugger off back to the OOC. If you didn't want to do the thread, you could very easily have just refused and saved me the trouble.

Thread started due to an IC attitude

Thread ended due to an OOC attitude.

« Last Edit: Jun 18, 2009 22:55:00 GMT -6 by aroon » Back to Top