Author Topic: Getting Settled (Xiao-Niao) (Read 157 times)

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 Getting Settled (Xiao-Niao)
« Jun 15, 2009 13:27:25 GMT -6 »

The blind redhead was out today, attempting to get used to the school. He had only been here for a short time, and was hoping that by walking the campus, he might be able to find his way around better. He was wearing his usual outfit, as it was not during school hours, and thus the uniform rule was not in effect. Or, at least, he thought it wasn't.

He was working on getting a better feel for where he was. In a way, to get his bearings. As of right now, he wasn't lost. Though if he wasn't careful, he would be. The place itself was fairly large, as it wasn't only one school but three. At least, that's what he had come to understand. Perhaps he was wrong? No, not really. It might as well have been. There was definitely a separation between the three groups. And yet, they still wanted to unify everyone.

The deep thoughts had taken his focus for a few moments, and so he stopped, and tried to relocate himself. Losing your sense of direction when blind was not desirable at all. Not only that, but his can was not with him either. He wanted to try an manage completely without it.

That, and he was currently alone. Considering his other experience, alone was at least peaceful. But, being found alone by a malicious intent, well... he knew what that was like, too. It seemed that people didn't even need provoking anymore. They just lashed out, regardless of the school, regardless of anything. There was little need for reason.

Just as he had these thoughts, he could feel someone getting nearer to him. As he was the only other one out here, he only hoped that whoever it was was more inclined to help rather than harm. The look on his face showed he was lost, and at the very least, maybe he would be given a set of directions.

"Um, excuse me. Do you know your way round here?"

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 Getting Settled (Xiao-Niao)
« Jun 19, 2009 17:29:35 GMT -6 »

OOC: (Sorry for replying late. I had exams this week but they’re all done now :) )

After a long and boring day of usual classes, Xiao was now ready for a nice relaxing day where she would do nooothing at all! Exciting, yes? Well, no not really but it made her happy!
The midget Chinese girl made her way to her room where she got out of the uncomfortable and unfashionable uniform, putting on a cute pair of capris along with a white tank top. It was a very warm day so she decided to dress lightly for the weather.

Xiao-Niao started on with her homework, hating every bit of it. Thankfully for her, she was smart and her classes were pretty easy; or at least she felt they were. After a good hour, she already had half her homework done but was now getting a little irritated at the thought of sitting there for another hour, if not more. Enough was enough! She needed to do something! Maybe she would go out dancing or drinking or just go see a movie with a few friends. Anything was better than what she was doing now. For now, she would just walk around the school; see who she would meet up with to do something. If she had to, she would even invite her brother to do something; she was that desperate for something to do.

She stood up now, deciding that enough was enough! Seeing as how Shaolin was not around, she took her key and locked the door behind her. The school was fairly empty except for the usual few students leaving their rooms or going back to it. Xiao looked around, trying to see if anyone she knew was around but to no avail. It seemed like everyone was either in their rooms or already gone; even her own twin bro was nowhere to be seen and wasn’t in his room either. Oh boy, what a day…
Now walking back, she caught sight of a male who seemed to have lost his way or something, which was quite odd considering the fact that the school was not that confusing. He now spoke to her, asking for help now. Alright, it was either he was an ass who planned to mess with her or he was a blind as hell.
“It’s not that easy to get lost you know. Are you bli-” she stopped in her tracks, seeing his glasses and the way that he didn’t look at her directly in the face like most people did. Yup, he was blind, well didn’t she feel blind.. “Oh, well now, you are blind. Sorry.” She laughed softly. Most people would be freaking out because of that mistake but Xiao was not someone to feel bad easily, so she found it pretty funny that she didn’t realize it sooner.

“So um… Xiao-Niao. You? So where do you need to go?” she asked, looking up at him, confused as to how she would help him around. She almost felt that she would need to carry him but thought about how large he was compared to her small frame; but then she felt even more stupid remembering that he was blind, not handicapped. Even then, she was slightly afraid to touch him, afraid to scare him if she touched him and he didn’t see it coming.

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 Getting Settled (Xiao-Niao)
« Jun 20, 2009 23:09:15 GMT -6 »

OOC: Sorry if it is a bit short.

Connor was good natured, and not exactly shy about his condition. He didn't want people to feel pity for him, nor did he want to make others uncomfortable. He chuckled, and was glad she didn't seem too taken back by her late realization.

"I'm Connor. And nowhere in particular. I'm just trying to get a feel for the place. I moved here not too long ago, and I'm still getting settled." His smiled was warm a friendly. "I supposed at times sight would be helpful. I can't exactly listen to the walls and hope they tell me which way to go." He thought on that for a second. "But, yeah, normally I get around ok. I just need to get used to the place is all."

He paused, not wanting to put her out. "If you don't mind being a tour guide, I'd be very thankful. But, you don't have to. If you had somewhere you were heading, I don't want to hold you up." He hated when he felt like he was a burden to anyone. But, when he needed it, he asked for help.

If she accepted, he would thank her again, and let her take the lead.

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 Getting Settled (Xiao-Niao)
« Jun 21, 2009 11:09:30 GMT -6 »

OOC: (Mine’s not any better XD )

“Ah I see. So you’re a newbie around these parks.” She started. She looked at him, wondering how someone like him could be blind. When you think of a blind guy, you imagine some sophisticated looking guy with dark glasses and clothing with either a cane or some type of seeing-eye dog. But this guy... he didn’t look anything like that. He was your average male just, well blind. It was different to see, but also made her feel more at ease. “Well, kind of normal. If I couldn’t see, this would be a jungle to me.”

As much as she felt that this could be a bore, she had nothing else to do; well except homework, but who in their right minds would want to do that?
“Ugh, well I have nothing else to do.” She said, not sure how to feel. Tours weren’t exactly the most exciting this, in fact they were usually boring, but it was more than better than doing nothing or homework. “Alrighty, let’s get going Connor.”

She grabbed his hand, pulling him with her so he could follow along. She walked at a steady pace but was unsure if it would be too fast for him. “Am I going too fast?” she asked, slowing down for a second to get his answer.

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 Getting Settled (Xiao-Niao)
« Jun 22, 2009 15:43:24 GMT -6 »

OOC: I am sure a fight with some NPCs could make this interesting. ^_~ I'll work it in. If anything needs to be changed, just let me know.

She agreed, and Connor felt better. He could commit the grounds to memory, and so long as she didn't mess with him, he'd have the place down pat, maybe even enough to managed should his vibrations get blurred. Too much noise was bad, but he could managed if he knew the lay of the land.

Her voice wasn't brimming over with excitement. He hoped it wasn't like a chore for her to do this. But, regardless, she agreed. She took him by the hand, and started off. Well, he wasn't expecting that, but it was fine with him. He was used to far more harsh human contact. She slowed down, and asked if she was moving too fast.

Connor was athletic, and his martial arts training kept him in great shape, though his toned body was hidden well by his attire. He would be able to keep up easily. "Not at all." It wasn't long before they had reached the building. Though a decent sized campus, it was a fairly easy navigation. But, as luck would have it, not all students were kind enough to want to help.

No, the five guys who happened to be standing around seemed to want to cause trouble. Even in the strict schools, there were always some.

They caught the two holding hands, and of course, that started the jeering. Not only that, but they knew the girl Connor was with.

"Well, well, well. So what, is this your new boyfriend, Xiao?" The boy, apparently the leader, eyed Connor up real quick. It didn't take him long to figure out Connor was blind. "Aw, you take him out of pity?"

Connor stood still, listening and feeling. The rest of the group began to circle, the lead boy talking to take their attention off the others. "He guys, get a load of this! Xiao's date is a bat."

He moved his hand in front of Connor's face. The group laughed, and Connor chuckled. "Wow. In high school and just figured out bats can't see?" The boy he was addressing started to get pissed.

"What did you just say?"

"Oh, I'm sorry. Maybe I should have said it louder. Some visuals maybe? A few slides might have helped." The boy was silent. Connor didn't show any expression. "Oh, sorry. Visuals are things you look at."

Yes, he was very much insulting the boy. He hadn't let go of Xaio's hand yet, either. He gave her hand a quick squeeze, and flashed her a grin. It was quick, enough so the boy, who had looked at his buddies, hadn't seen.

"Well, we'd love to stay, but she's showing me around. So..."

The boy shook his head. "You ain't walking away from here."

Connor took off his shades. His eyes held a creepy look to them. They were pale green, and though held no sight, seemed to stare right through you. "Now, I don't think you want us to embarrass you." He didn't know if she could fight, but he was hoping so. This was about to turn ugly.

Two guys came up from behind, moving slowly. Connor knew where they were. The boy in front shouted. "Get 'em!"

Wrong move. Connor lowered his center of gravity, and kicked back. It was the first time he let go of Xaio. His left foot planted, his right shot out, face level, connecting with the nose of the boy behind him. The boy dropped, in pain but not out of the game. His hands went to his face, which was now dripping blood from the nose.

He hoped Xaio could handle the other guy. The leader had no idea how Connor managed to move so fast, nor how he could tell someone was right there.

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