Author Topic: Mac Frasier (Read 176 times)

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Joined: January 1970
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 Mac Frasier
« Jun 16, 2009 4:20:33 GMT -6 »

-::Personal Information::-

    [/i][/b] John C. Fremont High School
    Year: Junior

    Name: Mac Frasier
    Alias: Little Mac
    Date of Birth: June 6th, 19--
    Age: 17
    Nationality: American
    Ethnicity: Mostly Italian. Bit of Native American as well.
    Blood Type: AB+
    Height: 5'7
    Weight: 149 lbs
    Hair Colour: Black
    Eye Color: Darkish Blue
    Handedness: Right, but fights Southpaw.
    Sexual Orientation: Straight[/ul][/size]


      -::Physical Appearance::-


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          « Last Edit: Jun 16, 2009 4:26:48 GMT -6 by eva » Back to Top  

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           Mac Frasier
          « Jun 16, 2009 4:21:01 GMT -6 »



            Strength: C
            Dexterity: C
            Constitution: B
            Wisdom: D

            Style: Boxing with a bit of Street Fighting

            Description: Mac is all about boxing, as such he's all about the two fists on the end of his arms. They hit fast and hard. Mac is a very agressive fighter, usually bent on coming to his opponent and trying to throw quick jabs to his opponent to open them up for more options for attacks.

            While he is right handed with most of the things he does, he is a Southpaw fighter.

            Mac rarely, if ever, fights with his feet. That's just not his style. He's might do something if he has no other choice but that rarely happens. His feet are the base of his speed and his power, thus, his being. If he isn't able to utilize his legs, then there's not much he can do in terms of Boxing. That's why he keeps them on the ground for much better uses.

            Defensively, he's able to block and dodge, but it's not his forte. In a ring against other boxers he can dodge and block with the best of them, but outside of the ring against other fighters while he is able to, it's his weak point. But to him it doesn't matter as his Iron Will and Constitution makes up for that. He can take the best of blows and keep on truckin'. He's very hard to get down and if he is knocked down chances are he's quickly back up and ready for more.

            Mac does know when to quit fights if he sees no reason fighting them. He isn't a foolish man to just keep on going with an unbreakable will if there's no reason for it. In the ring it's different and he will easily fight pass his limits against opponents to the point of fainting from exhaustion if the opponent causes him to go that far.

            Weaknesses: He does not fight with his feet, limiting his attacks to his hands. Against other boxers, this is no problem, but against other fighters who utilize many different limbs to attack with he's at a disadvantage as he is a bit inexperienced at keeping up with more than just fists in a fight. This also means that because he is limited in his attacks, they are easy to handle. If you can take out his arms, the only thing you have to worry about from Mac is a headbutt and maybe a kick if he feels it's helpful to do so. As such, because of this, he can be very easy to guard against.

            Strengths: While he is limited to attacks, he is very intellectual with his punches. They can be clever and unothordox attacks at times and opponents may find themselves surprised at what he can do with punches.

            He can take blows with the best of them, so while if you're able to lock him down for a moment and get in a few licks on him, he'll keep coming for more as in Boxing you've got to be able to take punishment as well as dish it out sometimes.

            While he isn't the most perceptive of fighters, he has a knack for noticing opponent's weaknesses sometimes that other's might miss due to his experience in the ring, scouting for any weakness he might see, and it's something that he will take advantage of.

            « Last Edit: Jun 16, 2009 4:32:09 GMT -6 by eva » Back to Top  

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             Mac Frasier
            « Jun 16, 2009 4:22:02 GMT -6 »



              « Last Edit: Jun 16, 2009 4:29:38 GMT -6 by eva » Back to Top  
              Horseman of War

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               Mac Frasier
              « Jun 16, 2009 21:23:31 GMT -6 »

              An effective bio. I really enjoyed the details spent on his personality and fighting style. Bio approved; welcome to The Collective.

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