Author Topic: Random Student Appeared! (Read 94 times)

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 Random Student Appeared!
« Jun 17, 2009 10:42:17 GMT -6 »

Wild MAGNUS used Yawn!

Wild MAGNUS made himself sleepy!

I swear that move is supposed to affect others in that Pocket Monsters game, but what the heck. That's what the blonde bozo got for deciding to hit the hay at... Oh, I don't know...

5 in the facking morning?!

Seriously, who does that without a good excuse? It wasn't like he was up all night doing work. A little youtube here and a little drawing there really made the hours fly by. And on his first day here too.

Tsk tsk.

Judging by his uniform, the young man with the almost crimson eyes was enrolled at the O' Hare University. And judging by his uniform, personal appearances weren't all that important to him. The top button of the white, button down shirt was not buttoned, his suit jacket was unbuttoned, and his tie wasn't even tied. His tie was instead looped around the back of his neck with one end hanging to his right and the other to his left. It was worn more like the pope's sash than an actual tie. The only thing that wasn't haphazardly put on were the tan cargo pants, which, I might add, were the only things he didn't mind wearing aside from teh spiffy black shoes. Magnus honestly found the uniform stuffy, and he'd have thrown a silent fit if he had to wear those blasted slacks. For some reason, he had this weird association with old people and slacks.

With his mind fresh from two oh so long hours of sleep, Magnus decided to explore the campus a little before he actually headed over to the actual university to...

... What was his first class again?

... Derp. Well, he'd look that up later.

Still, it didn't really look like he was exploring. In fact, he looked like his body was just moving forward while his mind decided to take an early lunch break some miles away. It probably wouldn't have surprised anyone if the blonde dude actually did end up walking into a tree branch. Or lamp post.

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 Random Student Appeared!
« Jun 17, 2009 14:05:12 GMT -6 »

'Damn, who the decided to make people get up this damn early is a serious nut job.'

Afano got up and out of his bed after a rough night of homework, TV, homework, wrestling, and even more homework. Afano being the big man he was needed more sleepy than the average person, but got the same 5-7 average hours as the typical American teenager. Afano got his school garb already, but decided against the whit button up shit and decided to wear a black t-shirt instead, but kept the standardized pants and jacket.

About 7:13 in the morning as gray clouds of smog rolled through out the city and the school grounds. Afano was defiantly not looking forward to school this morning after a very rough night of working as a wrestler. The night before he had to wrestle against two other opponents in a steel cage. Given the cage makes your paycheck bigger, it does a major toll on body.

Afano walked along with his frayed old black backpack as he saw what seemed like a tall blonde man stumbling though the campus grounds with his school uniform trashed and undone. Afano rushed over to the man with the intention to help him get where ever he was going without hurting others, or himself....mostly himself.

"Hey man, what the hell happened to you?" Afano jogged over to the man and propped him up with his arm steadying his course and direction.

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 Random Student Appeared!
« Jun 17, 2009 19:45:41 GMT -6 »


Turning his face towards whoever this person was who decided to prop him up, Magnus blinked a couple of times before he suddenly jerked his head in one direction and then the other, cracking his neck loudly. Twice. The blonde tugged at the strap of a back pack that was not mentioned previously.

"Well, you know. I did the impossible and saw the invisible. Managed to touch the untouchable, broke some unbreakable things... To put it simply I just rowed rowed and fought the power," Magnus said with a shrug of his shoulders. "But with all that rowing and fighting the power I didn't get much sleep. That's the important part."

He quotes anime rap music because he's awesome like that. Or not.

"What about you? Have you done your awesome today?"

Magnus took one step to the side and scratched the back of his neck and glanced the person in front of him over quickly. The guy seemed athletic, that was for sure, merely judging by his build. And going by the look of the guy's outfit, Magnus was probably not going to be seeing him around the university.

He slipped his left hand into his jacket pocket. Which was stiff. And scratchy.

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 Random Student Appeared!
« Jun 17, 2009 20:35:08 GMT -6 »

Afano looked and listened as the student that seemed to be a university student sprawl off a long speech of the awesome things his apparently did last night. Afano didn't believe are recognize half of what he was saying. Hell he still thought this guys was either drunk or a nut job.

"Well, I have done my fill of awesome yet, but the day is young and so is the night." Afano looked and laughed as the two seemed to be making friendly chatter. The first of which Afano had in a nice long time.

"So were is the king of awesome headed, I'll make sure you get there with you passing out or launching on some random object" Afano watched as the man stood still with his hand in his pocket. He looked as if he was sleeping while standing up.

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