Author Topic: Recuperation: Part 2 [Open] (Read 180 times)

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 Recuperation: Part 2 [Open]
« Jun 18, 2009 12:06:58 GMT -6 »

ooc: Continues from 'Recuperation'.


Five days since he'd been taken to the hospital after an attack in the courtyard, and Aroon was feeling lethargic. Not a good sign, given the Thais usual routine consisted of a workout every day, running every second, weights every alternate, interspersed with cardiovascular work...It surprised him how quickly the feeling of laziness could set in, having followed his doctors orders to the letter and avoiding any strenuous activity until now, and he sat with his back to the wall on his bed, his legs crossed over as he flicked through pages on his laptop...

'This is no good...'

Sighing, he clicked off the browser and shut down the computer before getting to his feet, stretching out his legs as he paced around the room. Gathering a few things, he stuffed them into his holdall and zipped the bag over, walking from the room and locking the door over. The campus gym was hardly the most appropriate for his particular brand of training, but for getting the funk off, it would prove more than sufficient.

The walk took a little less than ten minutes, and after quickly changing he locked his bag away and walked into the large, industrial-looking room. Considering it functioned as the training facility for the Collectives athletes, the equipment was reasonably up to date and most of it was of a good quality, so at least he wasn't going to kill himself on a busted weights bench.

A cursory look around was enough for the Thai to plan a simple circuit, and he walked to the first machine of choice, a set of leg-presses. Adjusting the weight to a hundred and eighty pounds, he shifted into the brace for his back and shoulders before placing his feet against the grip-pad. Pushing hard, he forced the weight away with a grunt, and set into a series of thirty reps with the machine...

An hour would pass, Aroon having done two laps of his circuit, and he was stood in front of a chin-ups bar with trepidation again. His shoulder was still a little sore, so anything with his arm had proven particularly irritating, but the chin-ups had been just plain ridiculous. After two attempts at two-handed pulls, he'd opted to go for one-armed equivalents only to find them less daunting. However, the arm was now fully limber, and with a light hop up to grab the horizontal pole, he groaned and heaved himself up, pulling his chin level to the bar before steadily lowering himself again.

'At least it's a little easier...'

By now, the gym had begun to fill up a little more, most of them members of the sports teams but a few other individual trainers lingering as well...He gave a small glance around before setting back into the reps, a few trails of sweat beginning to form on the nape of his neck and shoulders, as well as his forehead.

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 Recuperation: Part 2 [Open]
« Jun 18, 2009 16:21:07 GMT -6 »

Colin hadn't worked out for quite a while, not at the school gym at least. With all the doctors, anger management, and all kinds of other shit that drove him so fucking batty that he was surprised he didn't murder someone just to burn off steam. Now that he was back he needed to get back into the routine.

When he walked into the gym he was wearing a gray muscle shirt and a pair of track shorts that had gotten quite a lot of use over the years, but despite his very average dress there was a fairly quick reaction to his presence. When he walked directly to a machine that was in use the occupant glanced up and decided that he would like to use another one.

Colin straddled the seat and leaned forward setting the weight higher than the last student had, and got up to sit with his back int he proper position. Resting his forearms to either side of his shoulders he began his workout, pressing his arms together and lifting the weight, ready to find out how much of his stamina wore off over the mild summer.

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 Recuperation: Part 2 [Open]
« Jun 18, 2009 21:28:57 GMT -6 »

As his feet slapped the ground under the bar, he rolled both his shoulders slowly, a twinge running through his right before he glanced towards his next path on the circuit. Someone was using the machine, however, so he was forced either to skip over it or wait until the other guy, clearly a few years older than him without even needing to look, was finished.

'Fair enough, I'll just take a minute to breathe...'

He padded across the mat-covered floors over towards the forearm press, giving a nod to the older guy as he did so before sitting with his back to the wall, taking a swig of water and leaning forward hooking his hands under the soles of his feet and pulling himself forward, practically folding himself in two at the midsection. Groaning as the muscles in his back stretched themselves fully limber, along with those in the back of his thighs and his shoulders, he slowly retracted and sat up, hooking his towel around his neck whilst waiting for the machine to free up...

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 Recuperation: Part 2 [Open]
« Jun 19, 2009 14:06:14 GMT -6 »

Colin was working the machine well, the tone of his muscles showing as his veins pulsed against the surface of his skin along his forearms. Each rep was a non-stop movement, pressing his arms together hard and fast, and then letting the weight down slowly, only to repeat the process for several more reps.

Deep breath in while he pressed his arms together, impressively slow on the way out, using the machine to train his lungs for the contractions and slow relaxation of his muscles as well. The strain was also on the chest and arms, and a thin sheen of sweat was building on his forehead as he kept up the steady reps.

Somewhere in between reps he noticed a younger guy come around, looked up at him and raised his brow slightly as he was breathing out through a rep, noticing that he was being nodded at. It wasn't odd to see a nod, it was just odd for someone to be waiting around for him to get off a machine, as he was usually avoided pretty vigorously when he had heavy things to swing around.

All the same Colin nodded and went back to his reps, already working on five minutes of constant strain.

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 Recuperation: Part 2 [Open]
« Jun 20, 2009 1:32:19 GMT -6 »

After a moment, it became evident that the machine was going to be in use for at least more than a single set of reps, and with a small shrug to himself the Thai stood again, hooking his knees up to his chest and stretching out the muscle with a grunt, one after the other. He paused as he went past the chest press, glancing at the older male with a brief smile.

"Could you let me know when you're done with the machine?"

Rather than stop to strike up a conversation, he figured the statement was self-ending. A simple request, and he saw no reason why the other guy wouldn't at least give him a sign that it was freed up. Pacing over, he stopped in front of a machine that, going by the layout, appeared to be designed for bicep curls. Considering his shoulder, this would be the most suitable alternative for the time being. He glanced around at the set weight, noted that it didn't seem to be too high for him, and hooked his arms through, his triceps pressed flat against a pair of bracing pads as he gripped the bar and began to draw the weight up.

Now, Aroon was not built for heavy lifting, he would never try and heave above his limits, but the density of his muscles made him a good bit stronger than he first appeared, so the hundred pounds of weight was just right for putting the strain on him as he set into the curls, waiting for the other guy to give him a heads up in the process.

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 Recuperation: Part 2 [Open]
« Jun 21, 2009 15:57:26 GMT -6 »

Ever the social creature ,when a question was posed to him, Colin went ahead an nodded a second time. A personal best when it came to people interrupting his workout. At least the guy didn't hover around and irate him, which was a plus in the don't crush his arms with dumbbells category.

All the same he was finding that his constitution had been reduced by his fairly stagnant summer, and he was finding himself increasingly frustrated with the burning ache in his arms. But true to his nature he stubbornly increased his breathing and began pushing himself through the ache, intending to finish his normal routine.

After spending eight more minutes wrecking himself on the machine his shirt was stained down his back in the form of the pad he leaned against, and a triangle of sweat from his collar to his naval. When he finished he dropped his arms and a loud bang sounded as the weights came crashing down.

Breathing deep and heavy he pressed his numb arms into his knees and straightened up, walking toward the younger guy and giving him a hard smack in the leg while he passed, heading to the vending machine that would pump out anything from water to Gatorade, and had the thing push out a cheap bottle of cold water.

To say Colin was healthy with his body building would be a uninformed statement. The best way to describe his workouts would be him picking what muscle he wanted stronger, build up a sweat by punishing himself until the given muscle would feel like it was about to wither off his body, over hydrate, and hit another group of muscles.

In about thirty seconds the bottle of water he paid the ridiculous price of 1.50$ for was empty and discarded with a simple flick of his wrist. Colin went back into the mess of work out stations and machines and found the one he was looking for, one he wasn't aware his little Thai buddy had used earlier to work out on. Grabbing the bar with both hands he showed that his muscles were pretty loose for a guy of his build, hooking his legs up over the bar and crossing his ankles on the other side.

This one was for his upper body, he started doing crunches, pulling himself up to his knees and then lowering himself back, while keeping his hands interlocked behind his head. At the top of the curl he would twist his body left and right like he was striking an invisible opponent with his elbows and then drop back, his muscle shirt falling down to his armpits as the sweat traveled down(up) toward his head.

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 Recuperation: Part 2 [Open]
« Jun 21, 2009 17:08:08 GMT -6 »

He was somewhere in the region of his fifth set of reps when he felt the strike to his leg. Yes, fair enough, he'd asked for a note that the machine was free, but a tap to the shoulder would have sufficed...Still, he ignored it for the most part, acknowledging the machine was free and finishing up his set in a half-dozen more reps. Drawing his arms back out, he stretched them slowly as he turned, pacing slowly to the press.

Sitting into the device, he hooked his forearms up alongside the pads and exhaled slowly, reaching around to slip the weight pin up a few notches, lightening the load slightly. He didn't even have to look to know that he'd have trouble pushing whatever the other guy was, at least with his upper body. Giving the pads a quick push to feel the resistance, he adjusted the pin once more before he settled in and launched into his reps.

From his seated position he was able to look around the rest of the gym, noting that it was still fairly quiet and most of the patrons were lingering around treadmills and rowing machines on the other side of the room. He left them be, all things taken into account they just didn't want to be disturbed, much like the other guy who had shifted his attentions to the chin-up bar, switching it around to use it as an inverted sit-ups aid.

'Hm, I hadn't thought of that...'

As he continued on with the routine on the press, he glanced at a set of free weights for bench presses. For a moment he considered why they'd have them as free weights, but a closer look made it clear. The weights were pretty immense, something close to four hundred pounds on the bar as it was. Anyone who could even consider lifting that was, in the Thais eyes, a complete freak of nature. He considered it an accomplishment that he could 'powerlift' two hundred for a few reps, for crying out loud.

However, he decided that he'd pull a few of them out next....A few minutes later as he pushed his last rep, he again sat for a moment, wiping his brow with the towel and hookng it over his shoulder...

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 Recuperation: Part 2 [Open]
« Jun 21, 2009 17:39:47 GMT -6 »

Colin was having a nice time making blood rush to his head and then back into his midsection as he breathed in time with his movements, a deep breath in while he leaned back and then pressed the air out of his lungs as he went up and twisted his upper body, and fell back to repeat the process.

Already he had built up a decent sweat before, but not he was wishing there was a couple million dollars in the school budget to turn the place into the north pole, because he got to the point that sweat was flicking out of his hair each time he lowered himself back and jerked his chin up to his knees.

But as stubborn as ever he just kept pushing himself, moving through each movement, counting his way back from one hundred. It took him a while, especially since he was slowing down and losing the battle against the pain by sixty,. Each one after that felt like he was pressing his abdomen to burning coals, but he just kept pushing harder until he finished, and hung from his legs with his breath coming out in heavy pants.

Relaxing and catching your breath like a bat tends to make you light headed, so he put his hands under him and pulled his legs off the bar so they could land behind him and leave him in a crouch as he looked for his next goal. What that would be, he hadn't quite decided, but for starters he needed to cool off.

Still breathing hard he grabbed the bottom of his shirt and pulled it up to his face, drying off his his neck and shoulders as well, then sighed as he pat his hands off on his shirt as well. Okay, so he had worked his upper body, time for some leg training then. He glanced around and found a machine just for it.

Colin sat down and hooked his shins behind a heavy cushioned device, and pressed his shins against it and watched as they jerked straight. Blinking he twisted around and noticed that the last person on the machine was either a woman or a pussy, because the weight was only pegged in at forty pounds. Grumbling he turned around and set the weight up by about sixty five pounds and started in again, looking like the work out was starting to really take it's toll.

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 Recuperation: Part 2 [Open]
« Jun 23, 2009 9:13:03 GMT -6 »

ooc: Blah short.


Dropping down his towel at the weights bench, he unwound the catch that held the weights in place with a twist and spun the bolt loose to slide it free. Giving a quick glance at the weights, he worked out which ones he'd need to take off in order to drop the weight to something more his capability. As he unwound the other sides catch, he pulled off the smaller 25lb weights and stacked them at each side neatly for a moment.

'Hm, do I go for the full 200lbs, or just play it safe with 150?'

With only the two 50lb weights on each side left, he slid one of them each off. It left a base 100lbs of weight on the bar, and with a mental flip of a coin he slid two of the 25lbs onto each end. Sliding the catches on again, he tightened the bolt firmly and set the remaining discs onto the shelf that sat against the wall. Approaching the bar from behind, a standing position, he hooked his hands around and let himself get a feel for what his arm would do, drawing his arms against the opposing force. He exhaled slowly as he made to lift it, and whilst it didn't feel that heavy, his recovering shoulder continued to stab with pain and forced him to let up. Grumbling to himself, he considered shifting the weights around again. However, he wanted to add a little more mass, not just enhance the existing muscles.

As if the proverbial light bulb lit in his head, he called over to the burlier boy with a questioning tone.

"Hey, would you mind spotting me?"

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 Recuperation: Part 2 [Open]
« Jun 23, 2009 18:34:06 GMT -6 »

Colin found that this was probably the most boring exercise he ever performed. Sure it helped strengthen up his legs, but shit, he never kicked anyone and he wasn't much into running away either. The monotony of this work out wore on him more than any other, and he was seriously considering just running on the tracks outside when he was posed a rather odd question.

There was two things that never happened to him in a gym. One was that he was never approached or spoken to in any length beyond a brief greeting. The second was that no one asked him to do anything. So when he found himself standing up from his seat and had the urge to press forward to the bench with his muscles tense he had to pause and ponder why before he tripped over the padding and fell on his face.

Why would it piss him off before? Why didn't it now? The second was easier to answer than the first, and with a slightly confounded expression he stepped over the pads and went behind the bar. "Yeah, sure." He talked more in bars to assholes, and to women in his dorm, then he would in just random conversation. But it didn't feel awkward or forced, so he ignored the oddity of it and got ready to get a hold of the bar.

"Figure out something to say before it crushes your throat, I'm not a mind reader." Colin muttered, his hardly comforting words coming out like a command, but his posture was just stiff, his personality just showing itself in a way other than raising the bar and smashing it down on the boys throat simply for being annoyed.

An odd day, thanks to little white pills in an annoying orange bottle.

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 Recuperation: Part 2 [Open]
« Jun 25, 2009 10:48:55 GMT -6 »

When the other guy agreed, he nodded in silent thanks as he approached the weight bench. With a shift, the Thai set himself down and brought his hands up to grip the bar. When the rather dry words were spoken, his eyebrow piqued again. Unlike before, he did speak back, however stupid the notion might have been. Still, he was careful with his words.

"Well, how about this...If my face starts going purple and you hear the sound of choking, that's your cue...." he shot back, his eyes shifting slightly to look up at the taller male.

Of course, he would make it clear when he needed the bar relieved, and he was sure enough that the burly youth behind him would be able to tell himself. He looked the type that did weights -an understatement if ever there was one-.

His hands hooking into the bar, he exhaled sharply for a second as he brought the weight off the rest, using his locked elbows to keep it in place for a moment. With a mental three count, he inhaled smoothly as the bar lowered to his chest, bracing a one-count before he exhaled and pushed against the weight. The resistance was pretty much spot-on for him, and he let himself settle into the rhythm, counting off the reps.

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 Recuperation: Part 2 [Open]
« Jun 27, 2009 19:02:03 GMT -6 »

OOC: Short

Colin didn't end up being as put off as he would have in the past, instead it seemed more amusing than anything else. He just grinned and tilted his head back slightly. "Well, that's on way to know I suppose." He said with a chuckle, deciding that he wouldn't be pressing the bar down on his throat.

Never being much of a cheer leader he just crossed his arms and watched him go through the reps, using the time to get his breath under control, rest his muscles, get his stamina back enough that he could find a machine to work on next before he headed out to the track.

"How many reps you gonna be doing?"

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 Recuperation: Part 2 [Open]
« Jun 30, 2009 2:02:45 GMT -6 »

ooc: Short too, I suppose.


He smirked in return at the slightly amused response he'd received, figuring that the spotter was just as uninterested in people as a whole as he was, but tended to just be a little more surly about it. Each to their own, it was said. So long as he did the job Aroon had asked of him, they'd get along swimmingly. As such, he continued on with the reps until he was spoken to again, and with a slower descent, he braced the bar against his sternum for a moment, speaking without actually stopping his pace.

"Two sets of thirty I think, that alright by you?

As the bar rose again, he continued to listen in case he was addressed by the tall youth, but otherwise returned to the weights. He could feel the pull on his muscles increase slightly as the weight began to strain them, closing in on approaching the thirty-mark for his first set of reps. It wouldn't be until the end of the next set that he believed he'd require the assistance he'd requested, but he'd certainly rather that than have his neck crushed by the weight as a result of massaging his own ego.

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