Author Topic: From the Window....(Open)(TIME FOR MY DEBUT!!!) (Read 208 times)
Andy Daws
Swagger of a Cripple

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I'm The Bomb. No, literally, I blow stuff up. With my mind and junk.

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 From the Window....(Open)(TIME FOR MY DEBUT!!!)
« Jun 20, 2009 11:27:17 GMT -6 »

“ Damnit.” Roth mumbled under his panting breath. He was halfway bent over, his hand on his knee and head looking down. A long cut was going slowly down his right cheek, if it scared it would be one badass battle scar. He took a long look around to see thousands of tiny shards of glass surrounding him. Roth took a small glance up to see two kids staring at him from a shattered window.

“That’ll teach you to mess with us you fucking ass-wipe!” the two kids from the window yelled out to Roth. With that said the two students leaped out from the window aiming for Roth. One was big blonde kid that seemed to be on some sports team, most likely football, The other was a smaller kid with shaggy brown hair didn't look very strong, but maybe pretty fast. The blonde kid went first and was flying at Roth.

“What the hell? Even I wouldn't be stupid enough to try that...although it does look pretty fun. If only I didn’t stop those guys from trying to cheat of that girls paper, this mess wouldn’t have happened. Hell if definitely didn't deserve being thrown out a third story window while my back was turned.”

The Blonde kid came flying down to Roth and swung a wide left kick to Roth's face leaving plenty of reaction time. Roth could take the hit, but if he could use the attack against his opponent, then he would gladly take the opportunity.

"I really don’t want to do this, but...” Within a the moment of that said Roth grabbed the blonde kid's foot with both arms and with a full circle turn, tossed him straight up into the brown haired boy who was within a foot range from landing another flying kick to Roth's head. Slowly raising his fists to a simple Muay Thai fighting stance Roth waited from the two to get up. The blonde student was the first to get up. The athletic blonde rushed to Roth readying to tackle him down. Roth waited until the tackle was about to hit and swung his right elbow into the attacker's face.

As his opponent staggered backward Roth unleashed a vast array of quick elbow and knee strikes to the blonde before he fell to the ground. After Roth had taken down the blonde, the smaller brown haired kid dashed over to Roth and jumped swinging a wide right aerial leg into Roth's face. Without realizing what had happened Roth took the full force of the blow. After a moment or two the brown haired kid watched in amazement as Roth stood his ground with out much stumbling or movement. (if the brown haired kid had a STR grade, it would be around an E)

"Well I guess this won't be nearly as fun as I thought it would be." Roth had a mild laughter in his voice as he ran at the brown haired kid in a matching speed. Roth's knee hit the brown haired kid's head straight on knocking him out cold. Before knowing what happened the blonde boy had gotten up and tackled Roth's ribs with his shoulder knocking both of them to the ground. As Roth hit the ground he immediately got back up about two yards away from the blonde. In a quick decision Roth somersaulted over to the blonde. As the full rotation completed Roth leaped over the blonde in a full flip and landed his back onto the blonde kid in a professional wrestling move called Rolling Thunder. (look it up, it's pretty cool)

Roth stood up over the two beaten kids and watched as student began to pour from the Fremont school. “Great now not only am I bloody, but the whole school thinks that I beat these kids up without a reason!”

A huge crowd formed as the to near beaten kids laid in agony. Roth stood their awaiting some sort of punishment weather it be by another student seeking justice, or the corpral punishment system taking over once again. Breaking of property and fighting on school grounds.

Roth looked to the sky as the few grey clouds of smog began to lift and let the sunshine flow once again. It seemed like a false sense of security.

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 From the Window....(Open)(TIME FOR MY DEBUT!!!)
« Jun 23, 2009 11:31:57 GMT -6 »

Connor was on one of his walks. He did it to keep his own inner peace, and to clear his mind. That, and walking gave him a good idea what the school grounds were like, both physically the layout as well as the student body in general. Some were kind, others not so much. He had met a few, one nice enough to guide him around. Another was... well, he was still trying to figure her out.

Connor heard the sound of broken glass, and then a thud. Now, he may be blind, but he could definitely hear well. More than well. Connor hurried to the area. He caught someone shout from the window, which was apparently broken. That would explain the broken glass. He had also heard a thud. The vibrations in the ground gave Connor an idea of the battleground. Someone had just landed, and was still being taunted by a voice from above. No, not a heavenly one. Some student who was still in the room that the boy had been thrown from.

Connor couldn't feel the boys jump from the window. One, they were to far away. Two, he still hand't perfected detecting airborn attacks. However, once they landed, and the boy before him began to move, things were a little more clear. Typically, Connor might have joined in. Two on one wasn't fair. However, this 'victim' was clearly in the advantage, as he quickly took the boys down.

However, it was always the aftermath most people witnessed. The flood of people would surely believe that this boy had taken out the other two, maybe even thrown them out the window. And, if Connor tried to tell them otherwise... well... he couldn't say he saw it happen, now could he?

Still, that didn't stop him from intervening. He rushed over, right at the victor of the battle. "Hey! Are you alright? Good thing you can fight. Being jumped by two people is entirely unfair." Simple statement, and with his shades on and no cane, it would looked like he might have actually witnessed the whole thing.

Connor knew they shouldn't stand there. "Hey, someone get the nurse out here. This one can still walk, but barely. Oh, and someone let the officials know these guys just tried to gang up on someone." He didn't wait for confirmation, just made as if he was going to help the boy out by taking the boy's arm and putting it around his shoulders. He whispered, enough so only he would hear.

"I know full well you can walk. Just play along."

He hoped the boy would allow this. After all, Connor was trying to help. If he did, Connor would wait until they were out of earshot and sight of everyone. Then he would let the boy walk all his own. He would grin. "That should work. Nice job back there. I don't know if I would have done that well."

He was of course talking about the fight. He extended his hand to the boy. "By the way, I'm Connor. Pleased to meet you." Given a few minutes, Connor's lack of sight would be apparent. We would have to see how observant the 'victim' was. "So, what was that all about, anyway?"

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Andy Daws
Swagger of a Cripple

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I'm The Bomb. No, literally, I blow stuff up. With my mind and junk.

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 From the Window....(Open)(TIME FOR MY DEBUT!!!)
« Jun 24, 2009 17:20:03 GMT -6 »

The few clouds left in the daytime sky broke away for the sun to further shine upon Collective. It's warmth embracing all it touched. Roth always took a look out for the weather. It always matched his setting and made his decisions based on it's actions. It wasn't a religious matter, just something he found and enjoyed trying to be part of something bigger.

The scene was set. The crowd came in from stage right to see the valiant hero be mistaken for the villain. That unfortunately happened all too often. The worse part was that Roth defiantly looked the part with his dark loose jeans, black ECW t-shirt, and his signature long matted black trench coat. Not the typical garb for the knight in shining armor.

Before Roth could react to the swarming crowd somebody beat him to the punch. A smaller kid in dark glasses came in from the crowd was now telling everyone what to do about the situation. He definitely had some balls to defy the people who would want to see Roth finish off the two and to defy the system and some some real initiative in keeping the peace. Roth liked that.

The kid in the dark glasses came up to Roth and had now told Roth to play along and act hurt get avoid the situation at hand. Although Roth was skeptical at first, the kid was smart, so for once in a long time Roth did as he was told. After about a minute or two Roth and his new caretaker were behind the Fremont building. Nobody really hung out there much, if they really needed to be cool or do something illegal they could do so in the halls without any real repremandment.

Roth waited and listened as his caretaker started a conversation. He complemented Roth on the fight and then introduced himself. For the first time in a long time someone had some damned manners in this place. Roth took his handshake and placed a firm grip and looking into his eyes.

"I'm Roth. And that my friend, is what happens when you try to be the hero. It's hard work, but someones gotta do it"

Roth stared for a moment, and without thinking much of it began to wave his open hand in front of his new friend's eyes. Roth was worried when his eyes didn't follow, and slowly but surely put the pieces together.

"So your blind, eh?" Roth started to relax as he took out his wallet from his pocket and began to search for something to clean his cut with. After looking for a few seconds he found an old unused tissue and began to clean himself up. Roth finished up and looked back as new friend Conner,

"Well Conner, I congratulate you in becoming my first friend in the little Collective. Which school you go to?" Roth took Conner's blindness with little more than a thought. If that did anything, it just made him more aware and a better listener, and Roth liked that in a friend.

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 From the Window....(Open)(TIME FOR MY DEBUT!!!)
« Jun 25, 2009 9:38:18 GMT -6 »

The much larger boy had followed Connor's lead. If nothing else, at least Connor's intellect was recognized. Connor, though a student of the collective, was farm from wanting to be tied to the 'unity' the school wished to enforce. It was false, and he got the feeling that there was something underlying. But, he could just be reading to far. Though his reading ability was amazing, he wasn't perfect.

The boy spoke, and Connor nodded. He was more than familiar when you try to do what you feel is right. He smiled at that statement. "Believe me, I am more aware of that than you know. But, if you stand by and do nothing, you are no better than the ones causing the problems." He sighed. "You either go with the flow because it's easier, or you fight the current with everything you have."

He could feel Roth move, and knew what he was doing. But, he stood still. When Roth made the observation, Connor nodded. "Yup." It was more as if Roth was only confirming. He didn't seem put off by it, or mind much at all. That was reassuring.

So, with a small display, they had become friends. Also a plus. "Always good to have a friend." Connor meant that, too. "I'd much rather a friend than a fight." That was also true, though with some of the students here, it appeared they preferred the latter. "I go to Fremont. So far, so good I guess." Though, something was bugging him. It was that feeling of something going on, and he wouldn't stand for it. Though, he had no idea what that something was. Just from things he had heard about the way the school was run... something just didn't feel right here.

"It would seem you and I aren't so different. At least not with intent. But, no one said the hero always got away unscathed." He could smell the blood. "That's not too bad a wound, is it?" Connor barely got that last bit out when a voice came from behind Roth.

"That's him! He's the one who got Tony and Jim."

Connor could feel the vibrations. Before Roth could turn around, Connor spoke softly. "Looks like it's not over, hero." He grinned. The look on his face reflected confidence. Connor loved a good fight. "You can still move alright?" He stepped to the side, and a few steps forward. The boys caught sight of Connor, but didn't think much of him.

Compared to Roth, Connor was small. Roth was almost a full head taller, and was obviously muscular. Connor was well built, but his clothes hid that. Also, he had his handicap.

"Hey, that's the little brat who tried to help him." The boy noticed Connor not looking directly at any of them. His eyes might be hidden with the shades, but it was obvious. "Hey, he's blind! The group laughed.

Connor removed the shades, and his eyes were blank. Not of color. They were a pale green. But, the blank stare seemed to look right through them. Connor spoke, loud enough for all of them to hear. "Six? Is that really fair?"

"Fair? Who said we're trying to be fair?"

Connor shook his head. "No, I meant that there's only six of you." He grinned. "I just hope you aren't too embarrassed when you're beat by the wounded and the blind."

That enraged the boy, and he charged. Connor didn't move. He waited until the last moment. It happened fast, Connor ducked under the face shot, landed two quick shots to the boy's stomach, brought his knee up and connected as well. The boy doubled over, and Connor stood, then elbowed the boy where the neck and head met. Precise shots, and the boy dropped. Not out, but not getting up right away.

He knew Roth Could fight. he had felt every movement of the boy, save for when he was airborne. Connor spoke to Roth, but loud enough for the others to hear. "Well, this isn't much fun." Connor sighed, sitting on the balls of his feet and nudging the boy who was winded and on the ground. he shook his head, then stood. "Roth, you're welcome to join. If we end this quick, we can grab something to eat." He grinned. "If you drop them faster than I can, I'll buy."

Yes, he was doing his best to piss off the opponents. Anger clouds judgment. He figured Roth would pick up on that. Besides, Connor would be buying anyway. He was hungry.

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Andy Daws
Swagger of a Cripple

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I'm The Bomb. No, literally, I blow stuff up. With my mind and junk.

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Joined: June 2009
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 From the Window....(Open)(TIME FOR MY DEBUT!!!)
« Jun 27, 2009 11:05:35 GMT -6 »

(ooc: sorry for the wait)

The bright sun kept shining down on the Collective. Bright and warm for all to enjoy, expect Roth and his new friend Conner who were now in the shadow of the Fremont High School that they both went to. Roth enjoyed that they both went to the same school. Before Roth had any idea what was going on he turned to see Conner exchanging "pleasantries". There were five guys there, none of them looked like fighters, and all of them were stupid for not brining any weapons. Conner began to anger the small mob and took the first one down with such ease and without breaking a sweat. Needless to say, Roth was impressed.

"Free food you say!?" Excitement rose in Roth's voice as Conner now bet lunch on who could take these guys down fastest. He would definitely take that bet. "Your on! Hope your loaded, cause I'm freaking starving!"

With that last outburst Roth charged head on at the group with little thought on what was going to happen. With a large jump Roth flew about a yard into the air with his right knee extended flying into the head on one of the groups members. Using his momentum Roth then spun his body behind the falling fighter and implanted his foot into his back skull with a vertical back-kick.

Now he was surrounded by the last four fighters completely blocked off from Conner. With little time to think, and little ability to do so Roth stood as two of the striked out at Roth with their fists, the other two with kicks. Roth was now bending on his knees and protecting his head. A fist made a connection with his face cut, further opening the wound.

Taking the beating Roth waited for his opportunity and when one of the fighters stopped their assault for a moment Roth Speared him, tackling him while implanting his right shoulder into the fighter's ribs, and then crushing them upon impact with the ground. Roth got up and stared down each opponent. Only three more to go.

"Hey Conner, you better hurry up over there!" Yelling out with a Smile Roth wiped some blood from a busted lip he had just noticed. He was having a bit of fun with this. Roth finally had a friend, and what better way to bond then beating up on a few guys?

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 From the Window....(Open)(TIME FOR MY DEBUT!!!)
« Jun 28, 2009 8:45:43 GMT -6 »

Connor chuckled. Who wouldn't take an offer for free food? And what better way to build an appetite? Roth didn't need much coaxing, as he recklessly rushed the four. Connor waited, and the result was not entirely what he expected. Roth hit one, but didn't knock him out. Instead, he was now in the group of four and taking a beating.

Before Connor could rush to help, Roth managed to take the hits, and take one out with something Connor could only assume was some form of wrestling move. Never having seen it on TV, he wouldn't know the move's name, but he could feel and hear how effective it had just been.

Roth invited Connor to join the festivities. There were only three. The one Connor had taken down didn't seem in any hurry to get up. He addressed Roth, but it was more coaxing the three left. "Well, this isn't looking good for them. I wonder how they'll talk about this? You know... being beat by the wounded and the blind."

He grinned. One turned his attention to Connor, and made ready to attack. Connor shook his head. His pale eyes giving that creep out look he could give intentionally when he wished. "Now, tell me how you plan on attacking me from that stance." It was enough to allow Connor to get close.

The boy glanced down, and when he looked back up, he found Connor in striking distance. However, Connor struck first, kicking the inside of both knees with his right leg. It was a double kick before his leg returned to the ground. As it did, the boy dropped, and Connor brought his left knee up to the boys face.

"Roth, this is no f--" he didn't get the words out. He had let his focus go long enough for another one to nail him in the face. Not once, but twice. Connor reeled back, and shook his head. He had been hit, though thankfully the boy wasn't strong at all.

The boy tried for a third shot, but Connor deflected it with little effort, and used the same hand for an open palm strike to the chest. Not to harm, but to push back. This gave him the short distance he needed to read, and his focus returned.

"And then there were two." The boys realized that they were the only ones left, and that their "friends" were not going to be able to help them now. Not only that, but they were now in the middle of Connor and Roth.

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Andy Daws
Swagger of a Cripple

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I'm The Bomb. No, literally, I blow stuff up. With my mind and junk.

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 From the Window....(Open)(TIME FOR MY DEBUT!!!)
« Jun 28, 2009 11:55:18 GMT -6 »

The tall white Irish wrestler watched as his smaller blind friend was now getting further involved in the fight at hand. Roth watched as Conner took him down with two quick shots to the back of the knees, and then while getting attacked by a second one he shoved him off with great precision. Roth was amazed by Conner's fighting skills. He could have taken all six of these guys by himself.

There were now two left. A stout one about Conner's height and then a taller one, a few inches behind Roth. They both stood in between the wounded hero and the blind knight. Roth saw a few options in mind as he knew the two left were overcome by fear.

"Hey Conner, when I take this one out I wanna try something."

With a smile on his face Roth began to shake his legs a bit before slightly bending his knees. As the two fighters stood still in fear Roth began to stomp his left foot to the ground. Each time his hand would push down in his knee giving it extra sound. He did the five times while staring the tall one in the eyes.

With a lightning fast movement and a quick jump forward Roth launched a powerful Superkick to the jaw of the tall fighter, That would take him down easily and perhaps break his jaw if positioned right. Roth took a quick look to Conner.

"Alright once I get this one jump up, grab the neck and pull down."

With little effort and a smile on his face Roth spun the shorter sole survivor and lifted him up from his waist a few feet into the air. If Conner was just as good as Roth thought he was then they could pull this off. It was called the 3D, signature to the Dudley Boys, and something Roth always wanted to do.

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 From the Window....(Open)(TIME FOR MY DEBUT!!!)
« Jun 28, 2009 15:45:34 GMT -6 »

Connor listened. However, he had his doubts. Roth seemed to be very good at being airborne. Connor needed the ground to 'see.' He had yet to find a way to use only sound vibration, and once he or his opponent was in the air, he had nothing to go on. This would have to be pure precision.

One was taken down, and Roth made his move. It was a good thing Connor's mind worked quick. He made a few mental calculations. It was more or less a straight shot, and Connor was a fast learner. He judged the distance, and by now knew how high up Roth would go... or at least, he hoped so.

He charged forward, and did exactly as he was told. He had to grab twice in the air, but managed to grab his neck, and pulled him down. Team effort, and the boys were all down. Connor and Roth stood there, barely scratched, and not having broken a sweat.

Maybe it was the fact that, though Connor had no accent, Irish blood still ran through his veins. Maybe it was just a fighting spirit that had the ability to bod people. But, Connor knew he had a friend today, and he was more than happy about that.

He wasn't satisfied about this. They were unskilled opponents. He also had a feeling Roth wouldn't have needed his help much at all. But, fighting with someone... it was new to Connor. He never had the opportunity to fight with a group before. At least it had kept things interesting.

"Well, it didn't work up that much of an appetite for me, but I'm still a little hungry." He grinned at Roth. "I think we should let them have their nap. If you know a good place around here, lead the way. I haven't been here that long. I'll treat."

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Andy Daws
Swagger of a Cripple

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I'm The Bomb. No, literally, I blow stuff up. With my mind and junk.

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 From the Window....(Open)(TIME FOR MY DEBUT!!!)
« Jun 28, 2009 16:20:37 GMT -6 »

(ooc: Just to show you the awesome feat that just took place

The shadows of the building now disappeared as the sun shinned above the blind knight and wounded hero. It was now getting to be around three maybe four o'clock. After their little skirmish with the friends of the people who threw Roth out the window, it was time to eat. Roth was always starving and knew exactly what he needed. After their victory Roth rushed up to Conner and threw him up onto his right shoulder.

"Yeah! Forget these guys! Time to eat! I know the perfect place."

Without warning Roth held Conner on his shoulder and began to walk out from behind the school and into the courtyard once more. Roth knew about a restaurant in the city right near his work. He would take Conner there so they could eat, and of course Roth was too much of a good guy to make him pay.

"So you don't mind taking a trip to the city do ya?"

The large Irishman still walked around campus heading toward the exit where cabs drove by non stop. All the kids here wanted to get the hell out of this place, which meant big business for taxi cabs. By going to and from his work in San Diego, Roth knew most of the cab drivers and was friendly with them all. Roth just had that magnetism to him, you either were all with him, or all against him.

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 From the Window....(Open)(TIME FOR MY DEBUT!!!)
« Jul 1, 2009 1:39:12 GMT -6 »

OCC: Awesome move!

Connor was lifted by his large friend, and shook his head when he was asked about the city. "No, I'm good. Lead the way!" He seemed to be very familiar with a lot of people, including the cab drivers, and so getting a ride came quickly.

"That was the first time I've ever fought alongside someone." He grinned. "We'll have to do it again sometime. Though I hope it'll be more of a challenge." He patted his friend on the back, now that he had hopped down waiting on the cab to slow down and pick them up. "Feel free to call on me. I'm always up to help out."

They rode on, Roth giving the directions of where to go. Connor was still new, so this would also be a first for him. Wherever it was, Roth was known there, too. "Well, you get around a lot, don't you?"

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Andy Daws
Swagger of a Cripple

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I'm The Bomb. No, literally, I blow stuff up. With my mind and junk.

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 From the Window....(Open)(TIME FOR MY DEBUT!!!)
« Jul 1, 2009 8:34:37 GMT -6 »

(ooc: I'm make us a new thread in the San Diego..thread holder...THING!)

The two friends were now in their cab and heading off to the city of San Diego. Roth knew where they were going, and he gave the cab driver directions as they went. It wasn't a too well known place, but Roth basically lived there at night. It was his place of employment, plus he got all their food half off.

"Well when it comes to fighting, the more the merrier. I wouldn't say I get around, I just go one place so damn often that people remember my face."

The cab drove off into the mean streets of San Diego. About a fifteen minute cab ride took them to the place they needed to go. Roth got out of their cab and helped Conner out too. Roth leaned over to Conner after he paid their toll.

"Jesse's Bar and Grille. Best food, and best 'entertainment."

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