Author Topic: I should get paid for this (Jinn + Open) (Read 98 times)

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 I should get paid for this (Jinn + Open)
« Jun 20, 2009 15:19:28 GMT -6 »

OOC: Jinn first please

"I don't get it Torque, why doesn't it work"

Mr. Michaels had taught Jonathan ICT in Fremont and always enjoyed his company, especially now that the two could go out drinking in the evenings. Unfortunately, Mr. Michaels wasn't that much of a computer genius and now that Torque had followed the subject in University he had began to gain a greater understanding of how computers worked. He knew enough to know Mr. Michaels had done something stupid.

"Well I'm not seeing any problem in the network itself, it all seems to be fair enough but when I ping the rest of the network I can't get a solid connection"
replied Torque.

"Woah woah you're speaking a little too complex for me there Jonathan, remember I just get paid to teach word processors"

"Ha, I missed you Nick, you know that? I've got an idea, let's try this... let's see, 'ipconfig /all'"

A fairly large list of writing appeared on the screen and Torque laughed to himself after giving it a quick once over. It was quite mad how it had happened and yet no one had noticed it. Looking over to his former teacher, Jonathan would grin stupidly and chuckle to himself again before speaking.

"Say Nick, how much access do students have? I ask because the IP for this computer should be and for some reason it's 'lol.this.scool.sux"

"Christ these kids annoy me, why can't they be as good as you? And don't call me Nick! We're on site."

"As good as me? Nick I took down the network for 4 days because I unintentionally spread my Minesweeper virus across the entire damn thing, I still can't believe I never got a beating for that"

The two shared a laugh and then Torque went back to work fixing the computer which was sure to be a fairly simple matter now that the problem had been discovered.


45 minutes later, Torque wandered out of the room to go get a drink having still not found a way to fix the machine. Whatever the hell that student had done to it, they'd done it well. Perhaps he could fix it with some sort of minesweeper virus... no, that would be silly. Regardless, Jonathan walked towards the nearby vending machines and upon reaching them, found a rather lengthy queue.

"Someone's looking a little old to be here" came a voice.

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 I should get paid for this (Jinn + Open)
« Jun 22, 2009 22:41:57 GMT -6 »

Throwing on a pair of jeans with a black T, Jinn made his way out of his Dorm, onto the campus grounds, heading for Fremont. The warm summer air was welcoming as the wind brushed through his hair with a slight breeze. He stared at the students making their way around campus. It was good to see things relatively calm for once.

Jinn had been making his way to the computer lab of Fremont to work on his out of class work and some general research for other classes. He made his way for one of the labs usually left fairly vacant, one that was hardly used since the student’s of Fremont were piled in the Library or subsequent labs away from this one. It offered a bit of peace for his work and allowed him to get more done in the general time he had. Needless to say, it was a much better resource than the laptop he kept in his dorm room.

He made his way to the room, he passed the bathrooms and vending machines near his destination. There were a group of students waiting to grab hold of a beverage or bagged snack, including one man who seemed rather old compared to the freshman, hell, even the seniors. The students were all in their own world, not noticing the individual before them, though Jinn found him rather curious. Glancing at the man, he made his way over, commenting on his appearance in a High School.

“Someone’s looking a little old to be here.”

He remarked coolly, still eying the man before him, standing straight before him

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 I should get paid for this (Jinn + Open)
« Jun 23, 2009 15:59:24 GMT -6 »

A grin shot across his face, looking to see it was merely an overly curious student inquiring about his presence on the Fremont campus. And here he was hoping he wasn't about to get bollocked by a staff member who'd just had a really bad day. But no, everything was good, a simple enough explanation should suffice and he'd be rid of the kid, going back to work with his drink and finally fixing this computer lab which seemed to be getting worse the more he looked in to it although he couldn't really be sure.

"Listen, I'm from O' Hare and I'm one of the rare few guys who didn't come out of Fremont with a reputation as a badass punk because I just want to get my studies done and get a life."

The guy was about the same height as Jonathan so he found it easy enough to make eye contact with him and maintain it while he spoke. It wasn't what you might call intimidating but he felt it helped conversation along on occasion.

"As it is, I'm studying computer sciences and rather enjoying it and someone's decided to go fucking with the computer network. Nothing I didn't do plenty of in my time but yeah, I get extra credit for fixing it."

He'd let loose a casual grin, letting the kid know he was pretty damn harmless right now. All he wanted to do was get his work done really and perhaps catch up on old times with Nick Michaels a little more. Moving forward in the queue and slipping a coin in to the machine, pressing two buttons and watching it whir away, Torque would glance back at the kid.

"So I'm gonna get my water, go to computer lab six, fix this bastarding thing and go lie down, that a legitimate answer to your question?"

Jonathan would grin again, it was all said in good tone with a bit of a joke behind it, no need to make enemies.

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 I should get paid for this (Jinn + Open)
« Jun 23, 2009 23:03:33 GMT -6 »

“Whoa whoa whoa.”

What just happened? Jinn was all for respect of the elders, even college or university students, but with one little comment, the man before him simply broke out into a rant about why he was here, how he was a student of Fremont and how he was being rewarded. Jinn hadn’t even asked the man a question, but simply made an observation. He wondered just how on edge this man was, and wondered just how frightened he must have been when it came to the students that actually had a bad attitude.

“I didn’t ask for the life story, friend. I didn’t ask for anything, really. Juts made an observation. And you can relax. I’m not some arrogant punk looking for a fight. I’m a decent guy when you’re not on my bad side.”

He looked down the hall towards the computer lab the man had explained coming from and ready to head back to. So they were heading in the same direction were they? Good to see other, although former, Fremont students using the stations effectively and professionally, rather than juvenilely, though speaking of the reason he was here, that was a needless thought. For Fremont students to be messing with the inner workings of their own school simply made them look juvenile, or pathetic in a sense. It was like spraying crude pictures on the front of your school to celebrate your graduation. Nothing good came from it except a few laughs if you were lucky.

He looked at the man, then at the vending machine, fishing out a two dollars form his pocket in order to by a soda. He put the money in the machine, pressed the corresponding selection, and out popped his beverage. Opening the can, he turned back to the student before him.

“We seem to be going the same way, as you stated you were heading back to the lab.”

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