Author Topic: Alternate Reality (Jinn + Open) (Read 177 times)

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 Alternate Reality (Jinn + Open)
« Jun 20, 2009 21:15:26 GMT -6 »

So .. many... people.

These first thoughts ran through the mind of Berlin Hunt as the curly haired blonde girls stood there smashing blades of grass under foot. Crappy ass tennis shoes. Two sizes too small but apparently part of the dress code here was shoes. She had tried to come here yesterday without shoes on.. but guess what? They sent her back!!

How dare they!

Anyway! So while this might be technically day two, she decided it was day one TAKE two. A much different state of mind. She was clean.. well at least her skin was. She had found some awesome trail soaps in one of the bathrooms in a convience store and taken one back to her dorm. Where she gave herself a much needed shower. So her wheat blonde curls fell down her back. White skin sparkled. But she was much more hardened than she once was.

Living on the streets did that to people.

Jeans. Oversized sweatshirt. Nothing special. Certainly not dressed for the hot summery weather that blew through the city. Oh well! It would be airconditioned in the building.

Sweet airconditioning!

Her bag was crummy too. It was a white plastic bag with the huge letters of 'thank you' across the front in red ink. Yup, you guessed it. Grocery store. She had bought a pack of gum, a piece in her mouth now, to tide her over from the hunger pains. Asked for a bag and while she got a strange look it was what she needed to carry her books around school.

Whelp. No time like the present.

One foot forward followed by the other and Berlin headed into the halls of Fremont high school. Already her blue eyes could see the different clicks, the friends, the groups, everything that every book, movie, or tv show had ever shown her. High school was so cliche.

Now.. if only she knew where to go.

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« Jun 20, 2009 21:45:54 GMT -6 »

Jinn walked through the courtyard of Fremont accompanied by one of his peers who he had met up half way to the building. Friendly chatter started as the two made their way for the school, other students passing them by. It was a rather peaceful time of day, he found. If there weren’t students being disciplined in the afternoon, there were plenty with attitudes to confront you throughout the day. In the early morning however, it seemed everyone’s spirit had yet to show. Truly, it was a calm time.

If the punishment of the students who hadn’t abided the Uniform regulations was any hint, it was that the student’s were to listen to the staff and follow the rules. Many students had quieted down after the public example of what could happen to you, while others began speaking out against what they found to be the ‘oppressive’ works of the Director. Jinn respected the higher ups for what they had gone through, specifically what the director had initiated. The rebellious attitude of the student body was only causing the majority of them problems, rather than resolving anything. If things were to be changed, it wouldn’t be done by rabble. And the rest Jinn would deal with himself when necessary.

The two men made their way into the Fremont building, Jinn feeling the cool air begin to envelope his body from the vents above. It was so relieving to be inside, where he could move freely. If he had started sweating in the Uniform, he would have been more than just uncomfortable. Eyeing the passing student body, all vaguely familiar faces as he noticed every other day, one blonde student stood out from the rest as they made his way by, unfamiliar compared to the rest of the student body. He had been sure to have at least seen ever student at least once, if not twice, maybe three times throughout the years. He had to wonder just who this young teenage girl was.

“You go on ahead.”

”Alright, talk to you later.”

Jinn made his way over to the young female, alone in the hall. Taking a glance, she seemed to have relatively little idea of where she was going; strengthening his reasoning that she was a new student to the collective, and that it would be best for Jinn himself to help her out. Karma and what not, no? Plus it was always good to meet the young blood. Especially those of the opposite or so he believed. He stopped before her with a friendly look on his face.

“You new here, love?”

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« Jun 20, 2009 23:02:11 GMT -6 »

So there she was. Main hallway of Fremont High school. There were people everywhere. Lockers, coming in and out of classrooms, eating, chatting, drinking coffee. Ew. Problem was, while she had a schedule she hadn't a map and thus she was working from scratch here with only a limited amount of time to get from one class to another. Would suck greatly to be late on our first day.



Which way to go. That was the first decision to make. It was a 50/50 chance that one was right. Which was really probably the best chance that she was going to find. Afterall, she hadn't really expected to ever go to school. That was til she decided to make something of herself.

Great idea that was Berly.

Her hand reached into the pocket of her jeans. Pulling out a crumpled and dirty piece of paper. Unfolding it as best as she could. she looked over her schedule. Not that it made much sense, she had problems reading, the big words on the page made no sense to her what so ever. She knew the word 'math' and the word 'english'.

Others were foreign.

“You new here, love?”

Well apparently that was all too obvious.

And wait.. Love.

O.O Huh?

"Uhhh.. yeah.. you could say that."

The blue eyed girl looked up at the boy all snazed up in his uniform. Were those required!? Oh God she hoped not. Biting her lower lip. She looked at her schedule and then back up at the boy. Well she supposed that it couldn't hurt to at least ask him for help. Nothing ever hurt right?

"You think.. well.. maybe you could help me with this, cuz I've got no real clue on where to go."

Holding her schedule out to the boy. Berlin looked hopeful.

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« Jun 20, 2009 23:44:39 GMT -6 »


He began to speak, lightly grasping on to the schedule to take a better look.

“…I’m on spare at the moment. I only showed up to use the gym facility; so I have no problem showing you the way.”

Jinn offered the girl a smile. He looked her; young, blonde, and without her uniform. Yet another new female he was to introduce to the school. Her clothing seemed rather worn out and looking below, her shoes smaller than the girl own feet, which couldn’t be comfortable. He wondered if she was from a family with a poorer income than the majority of Fremont students or if she was just another not one of those who didn’t care how he or she looked.

He shrugged off the thought. Her personal life was none of his concern, but whether or not she was in uniform was. Student’s who refused to wear their uniforms or simply didn’t have one yet either had to be helped out, convinced or beaten down until things started to come to them a little more clearly. However, this girl, so far, seemed fairly friendly, and, as a new student, probably wasn’t familiar with the Fremont culture, or the culture of the collective itself.

“If you have your Uniform however, I would recommend wearing it tomorrow.”

He moved closer to the girl, extending his arm for an introduction.

“But before all that, I’m Jinn Campbell. And you, love?”

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« Jun 21, 2009 8:18:53 GMT -6 »

“…I’m on spare at the moment. I only showed up to use the gym facility; so I have no problem showing you the way.”

On spare?

What the hell did that mean? She was going to need a slang dictionary apparently to get through all her classes. Obvoiusly things had changed since she had been in a proper school back when she was nine and most of what she had learned up til that point had slipped out and was gone. It was true when they said that if you didn't use it, you lost it because she certainly couldn't remember much of anything.

"OH uhhh nifty then! Thanks so much for your help."

Berlin flashed him a warm smile. The only thing that she had kept up with was her dental hygeine. Even when she was homeless. Most of the time she only brushed with water or toothpaste that she stole. But toothpaste was surprisingly hard to steal coming in that damn giant box. Regardless, her teeth weren't bad at all.

Handing him the paper she would let him read over her schedule while her blue eyes looked over the hall ways. There were people in jeans. And people in uniforms much like the boy beside her. She wondered if it was optional or something. Obviously not everyone did it, though the majority seemed to have the uniforms.

“If you have your Uniform however, I would recommend wearing it tomorrow.”

Ohhhhh damn!

"Wait.. Uniform?"


"Uhhh does your closet at the dorm come with one or do you have to buy one?"

This of course was a very important question. It was one thing to lose her individuality by going on and wearing a uniform. She wouldn't mind really, it mattered not to her. But if she had to buy it, that would actually be a problem considering that she didn't have any money. Thus the job search was going to become much more imperative. Even if she got a job she wouldn't get paid for two weeks.. so how was that going to work?

Joy. More delimas.

“But before all that, I’m Jinn Campbell. And you, love?”

There it was, that love again.

He stepped forward and his arm and hand extended to her. In habit, Berlin ran her hand over her dirty sweatshirt to wipe off any dirt that she could. Even though it was mostly clean. She finally met his hand with her own a gentle smile once more on her face. he seemed nice enough even was warning her about the uniforms. But she had a feeling he was a stickler for the rules and at the moment she couldn't be too concerned about them though she would not blatantly break them either.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Berlin. Berlin Hunt actually. Thanks again for helping me, I owe you."

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« Jun 22, 2009 23:35:26 GMT -6 »

He couldn’t help but grin as the girl spoke, using words like ‘nifty’ and being completely clueless as to how the collective worked. It was cute in a way, running into a new, naïve student, having to show them the ropes. He had to admit there was some enjoyment out of it, and who was he to say no t a young girl in need?

“It’s nice to meet you, Berlin.”

He looked around at all the students, the majority in Uniform. This girl stuck out, and before Jinn took her to any classes, it’d be best to at least have her obtain her uniform. It was a necessity and therefore it didn’t cost money. At least, it didn’t for Jinn. After being handed his uniform every year he just walked out with it, never inquiring about pay or such. Had he been stealing all this time? He pondered the thought for a moment before looking back down at the young freshmen.

“Don’t worry about paying for the Uniform. They just hand you one at the main office. Since you’re new, you’ll just have to go fill out the subsequent paper work, and they’ll fit you into one.”

As it was the girls first day, the staff would be more than willing to get her in a uniform; especially after the demonstration the Director had offered at the assembly. He eyed the girl for a moment before continuing on with the discussion.

“We should probably make out way down to the main office to get you into your new clothing.”

Jinn motioned for the girl to follow him down the hall. The staff office wasn’t far from here and the fitting room was just inside for her to fill out the form. It was always nice to see a student wearing the proper clothing.

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« Jun 23, 2009 6:44:16 GMT -6 »

“Don’t worry about paying for the Uniform. They just hand you one at the main office. Since you’re new, you’ll just have to go fill out the subsequent paper work, and they’ll fit you into one.”


That was a major relief. Firstly because she didn't have any money, and secondly because she really didn't want to bring that fact to light so soon. Especially, in front of the guy that was trying to help her. She supposed that she might as well go get her uniform it wasn't like it would hurt. And come on...


Now many people may not know many homeless girls but when they can get their hands on fresh clean clothing. Well there is just something refreshing and comforting about that. Especially with the fact that she wont be having to be itchy anymore. If there was one thing about being a homeless girl that she hated it would be being itchy and unable to do anything about it.

"Oh .. cool.. I didn't bring any cash with me and all you know.."

No need to tell the boy about her woes. Just go with the no cash with her. Which was true, certainly not a lie, and yet at the same time it was bending the truth because it lured someone to believe she had money elsewhere. Which she didn't.


“We should probably make out way down to the main office to get you into your new clothing.”

"Yep! Lets go!"

Adventure in the school!

Just when you thought that you knew everything about American high school. The Collective comes and changes everything you believed. Staring Berlin Hunt and Jinn Campell it's.... ADVENTURES IN SCHOOOOOOOOL!

The movie trailer played in Berlin's mind .. and people wondered how she remained entertained without tv... as she turned to her little tour guide. She had to admit while uniforms would make most people turn their noses up she was more than happy to have free new clothing. Funny how your situations and opinions change when you are faced with adversity your whole life. Besides, Jinn cut a pretty nice figure in his maybe she would turn into a HOTTIE EXTREME when she put her own on.

"So.. how long have you been going here? Anything I should know about? Any fun clubs or anything to join?"

She hoped said clubs were free, but considering the clientelle that seemed to populate the school building it was most certainly going to cost something. She really had to find a job if she even wanted to pretend to try to fit in. This was not going to be easy, but she supposed now that she had an actual place to live it might be easier to get a job than not. Something to start her off. Mickey D's. Pizza hut.. something simple but that would pay her a decent amount. Even just a bit of money for food and clothes. .. well that would be nice.

Wouldn't it? Yep!

« Last Edit: Jun 23, 2009 6:45:03 GMT -6 by berlin » Back to Top  

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 Alternate Reality (Jinn + Open)
« Jun 23, 2009 23:23:07 GMT -6 »

“Best advice I can give you about the Collective,” he began “is to behave yourself. Specifically, make sure you know and follow the rules. I’m not sure if you know anything about the Corporal punishment system, but it basically means that if you break any of the regulations, your punishment can go from a stern warning o a violent beating pretty fast.”

He held a smirk on his face as he spoke, but kept his eyes focused down the hall, examining all the students ahead of the two as they made their way down. Yes, school was no longer some safe haven to simply hang out with your colleagues. No, now it was a place to be feared. If you didn’t show up, they’d find you, if you didn’t do well, they’d beat the lesson into you, and if you just up and started breaking the rules, chances are you’d be in the Hospital for quite some time as a punishment. It wasn’t the best way to do things, in Jinn’s eyes, but it was definitely one of the more effective.

“I’ve been going here for about two years, this being my third. I think I can safely say I know the ins and outs of this place, so if you ever need any help, don’t hesitate to ask.”

He flashed a smile as they continued on. Jinn’s time spent at the collective was that of studying on school hours, doing his work and extra curricular activities on the side. He kept in shape, and was a more than capable fighter, but in order to be above the egotistical rabble that surrounded you, you had to be intellectually superior as well. Yes, intellect, logic; all things necessary to succeed in life. And that was exactly what he planned to do. Violence wasn’t always necessary, but with his patience so thin, he was always ready to throw a punch.

“I hope no one has started causing you any trouble yet, though I have to say, it’s probably inevitable.”

A lot of the students were either out for a fight or to prove themselves, leading to a fight. It was pathetic in a way, but Jinn could understand the need. He was best at keeping the rabble down. Staying on top wasn’t a necessity.

The walk down the hallway wasn’t very long and the Main office was just ahead. He opened the door, allowing Berlin to make her way inside first, as he followed, approaching the desk, explaining how the girl before him was a new student and one yet without her uniform. The secretary nodded, filled out some short paperwork and would then offer to take Berlin into the fitting room to their side. Jinn gave a brief nod and then turned to the girl.

“There you are, love. I’ll be sure to wait for you here.”

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« Jun 26, 2009 8:27:33 GMT -6 »

“Best advice I can give you about the Collective is to behave yourself. Specifically, make sure you know and follow the rules.

Rules?! What rules? Maybe there was a handbook somewhere. Or a giant billboard sized sign that said THESE ARE THE RULES!! Or maybe there was a commandment sheet. THOU WILL FOLLOW THY RULES. Yes that sounded much more forboding. Especially when you added. THY WILL SMITE THOU FOR DISOBEYING!!

It was epic.

I’m not sure if you know anything about the Corporal punishment system, but it basically means that if you break any of the regulations, your punishment can go from a stern warning o a violent beating pretty fast.”

Whoa whoa whoa whoa!


You got beaten?! If you didn't follow the rules properly? What the hell was that?

It wasn't that she couldn't take care of herself or anything, she just felt like she shouldn't have to when she was in school. For most of the life, she had to admit that she had always thought of school as a haven. A sanctuary. A place that she could go to and enjoy the fact that she was taken care of.

"The teachers beat you? Is that legal?"

Obviously it was!

Kudos to Berlin for asking the obvious.

“I’ve been going here for about two years, this being my third. I think I can safely say I know the ins and outs of this place, so if you ever need any help, don’t hesitate to ask.”

"So.. you're a Junior? I guess? Maybe. I haven't really ever been to school much. So.. this is all kinda new to me. They told me when I signed up though I was a freshman."

Berlin shrugged her shoulders. That's just what she was. Berlin didn't worry about titles and what not. She just lived her life and did the best that she could to enjoy it. That was what most people ought to do, too many people were worried and concerned about what they could do, what they were, and how they looked to others.

Berlin learned long ago, it wasn't important.


The sign read in large white letters overhead, and then on a plastic plaque by the door. Inside there were secretaries hard at work tapping away at the computers in front of them. Jinn led her into the room and explained to the woman what was going on. The woman seemed all too happy to help the small new girl get into conformity.


Now THAT was a challenge.

They handed her a clipboard and a pen and told her to fill it out. She sat down and her knee bouncing nervously up and down as she began to work her way through it.

Name: Oh well.. she knew that! Berlin Hunt
Age: Okay.. simple again... 15
Dorm room: Uhhhh good question.. 6
Size: Noooo idea. Noooo idea

Finishing the rest of it in time, she rose and gently she handed the paper to the woman. She was taken into another room. Looking back nervously at Jinn..

There you are, love. I’ll be sure to wait for you here.”

This time. Berlin blushed.

In the room she was told to undress, and they put her old clothing in a school bag with the school name on the front. She was measured by the woman, and fitted with a uniform that would fit her better than any clothing that she had ever had before. They showed her how to put it on, and gave her the shoes and socks and what not that they had matching the uniform. She was allowed a bathroom visit with some soap to wash her face and hands. Which she did. Getting dressed in her uniform she brushed her curls back and let them cascade all over her left shoulder.

Hey! Who would have thought! She didn't look half bad!

The woman gave her the bag that held her old clothes and her extra uniform. She put it over her shoulder and she came out shyly. Looking much more lovely than before, much more attractive with clothes that she was in clothes that fit and her face was much cleaner than before.

"Uhh well.. I guess I'm done now."

she told the boy still waiting on her.

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 Alternate Reality (Jinn + Open)
« Jun 28, 2009 16:21:44 GMT -6 »

Maria looked around nervously. She had no idea where she was going.

Typical. She thought, It's my first day and I'm already lost.

Dorm 7 had to be here somewhere. After all, it was right next to dorm 6 and dorm 8... right?

When she went by the Administrations Office for the tenth time, she had to admit defeat. Shaking her skirt out, she sat down in the hallway and sighed. The first time she went in, the Office was of no help whatsoever. They just told her to leave. Hopefully someone would go by and take pity on this sad little girl on her first day.

What to do. What to do.

Maria absentmindedly played with her bell collar as she wondered who the next person she met would be like. Probably the fussy secretary again. Maria sighed and stretched as she stood up. Nothing was going to get done if she sat here all day. Uttering her little mew she opened the door to the Office.

Maria blinked. A boy and a girl were already at the desk. They didn't seem to be talking to the secretary, but she would wait until they left anyways. She didn't want to seem like a fool on her first day. After all, the one girl looked new too. Maybe they would meet somewhere again.

Maria was worried about her collar, surely they wouldn't make her take it off would they? She knew it wasn't a part of the general uniform, but she loved it so much. At the time it seemed like a good idea. Now that she is in the Office again, it doesn't seem like such a good idea after all.

Maria shrugged to herself, giggling at the thought of her old friends. She hadn't seen them in years. She remembered that they used to call her kitty because of her collar. Well, she won't know if her collar is allowed if she doesn't try. So full steam ahead! Right?

« Last Edit: Jun 28, 2009 16:28:20 GMT -6 by berlin » Back to Top  

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« Jun 28, 2009 21:54:41 GMT -6 »

(Not sure how to effectively incorporate you into my post other than you just being there, Maria, sorry.)

Jinn caught the sight of the girl blushing as she made her way into the dressing room. It was good to see that Jinn was making a good impression on the girl. Yes, he was a junior, but he never directly answered the girl on that question. The time he had spent at the Collective shifted between simple and arduous. It always seemed to be one or the other. Classes fairly simple, while getting along with some of the more rambunctious students proved to have its own dilemma’s.

He stood there for a moment, glancing at the staff members around the office. Looking at the secretary, he flashed a smile, only to be met with a disrespectful scowl to which Jinn quickly turned his eyes away, looking around the room. Berlin was most likely being fitted for her new uniform at the moment or attempting to wear the thing. If the uniforms were anything, they were complicated. Having to keep it clean, having to just put it on; it was all arduous.

Soon enough the young girl walked out, seeming rather shy with her new appearance. Jinn had to admit that she seemed rather attractive in the get up. Much better than the old clothing she had just been wearing. Pleased to see her finished and in her proper attire, Jinn smiled at Berlin as she made her way over to him. Jinn looked over to the door. He still had to show the young student to her class. As she made her way over, stating she was finished, Jinn turned his head back in her direction, commenting.

“You look great. The uniform suits you, I must say.”

Another student had made her way into the main office, most likely to inquire with the staff on something of her own accord. Not wanting to be in the way, Jinn motioned Berlin towards the door.

“Well I think it’s time we made our way down to your class.”

He began to walk to the door, passing the other student expecting Berlin to follow.

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« Jun 30, 2009 19:08:30 GMT -6 »

3... 2... 1


She was nervous enough without him taking his sweet ass time to answer whether she looked nice or not. Because she wasn't exactly sure, afterall she had never really worn clothes that fit before. Her eyes watched him, and even though it probably only took him a few seconds to actually answer her, it seemed like an enternity to a girl that was waiting for this moment. Not that she wanted to date the boy or anything, just that.. well.. it might be nice to be found attractive.

What girl wouldn't want to be found attractive?

None that she knew.

“You look great. The uniform suits you, I must say.”

She beamed.

Then blushed. O///O

"th.. thanks... I uhh.. that means.. a lot to me.. I mean.. considering.. everything.. and all..."

Berlin shrugged. There was another student in the office now, but since Jinn was who she was with at the moment and she didn't know the other girl she wasn't sure what to say to her. Nor was she interacting with them, and Jinn had already explained that this school was not like any other one that she had attended before. This was completely different all together, and thus she wanted to be careful. Because while she knew how to fight she didn't want to have to on her first day, nor with some girl that she was in the office with.

But Berlin DID however send a smile to the girl.

“Well I think it’s time we made our way down to your class.”

He motioned to the door and she nodded. Brushing her curls over her shoulder and her hands then were placed in the pockets of her uniform. She gave a nod in answer to Jinn and followed him out the door.

"Thanks for being so great Jinn! I mean.. you didn't have to, but you help give the school a nice feeling on a girls first day." Berlin beamed. "So where to now?"

« Last Edit: Jun 30, 2009 19:08:57 GMT -6 by berlin » Back to Top  

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« Jul 1, 2009 16:07:24 GMT -6 »

Maria smiled back at the girl. So it was her first day too huh? Maybe the older boy who seemed to be showing her around could help. Well, no way to find out but to ask.

Maria tentatively stepped foreword, cutting the boy off as he made his way out of the office.

"Um... excuse me? I seem to be lost. It's my first day too, and I can't find my dorm... could you point in the right direction please? Dorm 7?"

Maria smiled sheepishly. Why was she so nervous? It's not like she had no reason to be lost., After all she was new too. As she went to brush her hair back out of her eyes she realized she was still wearing her bell. She was still deciding if she should ask about the bell, then decided against it. If anyone mentioned it, then that will be the end of it.

OOC: I know there is only 6 dorms, Maria just doesn't know it yet. =) Just thought I'd let you guys know so there is no confusion ^^

« Last Edit: Jul 2, 2009 15:36:52 GMT -6 by berlin » Back to Top