Author Topic: Jeanette Monte Lenoir (Read 304 times)

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 Jeanette Monte Lenoir
« Jun 25, 2009 18:19:43 GMT -6 »

School: O'hare university

Name: Jeanette Monte Lenoir

Alias: Noir

Date of Birth: 3rd of April

Age: 19

Nationality: French/Colombian

Ethnicity: multinational, currently USA

Blood Type: O Negative

Height: 5 ' and 10.07 "

Weight: 132 lbs

Hair Color: natural blonde, very light and beautiful blonde, but is currently dyed a dark red color, reminding slightly of blood

Eye Color: Grey eyes, normally warm, but their natural steel like color does make them seem rather cold

Handedness: left handed

Sexual Orientation: Bishop-sexual, otherwise Bisexual

Physical Appearance: Jeanette is a tall and quite captivating natural beauty, enhanced further by the carefully applied makeup she is always wearing. Her body following a natural hourglass shape with a firm and well cared for body, her nails manicured, but only slightly. Her teeth a shining white and her posture and walk, the envy of the same genders and the dream of the opposite....
She speaks with a hint of French accent, rolling the r's and caressing the s's in all the right ways. All in all she's a natural seductress and carries herself in the way that amplifies that as much as possible
a delicate flower pattern is tattooed on her arms, chest and down her stomach

Apparel & Accessories: Jeanette favors light colored clothing, either tight fitting jeans and light tops showing quite a bit of cleavage or long dresses slitted up in the right side to mid-thigh, always giving her maneuverability whilst not sacrificing any of seductive power in it, her clothing styles are fairly modern, but sometimes she falls back into a rather renaissance styled look, with her hair braided back and a tight corset paired with a huge dress

She usually wears two or three bracelets on either wrist, in silver or platinum, usually with engravings on them.... She always wears a single silver ring on her middle finger on the left hand, with a black engraving of a bishop from chess on it, she keeps the engraving turned toward the palm of her hand, as to hide the ingraving....
She favors gold to her necklaces, usually with a ruby (or lookalike) in the locket.

She has a few piercings, a silver naval one with a small angel in it. A single small hoop in silver in her left ear and three in the right, one in silver, then a golden one in the middle and finally a second silver one.
She has a silver stud in the nose, with a ruby lookalike, one of those tiny ones where you can only see the stone and finally she has a ball piercing in the tongue

Personality: Jeanette has two sides to her personality, when she is medicated, she usually takes on the mask of the French seductress or the friendly classmate.... she has a air of smarts about her, not as in intelligence, but as in an unnatural insight, as if her thoughtful steel-gray eyes pierces through one's body and peers into one's mind.... but at the same time, the warmness in them quickly dispels such suspicions

When she is off her medication, she turns into a cold hearted "creature" who values human life very little.... she doesn't go on a murderous rampage or anything of that sort, she simply doesn't care, not even enough to keep up her own masks.... her mental illnesses making her unable to understand human emotions

When faces with Bishop whom she loves and admires, Love being the only feeling she can actually feel, She becomes inspired to endeavor her best to make him happy, whilst not a fanatical zealot, she still doesn't value very many things higher than Bishop.

Miscellaneous Information: Is currently in medication and psychiatric treatment for Antisocial Personality Disorder and skizotypism

(quick medical lesson for those of you uninitiated into the wonderful world of mental illnesses: Antisocial Personality Disorder does not automatically make you a mass murder, it simply shut off human emotions, making the sufferer unable to feel any feelings at all, with very few exceptions depending on the subject, Skizotypism (i think it's called that) is another derangement that makes your thoughts go extremely fast, and despite that most of it can be medicated down... it still makes the subject analyze and think three things at the same time a normal human being thinks one thought.... this isn't very good as it tends to confuse and disorient the subject, though it is also advantageous when quick judgments must be made as the subject has "more time" to think out his/her action, alright. end of lesson)

Speaks Fluent French, English and spanish.... has a rough understanding of German but doesn't speak the language

Combat: Jeanette doesn't have much when it comes to physical body strength, but she has a natural catlike grace and lighting fast reflexes that combined with her unnaturally quick thought patterns allows her to make quick decisions which allows her to flow with practiced ease into her counter attacks and throws... making her seem almost clairvoyant in her actions

Style: a strange mixture of Akidio and Japanese jujitsu, combined with a slight bit of Savate paired with her parkour for athletics

Akidio (studied for 10 years) Is Jeanette's main fighting style, Akidio is a very passive and pacifistic fighting style, focusing on quick counter throws and palm strikes and pressure points which leads to temporary knockouts and stuns, allowing her the chance to retreat or otherwise reevaluate her position.... it doesn't give her enough time to initiate much of a counteroffensive, but it does let her regain her position and makes the opponent let up his/her's offensive

Japanese Jujitsu (studied for 4 years) is a very lethal and brutal fighting style which incorporate a concept of 'everything goes' it will do whatever it takes to get a small advantage which will then lead into an offensive where the attacker is thrown and then joint locked into submission or whatever joint is locked, tears and becomes unusable.... both giving great advantages to the user

Savate (studied for 1 year) is a French self defense martial arts reminding of traditional MMA training. with the exception that it requires the agility and dexterity to make the user able to actually crescent kick an opponent while standing at attention, making them able to kick without tensing in their shoulders or upper body at all, making their kicks very difficult to read

Parkour (studied for 7 years) Parkour is not a true martial art, but rather a way of movement, essentially it's about getting from point A to point B as fast as possible, using whatever objects is between them as leverage rather than obstacles, making it an ideal agility training style, giving impressive speed and jumping distance to a practiced user

Weaknesses: Despite her rather impressive list of martial arts, Jeanette has a very obvious weakness, She has very little efficient in the subject of direct attacks, her kicks are well hidden but pack little power, her attacks are limited to stunning attacks and jabs which might sting quite a bit, but do little actual damage Her mental condition can easily lead her to being distracted, especially if there are outside disturbances while she is fighting, being unable to seek the void like real martial artists, she has to concentrate on shutting them out for her to focus, which takes the edge off her reflexes.
once she has fought an opponent and the person has learned her fighting pattern... she becomes very easy to predict, still almost impossible to read, but easy to predict
Strengths: in joint dislocations, pressure point manipulation and throwing her opponents, Jeanette is almost unrivaled. Her extreme insight and reflexes will easily carry the day for her in almost any fight. Especially for enemies that hasn't faced her before

History: Jeanette is born in France.... her father an already old Columbian refugee who had married into a rich French family

Her mother named Michaella was manic-depressive during the entire pregnancy period which lead to Jeanette was born with skizotypism, that lead to her being a very confused and unfocused child, annoying the father, who was a very aggressive person....
She received her first beating from her father when she was 4
She received her first beating from her mother two days before her 6th birthday
she witnessed her father taking the mother by brute force on the kitchen table when she was 8 years old

She quickly spiraled down a dark path, convincing her mother whilst she was nursing a new series of bruises to let her start to aikido a few weeks before her 9th birthday.... The next many years of her life was spent receiving excellent home tutoring in both martial arts and in scholastic education and nursing bruises all over her body..... as she grew up in age, the bruises went underneath her clothing and her father started looking at her differently, Her mother had lost most of her natural beauty due to a harsh and violent life at the mercy of the father, The father wasn't attractive enough to find himself a Mistress and Jeanette was shaping up to be an extremely attractive young lady

At her 12th birthday, the family went on a vacation to Iran in order for Jeanette to see more of the world, while back in their hotel room.... the father endeavor to rid Jeanette of her virginity.... She obviously resisted and eventually escaped out the window and down into the streets, half naked and scared out of her wits, she used her already then impressive agility to attempt to flee her father.... the next three days she barely survived in the streets of the foreign city.... she wandered aimlessly until she by chance encountered her father again, this time there was no escape and she was caught and dragged toward the airport.... luckily a bomb went off in one of the nearby buildings, spilling terror and hysteria into the streets of the town.... Jeanette saw an opportune moment and turned the tables on her father, luck would have it.... She jumped and latched herself on top of his and they fell to the ground, shattering a small piece of glass underneath them, She reached for one of the pieces and proceed to allow this sharp weapon to intrude into her father's skull..... he didn't resist, he didn't scream.... he gurgled once... twice and trashed for a few seconds and then he was still... only a single soul saw the daughter murder her own father, the smoke from the burning debris and the chaos around her serving as the perfect cover to the impulsive crime

Jeanette felt no remorse, no fear... no nothing at all at what she had done, peering about she saw nothing but smoke all around her, except for one shadow that gasped loudly at the seen, Jeanette didn't hesitate for a moment as she retrieved her improvised weapon from her father's eye socket and jumped this new threat to her newfound freedom.... moment later she stood over her mother's corpse..... This time she didn't feel anything either.
Jeanette fled

The next few months she spent on the run in Iran..... only thing she ever got hold of was during the eavesdropping of two military officers who referred to someone called the black bishop. Jeanette kept that name in her mind... at first it was just a figure which had cause the explosion that had led to her salvation.... but as time went on, and she learned more about this mysterious saviour... she grew to look to him as her rescuer, the bomb was planted to help her and her alone.... Black Bishop wished for her to be free! To help him! It was certain, there could be no doubt!

Eventually she came to America.... Jeanette did everything she needed to survive.... hardened herself from a little girl into a mature woman. She started searching for her saviour, she knew that if the Black Bishop was to be found, it would be in the cradle of decay itself.... America.... she expanded a network of contacts, currying favours, bribing and even fighting her way to information whenever it revealed an oppertunity.... she was gradually closing in on him like a woman possessed.
Eventually she established contact with her grandmother and was quickly returned back into the family, She started attending classes again, returned her focus back on martial arts and started to expand her territory with complimentary styles

1 year ago she finally archived contact with her self perceived Saviour. The Black Bishop, first through the Internet and then a few months ago through physical meetings.... She started aiding him and moved from France to America, enrolling in several schools where she did her best to help him... Her last meeting with her made her newest "assignment" perfectly clear.... She enrolled into O'hare University and filed an application for a dormitory room



« Last Edit: Jun 25, 2009 23:48:42 GMT -6 by chioon » Back to Top  

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Joined: January 1970
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 Jeanette Monte Lenoir
« Jun 25, 2009 23:20:36 GMT -6 »


« Last Edit: Jun 25, 2009 23:52:06 GMT -6 by chioon » Back to Top