Author Topic: Fletcher, William R. (Read 276 times)

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 Fletcher, William R.
« Jun 27, 2009 12:58:57 GMT -6 »

~Primary Details~

Name: William Robert Fletcher
Nickname: Will
Nationality: Republic Of Ireland
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Attended School: Knox
Age: 18
D.O.B: April 8th, 1991
Origin: Belfast, RoI.
Weight: 342lbs
Height: 6' 10"
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Blood Type: O Positive
Religious Persuasion: Irish Catholic
Spoken Languages: English, a little Gaelic.



  • Head: Will is generally handsome, though in a more rugged way than most...His face is etched and weathered quite beyond his years due to his upbringing and general style of living, giving him a hard, almost angry appearance. A broad and powerful jaw, usually etched with a little stubble, tapers to faintly defined cheekbones and a pair of dark, piercing eyes. His nose, at the bridge. has a slight rise to it, a result of an old injury when he was younger. Having slightly thicker than normal eyebrows, they have the odd feature of being slightly curved giving him an almost perpetual scowl.

  • Torso: Powerful, thick and layered with ridges of dense, heavy muscle at every single point. If Will were to stand shirtless, it would be close to an anatomical sketch to witness. From powerful, defined abdominals to a thick barrel chest, the muscles around his neck and shoulders are burly and rippled. Designed as a fighter for absolute power, The heavy Irishman may as well be wearing a Kevlar vest with the bulk his muscles give him.

  • Arms: What more could describe these cannons than 'huge'? Will packs arms with an massive 25" circumference, the result of powerful biceps and well-built triceps. The muscles developed to the point that every ridge strains virtually any item of clothing he wears, all too often he has to cut the sleeves from his shirts in order to avoid causing damage to them. His forearms are no less developed as well, thick veins running down the four muscles that surround the bones and further adding to the intimidating sight of his physique.

  • Hands: Rough, calloused and sun-beaten, his hands are considerably larger than the average persons, with thick, long digits and knuckles that protrude substantially from his fists, a side-effect from years of using punching bags.

  • Legs: Nothing could be said that wasn't said for his arms, though Wills legs are fairly less bulky than his upper body. Still, by comparison to a regular individual, the muscles are thick, dense and powerful from hip to calf, rippled and heavy with virtually zero fat.

  • Feet: Size thirteens, thick and heavy, but otherwise rather unassuming. Will is not a fighter whose feet take much importance, other than to stomp on a fallen foe.

Clothing: As a result of his enormous size and build, Will has a lot of his clothes for his upper body custom made or specifically ordered for features such as elasticity...Usually, he wears tight-fitting (for there is no other kind) shirts that cling to his form, usually straining against the massive muscle mass. He owns a couple of custom-fitted dress shirts that actually contour to his body without hanging loose or pulling taut, but for a standard wears hoodies and other similar apparel. His lower body usually ends up in loose-fitting jeans (though even on his legs, they cling to his thighs somewhat, or something similar that can accommodate his massive build. Footwear is usually a pair of boots or heavy sneakers designed to withstand a substantial amount of wear and tear.

Eye color: Light green, a faint trail of hazel around the iris.

Hair: A medium shade of brown, cut rather short in a messy 'style' that tends to sit wherever it chooses on any particular day. For facial hair, he tends to have a light brush of stubble that seems almost permanently attached to his jaw, regardless of how often he shaves.

~Other Information~[/u][/i][/size]

Personality: Rather simply, he's a stern, gruff individual for the most part. Not one to suffer a fool gladly, Will is remarkably serious and yet, somehow, extremely extroverted all at the same time, having no shyness within him whatsoever. He maintains a polite nature for the sake of not coming over as rude to people, at least compromising that if they stay out of his way that they are of no consequence, but once pushed, however slight, will turn into a complete monster. With the handful of people he can call a friend, or an acquaintance, his mood is only slightly less than his normal, but he is more inclined to take a joke, so to speak, knowing that the intentions behind them is usually good-natured.

~Important Details~[/i][/u][/size]

History: Born into a relatively large family, the second youngest of six children, William was not without company or family at any point of his life. His parents were pleasant people and happily married, and despite not having jobs that paid well, as the young man would later learn more about, lived in comfort. They had a nice house with a garden, drove a car with fairly recent plates, never really wanted for anything...In short, the kid had a pretty good deal when he was born. In his younger years, he progressed through nursery and primary school with little event, the expected schoolyard scrapes occurring, but with his four older brothers being well known to many of the other children he more often than not was given respite.

They however more than made up for it, and in typical sibling fashion, they often fought...Sometimes verbally, having coarse shouting matches across the house, sometimes with beatings that at first, William was virtually powerless to prevent. His brothers being far bigger, stronger, faster than him...But they were much older, and nearing the end of their growth into adults. William was barely entering his, and over the years quickly grew, not exactly towering over any of them but finding himself much more on an even fighting field to the others. Taking into account that he had spent years in these sibling rivalries, taking the beatings, he was much more capable of dealing with his siblings. His strength and speed surpassing theirs after the inadvertent training they had effectively given him. In his final years of primary school, he had the 'privilege' of a small group of boys from the neighbouring town approaching him and attacking him, admittedly giving him something of a beating and leaving him bloodied and bruised from the onslaught, during which the shouts of 'scum' and 'Sinn Fein' still lingered in his ears...

Unable to understand where their actions rooted from, he spent a few days unsure of it until he began to see patches of graffiti on walls and buildings around his town, labeling his two oldest brothers, now at 19 and 21 respectively, as IRA soldiers. Knowing that such an accusation could get people killed, he immediately confronted the pair, the 14 year old boy standing in front of them and loudly laying down the words before he took a swift punch to the mouth from his oldest sibling...The revelation that it was in fact true was like a swift kick into his midsection. It was also soon revealed over the coming days that not only were his two elder siblings members, but his father was as well, second in charge of a small cell of the militant faction. Unable to deal with the issue, his mother quickly grew cold and distant from the three eldest males of the family, barely tolerating them and moving bedrooms away from their father.

It only took a few weeks for the police to come knocking, and with what could be considered an anticlimactic reaction, their father stepped forward as his brothers were being cuffed, the intention to take them into custody for suspicion on being party to terrorist actions, nominating himself fully responsible for any and all actions to take the heat off of his boys. In a display of affection that hadn't been seen between the two, he gave his wife a tender parting kiss, walking uncuffed but restrained from their home into the back of a police van...When the drama ceased unfolding, his mother simply turned to him and told him to begin packing....

Within a month, the family -minus the two eldest brothers- had ended up in the United States. By some twist, San Diego was their destination and the Fletchers eventually settled into a basic routine of normality. All that is, with the exception of Will. Teenage years had caught up on him, coupled with an angry streak at his brothers for breaking the family, his father for leaving, and his mother for shuttling him four thousand miles from everything he knew, and as a result the rapidly growing Irish youth slipped into the all-too-familiar pattern of underage drinking, joining into a gang, violence and ending up in legal trouble. By the time Will hit sixteen and walked out of his home, he had gained a suitable degree of recognition in the upper San Diego district, partly due to his massive size and power, and partly due to his complete fearlessness. when you stood a clear foot over most your peer group, what was there to fear?

Of course, this only beget more violence, and virtually every night saw the Irish behemoth littered with fresh bruises from the other fighters who would try to take him down for the bragging rights. Most gave up when he refused to fall, a few acknowledged that he was simply just that strong, but a few just didn't know when to stop. About six months past his sixteenth birthday, he heard through people that a gang member from across town, someone he'd beaten before with no trouble, had issued another challenge to Will. Thinking little of it, his ego led him to attend. Unsurprisingly, it had been a setup all along, and there were easily a dozen other youths with his 'challenger'.

He fought well, easily breaking through the ranks and leaving at least three-quarters of them floored and bloodied, before the knife was pulled. He didn't see it coming until the blade was embedded in his back, and it sent him into a frenzy. It took barely a minute for him to crush the few remaining attackers, leaving him bloodied from his wounds and so pumped on adrenaline that his body actually overloaded, passing out a few minutes later a few streets over. Thankfully, he was picked up by members of his own gang and fixed up, but the message he'd received during his recuperation was of higher interest.

Seth Calloway was well-recognised in the area, he was affiliated to one of the larger gangs going by the moniker 'The Sons Of Judas' and outside of his own allegiances commanded a decent amount of respect from the others. He was rumoured as a formidable fighter, not quite on Wills size, but formidable all the same. Curious at the message requesting a meeting, he held it off until his wounds were healed, unsure whether he'd been singled out by the large group for his activities. He was sure at least one or two of his challengers were members of their group, but was that enough to incite their wrath on him?

Apparently, however, no. Instead, Seths request had been to discuss an alignment of Will with the gang, extending the offer after news of his actions, coupled with the rather infamous display that had occurred not a month previously, had reached attention of people within the group. At first the Irishman was left wondering what benefit this would have to him, rather bluntly stating that fact, before agreeing to a casual 'working relationship' between them and him. His own associates had begun to shun him for the heat he was bringing their way, both legal and criminal, and with the knowledge that he would be a lone figure in a sea of factions it made reasonable sense.

Over time, Wills presence began to focus more on the Sons of Judas, working with Seth on a number of occasions, but that coupled with his own reputation made it harder for him to act anywhere. Every action caused him to be brought to police attention, and over time he was being caught up in things that he genuinely had no involvement with. Eventually, after a stabbing in a conflict that Will had very minor involvement in (he was associated with one of the people involved), he was arrested. With only circumstantial evidence against him, the courts focused their attentions to his 'extensive' police record. Circumstantial or not, his reputation was enough to allow the prosecution a victory, despite having no involvement. He was given a year in a secure facility in Alaska, the theory that by cutting the Irishman off by such a distance, they would have rid of him for good.

Oddly, after his year passed with limited eventfulness, Will did remain in Alaska briefly until the approach of his eighteenth birthday. He got work in a lumber yard for a few months, and against expectation lived in relative peace. Not for the sake of a changed heart, by any means. It was just simpler to let the heat die. His social worker conducted a few interviews with him over the time that seemed to show a better nature in the former gang member, but a few weeks following his eighteenth birthday he received a phone call from a familiar voice, suggesting he take a 'trip' back to San Diego.

He needed no more incentive than that. By nightfall he had his bag packed and a bus ticket booked for some place to the south of San Diego called Chula Vista, as per the request given. A feral grin hung on the Irishmans face as he set himself into preparation for whatever was to come.

~Combat Details~[/b][/u][/size]


Strength: B - Basically applies to the sheer brute force of the Irishman, his height, build and weight making him a walking brick wall. As close to an 'A' as is possible, and in relative comparison against other 'B' class strength fighters, his sheer size will still supply a nearly obscene advantage.

Dexterity: E - In contrast to his ridiculous power, Wills speed is barely trained. In transit, he's slow enough that even a 'F' class fighter in this attribute would still be able to outrun him. The only thing preventing this grade from flatting out is the slightly above average (for his size) ability to throw his punches and move his hands. Effectively, it would be suffice to say that the Irishman has a 'maximum radius', but within that space is lethal.

Constitution: B - Again, like his strength, Wills inherent build and powerful musculature leave his body able to withstand horrendous and, frankly, terrifying amounts of punishment. He is by no means invulnerable to injury or pain, but a high threshold for it and a well-built frame to take those blows make him a hard fighter to bring down. Again, as logically close to an 'A' as anything can get, and against smaller stature fighters, the difference simply continues to grow.

Wisdom: C - Whilst Will has been in enough fights to have a good deal of experience, he has no formal training aside from a little time spent in boxing gyms. As such, whilst his instincts are fairly sharp, he is only par for the course even in the best of times. His power and durability have aided him long enough that he sees no need to work on a defensive strategy. As far as Will views it, if there's a fighter out there who can actually get him to the floor and keep the advantage, then he deserves to lose.

Fighting Style: An outright brawler. He has no set style nor does he feel a requirement for one. His attacking patterns are random and depend entirely on his opponents movements, which he follows with a good instinct for fighting and will commonly set about intercepting, striking them down quickly with savagely fast punches. He has little capacity for footwork and tends to focus on his knees if he ever uses his legs, but his speed with his upper body is enough to keep him from such a need. His punches are his biggest weapon, fairly quick and frighteningly strong. A smaller fighter will be hard-pressed to withstand more than a couple of his punches. Considering his size, he isn’t adverse to using his weight to throw an opponent around, exploiting his natural ability.

Strengths: Most obviously, pure, utter power. Will has punches strong enough to knock down virtually any fighter, and his grappling is now a key weapon. His strength makes tossing around an opponent a childs game to him now, and though it has diminished a fair bit, he still throws his punches with surprising speed for someone of his massive size. Atop it all, his raw, inborn stamina gives him phenomenal endurance paired with the density of his muscle to absorb the attacks his opponents might land, letting him fight through a lot of punishment without showing any real injury.

Weaknesses: Whilst he can throw a punch and move his upper body with some quickness, he’s no sprinter. His overall movement is quite slow and sluggish in comparison to a lighter, more agile individual. The fact that his attacks are limited to brawling and improvised wrestling, grappling type holds can make him predictable in a more drawn-out fight as well, giving his opponents a chance to work out his strategies and the like. As a double-edged sword to his ability to take a lot of punishment, however, he has an invincibility complex, willing to take unnecessary attacks simply to make the point of his ability to take the damage.[/center]

« Last Edit: Jun 27, 2009 21:44:50 GMT -6 by z » Back to Top  

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 Fletcher, William R.
« Jun 27, 2009 21:43:18 GMT -6 »


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