Author Topic: Shells, Maria Lillyian (Read 157 times)

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 Shells, Maria Lillyian
« Jun 27, 2009 19:10:49 GMT -6 »

Personal Information:
    [/b]John C. Fremont
    Year:Freshman, Grade Nine

    Name:Maria Lillyian Shells
    Alias:Maria, Mary, Marie, Lily, Lils, Flower, Kitty
    Date of Birth:August third
    Ethnicity:Mother was 1/3 Indian, Father was 2/3 Irish. Maria has no idea what other ethnicities are involved in her background.
    Blood Type:A Positive
    Height:Five feet seven inches
    Weight:One hundred and thirty pounds.
    Hair Color:Chestnut brown with no bangs. Maria prefers to wear it in a single low ponytail so that it covers her neck using her favorite black scrunchy. Her hair tends to show a beautiful red tint in the sun as it slowly waves down to the middle of her back.
    Eye Color:Her eyes change from a sweet ocean-blue to swift forest-green at any moment in time.
    Handedness:Tries to be ambidextrous, does not succeed. Maria hates that she is only right handed.
    Sexual Orientation:[/ul]Straight.

    Physical Appearance:

      Despite the fact that her mother was Indian, Maria is very much like her so-called Irish father. Her skin is very pale and people love to poke fun at it, saying she is as pale as a ghost and just as cold. Although she appears very weak at first glance, small almost-invisible scars on her pale arms prove she is a fighter. Her favorite white blouse covers small but noticeable muscles on her upper arms due to her constant training. Her chest and her small hips compliment her thin figure without giving too much away. Her long legs tend to be curiously hidden under skirts and jeans, probably because of the many scars and bruises she gathers day-to-day. Maria has many abnormalities such as a double jointed body and crooked pinkies. Even though her friends encourage her to trade in her stocky black glasses for comfortable contacts, she just plain refuses.

      Apparel & Accessories:

        Off the school grounds Maria still loves the more formal attire, with her own twists to match her messed up personality. You do not often see her without her favorite button-up white blouse, her knee-length black skirt over top of her full-length simple jeans and the very same formal black shoes from her uniform. The cat-collar she wears around her slender neck tends to jingle when she moves too quickly and barely matches the black tie with her blouse, but she loves it like a sister. A simple black silk ribbon is tied in her hair on the left side and flows easily down the length of her hair to end at just below her shoulders to match the short black ribbon she wears around the muscles on her left upper arm.


          Whether it be in public or in privet, Maria is always herself. She has a very cat-like personality that makes her stand out from others. If she feels like being annoying just because, she will. Her favorite trick is to really go all out on the cat-behavior to freak anyone out by meowing consistently until she either becomes bored with the game, or until the person acknowledges her. Her behavior seems to baffle many as she reacts differently. If she is in a good mood, she will simply sit with no expression and quietly watch. When people ask her why she looks so depressed confuses Maria as because she has no idea that she really does look depressed to others. However, on other occasions she is happy, would respond in a very child-like manner. Even though she loves to dance, she generally will not dance in public. She knows that she is good at certain things, but will not admit it or show it often in public.

          Maria can hold grudges easily, but can let go just as fast. Her moods can change within moments of its beginning without any obvious warning whatsoever. She keeps most secrets to herself, or at least as long as she can. Once you get to know her, they tend to no longer be secrets. She is very creative and will do anything from singing and dancing to painting and writing poetry to help her cool down or just because she feels like it. Maria is not what you would call strong or witty but she loves to try her luck anyways. Rage does not come easily to her and when it does, it is difficult for her to keep her cool at times. She prefers to keep her emotions hidden from her face at most when it is a difficult situation or unfamiliar to her.

          Miscellaneous Information:

            Favorite Color(s): Blood-red and Forest-green.
            Favorite Animal(s): Cats; preferably ginger colored.
            Favorite Activity(s): Ranges from reading to sparring with friends to singing and dancing.
            Other: For some reason Maria enjoys the taste of blood. According to her, each person’s blood tastes different. She happens to like spicy food as well, but will say she has no idea what she prefers.

            Although there is not much she dislikes, she does not particularly like cooking, watching television or fighting, but she will if she has no other choice.

            Talent(s): Playing the flute and singing.


              Maria does not have any specific style that she knows of. She prefers to improvise but is willing to let other people try and teach her. She easily alternates between attacking and dodging, but is not very good at it. Maria hates to fight and that tends to cloud her vision of fair-play when she does. She always leaves chances for her opponents, whether it be accidental then on purpose, not that her opponents generally need her to leave opening on purpose. Because she is not so good at fighting, friends usually interfere with the battle. She has been to the hospital often enough.

              Her sight not being very good means she usually has a hard time determining when she should strike and when she should defend herself. She relies mostly on completely randomized moves and usually has no idea what she doing. Because of her dislike of fighting, she tends to hesitate right before her attacks. Maria has a major tendency to worry at any damage done to her and will try to be more cautious about affecting that area and not focus on what she is doing.

              Maria is very good at hiding her emotions in a tight situation. Keeping her face smooth, her opponent has no idea how psyched out she really is, or how angry. This helps when she tries to remember combat moves she learnt during sparring practices in recent years. That very same memory of hers helps her take quick stock of damage done to her in any form, and because she tends to be cautious about affecting that area, she will attend to the damaged area as soon as she can. This is usually after she is sent to the hospital or after her escape.


                Her biological father was, simply put, a rapist who just happened to be Irish. Her mother, even though she knew she would not be able to look at whatever child she had, kept the baby and did not go for an abortion. Instead she put the baby in an orphanage and went about her merry way, until three months after giving birth, was found and murdered by the father of her child. He was never convicted for her death. It was believed that she had committed suicide.

                When Maria was four years old, her biological father had come to the orphanage and adopted her. He had been keeping an eye on her ever since she was conceived. Even though her father had done wrong by her mother, he was very kind to Maria. He continuously showered her with gifts whenever he could. At the age of six, she had a lavish party for her birthday. When she turned seven, her father gave her a small grey pony she named ‘Starlight’. Three months later she was given a beautiful white blouse and a matching black skirt that she wore whenever she could. She had never been this happy at the orphanage.

                When Maria turned eight, her father revealed part of the truth, that he was her father and her mother had died when she was young, but he had never explained more then that. She was raised on lies about her childhood and who she was. To this day she still has no idea. Determined to keep her from realizing what he had done, he tried to make her forget what he said to her by spoiling her. He felt guilty and was hoping to make up for it by raising his one and only daughter. When Maria turned ten he realized she had no true friends, only shallow ones. Following this he taught her what true friends were and insisted she meet new people while quietly driving the old ones out. His plan had been successful for awhile, until she lost everything that was dear to her at the age of twelve. Her father was killed in a drive-by shooting when she was twelve years old.

                She had never forgotten that moment when the police came to her home. Her babysitter had answered the door while Maria was playing with her dolls. From the living room she could hear mumbling then a cry of pain. The babysitter came into the room crying softly, grabbed Maria by the hand and gently led her to the door. Two men and a woman in police uniform were standing there and they had explained what had happened in terms they thought a twelve year old would understand. Maria understood alright, and asked questions beyond her years of understanding. She knew exactly what had happened by the time the police left. The babysitter insisted on taking care of Maria until something could be arranged, and fell through with her promise. The funeral was brief and quiet. Her father had no other family and few friends. Maria’s babysitter held Maria’s hand the whole time as though she did not want to let go, ever. Of course, the time came for when Maria did have to let go. At the end of her Father’s funeral, Jana the babysitter realized that Maria had not said a word the entire time or even cried.

                The police located any and all family they could and came upon her very strict penny-pinching rich grandparents. She was immediately entered into their home and had been miserable ever since, at the same time losing every one of her friends. Her grandfather was a very abusive old man in both words and physical punishment. They had long since decided that they did not like Maria and would get rid of her at the first chance they could. As if to increase their dislike of her, she did everything they hated. She would wear what her grandmother referred to as ‘that wretched old collar’, sing at the top of her lungs and basically just be herself. She was constantly beaten and sent to her room for days at a time with no meals and let only out for bathroom breaks. Eventually she had learned to sneak out of her room at night to steal food from the pantry and hid them in nooks in her room for later. When her grandparents realized they could send her off to a boarding school, they immediately enrolled her in John C. Fremont.

                « Last Edit: Jun 27, 2009 20:41:28 GMT -6 by snowbunny1999 » Back to Top  

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                Joined: January 1970
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                 Shells, Maria Lillyian
                « Jun 27, 2009 21:38:29 GMT -6 »

                This bio is good enough for me.

                Approved, welcome to The Chula Vista Collective.

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