Author Topic: Manere, Reeve Alexander (Read 117 times)

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Joined: January 1970
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 Manere, Reeve Alexander
« Jun 29, 2009 11:34:27 GMT -6 »

Personal Information:
    [/b] O’Hare
    Year: First Year

    Name: Reeve Alexander Manere
    Alias: None really, though he has been known to refer to himself as Rave from time to time.
    Date of Birth: 16th October 1990
    Age: 19
    Nationality: American
    Ethnicity: Caucasian
    Blood Type: O+
    Height: 6’1”
    Weight: 187lbs
    Hair Colour: Mid-tone brown with darker ends.
    Eye Color: Dark greyish-blue.
    Handedness: Right.
    Sexual Orientation: Bisexual, though he’s probably more along the lines of undecided.[/ul]

    Physical Appearance:
      [/i] in the eye of the beholder. Though he has a mature face (looking his age, not older, of course) he has a certain boyish charm, exemplified in his lopsided, cheeky grin. His face is almost always clean shaven, though it’s not exactly unheard of for him to turn up somewhere with 5 o’clock shadow if he couldn’t be bothered to properly groom himself. Reeve’s eyes, clear and emotive, are a dusky shade of blue that, depending on the light, can lean more towards grey (but for uniqueness’s sake, he always says they’re blue). His nose has a very subtle ski-slope curve, and he has a small scar on the left side of its bridge where he, quite cleverly, accidentally cut himself with his own dorm keys (don’t ask how).

      Reeve is, unfortunately, not a man who tans well, and thus his complexion is ever so slightly paler than average. His skin is mostly clear but, of course, not without its blemishes and a few moles (the largest of which is on his left shoulder blade). When it comes to build, he’s not exactly impressive. He stands at a fairly tall six feet and one inch, and though his shoulders aren’t narrow, he’s not particularly broad or bulky. His arms are toned but thinly muscled and he has little to show in the way of abs or stomach musculature, though that isn’t to say it’s non-existent. Though normally slim, his weight can fluctuate, particularly around the holiday times, thanks to an undeniable fondness for food.

      He doesn’t have a particularly intimidating presence, and if anything the way he stands and walks tends to seem, well, half-arsed. He just doesn’t care. Of course, on the rare occasion that he is taking something seriously, he does straighten up, but such occasions are few and far between.

      Apparel & Accessories:

          [/i] to wait for him to do anything about it – he won’t actually notice they’re mad, let alone why.

          The lack of lights on upstairs even extends into clumsiness – he’s that person who’ll walk into doors, drop knives on his feet and set fire to his own hair without even realising it. Of course, when he’s actually concentrating on something, he ‘sobers up’ when it comes to these sorts of incidents, but that isn’t to say he never trips over his own feet when he’s trying to avoid being clobbered in the face either. But, no matter how common these little mishaps might be, Reeve would be incredibly offended to hear them mentioned. He may lack dignity at times, but he is still a very proud man, and while he may on occasion make fun of himself, it is by no means okay for anybody else to do it; things are only funny when they’re happening to other people for Reeve.

          This is where he begins to have rather noticeable double standards. It’s hilarious when another person trips over and falls on his face, but laughing at Reeve when he trips is a terrible offence indeed. As far as he’s concerned, it’s all about him, and so it is only when he is personally involved in something that he starts to care, more often than not. Take the System – Reeve has little concern for the System’s infringement on students’ right but, the moment he becomes a victim of it, it becomes his concern. He is selfish and incredibly self-interested. If it benefits him, it’s good! If not, well, he doesn’t want to know.

          Even with said selfishness and even his, at times, undeniable fickleness, Reeve is a loyal friend. He may struggle to maintain interest in a significant other, but he makes friends for life and is, basically, a loyal dog. Loveable, affectionate, fun and devoted, at least until something more interesting comes along. But even if his attention ends up elsewhere (he’s got a very short attention span), it’s not as though he abandons the friendship entirely, he’ll merely flit along after whatever shiny new thing has caught his interest and then go back to whatever he was doing before. He may not me good for much and he may be easily distracted but Reeve is still a reliable guy; the kind you can always count on to be there for you if you make it beautifully clear that you need him.

          One thing that he does know well is how to have fun. Reeve might not know what to say to make everything all right, but he can damn well show you a good time doing something spontaneous and exciting. He is incredibly reckless and quite the risk-taker – it’s rare indeed for him to actually look before he leaps. He does whatever he feels like, when he feels like and, obviously, this often does him more harm than good.

          Miscellaneous Information:

              Strength: C
              Dexterity: B
              Constitution: B
              Wisdom: E

              Style: Reeve doesn’t really have a style beyond whatever keeps him pain-free. His training in any particular field is minimal or non-existent, however his height and build do give him somewhat of an advantage when it comes to speed, so it’s unsurprising that Reeve is likely to be seen dodging more often than he is throwing punches. If you had to attribute him to a style, call him a survivalist. He’ll do whatever he thinks will work to keep him standing, whether that means kicking, punching, using nearby items as weapons or even biting. What he does know he knows through trial and error through brutal experience as opposed to training.
              Weaknesses: With no training other than scraps he’s already been in, Reeve’s main weakness is inexperience. Though his instinct can often save his hide in a pinch, he’s no match against someone who actually knows what they’re doing. His physical strength is also somewhat limited in that his body copes better with speed than strength – he doesn’t punch like a girl, but he doesn’t exactly hit hard either. Reeve’s nerves and his mind are what really let him down though; he’s utterly terrible at assessing situations without stress, let alone in the midst of a battle. Panic can very easily get the better of him and prompt him to do things that even he wouldn’t normally do. So, if he’s almost certain he’s going to lose and it’s going to hurt, he pretty much just shuts down. His natural clumsiness is, of course, also a hindrance and it tends to take a lot of focus to work around it, if he even manages that.
              Strengths: Reeve’s speed is certainly one of his strong points; he can dodge with the best of them and more often than not, his accuracy is pretty decent too. When he’s concentrating, he has a very steady hand and an eye for targets (just not always the right ones). He can also take a hit or two, meaning that what he lacks in strength he can make up for in taking a beating and wearing his opponent down as they try to beat him down too. His unorthodox and bold fighting style, though sloppy, can also be a plus simply due to the fact that he’s so unpredictable and can be difficult to strategise against (unless his opponent already knows how he fights).[/ul]


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                Joined: January 1970
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                 Manere, Reeve Alexander
                « Jul 5, 2009 23:22:18 GMT -6 »

                I don't have any problems with this bio. Approved!

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