Author Topic: And Now For More Public Nudity...[Open] (Read 278 times)

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 And Now For More Public Nudity...[Open]
« Jul 2, 2009 13:34:55 GMT -6 »

ooc: Taking place just after the Uniform thread, I'm getting tired of waiting for resolution.


With every gasp he received, the smirk on his lips grew a fraction more...A camera flash here and there as well, and were it not for the reality of the situation, Aroon might have been able to pass the moment off as some act of celebrity.

However, it wasn't quite the case. As the Thai walked to his class, a pair of sneakers on his feet and his bag hooked over his shoulder were all that adorned his figure. Twenty-four hours ago, the Director had elicited an attempt at punishment by exposing him and a handful of others to the Collective, an act that had fallen through somewhat as a result of the combined actions of the crowd descending into madness.

So, as a gesture that could be considered a small 'fuck you' to the faculty, whilst stirring up a few things, Aroon strode purposefully through the courtyard and flashed a smile here and there as cameras shot in front of him. Why not play it up some more, after all? Besides, even discounting it as an insult to the faculty, the Thai could only imagine the collective reaction he would incur from the students who spotted him, and in more than a few cases, ogled him.

'I must admit, the breeze is quite pleasant...' he mused to himself, the smirk hanging as he entered the building in front of him, and the entire debacle began again. New faces stopped as jaws fell slack, realising just what was walking through the corridor. For the most part a steady peal of laughter, giggles and more than a few wolf-whistles were directed overhead, but when he finally reached the class he needed he opened the door to something quite different, if a tad amusing.

"What the bloody hell are you doing, Mr. Kamsing!?" screamed the teacher whose seat flew back as he rose to his feet, eyes bugged as he put together what he was seeing. In a smooth counter, Aroon simply smiled politely as he made to walk to his chair.

"Considering the Director took it upon himself to wreck my clothes, and since I have no uniform at present, I figure this will be quite enough until I have something that meets his requirement. After all, I'm not breaking a dress code if I'm not wearing something that contravenes it, right?"

The same mixture of laughter and giggling from the female students present stuck around as the older man considered what, exactly, he was supposed to do. On one hand, he could try and escort Aroon from the class, but the notion of any rumour doing the rounds regarding him manhandling a nude male student would ruin him...But, if he left him there, what hope was there for the class?

In a contrast to the fretful thoughts of the teacher, Aroon casually opened his bag and pulled out the textbook required for the class, a small smile remaining on his face. The day could yet get more interesting, if word of mouth picked up speed at any suitable pace.

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« Jul 2, 2009 16:52:25 GMT -6 »

It should have been any ordinary day filled with physical training, classes and staying awake to deal with it all. The air was still a little charged after the spectacle of the assembly the day before and her video had numerous hits already but there was something all together different as she walked the campus grounds on her way to class a clamor, a disturbance seemed to start up, entirely different from the one yesterday.

Undoubtedly Aleece was instantly curious, the murmurs and laughing that seemed to be everywhere, the group of girls that were huddled together, more specifically Fremont girls. Raising an eyebrow she edged closer to a passing group, catching snatches of what they were going on about…Naked, and that Thai guy were thrown around and her brow instantly shot up.

Not needing anymore of an invitation then that, Aleece decided some…investigating was in some order and with a grin she turned in her path sharply doing an about face following the group, slipping her cover off, stuffing it in her back pocket as she went. Along with it ,her camouflage jacket went leaving her in the form-fitting white tee, which she followed as small as she could. It didn’t take much after that to slip into Fremont and make a bee line for what she assumed to be a girls locker room a little ways on.

Ten Minutes Later…

Aleece looked around as she stepped out of the girls gym her legs showing much to her chargin from the plaid – silver, indigo and black skirt that was a big snug on her hips and apparently the girl who it belonged was (if possible) sorter then her. Smoothing a hand down the front of the hoisted sweater vest, white button up shirt underneath it and tie she didn’t hesitate to get going.

It happened to feel almost to convenient to find a pair of black Mary Jane’s in her size as well but she wasn’t complaining, so the vest and shirt was a little big and actually tying the tie had given her fits not to mention she had no idea who’s stockings these were…again she wasn’t complaining. As casually as she could she brushed her hair over her shoulder as she joined the steady crowd of students and hoping she didn’t look out of place, the commotion of that “Nude kid” still be talked about as she hunted out the source…

With her cell phone in hand she soon passed a class and was made to pause instantly.

"What the bloody hell are you doing, Mr. Kamsing!?"

Jackpot, Aleece thought to herself with a small stifled laugh and instantly turned smartly into the classroom just in time to hear Aroon’s retort, not stopping herself as she grinned at that. Not wanting to linger and unable to hide it her head instantly felt like it would explode when she finally settled her eyes on him…properly. To top it off she wasn’t able to keep her gaze from delving lower, yeah she’d seen him in this state of undress, hell just yesterday, but up close? It was a little to personal.

Aleece was jostled out of her staring, the slightly gap and shocked expression interrupted when she was nudged from behind. Muttering a quick apology she hurried in hoping the teacher didn’t see her or realize she wasn’t apart of this class or even a student here.

« Last Edit: Jul 11, 2009 1:59:01 GMT -6 by aleeca » Back to Top  

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« Jul 2, 2009 17:26:18 GMT -6 »

To Aroon, odds were good that class wasn't about to start any time soon...Sure, he had the appropriate books on hand and the class was almost full, but it seemed that the teacher was completely stumped at what to do.

'I should've done this sooner, it's more fun than it's worth!' he thought with a muted grin, his merriment only disturbed when he saw who walked in the door.

Correction, when he took the double-take to see who had walked in the door. The girl looked every bit the same as any other Fremont student, he'd concede that going on the fact that she was wearing the uniform, but Aroon knew one thing for certain. This girl was not from Fremont. Now, along the way to class, he had been ogled and leered at by at least half the girls who'd passed him, so it should not have come as a surprise to find that Aleece would do the same, but there was something just a little more...fervent about the expression he saw on her face.

'Last I checked this wasn't Knox, Aleece....' he thought as he caught her eyes flicking them at an empty chair beside him. Unsurprisingly, most of the class had shifted their seats and a few had plain got up and moved places when Aroon had sat himself down, and as a result it left a couple of seats in his immediate proximity free. As he waited for her to sit, he raised an eyebrow in silent questioning before he spoke under his breath.

"To quote our dear teacher, Aleece, 'What the bloody hell are you doing'!?"

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« Jul 2, 2009 18:00:39 GMT -6 »

Now it had seemed like an okay idea to go ahead and give into her curiosity, quell the urge to figure out what the hubbub had been about surrounding the streaker, but as she moved more and caught Aroon’s eye (yes…actual eye to eye contact this time) she began to doubt her plans. Hey she never proclaimed to be a good spontaneous planner, this was all a fly by the seat of her pants (since someone had to wear them). Clearing her throat quietly she worked at wiping her face clear of the shock she was currently under and dared to take the seat behind Aroon.

Leaning on her forearms she raised an eyebrow at him as she tried to keep her eyes above the neckline. When he practically hissed his question at her she couldn’t help but grin again, and answering him in the same hushed fashion, “well on my way to class the most interesting thing piqued my interest.”

Aleece’s eyes darted up to the teacher who was still struggling along with what to do so she made it quick before he caught on to quick. “Apparently there was rumor of some naked guy strolling around and I couldn’t pass up the photo opp.”

Subtly she raised her cell and did poorly in stifling a quiet laugh when she ducked her head. This was to comical to pass up on, the casual way Aroon was sitting in his desk, starkers, and asking her why she was here? Like there should have been question…

It was almost worth the trouble she knew she was going to get into.

« Last Edit: Jul 11, 2009 2:01:14 GMT -6 by aleeca » Back to Top  

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« Jul 2, 2009 18:58:53 GMT -6 »

"Rumours spreading that fast, huh?" he shot back, without turning his head. He knew she'd hear him all the same, though he did turn round as he continued. He had enough attention on him as it was, the simple act of turning to converse was hardly about to go unnoticed but, in the grand scheme, it was somewhat low on the scale of things to be concerned about.

"Still, I don't expect I should be that surprised." he added before he smirked, turning to sit back in his chair. Folding his arms behind his head, he sat for a moment before being addressed from the front of the room.

"Mr. Kamsing, you're disrupting my class, I'm going to have to ask you to leave."

He chuckled to himself as he unfolded his arms and leaned forward, resting his elbows on the desk. "I don't see how. I've done nothing to disrupt anything."

"Oh, I think you've done -quite- enough...Now I'll ask you one more time to leave."

"No, I went out of my way to get up and come to class. So teach." he shot back, a raised eyebrow directed at the older man as he practically dared him to try and remove him personally. After another moments deliberation, the older man sighed and shook his head, before speaking to the rest of the class and seemingly opting to ignore the Thai for the moment until he deliberated something in his head. Aroon, in the meanwhile, shifted in his chair a little to direct his words at Aleece again.

"You know, for the amount of times you've seen me naked, I really think the date to nudity ratio is a bit off....And on top of that, I've not even caught a glimpse of you yet..." he remarked with a smirk, as he waited for the dark-haired girls response. He mused over the appearance she had in the uniform and decided to keep that one in mind for later. Awful though the colours were, she certainly 'fit' the look, that was for sure.

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« Jul 2, 2009 19:34:58 GMT -6 »

Aleece fell silent as the teacher spoke up and to Aroon causing her to sit back in her seat for now listening to the quick exchange finding herself amused when the man didn’t know exactly what to do with the naked student. Well this was a side of him she’d definitely never seen…no pun intended.

When he shifted back in his seat and directed his words at her, Aleece shook her head her eyes falling down to his shoulder, but not really able to see anything anymore from this point, and she didn’t know whether or not to feel disappointed over that. Wanting to slap herself for that train of thought she sat up straight again and attempted to correct her rather leering and wondering gaze.

“Yes well, I suppose we’ll have to fix that won’t we?” Even though she knew he wouldn’t be able to catch it she grinned teasingly, briefly wondering just how long it would take him to get kicked out of class especially with him talking to her and disrupting class. If that happened, she would be in a tight spot if her reason just up and walked out…though the thought of seeing him walk out was a tempting one, with a nice view.

Shaking her head physically that time, Aleece was finding it a bit hard to keep her mind out of the gutter with Aroon practically lounging around like he was in his living room or something. It amazed her somewhat that he had that much self confidence that he didn’t seem a bit put off by any of this (obviously if he had done it in the first place, he wasn’t.) Still here he was bantering away with her in her stolen uniform and him in the buff…two steps away from being getting in trouble.

“See,” she finally said in a hushed tone, but still teasing, taking the chance while she had and the teacher was hesitantly going about his lecture. “Unlike you I think I have a bit of modesty, its gonna take a couple more dates and some seriously smooth stuff to talk me out of my clothes.”

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« Jul 2, 2009 20:17:25 GMT -6 »

Whilst he couldn't see the grin, he could hear it in her voice as she spoke in the hushed tones, and he smirked to himself in response. He idly thumbed pages of his textbook as he tuned out the teachers words, noting that the man simply glanced at the Thai periodically now with a disdainful look. That would be sufficient, so long as he wasn't paying too much attention Aroon could have his conversation without too much trouble. Besides, it was unlikely he would want to draw more attention to the unexplainable naked youth.

He stifled a chuckle when she spoke up again, and he gave a nod to it as he shrugged his shoulders. "Well, I've got seriously smooth down to an art form, so I just need to find a couple of good places to take you out. Besides, you like what you saw, or were you captivated by the other nude youth in the class when you were standing at the door?" he shot back, a curl of his lips baring his teeth in a grin as he turned to look at her quite pointedly this time, the smirk wide and inviting.

"Mr. KAMSING. I have asked you twice to leave this class and stop disrupting my lesson, now I'm telling you to get out, before I have you removed!"

With a feigned roll of his eyes he folded over his textbook and slipped it back into his bag, zipping over the recepticle and rising from his chair with a languid stretch, his arms folding back behind his shoulders and pulling his muscles (and a whole lot else) taut for a second or two. He gave a glance back at Aleece for a moment with a smirk "You should think of a way to get yourself out before they do roll call, I'll wait around for a minute or two...."

With a casual, unbothered gait, he strode from the class with a flick of his wrist pulling the door shut behind him, and with a twist he set himself to lean against the wall of the corridor in the expectation that he would be joined in a moment or so...

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« Jul 2, 2009 20:49:32 GMT -6 »

Aleece didn’t have to feign anything when she rolled her eyes at his retort to her quip but she couldn’t help but grin nonetheless. She would have answered back something witty and clever on the tip of her tongue, her lips parting as if she was going to say something only to have her mouth hang open when the teacher suddenly burst in with his order for Aroon to leave….now. Her mouth worked close and open a few times her eyes a little wide, and she swallowed down what ever it had been that she thought she was going to protest to, when he stood up to leave at the teachers request.

Aleece felt her face heat up hotly once more at that…stretch, which she knew just had to have been done on purpose as she her eyes naturally gravitated south. Like a snap though her attention shot back up and she narrowed her eyes an instant later, sure that he found all this hilarious.

Like a sheep left to the wolves she turned her attention back to the front of the class to see the teacher getting a good look at her now. Laughing a little nervously she shot a look around raising from her seat as she did.

“Ooh…this isn’t math class,” she said and coughed at the laughter that peeled off from the other students around her. “I-I’ll uh-” she gestured to the door over her shoulder somewhat as she inched her way over there quickly despite her mortification. “I’ll just be going.”

With that faster then she would ever move again in her life she was at the door and out it with in a second. When the door was closed behind her with a resounding sound she let out a tired sigh and leaned against it, letting her head hand a bit her loose hair falling in a curtain over either shoulder.

Looking up Aleece had a pretty good glare ready only to have it falter when she got a good frontal view of Aroon. With a choking noise she quickly looked to the side wondering just why she had done this to herself again? With a breath she looked up sending him an unamused look and pushing herself straight taking a few steps his way before stopping, “that wasn’t funny…leaving me in there for the slaughter.”

Letting her statement taper off she looked down the hallway and raised an eyebrow, “so this is Fremont…”

Even thought the majority of the people she knew or was acquainted with went here she had never actually stepped inside the building.

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« Jul 3, 2009 10:24:03 GMT -6 »

ooc: Blaaaah, a short one.


He was only waiting for about a minute when he heard the laughter grow in the classroom, and when the door swung open a moment later to produce Aleece, he retained his smirk as she turned to glare at him. At least, he assumed she was going to glare, instead she seemed to get a bit....distracted. Chuckling quietly, a low noise from the back of his throat, he watched her attempt to compose herself as she stood in front of him and chided him.

"Perhaps not to you, but between the look on your face and the fact you got out without any trouble, I'd have to say it was rather amusing. Besides, if I thought you'd get any trouble from him do you honestly think I'd leave you to handle it alone? Come on now..." he shot back, a raised eyebrow with feigned disappointment at her 'opinion' of him. He returned to a smile a moment later before bumping her shoulder with his own, flicking his head to one side down one of the corridors.

"Come on, if I'm now officially removed from class, and I've got a tag-along, I might as well throw on something so your brain doesn't break...." he joked as he turned and paced towards a bathroom a little ways down the corridor.

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« Jul 3, 2009 21:54:46 GMT -6 »

Aleece only had a huff for Aroon, though she smirked a bit when he bumped her with his shoulder, not forgetting that he was still very naked at the moment. She had never really skipped class (no one skipped class at Knox without the repercussions) and she wasn’t about to let it go to waste, so when he said something about going to get some clothes on before her brain stopped working her smirk grew.

Still with her phone in hand she flipped it open when he took a couple steps in front of him and turned on her camera, trying to hold off the majority of her mirth. Though a few poorly muffled chuckles sounded from her as she took a few pictures…of that admittedly well sculpted back side of his. Skipping forward her face split wide with a smile she held up her phone and lifted an eyebrow.

“I came here for a reason…and I got it,” let off a laugh she took off down past the bathroom and kept going throwing a wink over her shoulder making sure her pace was a bit faster then his at the moment. “These’ll get a great price on line I’m sure.”

Looking down she quickly saved them to her card keeping a copy on her phone as well just in case Aroon got any funny ideas about wanting to delete them. She had to have something to show for coming all this way - stealing a uniform and being in a school that wasn’t hers…can’t have a little risk without the cost of nothing after all.

((ooc - no prob, so is mine >_<))

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« Jul 6, 2009 17:57:09 GMT -6 »

He got maybe half a dozen paces before the tell-tale sound of a camera clicking made him pause for a second.

"You know, if you wanted to take a picture..." he began, before turning a smooth half-circle to face her fully, a well-displayed smirk on show. " should at least try for the money shot."

He struck a pose for a few seconds, raising an eyebrow at whatever reaction he might well get from her, before he deftly turned back around again and paced into the bathroom, the smirk remaining as he dropped his bag to the floor. Unzipping it quickly, he pulled a pair of knee-length cargo shorts and stepped into them. A quick twist of his wrist fastened the ties that held them up, and with a flick of his wrist he tossed his bag back up and onto his shoulder. Glancing at the mirror to his left, he splashed a little water on his face, running a handful through his hair.

Toweling his hands off on the paper dispenser, he stepped back out into the hall and gave a short glance for Aleece and that rather...fetching uniform she had on. He fished through his pocket for his cellphone and switched the camera on himself, hoping to get at least a single shot of her in the attire. When he spotted her, he aimed the lens and snapped off a quick picture. Cursing himself for not bringing his proper camera with him, he gave a short wolf-whistle at her. Now he had some more suitable clothing on, he figured he could return the gesture.

She did look rather sexy in the uniform, ridiculous colour scheme or not. Certainly. it took a higher place than military fatigues (most of the time, anyway).

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« Jul 6, 2009 21:58:32 GMT -6 »

At his comment and pose she rolled her eyes her light step steadily taking her down the hall a little ways away from the bathroom her gaze taking to wondering around where she was when Aroon went to put something on. Glad for it, she didn't think her modesty could take anymore of so much of him. Her cheeks had finally settled into something that didn't feel like her head was at a exploding point, her pace slowed peaking into a classroom as she passed, curiously noting everyone, either sleeping or actually taking notes.

There was something a little more...relaxed about Fremont compared to Knox in her opinion, but maybe it was because there was no one around at the moment. When the lewd wolf whistle came from behind her, Aleece forgot completely she was wearing a skirt and turned quickly the pleats flaring a bit and making her smooth her hands down her hips as her face flamed up again.

This thing was to short in her opinion, hitting her just about mid thigh, regardless she didn't like skirts to begin with so she frowned indignantly, which lost its affect when it came across more of a pout. Her fingers curled into the fabric before unclenching again, "so...I've skipped class for the first time, commented theft, hung out with a naked guy, and I'm still a delinquent incognito...what next?"

Raising an eyebrow she still had to grin at the situation finding the humor despite the list she had just rattled off, more then obviously flustered.

« Last Edit: Jul 8, 2009 19:47:22 GMT -6 by aleeca » Back to Top  

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« Jul 8, 2009 19:12:45 GMT -6 »

ooc: Fuck, posted it with the wrong account first XD


"Well, if we're going to follow the steady incline of your heinous offences, I'd say you've graduated to vandalism by now. However, I'm sure there's been quite enough lawbreaking for you today. How about we regroup over at the dorms or something? This time of the day, I'm sure you'll be able to avoid getting sprung for cutting class."

Smiling at her with a short shrug, he paused for a second before he pointed the camera again, taking a final picture of her but making conscious effort to get a -good- shot of her this time, instead of just the random point and clicks he'd done before. As he stored the snapshot, he closed over his phone and pocketed it before he slipped his thumbs into the belt-loops for his shorts.

"In any case, we should probably get out of the building, this place may not be Knox in terms of the disciplinary practice, but there's no free rides. Come on..."

As he ended the statement, he unhooked one of his hands and briefly cupped her forearm as he began walking, spurring her to join him before his hand dropped a moment later. He'd briefly considered hooking his hand into hers as he walked, but a moments indecision left the idea discarded. Smooth though he was when he spoke, even the suavely spoken Thai had his hangups about things.

Rather than dwell on it, however, he simply kept his eyes observant as he made sure there wasn't going to be a sneaky faculty member spot them. Thankfully, the need to keep his attention diverted from her was brought to a close a few moments later as he pushed open one of the secondary doors out onto the courtyard and stepped into the sunshine, relishing the slight warmth on his skin after the artificial cooling subjected to him by the schools air conditioning units. With a sidewards glance at Aleece, he shrugged momentarily.

"So, to the dorms or is this where you head out?" he questioned, a half-cocked smile hanging on his lips.

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« Jul 9, 2009 2:35:38 GMT -6 »

This time she noticed that he was taking a picture of her and despite feeling faintly embarrassed about that she laced her hands behind her back and tipped her a bit and let him take his picture with a slight smile on her face. Aleece didn’t think she’d be up for vandalizing anything, but knew he was only joking, and before she knew it he was at her side, his fingers on her arm. She didn’t need anymore incentive then that, even if he was still half dress, at least all the bits and pieces were covered.

His hand didn’t linger long she noticed and she grinned a bit as they walked, her eyes wondering as well, but more in curiosity then anything. Almost as soon as they hit outside she squinted at the bright light and feeling the heat in the one size to big sweater vest…thing.

As soon as Aroon starting talking she turned a bit to look at him her eyebrows raising, his inquiry making her hum a bit in thought. “Well since I’ve got nothing else to do now,” she started jokingly. “How ‘bout some company?”

Aleece wasn’t ready to return to her dorm now of all things, the little adventure of doing something like skipping out on classes despite the cost not quite worn off. So she might as well make a day of it while she was at it. “That is…if you’re up to some company.”

With a quirk of eyebrow she waited for what he’d have to say to that, but couldn’t help but add in, “and if you are, your place or mine?”

She returned the half smile knowing she had given him a world of leeway with that comment and as usual enjoyed the anticipation of what he would possibly say.

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« Jul 10, 2009 1:37:35 GMT -6 »

Twisting his shoulder, he slung his bag across from one shoulder to the other as he shrugged it back up. He considered the offer of company briefly before nodding with a small smile.

"Sure, and if you're leaving the notion to me, I'd probably be better suggesting my place. I don't know how you Knox folk roll your dorms, but the 'military' part just doesn't bode too well."

With a smirk to add with his remark, he gave a short grin at her. "Of course, with a snappy line like that I'm almost obligated to 'invite you in for coffee', wouldn't you say?"

He cocked an eyebrow in waiting for her retort, to which he almost certainly expected one, and gave a small twist of his heel, as if turning away indignantly, before a quiet peal of chuckling laughter left him. Starting on his way towards the Fremont dorms, he gave a thought to something ironic and had a secondary burst of amusement whilst turning his head to Aleece.

"You know, ironically it was always going to be my place, I mean, I may not be dressed for Knox as I am, but I sure as hell doubt that that particular get-up would do any favours..." he added, giving a waving gesture from head to toe of the dark-haired girl. Appealing though the uniform might be, it wasn't exactly the top attire for those in the military academy...

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« Jul 10, 2009 22:47:38 GMT -6 »

Aleece couldn't help but tip her head a little and laugh at his coffee line, and of course she had something to come back for it. Stepping up beside him she stifled her smile in favor of looking thoughtful and humming. "Well I suppose just for one cup then..." Grinning she shook her head and started to walk along with him, hurrying her pace along a little to match his strides.

When he looked over at her, she looked down at her confiscated attire and raised an eyebrow. "You're right..." she hadn't actually thought that far ahead and wondered what she was going to do...her fatigues...with her name on them were in that locker room. The thought made her freeze instantly her eyes widening a little.

"Shit," she cursed to herself uncharacteristically instantly clamping a hand over her mouth and looking up at Aroon sharply. Letting her hand drop disbelieving of her own stupidity at the moment she groaned.

"I left my fatigues back there...I gotta go get 'em," she said in a put out fashion sighing a bit, with a shake of her head. She would really like to hang out with him for the rest of the day, but she couldn't just let those stay there and risk having them found, not to mention those were her only pair of boots right now, not that it would be hard to replace them. But the fact her name was stenciled on the inside, and a patch of her last name was plastered on the breast pocket...just couldn't be ignored.

Taking a step back she gave an apologetic smile, "wait for me?"

This way she could get her clothes change at his dorm and go back in what she was wearing without looking suspicious. She just hoped she didn't run into any trouble on her way.

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« Jul 11, 2009 1:42:28 GMT -6 »

He let himself have a small chuckle as he watched the proverbial penny drop for Aleece. He'd figured she had to have stolen the uniform from somewhere on campus, so ideally her Knox attire was somewhere on campus too. He shook his head and rolled his eyes in mock disdain as she clicked, but inevitably just gave a light nod when she excused herself away to collect them.

"Of course, but be quick, and be careful...." he replied as he let his bag fall from his shoulder, and with an underhand swing he lobbed it to the roots of a large, shady tree. This way, he could sit back and wait for her to return in open sight, and look like he was on a free period or something. Odds were good that neither would take any trouble though. The chance was there, but if before was anything to go by the hallways in Fremont were sparsely monitored today. Aleece would be just fine...

With a smile as she began to make her way back for her fatigues, he called smoothly over the to her. "Hurry back now, we've got a coffee date.", he chuckled as he finished the comment, folding his arms over his head and watching her dash back for the school, making no effort to hide the fact that he 'enjoyed' the view he was presented considering she wouldn't be shooting glances back over her shoulder...

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« Jul 11, 2009 17:43:41 GMT -6 »

"Sure thing," she called backing up a couple steps then with a quick smile she nodded to Aroon turning sharply and jogging lightly back inside and down the hall they had come, but it didn't take her long to realize...she had no idea where she was at. Her feet slowed considerably as she slowly looked around at least glad that no one was around to see her looking like this was her first day of school or something.

Well if someone ran across her then at least she could play that up as a unfamiliar face around here. Yeah it could work (but then again her spur of the moment planning wasn't the best) regardless she hadn't been particularly paying attention to where she was going when she had finally gotten here. It was problematic to say the least, still she headed the way she had come with Aroon then the general direction from when she had been on her own.

If this school wasn't so big she didn't think this would necessarily have her looking around like she had no sense at all. Tugging lightly on the sleeve of the button down shirt on one hand she tried not to look to out of place as she made her way down the to quiet hallway. Though after a few minutes she found herself back at where she had come in making her grin a bit to herself. After hurrying into the locker room...changing room, whatever it was she grabbed her neatly folded fatigues and boots. Hurrying out side she thought she was in the clear having no problem finding her way back to where she had left Aroon, but just as she passed the bathroom she ran right into someone. Literally.

Aleece had been looking down, trying to stuff her phone in the pocket of her jacket so she wouldn't fumble with holding it all, not paying a bit of attention to where she was going - confident she was the only one walking the halls with class going on. Apparently she had been wrong. The bump into this rather...solid mass, obviously a guy, hadn't been enough to make her stumble but stop her right in her tracks, and her vision filled with nothing but...chest. She was almost tempted to poke at it...test just how solid it was.

But she looked up instead rather wide eyed in shock through her lashes and a couple pieces of dark rogue hair to see a rather unamused face meeting her stare...

"Oh..." she breathed out and made to step back quickly. "Sorry."

« Last Edit: Jul 11, 2009 17:47:46 GMT -6 by aleeca » Back to Top  
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« Jul 11, 2009 18:43:57 GMT -6 »

For the moment, Seth said nothing, his eyes instead slowly dropping to note what the girl carried in her arms, as well as the fact she was already wearing a uniform. It was obvious that the two sets of clothing weren't the same, and while there was the chance that she had been going to get the uniform for someone else, her step back was enough to tip him off that it wasn't for the most rule-abiding of intentions, something that brought a slow smile to the young man's face.

"A student with both a Fremont uniform and a Knox uniform... Let me guess, holding it for a friend?"

Once again, with his uniform still yet to be delivered, Seth had decided to wear his black suit with a red tie, keeping his outfit at the very least presentable. He enjoyed dressing up, and thus far, it had managed to keep him from having a falling out with the staff so far; ideally, that would come later. His right hand would fall into his pocket, withdrawing a cigarette from the pack within and place it between his lips, though he chose not to light it quite yet. The act had become more of a habit than anything else, and had to be restrained indoors. Still smiling, Seth would make no effort to close the distance once more.

"What possible need could you have for a uniform from each school? Information gathering?"

In a manner that may or may not have surprised Aleece depending on whether she had heard of him before, Seth's demeanour was much closer to the charismatic young man he had been during his stay at Hircine. His tone would suggest that he was genuinely curious, rather than overly hostile, though whether that would change remained to be seen. However, at the moment, Seth was curious if another underground network had been established at this school, much like the one in San Francisco, or whether the situation here was as he had remembered it years ago.

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« Jul 11, 2009 19:19:29 GMT -6 »

Aleece relaxed a bit still stayed wary of this guy, she didn't know him and hell he didn't even look like a student himself. She stayed silent when he finally started to talk finding his comment rhetorical and no wanting to sound like a stuttering freak. Instead she returned his smile with one of her own, that was until he went on. Slowly it faded and her curiosity was peeked a bit, 'gathering information' at Fremont wasn't on her top list of things to do, though the system was.

Tipping her head a bit she knew she had been caught, already seeing the disbelief if she tried to make an excuse of maybe having found the uniform. Instead she took another half step back to put some acceptable distance between the two of them. Slowly she nodded, "you could say that."

She had been here for a reason but those had been purely selfish and...not all together brilliant on her part, obviously if she was standing here good as caught now. "Heard some things, decided to check it out...for the interest of a better good, of course."

It was a rather vague thing to say but she like dealing in word games when it came to someone she didn't know, it was easy to assume anything after all. Lifting an eyebrow her guard was up enough not to be taken in by how easily engaging this guy looked, or talked.

"Am I in...trouble now?" Aleece was hoping this guy wasn't some, hard core stickler for the rules, but given that he might be a student and not wearing a uniform despite being at school, but not in class, she wasn't terribly worried, even if this could become troublesome.

« Last Edit: Jul 11, 2009 19:21:16 GMT -6 by aleeca » Back to Top  
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« Jul 11, 2009 22:21:38 GMT -6 »

"Trouble... well, I suppose that depends."

Purposefully leaving the reasoning vague, much like Aleece had done moments before, Seth would notice the girl stepping away once more, causing his eyes to narrow slightly. If she ran away, his amusement for the moment would disappear, and he'd have to find some other way to entertain himself. However, her reluctance to stay was enough to suggest she truly feared being caught, something Seth found potentially entertaining. There was a chance the reason would be entertaining, and that in itself was reason enough to explore the possibility.

"What sort of things could you have heard that would warrant such behaviour? I'm sure the administration here could look into it for you, if you were to bring it to their attention. Unless... of course... the greater good doesn't involve them."

Smirking softly, Seth would take a step forwards and to the side, walking slowly to bring himself off to her side, rather than directly in front. Still facing the direction he had been walking, Seth would keep on speaking, mostly for his own amusement.

"What exactly does your greater good entail?"

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« Jul 11, 2009 23:52:52 GMT -6 »

She couldn't help that her pulse skipped a beat when he mentioned that her getting in trouble would depend. Depend on what was what she wanted to know and her grip tightened on her folded fatigues pressing against the front of her chest as he went on. Talk of the administration wasn't a good thing; she didn't want to get any school official involved with anything she was doing. The headmaster breathing down her neck was enough...

Aleece made it a point to keep her eyes keenly on his face, his expression not giving anything away for the most part other then the smirk turning up at his lips and she let her head turn when he stepped to the side. It took effort on her part to keep her own smile going, not really that comfortable with people to begin with, always doing better behind a screen dealing with words then face to face...especially from his rather...overwhelming sense she was getting at the moment. This was no Hicks, or Ari, or even Aroon...she could tell almost instantly off the bat.

Something about even his movements making her turn as kept walk, and even his lowered tone. At his question she lifted one shoulder mildly, a little aloft with the gesture, "what else motivates most people around here? Teenage hormones..."

Aleece wasn't keen on giving a lot away even if it was obvious by now this conversation didn't have anything to do with her coming here to get pictures of Aroon naked. She wondered just who this guy was to begin with, talking around a point just as much as she was, leaving a whole lot up to be assumed at the moment.

She quickly forgot about hurrying along to meet Aroon still outside just a little bit away just outside the doors at the end of the hall, it was what she got for being so single minded at times. "And my greater good?" Aleece parroted back her smile turning up a bit more, something that might suggest that she was amused by the direction of all this. "Being informed..."

Essentially that much was true, "I gotta ask...why so curious?"

Once more she thought she was rather...unassuming as an individual, small, with a meek personality, nothing particularly outstanding to grab anyone's attention, so to be under this guys intent inquiry, made her want to question what his game was..

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« Jul 13, 2009 19:04:43 GMT -6 »

At her question, Seth would gradually turn to face the girl once more, doing so slowly so as to not trigger that fight or flight instinct everyone had when under stress. He hung his thumbs in his pockets, a subtle gesture so as to appear less threatening, From what Seth knew, over ninety percent of communication was nonverbal, and it was moments like this that he was satisfied in his experience with the human mind.

"...Because I like to be informed."

Enjoying the word games being played, Seth found using the girl's own response to be particularly amusing, and cause enough for his smile to grow wider still. It had been a long time since he'd had the chance to play such non-violent games, as his goals typically required more action than he may have liked. A chance to go back to that sort of fun was something he didn't plan on missing.

"Forgive my manners, I haven't properly introduced myself. Seth Calloway, at your service."

Bending slightly at the waist in a manner of a bow, Seth would extend his right hand, holding it open in a clear motion for a handshake. He didn't particularly mind whether she took his hand or not, instead, the former gang leader was simply acting as he felt was appropriate, polite almost to a fault. Whether she took his hand or not, Seth would pause for a moment, then remark happilly;

"How long do you suppose you can stand in the hall before one of our beloved faculty comes along and notices your choice of attires?"

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« Jul 13, 2009 20:06:33 GMT -6 »

He glanced at his watch for the second time in curiosity...Surely it wouldn't have taken her that long to find where she'd left the uniform she'd stashed away...On one hand he didn't want to react unnecessarily, rushing to her aid when she was just a little lost and nothing more, but he had to consider the possibility that a faculty member might have come across her.

"Fuck it."

Pushing to his feet, he slung his bag back over his shoulder and strode back across the concrete walkway, towards the door they'd used before. He flipped a mental coin and went the way they'd been walking before, figuring that Aleece might have come that way initially after stealing her current attire. It was a fifty-fifty shot, but he also banked that any out of the ordinary noises would help him work out where she was. As he jogged down the corridor, he banked right round a corner and stopped when he saw her.

'Well, she's alright at least....'

Then he paid note of the other one standing there, a taller youth and certainly strong-looking, clad in formal attire. At first glance, from a distance, he might've appeared to be a faculty member from his clothing and build, but at Aroons closer range he could see the youth in the features that betrayed it. He paced over even as the taller boy was talking, mentioning something about lingering around whilst the risk of the faculty stumbling in on them was present. He spoke up calmly, just loud enough to 'interrupt' as it were.

"By my reckoning, a few more minutes, which is why I think it's time we made our way off. Aleece?" he spoke facing the unfamiliar face, though when he spoke Aleeces name he'd turned to her with a slightly expectant look on his face. After all, it was true that standing around in the hall was low on the list of things that were beneficial to ones well-being.

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« Jul 13, 2009 20:43:22 GMT -6 »

Aleece breathed a soft sound of amusement when he used her own answer to answer her question in return and raised an eyebrow lightly, her fingers loosening on her fatigues. She saw how much of the game he was wanting to play at here and she was up for it, and it showed, shedding her of the rather airy persona she had been playing on as her lips curled up a bit more. When he held out a hand for her to take, she didn't really think about it when she returned the gesture. Slipping hers into his she nodded, but before she could introduce herself or reply, her attention was pulled at the sound of a familiar voice, just as she opened her mouth.

When Aroon said her name she didn't find it prudent to tell Seth over again, though she felt a sense of slight dissapointment that this was where it was going to end for the most part. Making a motion to pull her hand out of his she glanced between the two quickly before shrugging lightly again.

He didn't seem overly friendly with the new guy and she quirked an eyebrow once more. The way his stare lingered more on him when he spoke to her obviously then looked to her expectingly. Pressing her lips together she gave a small smile, and cut her eyes to the taller guy.

"I suppose your right," Aleece said in agreement, knowing she had really pushed the point that she had lingered here for a bit to long anyways. She really didn't want to deal with the double reprocussions of not only Knox but of Fremont as well. Aroon was cute...but he wasn't worth that much trouble. It was better they got going now, and since she was merely visiting for all intents and purposes she wasn't going to argue with her guide.

((ooc - chaaa...sorry so short =/))

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