Author Topic: See No Evil, Speak No Evil (Shaolin) (Read 149 times)

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 See No Evil, Speak No Evil (Shaolin)
« Jul 6, 2009 19:49:33 GMT -6 »

Connor was walking around with a huge smile on his face. He had just had an amazing date the other night, and nothing was going to be able to alter his mood. However, as it was only Berlin who had seen his eyes and scars, at least, the only one who was not disturbed by them, he was covered in his usual shades and gloves.

He was practically dancing as he walked, humming a tune with no name, but to any that saw him, they would know he was in a fantastic mood. However, back in school, reality came crashing down. There was a group of people picking on someone. Connor could tell at least by the way they were speaking, the tone of their voice... it was something Connor was used to hearing aimed at himself. The 'stronger' always targeted the 'weaker.'

Connor headed over, hoping to help. He also hoped he could avoid violence. He was not in a fighting mood. Well, not that he wouldn't enjoy a tussle. He just would rather not spoil his day with a fight.

He could hear them picking on there victim, though without any real meaning behind the words. They were bigger, their target smaller. Connor only shook his head. "Is that really necessary?"

They turned, and might have said something if not for the fact that given his apparel, and the way he didn't move nor flinch at their movement, they found quickly he was blind. Someone said something about messing with a cripple, they shoved Connor, who barely moved, and left the two students alone.

Thankfully, there had been no fight, and the whole situation diffused. Connor waited until they were the only ones, save for the normal traffic of the students, most who seemed oblivious to the fact that one of their own almost got beaten up by an ignorant group. Connor extended his hand to the student, and offered them a smile.

True, being a 'hero' was in his nature, but he never expected or asked for anything in return. He just hated for anyone to have to go through what he experienced on a regular basis. "I hope all is alright with you. The students here can be a bit... well rough for lack of a better word."

He sat next to them. "I'm Connor. Pleased to meet you."

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 See No Evil, Speak No Evil (Shaolin)
« Jul 7, 2009 11:52:14 GMT -6 »

"What did you just write?"

Shaolin's eyes would lift up to the taller student, and press her clipboard onto her chest. She supposed she had been careless in her recordings today, and someone had caught her doing what she did. Write down whatever information on someone seems interesting at the time. It's not like what they were talking about was that big of a deal. Three typical bullies comparing beatdown notes and sharing beatdown stories. It was rather boring to be honest, and instead of writing down information, she simply drew each person and labelled them with an unflattering adjective.

She would shake her head simply, her only answer to that, and stand her ground. If she had to try and fight someone off, she would.

"You are gonna snitch on us, huh?"

Shaolin's lips would part, and she'd lip the word "no" while shaking her head. There was an obvious lack of fear, and curiously enough, she felt no danger. She hadn't really paid mind to the fact that one small as she would probably not be able to fend three much larger fellows. She was no fighting prodigy, it was not possible for her.

The three had begun a bit of teasing and threatening then, moving completely away from their previous goal (which was to find out what she wrote). Instead, she supposed they were trying to psyche her out. People like her don't get flirted with. She hadn't the assets to get herself out of trouble and instead, her small, shapesless size and lack of a voice made her a perfect bullying target.

Surrounded, Shaolin would feel herself get shoved to the ground, as a sample of just how much more strength these older students had. She'd clutch her clipbard and lower her eyes. If she could perhaps strike at one, and find an exit, she could at least make a break for it. Her grip would tighten on her clipboard momentarily, until a new voice would cut into the situation. Curious as her three foes, Shaolin would immediately turn to look at the red-haired boy. Help at this moment would not go unwelcomed, and that is what she assumed he was doing for her.

In a matter of seconds, it was over. She'd watch intently as her bullies would leave, shoving her "hero" but doing very little else.
'Strange.' she thought, watching as the blind student made his way over to her. Now, she'd never actually met a blind person before, so that little fact hadn't become apparent to her. She knew something was different, she just hadn't pin-pointed WHAT yet.

She'd grasp his hand with one of her own, but bring her other one up as well to pat the back of his. It was her best attempt at a thank you, and she hoped that the returned smile would help explain what she was trying to say. When he'd proceed to question her, she'd give a wry smile and shrug, taking her clipboard and beginning to scribble something on it.

Her clipboard would read:
Thank you
I am well
I'm used to it =/
Pleased to meet you, my name's Shaolin

Holding the clipboard up, she'd lean over and look at him. It didn't really look like he was reading it, so, she waved her clipboard around naively before his face and tap his arm with her free hand to get his attention.

'He fall asleep..?'[/color]

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 See No Evil, Speak No Evil (Shaolin)
« Jul 8, 2009 21:43:56 GMT -6 »

He could hear the sound of pen on paper. Or pencil. But, there was silence. He could feel that the person was moving, but couldn't tell what was going on. Then, he was tapped in the arm. He was a bit confused. Maybe he had overstepped his boundaries? Sometimes, pride was hurt if one was rescued by another, though his intention was not to play the part of the hero. Merely a distraction and to diffuse a potential situation.

Maybe the student before him was stunned speechless? No, that was unlikely. Connor didn't exactly have that effect on people. No, this person was... well, Connor didn't know. He had never met someone who couldn't speak before. He didn't know what to make of it. But, he assumed that they were trying to communicate via the pad. Connor was quick of mind, and able to put two and two together very quickly.

He gently pushed the pad down, and pointed to his eyes. "If you are trying to show me something, then I am afraid you are a bit out of luck. These don't exactly work." He waved his own hand in front of his shaded eyes a few times. "And, I am going to take a wild guess that I didn't exactly do something so surprising that it stunned you to silence."

He thought for a moment. If his new acquaintance couldn't speak, and he couldn't see, aside from the fact that the only thing they would need would be a deaf individual to complete the trio of no evil, this was going to make understanding one another a bit of a challenge.

I believe what we have here is a failure to communicate.

Connor forgot where he had heard that line before, but he was familiar with it. Oh how true those words were right now. He motioned for them to sit, which wasn't difficult as there was a bench nearby. Connor sat there, not speaking for a bit. His face reflected that he was deep in thought.

"This isn't going to be easy." He faced them. "I've never met someone who couldn't speak, and I'm gonna take a guess that your interaction with someone who is blind is fairly limited." He thought again for a few moments. Every time he spoke, it was gentle, open, and friendly. Connor had no ill will, nor much in the way of evil inside of him.

"Good thing I like a challenge." He smiled. "Besides, I'm not going to let something like this prevent the possibility of a friendship." He scratched his head. "I only wish I had some kind of idea."

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 See No Evil, Speak No Evil (Shaolin)
« Jul 12, 2009 15:40:26 GMT -6 »

Her lips would curl into a frown as he pushed away her notepad, wondering for a moment if he just didn't care what she had to say. Maybe he didn't understand that she needed to write to speak? His following words certainly did shed some light on the situation, and Shaolin would find herself reeling in her arm and hugging her clipboard in a bit of embarrassment. It wasn't often that she had to be sensitive towards someone else's disability. She was the one usually being pitied (or in the previous case, picked on) because of it. What more, she could handle communicating with the deaf, but, the blind was something else entirely. He couldn't see what she was writing, and she couldn't speak to him. How on earth was she going to get her message across? She couldn't just forget about it and leave him. He'd helped her, thus, she owed him. At any rate, Shaolin was good at improv, so, when he hit the mark with her own little dilemma, she grabbed his head with her hands and forced him to nod by pulling his chin up and down. That'd get that message across. At least.

He seemed to be off thinking now, and Shaolin got lost in her own thoughts for a bit. Mostly about how she would feel if she couldn't hear or see instead of just not speak. Being blind means you can't see how brilliant colours can be. You can't see the rainbow. All those things you can't picture through touch are non-existent for you. Well, unless you weren't BORN blind and you'd seen them before. It was actually scary for her. How would she feel...? And what about being deaf? Not ever hearing the sounds of nature, music...that'd be sad too. She supposed in the end, it all came down to her own condition. How did she feel about not being able to scream for joy, to laugh at something funny or to sing along with a song? She didn't even know what she sounded like. I guess it came down to acceptance. Hey, I'm stuck with this, life goes on.

Unfortunately, she hadn't accepted it quite yet.

"This isn't going to be easy."
Shaolin would turn to face her knew acquaintance, startled by how he was looking right at her. Well, it's true your other senses get better when you lose one...
She wanted to nod, but remembered he couldn't see. So she just didn't do anything this time. He probably understood that she couldn't really answer anyway.

He was about as lost as she was about making this work. However, like her blind friend, Shaolin also liked a good challenge. If there was anything she was good at, it was finding ways to talk to people. She'd been doing it all her life, how difficult could this be?
'Alright. Common knowledge...probably what letters are. He use braille, perhaps...and while I'd love to poke holes in a paper for him, don't really know how braille works. Guess I learn. It make future meetings with Red less difficult. He probably knows the alphabet? The shape of letters, I'm sure. Both still have one sense fully functional. Sense. If I take his hand....'

As she thought, she'd carefully reach for his hand, doing so gently as to not startle him. He'd probably sense no hostility in the action, and if she was lucky, his curiousity would be enough for him to let Shaolin go on with her...test. Assuming she had the hand, she would continue.

'And if I spell out words...'

With her index, she'd begin to trace the letter H, then the letter E, then L twice, and finally an O in his palm. She made them all capital, feeling they'd be easier to identify this way.

'If he gets this. Progress. Conversation slow, but, will be better than nothing. Not best solution but solution.'

Curious as to if he understood, should he not get it at first, she'd spell it out again for him. It's not like he'd had any warning that this would be a guessing game now. She had high hopes however. Conner seemed quick enough to catch on. Speaking of, next they'd need to introduce themselves....
'One thing at time.'

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 See No Evil, Speak No Evil (Shaolin)
« Jul 13, 2009 21:16:01 GMT -6 »

OOC: Well played, well played. And it seems Red is a nickname that will stick. ^_^

Ok, nodding his head fo0r him definitely helped. He understood that. He could feel that there was no hostility, and for that he was thankful. At least the individual seemed nice. Once seated, it came to his understanding that both were of a similar mind. Both wished to communicate, but neither had an idea. At least immediately.

However, both were quick of mind, and His new friend took his hand (by the feel of the hand, he was assuming female, thought it could be a boy with nice, soft skin). They began tracing letters, and Connor was thankful for Suichi teaching him a non-braille alphabet. It took him a while, trying to picture that in his mind which he had never seen, and didn't keep up with in practice.

Slow, but still effective.

Connor smiled. "Hello to you, too." Well, though it took longer than a 'normal' conversation, it still worked. Connor gently shook their hand. "Well, the introduction is out of the way. I supposed keeping it down to smaller words would be good." He blushed a bit. "I understand, but I don't practice with the usual alphabet. For obvious reasons." He waved his hand in front of his face. He wasn't shy about his condition, and hoped that his lighthearted nature would put his new friend at ease.

"Well, as I said, I'm Connor. What's you name?"

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