Author Topic: Standing On John (Open) (Read 165 times)
Andy Daws
Swagger of a Cripple

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I'm The Bomb. No, literally, I blow stuff up. With my mind and junk.

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 Standing On John (Open)
« Jul 7, 2009 18:10:17 GMT -6 »

The day was 'okay' at best. The gray city smog rolled in from the city covering the sky in a gray mess shutting out the majority of the bright warming sun. It was still a good seventy five plus degrees out, but the figure stood there on the grounds of the John C. Fremont High School with his long black matted and hot as hell trench coat. It was his trade mark in a way, he had had it since he was back in Boston, and through Philly, and throughout the rest of the US. You just don't let go of memories.

Roth stood for a bit as the buildings of the school flooded out students to the release bell. All of them ready to get out of there and waste the rest of their day. To Roth, this wasn't his ideal afternoon. He needed something to do. Anything to do, hell he would go as far to

Roth looked up at the sun once again and looked to the old bronze statue of John C. Fremont. It had to be the oldest thing here, besides the Director maybe. Roth walked up to the statue which stood a good twelve feet high and was on a small stone adding to it's height. Roth looked around suspiciously as he approached the back of the statue.

Without much though of the repercussions of his actions Roth jumped up on the the stone standing and began to climb up the tall statue. The tall gothic wrestler wrapped his arms around the waist of John and shimmied his way up until he latched his way up to his shoulder and pulled all two hundred plus pounds up. Roth swung his leg over and stood atop the statue with a leg on each shoulder.

Roth waited a bit for an audience just to see what would happen. He would most likely get weird stares and get shit thrown at him. But, It was something to waste time with until work. He just just waiting for some one to take the bait and run with it. Roth out stretched his arms into the slight breeze and looked up into what little sun shined through the gloomy gray clouds.

« Last Edit: Jul 7, 2009 18:11:21 GMT -6 by Andy Daws » Back to Top  


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« Jul 7, 2009 19:47:46 GMT -6 »

This day was a Tony the Tiger great day for Richard Savage. The reason why he was having such a great day because he had managed to sneak in a Poker game or two under the noses of any faculty members and won some interesting loot. Aside from around $50 dollars in a random array of bills, he had also won an interesting hat, one of which he did think would make an interesting gift for his sister who had a little collection of hats. Yeah she was someone worth showing emotion to and it was showing just a tad with the smile on his face simply thinking of her and all the fun times they had. Though this train of thought was soon interrupted by a rather interesting event... a man climbing a giant statue,

'What an idiot,' was his immediate thought when watching this little show of... athletic ability? Indeed that would be the nicest way to describe it, negative adjectives to describe such an event though would be stupid, pointless, retarded and much much more. Yet due to his natural high Rich was experiencing at the moment he didn't seem too mind as much as he would normally and didn't feel the need to tell the guy off making a fool of himself. No he was content watching up until the point a pigeon had come by and dropped a "duece". This said "duece" was aimed right above the stranger's head and for some odd reason Rich flung the hat with deadly precision, intercepting the duece and preventing the stranger from getting a whiff of the new shampoo pigeons developed called "White Rain",

"That statue there is a very popular spot for pigeons, they enjoy leaving remnants of their lunch on it so I suggest you hurry down from there if you don't wish to smell like a three day old corpse... I don't got any more hats to throw to save ya," Richard informed the stranger, hoping he'd take his advice and possibly have something he could gain from him... after all Richard wasn't too keen on making an actual "friend".

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Andy Daws
Swagger of a Cripple

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I'm The Bomb. No, literally, I blow stuff up. With my mind and junk.

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 Standing On John (Open)
« Jul 7, 2009 20:03:10 GMT -6 »

The warm sun began to slowly poke out of the clods and warm the tall gothic wrestler as he stood on top of John C. Fremont's shoulders. Unfortunately the kid down there was right. Pigeons loved to shit on shiny things. Roth looked above to see the hat intercept the flying white bomb. Without thinking and just doing Roth grabbed the hat from the sky and placed it firmly on his head.

"Well, now I have protection!"

With his hands in fists Roth roared out the the Collective students who were now in a large crowd staring at the gothicly dressed large Irish wrestler standing on the old statue now wearing a hat covered in bird droppings. A sight if anyone had ever scene one.

Roth looked on with his signature smile and nodded to the man who had thrown the hat. His nod was a thanks as he stood there waiting for more to come. Roth felt the temperature slightly drop as he looked out to the sky once more to see the clouds begin to reform.

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« Jul 7, 2009 20:20:31 GMT -6 »

'Truly an idiot... but perhaps I could make use of that.' was Richard's first thought as the stranger in front of him merely used the hat he had thrown as a means to prevent pigeon shit hitting his head directly. He shook his head slightly, faking a smirk as he looked around the grounds quickly hoping what he needed was here... and indeed it was. If there was one thing pigeons loved it was left over food and french fries seemed like a popular type of cuisine for them. That being said, Rich would run over to a student that had skipped out earlier presumably to get some lunch and handed him three dollars for his french fries... it'd be worth it. After getting these french fries he would quickly throw the fries directly at the statue, quite a few falling to the ground but some of them also landing on the statue arms itself. It was at this point that many more pigeons would gather, all of them eagerly eating the fries... and presumably eager to take a dump as well,

"I wonder how long that protection will hold up!" Richard shouted, once again faking another facial expression, this time in the shape of a grin as if he was enjoying this. No he was just trying to get along with this stranger after all and something like this, a little prank seemed like it'd be appreciated... at least that's what he assumed.

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Andy Daws
Swagger of a Cripple

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I'm The Bomb. No, literally, I blow stuff up. With my mind and junk.

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« Jul 7, 2009 20:54:53 GMT -6 »

The darkened clouds gathered closer together as Roth still stood on the statue of what he assumed was this schools founder, or maybe a scientist or something. All Roth knew was that someday he wanted his own statue. Not because he was overly coincided, but because he hoped that before he died he'd do something worth remembering.

The gothic Irishman now watched as his mount was now being pelted by French fries. Unfortunately for the birds that now began to gather, Roth loved French fries. They were potatoes, Roth was Irish, very self-explanatory. Roth crouched down and grabbed a few that reached him. Roth got three or four as he stood up and began to eat. Roth looked down once more to see the faces of the people now watching the gothic student eating french fires, on a statue, with birds, with a hat that was covered in bird crap.

"Roth versus Pigeons! Who will win the coveted statue!?"

He began to laugh at the sheer stupidity of himself in his image. He watched as people began to take pictures and laugh with or at him. It was peaceful and calm amongst the student body for once in a long time. Roth loved it for as long as he could feeling the first light rain drop hit his french fry holding hand.

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« Jul 7, 2009 21:13:16 GMT -6 »

'I suppose I should have known that an idiot of this degree would only make a spectacle of such a situation even more so. I will admit though he seems pretty fast with his hands catching those fries before the pigeons do... I wonder,' was Richard's train of thought, already making certain assumptions based off the characteristics he had observed in this man already. While he couldn't make any definitive assumptions quite yet, he was fairly certain the conclusions he was drawing about the man were correct... this man named Roth from what he heard was quite possibly a fighter who seemed very good with his hands.

Regardless, this information wasn't needed, it wasn't as if they were fighting so he could think about this matter later. No instead Richard was more concerned about the rain about to pour down... and not the rain made with water, he was speaking of the "White Rain" shampoo that pigeons loved to leave behind. Indeed the normal rain would pour along with the "White rain" as the pigeons started to fly away due to Roth's ludicrous actions. It was due to his actions that most of the white rain was spread about, some of it heading toward Richard. Not wanting to be pelted with pigeon shit, Richard's eyes would instantly change back to the stone gaze they usually observed things with, looking at all the pieces of pigeon crap coming at him. Using his quick thinking he successfully dodged all the crap headed toward him with nothing but a simple back step and pivot using his left foot, using the minimal amount of movement like he typically did and was praised for when evading,

'Shit I certainly hope no one saw that,' he thought, looking around at the people who at the time still seemed a bit too taken aback by Roth's antics instead. That was great for him but the only other person he was worried about having seen how well he dodged was Roth. While it was entirely possible Roth would make no assumptions as to Richard's capabilities, he was always cautious and would now have to think of a reasonable excuse... granted Roth questioned him about it.

OOC: Giving you a bit of a push there for you know what :P.

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Andy Daws
Swagger of a Cripple

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I'm The Bomb. No, literally, I blow stuff up. With my mind and junk.

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« Jul 7, 2009 21:26:44 GMT -6 »

The gray clouds grew tighter together as a few more tiny rain drops hit the earth below. Luckily it wasn't enough for anyone to leave this spectacle. Roth watched as the happy go lucky students watched the crazed man on the now white statue be attacked by birds. This would be great dinner conversation for when he saw his folks and his two sisters again. He sure did miss'em.

Roth watched for a moment as the man who had thrown fries at him with pretty good accuracy now dodge flying pigeon shit and look out to see who had noticed it. Roth had, and it made him curious. Roth took off his hat and threw it out in to the crowd and followed his act by blowing akiss to his audience. Roth stared at the man from before with a smile.

"I'm Roth O' muther fucking Roak, you can see me kick ass at SDCFL in a few weeks at Ground Zero. See ya then!"

As Roth finished his small parting speech the trench coat wearing idiot of a man jumped off the shoulders of John C. Fremont. Doing a single flip off the twelve foot statue Roth came down right at the man whom had given him his hat and fries. He was going to see how good this guy really was, or at least see how much he cared to see Roth not die. Luckily flips were easy in his line of work and could land by himself if need be.

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« Jul 7, 2009 21:43:10 GMT -6 »

'I suppose if ignorance is bliss I wonder if retardation is heaven,' would be Richard's initial thought as he watched Roth jump off the shoulders of the statue. Instead of coming down like a normal person he now decided to risk a serious injury since regardless of how good of an acrobat he could be or whatever he was, jumping a good 12 feet isn't exactly smart. Not feeling too keen on seeing a puddle of blood and having to explain a dead body in a moment's notice, Richard once again used his quick brain to figure out what the best course of action was to assure the idiot would survive... catching him,

'As if I'm going to do it, I'd rather these fools do it,' he'd comment mentally, quickly throwing down the money he had made today as if it was a tip to Roth for his interesting show he put on. The desired effect happened and people swarmed around the money. As suspected, the people quickly realized the spot the money had been thrown when they had gone to try and pick it up and that was where Roth's immediate landing would take place. The commoners soon placed their hands above their heads, bracing each other to be able to take the impact of Roth's landing, almost as if making a platform for the man to land on. It would all be up to him whether or not he would land on said platform and use it properly to insure he didn't die,

"You owe me a new hat and 30 bucks I hope you know," Richard commented, more than expecting to get what he lost at the very least... perhaps more if he played his cards right like he always did when gambling.

« Last Edit: Jul 7, 2009 21:45:04 GMT -6 by username » Back to Top  
Andy Daws
Swagger of a Cripple

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I'm The Bomb. No, literally, I blow stuff up. With my mind and junk.

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« Jul 7, 2009 21:54:31 GMT -6 »

The dark clouds began to spew rain faster and harder as what was a few light drops became a drizzle now as people began to leave the scene and the show. A few though had got in Roth's landing zone. Roth didn't have much choice now ad he went for another half turn landing flat on his back along his tray of people.

"Sorry bout that, would have gotten outta your way if I coulda."

The large two hundred twenty two man got up from atop the fallen students now crushed as he noticed some money in a few of their hands. Hearing the comment about the money owed Roth scooped up what he could and got about ten bucks together and handed them over the the man that like to throw hats.

"Well does that go for the fries as well?"

A small laugh echoed through Roth's voice as he reached through his back pocket for his wallet. Unfortunately like many times before it, he didn't have it, and now judging from the time Roth had to make his way to work.

"Crap, listen. Uh, I gotta get to work, todays pay day, you come with me I'll get you your money, a hat, and a nice meal, eh. Whaddya say?"

Roth placed his closed wallet back in his back pocket and placed his hand out for a shake hoping his new friend would introduce himself.

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« Jul 7, 2009 22:09:55 GMT -6 »

'Heh seems like my plan worked and perhaps I'm avoiding a bit of suspicion from that Roth fellow too in case he noticed what I did earlier,' was Richard's first though after watching the man land safely, albeit a bit hard. Regardless, Roth soon handed over ten bucks that he had managed to get through the crowd of people, Richard still a bit irritated but not letting it be shown. Not only that but he also faked a bit of laugh at Roth's next comment merely shaking his head a bit. Roth would then attempt to give all the money back, searching through his wallet to find nothing inside it that could be used as currency and posed Richard a question as he extended his hand. Instantly Rich's mind went to work,

'Hmmm... it's possible he's using this as a convenient excuse to get me to come with him to his job and possibly question me about what I did. While I don't mind if a person or two knows if this becomes public then that'd be a problem. After all, being unknown is quite an advantage around this school if anyone picks a fight with ya. Then again I do need a new hat and perhaps I can get an even more... "elegant" one than I won a half an hour ago or so. Not only that but assuming this guy works at a half decent restaurant I can get some free food for my sister and I... I guess I'll flip a coin,' he thought all this information going through his head within a mere 3 seconds. Richard soon extended his own hand to give a firm shake as he dropped a quarter to the ground on purpose but easily making it look accidental,

'Heads I go, tails I blow him off,' was his immediate thought as the coin fell to the ground and span a bit. He crouched to quickly pick up the coin, glancing at it quickly as he came back up to eye level and nodded his head,

"Alright sure thing, I suppose I can trust you're not some crazy guy that wants to rape and murder me though based on our first meeting... at least I hope as such anyway." he answered, adding a little bit of his wit to his "yes". After all making people laugh was never a bad thing and it certainly did make them easier to trick if need be,

'Let's see where this go... hopefully nowhere bad.'

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Andy Daws
Swagger of a Cripple

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I'm The Bomb. No, literally, I blow stuff up. With my mind and junk.

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« Jul 7, 2009 22:25:59 GMT -6 »

With a strong laugh and a realese of his new friend hand Roth took another look into the sky to see the rain stay where it was, a light drizzle. Roth looked over to him and then looked around for the nearest exit. They would need a cab to get to Roth's work since it was off in the city.

"Well whats your name there? I'm Roth if ya hadn't heard already."

Roth began to walk off towards the nearest exit hoping his aquentiance would follow. The drizzle wasn't too much to handle, and after school all day and climbing and falling off a staue Roth needed the cool down. A few minutes of walking would get them to the cab to get to the city.

"I hope your hungry, where were going has some of the best all-American food you can eat!"

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« Jul 8, 2009 8:00:23 GMT -6 »

OOC: Gonna control your char a bit just so we can wrap this up, hope you don’t mind just want to move on to the thread after this XD.

IC: “Yeah I am a bit short of hearing so I didn’t quite hear you scream your name before. Sarcasm aside, the name’s Richard, whether you want to call me by that, Rich, or Dick it’s up to you, whichever you feel suits me best,” he would reply when asked his name, not seeing much harm in releasing his first name. His last name on the other hand was going to be a bit harder to get out of him if that’s what Roth wanted as well. Richard began to follow the fellow, making sure to keep a healthy distance since he didn’t want to seem as if he was too friendly. If he were to act overly-friendly it may have roused a bit of suspicion and that was the last thing he wanted to do, after all he wanted to use this guy if he had any use. As they got to the cab though, Roth would speak once more, assuring Richard where he was going had some good food. His stomach already rumbling from not having eaten lunch himself, it was apparent what his answer was as he stepped inside the cab with Roth,

“Y’know for someone who couldn’t pay me back, it’s pretty odd we’re taking a cab considering you have no money on you,” Rich would whisper to Roth, making sure the cab driver didn’t hear. While he was content with having to pay the fare for the cab if need be (he was getting his money back anyway), he at least would like to be aware that he may need to. Regardless, the cab soon drove off after Roth had given him instructions on where to go, Rich not familiar with where they were going but not worried all that much,

‘Whatever happens I’m sure I’ll be ready for it.’

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Andy Daws
Swagger of a Cripple

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I'm The Bomb. No, literally, I blow stuff up. With my mind and junk.

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 Standing On John (Open)
« Jul 9, 2009 10:10:23 GMT -6 »

(ooc: I'll make this short then throw up new topic)

"Well, lets just say I know almost all these guys. I travel so much I'm kinda on a tab."

Roth buckled himself up a told the cabbie to take them up to Jesse's. Shirt for Jesse's Bar and Grille. They were right next to his work so he new almost everyone there too. Anyone who fought there got free meals after their match. Hopefully Roth could work quick and then get them both a nice meal.

"I hope you like a show, were gonna have to wait a few minutes before we can eat."

The cab drove off approaching San Diego's outer limits in about 10-15 minutes.

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