Author Topic: Difference and Similarity (Aroon) (Read 137 times)

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 Difference and Similarity (Aroon)
« Jul 9, 2009 21:12:33 GMT -6 »

Surprisingly enough, for someone that was his roommate, Jinn saw little of Aroon throughout his school life lately. The two never really crossed paths. Jinn had been sleeping fairly early as of late and he had no idea what Aroon was up to. However, the peer of his had made a good impression and Jinn was pleased with his current living arrangement. With that, he wanted to expand on his relationship with the person he was living with, along with the other peers he was in contact with on a day to day basis.

What was more was not soon after first meeting, Jinn was already faced against Aroon in the ring of the local tournament they had both engaged in. It was one of the most pleasing fights you could have. He hadn’t one, but it was enough for Jinn to really feel the flare of a bout with an opponent. Friendly competition at its finest.

It was the summer months and Jinn was jogging around the school campus, only a few hours after classes for the day had ended. In a tight fitted short sleeve and a pair of loose shorts, he strode through the grounds, passing by the odd student as he made his way. The sun wasn’t beating down too harshly that day thanks to the clouds above providing a variety of shaded areas along his route, yet he still found himself with beads of sweat already sliding down the side of his head and a soft panting from the strain.

There were some key differences between Jinn and Aroon. Mostly how rebellious one was to the other. If something like the punishment assembly had shown anything, Aroon was one to fight against the authority. Be it for his own gain or just to be someone like that, Jinn wasn’t sure, but he had yet to peg the man as a bad guy. On the contrary, Aroon seemed like a decent person from what Jinn had gotten to know and found it hard to come off as judgmental with him as he did with other odd students looking to simply start up trouble.

Interestingly enough, Jinn stopped in his route as he approached what coincidentally was a familiar face on the campus. He shouted out with a grin to the student.

“Hey, mate.”

« Last Edit: Jul 9, 2009 21:12:51 GMT -6 by kurokula » Back to Top  

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 Difference and Similarity (Aroon)
« Jul 10, 2009 2:36:33 GMT -6 »

As it stood, Aroon kept himself surprisingly busy thus far during his stay at Fremont...Classes aside, he spent at least half of his free time studying; a habit unlikely to break anytime soon that his parents had ingrained into him. School notwithstanding, he had time allotted for training, spending time with Aleece when the opportunity arose, and otherwise found his time rarely used for just doing nothing.

This, whilst not a bad thing for the most part, meant that Aroon rarely saw his roommate in anything other than passing. The two were in different years so they didn't share classes, and Aroon more often than not would return to the dorms too late to have anything in mind other than resting if he'd been studying.

Even today, on a rare afternoon off, he was just meandering around the courtyard. Jinn had been gone when he'd woken this morning, class most likely, and he'd decided just to linger around the grounds, see if he couldn't see something going on to entertain himself. What he didn't expect was to randomly encounter his roommate.

He raised his hand in return, giving a short wave of recognition to the older boy as he returned the smile. Shifting his pace, he broke off the path and turned to walk in Jinns direction. By the time he was within conversational distance, as in he wasn't required to shout in order to communicate, he spoke with a light lilt of contentment in his words.

"Hey, how goes it...?"

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 Difference and Similarity (Aroon)
« Jul 12, 2009 19:36:16 GMT -6 »

“Not bad, not bad. Yourself? Still causing trouble?”

Jinn smirk as he asked. If past experiences had shown anything, it was that Aroon wasn’t exactly an ally of the administration. The Director made sure to publicly display that as the punishment assembly a ways back. Aroon was quite the character, and while Jinn got along with him just fine, they seemed to be rather opposite. If there was one thing Jinn was usually up to, it was dealing with the students causing a ruckus around him. Aroon was never really someone to bother Jinn however.

On the contrary, Aroon was one of the few people Jinn felt like keeping at high regard. The man knew his way in a fight and seemed rather competent. That wasn’t something you got to see in Fremont much. It was a nice change of pace and one of the main reasons Jinn enjoyed talking to the Thai boy.


Jinn began, shifting his thumbs into his pockets.

He swayed where he stood to keep some movement in his body, adrenaline from the job still pumping slightly. Taking a few odd glances around, the majority of students didn’t really seem to be up to anything. It was a lazy afternoon all around, everyone seeming to either be leaving the grounds or coming in, books in hand, for what must have been studying or extra lessons.

“What’re you up to today, then?”

He asked curiously.

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 Difference and Similarity (Aroon)
« Jul 13, 2009 17:41:19 GMT -6 »

"Well, someone has to liven up things once in a while, right?" he retorted jokingly, a light smile gracing his features as he unhooked his hands from his pockets.

Oddly, Aroon could count the number of times he'd talked to his roommate in more than passing greeting on one hand and he was a touch surprised by that. Whilst certainly no people-person, if he was expected to co-habitate with someone then at least having a basic understanding of them would surely be a good idea. He had a good initial impression of Jinn, but it was just that. An initial impression, at the start of the year when nothing had happened that could display potential allegiances and affiliations.

Frankly, he would remedy that just now. He had no classes left, and --assuming Jinn was in the same boat--, he felt it worth his while to actually get to know his room-mate in proper detail.

"Me? Nothing now, last class was ten minutes ago so I was just meandering. I was actually going to get something to eat, if you want to come along."

He stood with an expectant look as he waited for Jinn to answer, a slight smile as the corners of his mouth curled a little.

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 Difference and Similarity (Aroon)
« Jul 21, 2009 17:10:57 GMT -6 »

“Tsk, tsk. Someday you’re going to mess with the wrong guys.”

Jinn let out a grin towards the Thai man. However, truth be told, Aroon was in a rather dangerous situation. Rebellious kids like the tempest were the ones watched by the administration and, more often than not, dealt with. Hardly having had the time to get to know Aroon, it was disappointing that they didn’t often have the chance to learn more about one another. It was good to have a more than general idea of your roommate, especially with how the social system worked in Chula Vista.

His eyebrows raised as Aroon offered to fix the case that had just been on Jinn’s mind. Inquiring to see if Jinn would like to join him for a bite to eat, it was as if the man was reading his mind. How relevant.

“Yeah, sounds good. I’m kind of aching for something to eat right now anyway.”

He head tilted in the direction of one end of the campus to the other.

“Where’s you like to go?”

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 Difference and Similarity (Aroon)
« Jul 22, 2009 1:48:19 GMT -6 »

"You say that like it's a terrible thing, Jinn, but we all need a little fun here and there, don't we?"

He smirked, eventually turning into a chuckle as he continued on, "Besides, I should be thanking the faculty for that. You have any ideas how many girls have given me their number in the last week? Ten. That's one a day with change, for crying out loud."

How true it was. He'd torn up around 95% of the numbers, his attentions fairly set on Aleece. No, he kept a small collection of the ones he'd consider calling up some other time, perhaps. Besides, most of all, Aroon just liked the fact that his display had shown him a little better in the public eye. Yes, he was a troublemaker, yes, he was a threat, but he took everything thrown at him and just went with it. Thanks to Navarros comments idealising himself as the 'god' of the faculty, little whispers here and there from the Thai had stirred up a deeper dislike for the man with small groups of people.

White teeth caught the sun as he grinned and turned on his heels when Jinn suggested he was hungry, and he took the first of his steps with his head over his shoulder. "Well, let's go then. I'm fairly unbothered on where we go so you can pick..."

His hands hooked in his pockets, he held off continuing his pace until Jinn had begun moving, figuring it was more appropriate to walk -with- the other boy than five paces in front of him.

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 Difference and Similarity (Aroon)
« Jul 23, 2009 22:12:53 GMT -6 »

“It’s all fun and games until someone gets poke in the eye, or so they say. Better be careful out there.”

Jinn nudged Aroon in the side with his elbow as he spoke, letting out a laugh.

“As for those ten girls, well, I’m sure they just want another showing of the comedy act you have running down there.”

Jinn couldn’t help but think back at how disappointing it had been to seen Aroon up on the stage. However, the events that led to Aroon ending up naked on the stage were that of hilarity. If anything came out of that assembly, it was hate for the Director and a slew of lewd jokes flying through the Collective. Even Jinn had found himself laughing hysterically at the site. It was good to see that it was at least working out for Aroon, in whatever sense you’d like to think of it.

He followed suit with Aroon as they began walking for the entrance of the grounds, a smile on the students face. The Thai mans head looked over to Jinn’s direction inquiring as to where they should eat. It didn’t exactly matter where, but he was holding a craving for something filling after a lengthy run in the hot sun.

“I don’t know about you, but I could go for any fast food near here.”

He looked upwards as he contemplated just what was around the area, catching up to Aroon who had stopped in order to wait for him.

“Ehh, let’s hit up a Mickey D’s or a Wendy’s.”

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 Difference and Similarity (Aroon)
« Jul 26, 2009 1:49:56 GMT -6 »

He smirked and flipped Jinn off with a grin on his face at the remark, snorting in amusement.

"There isn't anything funny about the contents of my pants, and just think, I stand to get more pussy than you." he added with a raised eyebrow, laying out the smart-assed remark as he continued walking. He was sure his roommate would see the joke and not take the comment to heart, and as such he left it free for him to attempt his own comeback.

When the suggestion of fast food was made, he stifled the urge to physically cringe at the notion but shrugged affably instead. "Sure, I think I've seen a Wendys a few blocks from here...."

As a rule, the Thai hated fast food burgers but could tolerate their other fare, but he drew the line when it came to McDonalds. He'd eaten in one once before back in Thailand and after spitting out the first bite of burger had sworn never to go near one again. That, coupled with his general dislike for the companys aggression in forcing the idea that kids should adore their cheap, overpriced and frankly substandard food, yeah, it was fairly obvious he wasn't about to change his mind.

Wendys he could tolerate. They did reasonable wraps and the salad in them was usually fresh.

By now they were just leaving the campus ground, and the Thai glanced over at the other boy with an inquiring look.

"So what've you been doing this last week?"

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