Author Topic: Rebecca Jefferson (Read 589 times)
Rebecca Jefferson

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Will it be you this time?

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Joined: October 2015
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 Rebecca Jefferson
« Oct 7, 2015 14:28:43 GMT -6 »

Name: Rebecca Jefferson
Nickname(s): Becca, pretty much anything as long as it's not Becky
Status: Jr. Agent
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Nationality: American
Ethnicity: French/Mixed Caucasian
Height: 5'3”
Weight: 116 lbs
Religious Beliefs: Take a guess
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Appearance: Rebecca is a petite girl in most senses of the word - short, compact, and taking up as little space as possible. Her eyes are a pale light blue, and her black hair is often left to hang loose to the middle of her back.  Fashion-wise, she has begun to explore her tastes with organic materials and personal taste while allowing for as much movement as possible.  Currently, this is more along cool and dark colors with fashionable styles.

Personality: At first, Rebecca is defensive or even shy, taking up as little space as possible when around others and growing uncomfortable around groups of people or when sharing tight spaces. She will avoid touching people, but has no problem pushing back against people pushing against her, nor bluffing her way through a task. She keeps her personal history personal and can be slow to make friends, avoiding phsyical contact with everyone, but once she claims you as a friend, you become a part of the family that she will defend, rather than abandon like her mother did.

Her time at Paradigm has revealed her strong will and determination. While she is better at socializing with adults than her peers, Rebecca has begun to come out of her shell and build a sense of self worth and confidence that will either continue to grow or fall apart.

Interests: B-movies (especially horror), occult practices, sculpting, hard rock music, ancient and non-European history, singing, poetry
  • Occult Knowledge: Asking her if she liked horror movies before she found out about the occult or vice versa, and she'll say "yes."  Between her own interests and seeing what she thinks is every plot available on classic horror films, Rebecca has a broad range of knowledge on the matter.
  • The Little Things: Between being detail oriented and having to watch for small spaces and potential collisions with people or objects, Rebecca is good at assessing potential dangers and escape routes upon entering a room or other reasonable space.
  • Handy: Rebecca is able to do physical labor and other tasks that require hand-eye coordination.
  • Spendthrift: Rebecca is an excellent penny-pincher and come up with alternative solutions to spending money.

Abilities/Powers: Decaying Touch
  • Ability to induce a state of decay of any organic thing she touches.  Living, complex beings, such humans, decay at a slower rate than simple materials, such as concrete.
  • Her ability to induce decay, rather than control it, and is a continual effect rather than instant death.  One touch will not turn a character into mold and dust.
  • Working with her sentient power has lead to her ability to control her power as well as try to communicate with it.  Currently, her control has not been tested under stressful situations.

History:  Rebecca grew up an only child in a small, dying town in the middle of nowhere. Her parents had been fighting before she was born and scraped together the will to stay for her sake, though the decision didn't last long. She was four when her mother, Christine, left for an inpatient alcohol rehab center, but her mother never came back. Her father, Adrian, was left to raise Rebecca on his own, and the two became incredibly close the following year or two. Though they lived with little income, but Rebecca would agree she was fairly happy with her father at that point in her life.

Once a friendly child, she became withdrawn after gaining her powers, which she received when she was six years old. No one knew the rotten apple she came across at the old playground was anything other than what it appeared to be until she stepped on the withered brown corn and snapped it in half, killing the sentient power it housed. Since she thought it was nothing more than garbage, its powers force anything she touches to turn into that same decayed, disposable state she thought it was. This would lead to the death of her best friend, where Rebecca first discovered that she had powers and that her life would never be the same again.

With her powers came new hobbies, a lot of which allowed Rebecca to remain alone. The family quickly learned that synthetic materials were the only way to keep her clothed – and everything around them from literally falling apart. She began fully covering herself and wouldn't move when around others in case she shifted the fabric of her clothes and accidentally touched someone.

Her relationship with her father began to fall apart shortly after that. Once an active anti-meta supporter, Adrian went low profile wile raising his daughter. He worked with her the best that he could and sought help for both his daughter's mental health and new abilities where he could, although his reasons did not always match what was best for her confidence. Eventually, Rebecca was able to make a small group of friends, but never saw them again after she and her father moved years later in order to save his job. This meant a new start for herself, and Rebecca embraced the gothic aesthetic to match with her powers, effectively covering both her body and her power.

The offer from Paradigm was greeted with relief from her father and a mix of curiosity and suspicion from Rebecca. With no attachments to hold her back, she convinced her father to let her go under the understanding that she would go to learn to control her powers and return home once she had. What she would do once there was more than she'd ever thought possible.

« Last Edit: Jan 30, 2017 0:20:39 GMT -6 by Rebecca Jefferson » Back to Top  

Absinthe Makaila

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 Rebecca Jefferson
« Oct 8, 2015 14:02:17 GMT -6 »

That's so sad...


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