Author Topic: Nevada (aka Nova) Hernandez (Read 236 times)

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Joined: October 2015
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Posts: 66
 Nevada (aka Nova) Hernandez
« Oct 29, 2015 22:32:03 GMT -6 »

Name: Nevada Hernandez
Nicknames: Nova
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Status: Student
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 150 lbs
Nationality: American
Ethnicity: Mexican, Puerto Rican, and Black
Religious Belief: Athiesm
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual


Personality: Nova is a kid who is simply attracted to trouble and danger. Because of his ADHD he frequently acts on impulse. Although he will stop to think things through when loved ones are in danger. Often one to go out and enjoy being active, Nova strongly dislikes lazy people. Nova is a huge techno buff. He doesn't interact with people as much as his does with technology and electronics. His favorite thing to do is rig stuff up to explode.

Abilities/Powers: Nova can emit small blast of energy in the form of explosions from his hand. The blast can range from kinda weak to very powerful. If a small blast then recovery is quicker. However if the blast was bigger than the recovery time is longer. He also has a natural knack for anything electronic. He can hack into pretty much anything and loves building and repairs technological things. (Not power based)

History: Nova was born into a mixed family. His father was a Meta Human named Hector Hernandez. Hector had a troubled past with the academy and never could get over it. This caused him to use partying and drugs as an escape from reality and responsibilities. Unfortunately when he was high on cocaine, he met a prostitute named Aaliyah who "put out." And for a while Hector actually liked her. They partied together and everything. Hector even told her about his power. But one day she came to Hector with some news. Aaliyah was pregnant. Hector dealt with this confrontation of responsibility the only way he knew how. By leaving. After Hector left, Aaliyah packed her bags and moved to North Carolina. There she had her son Nevada aka Nova and life was good. Until Nova got to middle school always a smart kid Nevada loved electronics and technology. He had no friends except for the toy robots he built and the internet. But one day in school some of the cool kids said he could be one of them if he hacked into the schools internet and changed their grades. And he did. He did all their dirty work from that point out. Nova was simply hanging with the wrong crowd. This continued until high school when his friends wanted him to hack into a bank for them and he refused. They said since he wouldn't do it they were gonna beat him up. When they circled him, he flinched and heard loud explosions nearby. The bullies were all sprawled out. Where had the explosions come from. But Nova looked at his hands and his fingertips were smoking. He knew his mom told him stories about his dad like once or twice and figured he must have inherited some sort of power as well. He went home and told her and she said he would have to go to the same school his dad went to. Paradigm Academy.

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Joined: October 2015
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 Nevada (aka Nova) Hernandez
« Oct 30, 2015 11:29:55 GMT -6 via mobile »


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Joined: July 2009
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 Nevada (aka Nova) Hernandez
« Nov 6, 2015 20:35:42 GMT -6 via the ProBoards App »

Got Ricks approval on the backstory so you're good to go.

Contact for the trainer!

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