Author Topic: One Last Night (Aaron) (Read 516 times)
Sarah White

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When Autumn Came...

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 One Last Night (Aaron)
« Dec 7, 2015 23:18:19 GMT -6 »

She hadn't slept since the death of Jimothy Clavish. She was waiting for that sensation, the feeling that would creep across her skin to tell her that he was alive again, out there somewhere, looking for her... It didn't help that the holidays were coming up, and they would be her first holidays away from her family.

Or so she had thought.

After leaving Jack Gavyns's office, she wandered around aimlessly in the snow for a little while. She was chilled to the bone, but it was almost as if she didn't notice. Exhaustion did that to you, sometimes.

Finally, she found her favorite tree, the one she usually sat under to read. It was familiar, home territory. So many things had happened around this tree... Her fingers traced over the ice cold bark and she shivered, but she was smiling. Even if it was a very tired looking smile.

Sitting down in the snow, she pulled her phone out of her pocket, texting the only person she wanted to see, in that moment.

I'm by my tree.

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Aaron Silverman

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 One Last Night (Aaron)
« Dec 8, 2015 0:06:59 GMT -6 »

In this weather? You'll freeze!

They hadn't spoken since the mission, since she forgave him for choking her into unconsciousness to try protecting the defector. Something that turned out to be useless anyway. Aaron was pretty damn tired of being useless.

It hadn't been like they didn't want to see each other, but he'd seen the exhaustion in her eyes, the wheels turning in her brain, how she clearly needed a little time to herself. He'd spent a lot of the past few days training on his own, or sparring with people who were up for it, just getting it out. Sometimes you just needed to lift some iron, train your power, punch somebody in the face. It had kept him sharp, kept the swirling thoughts at bay, and whenever she was ready he'd be around.

He didn't have to think about how easy it had been to kill a man, then, even if "man" didn't feel anything like a description Jim Clavish deserved. Eventually, the message came, and that was what brought him out here today, feeling the sting of winter on his face even with his hood pulled up, hearing the crunch of snow under his boots. He always had loved snow, all the way back from when he was a kid, and between the hoodie and the jacket he wore over it, he didn't feel the cold too much.

"Her tree" was a gnarled oak he was pretty sure was older than the actual city of Chicago itself, and just as she said he would he found her shivering in its long shadow. He'd warned her about Midwestern winters, hadn't he? Oh, his kingdom for firebending right about now...

Concern blaring across his face, he let his breath steaming in the air and the crunch of snow underfoot announce his presence, giving her a warm smile once she turned around to spot him.

"You really shouldn't be out here like this. The tree would understand."

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Sarah White

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When Autumn Came...

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 One Last Night (Aaron)
« Dec 8, 2015 0:17:05 GMT -6 »

She hadn't been looking for him once his message came. He was going to come to her, find her there buried amongst the roots of her tree, and all would be well. All of her insecurities and uncertainties had melted away in the face of her decision. Finally, she had a plan. Finally, she knew what she was doing.

She had no clue how he would respond, of course, but it was Aaron. It was HER Aaron, in the same way the tree was HER tree. She knew she couldn't claim possession of either, but each, in their own way, belonged to her. They meant something to her. Content, she had let her eyes flutter closed and had leaned her head back, resting it against the bark of the tree.

She knew she shouldn't be out. She was shaking. Sitting still meant the cold really overtook her, and her skin felt like ice, despite the wool sweater she wore. She knew she needed more coverage, but it was all she had... and back home, it was all she would need. The cold was different.

The soft sound of boots against snow opened her eyes, finally, and she looked over at him, walking towards her. At his smile, so warm it nearly chased the chill away. She held out one pale hand to him, looking... Well, like she hadn't slept in days. She was paler than normal, her skin stretched tighter over her face. Her eyes were more sunken in, her hair stringier. All in all... she looked worse than usual. But when she smiled, it reached her eyes, finally clear and colorful. If he took her hand, she would bring him down into the little nest she had made herself.

"I don't think it would," she said. If he joined her, she would snuggle into him, trying to draw from his warmth. "I needed to come and say good-bye. This tree has helped me through a lot of things, and it deserved something. Same as the others."

She sounded almost like she was speaking without thinking, because she was. She didn't quite have a filter, right then, and wasn't thinking about how what she said sounded.

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Aaron Silverman

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 One Last Night (Aaron)
« Dec 8, 2015 0:32:40 GMT -6 »

"What's this about goodbyes?"

He had joined her, taking her hand in both of his in hopes it would warm her a little, then sitting down next to her in her little nest. The poor girl looked halfway to being a zombie, and she was shaking so hard as she snuggled up to him it might register on the Richter scale. He put an arm tight around her, but as he did he sneaked his own jacket off, slipping it around her shoulders. Slow, deliberate movements, masking the alarm at what she'd said. Goodbye? Had something happened?

...Was she running off to track Jim down? Did he have his hooks back in her? Why would she need to be saying goodbye to anybody? His grip tightened, just a little, as if to pull her against him and put himself in the way of any hypothetical threat, but he tried to keep the poker face up, to make the shock less obvious. She was going through enough without him freaking out.

Just let her talk.

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Sarah White

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 One Last Night (Aaron)
« Dec 8, 2015 0:48:28 GMT -6 via mobile »

She let him slip the jacket around her shoulders without a word, just a soft smile of acceptance. He was holding her tightly, and if his face was calm, she could feel the fear in his muscles. She turned her face up and placed a frozen kiss upon his cheek, hoping to calm those fears.

Yes, she could have had more tact, but she wasn't exactly subtle.

Resting her head against his shoulder, she spoke. It was something he had always let her do, no matter how either of them felt. It was something she adored about him.

"I keep waiting... for all kinds of things. I keep waiting for Jim to come back, or for my mother to find me. I keep waiting for someone to learn my secrets. I keep waiting, and its... exhausting." She let out a breath. "I'm tired of waiting. So I'm not."

If he looked at her, he'd see her smiling. It wasn't a puppet smile, blank and practiced. It wasn't a Piper smile, jaded and predatory. It was genuine, real, and calm... a Sarah smile.

"I'm not going to wait for Jim to come back. If he does, we'll handle him. I'm tired of the secrets. So my secrets are out. And... now I'm tired of waiting for my mother. So instead of waiting for her to find me, I'm going to go to her."

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Aaron Silverman

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 One Last Night (Aaron)
« Dec 8, 2015 1:12:02 GMT -6 »

"We should probably have this talk inside; you'll get frostbite at this rate."

Not that the infirmary couldn't fix that, but still. His grip didn't loosen, part concern and part trying to keep her close so she could at least pick up his body heat.

The smile helped, at least. It told him the puppet was gone, for now at least, and the calmness there settled the storm a bit. Just enough for him not to hold her quite so tightly. There was a lot to say, so many questions to ask, but right now she looked like she'd freeze solid if she stayed out here a minute longer. What had she been thinking?

Still, he listened to every word.

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Sarah White

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 One Last Night (Aaron)
« Dec 8, 2015 11:04:31 GMT -6 »

She couldn't help but laugh a little bit at the thought of frostbite. After everything she had been through, that would be what finally killed her? No. She didn't fear frostbite. Not right then, anyways. She just nuzzled her body closer to his and softly said, "I'll be alright, now. I don't want to go inside just yet."

The world was innocent again, before her eyes. She could see it, layered across the ground, and it calmed the part of her mind that hadn't yet accepted everything. She wanted to go home for a little while... She wanted to stop waiting, to face her fears and uncertainties and return, changed.

"I created Piper," she told him, not moving from her little nest. "When Jim left me, I was so scared and so alone, and I didn't want to even entertain the idea that anybody would be able to find me and know what I had done. So I created this entirely new, anonymous person... It wasn't until I spoke to Fi that I realized how cruel I was being to myself, hiding behind this person that didn't exist."

Mat's words rang through her mind, fresh, and her smile softened. "I don't want to hide anymore. I don't want to run away, anymore."

With one hand, she motioned to the grounds all around them.

"I've found a home, here. At first, everything... Everything I did, it was all based on lies. I don't want to lie, anymore. I want to be alive, Aaron. I want to experience really living. I need to start that by going home for a little while."

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Aaron Silverman

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 One Last Night (Aaron)
« Dec 8, 2015 16:07:58 GMT -6 »

"Hoping to mend things with your family?"

Bit of an assumption, really a blatant guess, but it made sense. Rebuild your life a little by repairing the bridges that were burnt, even though them burning wasn't her fault at all. She'd laid a lot on him, speaking her mind as he always let her do, and the whole time he sat there with her, letting his steaming breath blow away in the wind and holding her close. Winter bit into him a little, but he was much more accustomed to it than she was, he could deal with it.

To live again, huh? He could respect that, how she wanted to break the chains of the past. As good a time as any, after she'd seen him dash Jim's brains all over the floor.

...When she said everything was based on a lie, she didn't mean the two of them, too, did she? She hadn't given him her real name, hadn't told him everything about herself at first, but that was different.

"You could probably use some rest anyway," he said, trying to distract himself. Despite the hood, the cold winds were reddening his cheeks a little. "You've been through a lot, since you got here."

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Sarah White

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 One Last Night (Aaron)
« Dec 8, 2015 16:14:00 GMT -6 »

"Not all of it bad," she pointed out with a soft smile. He looked worse than she did in the cold, and it was almost enough to make her laugh, gazing up at his reddening cheeks. Winters in Australia weren't nearly as brutal as they were here, but she seemed to be warmer than he was, in that moment.

Moving to stand up, then, she tried to pull him up alongside her, her hands still wrapped in his. "Come on, then," she said, with a shake of her head. "Maybe you were right. Maybe we SHOULD have this conversation inside."

Though she wasn't sure what else there was to say. If he would let her, she'd place a kiss upon his lips before leading him back towards the warmth of the Pods, where they could still have a sense of privacy. Or at least, she hoped they could. She still hadn't told her Podmates that she was leaving.

"Are you available tomorrow morning?" she asked quietly. "I'd like you to take me to the airport, if you could."

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Aaron Silverman

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 One Last Night (Aaron)
« Dec 8, 2015 17:07:43 GMT -6 »

"What time?"

He'd followed silently, kissing her back and looking concerned at how cold her lips were. He'd shaken the hand of somebody with ice powers, but she still felt like she was going to turn into a frozen sculpture. Her hands were warmer from his grip on them, at least, and the wave of heat greeted them like an old friend as they entered her pod.

So much better. Really. He leaned against the doorframe, hearing her out and mulling over her question. He couldn't just leave her in the lurch, of course he'd help out, but hopefully she'd get a chance to get some good sleep for once first.

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Sarah White

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 One Last Night (Aaron)
« Dec 8, 2015 17:12:11 GMT -6 »

She moved into the Pod, thinking logistics and trying to figure out how much time she might need. Airports in America were so much busier than the ones she was used to, and she knew that she would have problems getting through since it was an international flight. Biting her lip thoughtfully she said, "I'd like to get to the airport by... seven? My flight is at ten. That should give me enough time, right?"

She didn't really seem to think anything of it as she started towards the kitchen, almost immediately. She planned to make them both something warm to drink, though what, she wasn't sure. Hot chocolate sounded good... and they had milk in the fridge. It would have to do. She pulled down two mugs and glanced back at him, her eyes glittering slightly.

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Aaron Silverman

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 One Last Night (Aaron)
« Dec 8, 2015 17:40:19 GMT -6 »

"Eight would, too, and you'd have time to get a lot more sleep. We're not that far from O'Hare."

They could both get a reasonable amount of sleep, then. Maybe he'd bring a book and wait there with her. If she got up at seven, she could eat, take a nice hot shower, get everything ready and then he knew some shortcuts to be there by eight. Sure, things would be less busy at seven than eight, but it wasn't worth the loss of rest time.

The glitter in her eyes was a good sign, at least, and he took a few steps into the kitchen, the air far more comfortable than last time he'd been in here. If she wanted him to, he could take his mug and help make the hot chocolate.

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Sarah White

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 One Last Night (Aaron)
« Dec 8, 2015 21:05:52 GMT -6 »

She didn't expect him to make his own hot chocolate. They were in her Pod, in her kitchen, and it was their last night together for quite some time. He didn't say anything as he moved towards her, and she reached a hand out to lightly brush across his, glancing towards him.

It was nice to be around him.

"Hey, Aaron?" she said softly, setting the mugs down and moving over to him. She wrapped both arms gently around his shoulders, pressing herself against him, taking from his warmth with a soft smile.

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Aaron Silverman

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 One Last Night (Aaron)
« Dec 8, 2015 22:37:40 GMT -6 »


So much for the hot chocolate? Her body was pressed up against his, her arms wrapped round him, and her smile was about as warm as the promised drink would've been. He put his hands on the small of her back, holding her gently, and let her say whatever had suddenly come to her mind. Aaron was pretty sure he could guess what it was, but best to hear from her.

You know what they say about assuming.

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Sarah White

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 One Last Night (Aaron)
« Dec 8, 2015 22:42:19 GMT -6 via mobile »

She kissed him gently, lightly on the lips, and softly said,

"I love you."

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Aaron Silverman

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 One Last Night (Aaron)
« Dec 10, 2015 14:04:16 GMT -6 »


It wasn't the first time he'd heard it, she'd told him the night before they went to confront Jim, in case one of them didn't make it back. Those three words had a lot of power, though, enough to freeze him for a second. Just like before, it was a moment before he knew how to respond, so he leaned in to kiss her back, holding it long enough his answer might be obvious.

"You too," he managed, once he get some breath back afterwards.

Did he? Love was an incredibly strong word, but after everything they'd been through, the fact he'd (temporarily) killed a man for her? He liked being with her, and knowing everything life had put her through made him want to be there for her, made him want to make everything okay. Look at how often he nagged her to get enough sleep every night, to not miss meals, to eat the right things. Was that love?

Well, he felt like he probably did, and there'd be time to settle into it. She didn't need to know his questions, not when he was already willing to be in a relationship with her. After the kiss, he looked her in the eye and gave her a sincere smile.

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Sarah White

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 One Last Night (Aaron)
« Dec 10, 2015 14:13:20 GMT -6 »

The smile she offered him was weaker than his own. She knew she should have expected that answer, but it still stung a little bit to hear it, those words spoken carefully, as if he wasn't sure about the answer. And to be honest, was she? The only real experience she had with love was Jim, and everybody knew how well that one went.

She moved away from him, back to the hot chocolate, and finished making them both mugs in a companionable silence. The tension from the last time they were in the kitchen had completely evaporated, but she didn't seem to have too much to say in that moment.

She even added a little whipped cream on top of the drinks.

Holding hers, she leaned back against the counter, turning to gaze at Aaron. She wasn't sure what she wanted to say, what she wanted to do... She just knew she wanted to remember him while she was away, and wanted to know that he would be thinking about her just as much.

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Aaron Silverman

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 One Last Night (Aaron)
« Dec 10, 2015 15:23:31 GMT -6 »

She smiled back, but it seemed weaker, disappointed, as she went back to the drinks. As if she'd been stung almost. Why?

Probably because you didn't say the actual word, you moron.

Words were powerful, and well, he knew he had a lot of growing up to do. The last time he'd thrown "love" around too carelessly, he'd been unceremoniously dumped a bit over a year later, and what did a teenage boy know about love anyway? But all the things they'd done, the moments shared, how they could tell each other anything or spend hours sitting quietly together in perfect comfort - wasn't that love? Wasn't it obvious?

Maybe. Once the hot chocolate was done she just stared at him, and he stared back. It wasn't awkward, not yet, more like being sat at a chess board while both players considered the next move. Slowly, he took a sip from the hot chocolate, and couldn't help a small "oh!" as the heat filled him, melting away the chill outside. Just what the doctor ordered.

"You're really good at making these, thanks a bunch."

If not stopped, he'd walk over and join her at the counter, enjoying the drink. He didn't notice the whipped cream on his upper lip.

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Sarah White

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 One Last Night (Aaron)
« Dec 10, 2015 15:30:34 GMT -6 via mobile »

She watched him as he took a drink from the hot chocolate and smiled at his exclamation. She hadn't touched hers, yet, letting the milk drink cool before bothering with it. "I made all my own drinks, back in Australia," she told him, simply, and let him join her against the counter.

There was a smile upon her face, humor in her bright eyes as he looked at her. Sometimes, he could be so... oblivious. It was adorable.

She placed a hand against his cheek and moved to kiss him again, a soft kiss focused primarily on his upper lip. She would even give a soft suckle, flicking her tongue out to clean the whipped cream off. He was so... sweet. Even despite things, so many crazy things, she thought of him as innocent. Because in comparison to her, he was.

"Why don't we just watch a movie?" She asked. "I don't really want to do anything. I just want to... relax."

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Aaron Silverman

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 One Last Night (Aaron)
« Dec 11, 2015 17:45:14 GMT -6 »

"Sure, love."

He'd decided to try one of those terms of endearment she threw at him a lot, to see how it felt rolling off his tongue. Besides, relaxing felt good, even if after that kiss it wasn't exactly the first thing on his mind. She might have felt him shiver a little as she sucked on his lip, licked away the whipped cream, felt his grip tighten on her for a moment. He'd been in the middle of moving to kiss her when she suggested a movie.

That was fine, though. So much had happened, and they both probably needed an evening to just relax, let it be tomorrow's problem. For him, at least; she had that big flight in the morning.

"I'll go put something in, you finish your hot chocolate. You looked like you were gonna turn into an ice statue, out there."

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Sarah White

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 One Last Night (Aaron)
« Dec 11, 2015 17:48:12 GMT -6 via mobile »

She watched him for a moment, watching his body react, and seemed to relax a bit. A night curled up with a movie sounded nice. She wouldn't need to think, to pay attention to every detail.

She waved him off to look through her pathetic DVD collection and find something for her, and stayed in the kitchen to finish her drink.

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Aaron Silverman

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 One Last Night (Aaron)
« Dec 13, 2015 1:09:42 GMT -6 »

Aaron didn't think her collection was pathetic by any means, just... not as extensive as his own. It felt like they'd already watched half the films set out in front of him, when he left the kitchen to flip through what was available. At least this time she hadn't shrugged off him trying to get her to warm up. His own hot chocolate had gone temporarily forgotten, but eh, he could go back for it.

Hm, nope. Saw that one. And that one. That one definitely didn't fit the mood. This one was way too long considering they needed to get enough sleep for tomorrow. He'd seen this one before he knew Sarah, and wasn't a fan. Hrm, oh, there was one that looked new, and a glance at the box art made it seem just right for the occasion.

"Hey, how about this one?"

Obviously he'd loop her in on things. Though he'd barely looked at the title.

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Sarah White

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 One Last Night (Aaron)
« Dec 13, 2015 2:28:48 GMT -6 via mobile »

She had moved from the kitchen to the little through way to watch him sort through her movies. She figured her roommates probably had others, but she kept hers available to everyone and separated from anybody else's. He was setting movies aside and she couldn't really see them, but when he turned to look back at her, she smiled, holding her mug in one hand. The other was crossed over her chest, hand resting under her arm.

She recognized the cover was one she recognized immediately. It was hard not to with the color. She remembered most of the plot and focus points, and while she was certain she'd cry during it, she also knew that it had so many happy focuses that it was well worth the tears. "Summer Wars, hmm?" She asked, still leaning there where she was.

Sarah pushed off the frame to walk over to him and take the DVD from him. "Do you like anime movies?" She mused, going to put the movie in. The disc slid easily in and she stood, turning as the screen turned on. "It's got some over the top moments." It was more of a warning; seeing the cover suddenly made her want to watch it.

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Aaron Silverman

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 One Last Night (Aaron)
« Dec 13, 2015 2:43:02 GMT -6 »

"How over the top are we talking?"

And by whose standards? So much had changed in the past generation that life on Earth was "over the top" by the standards of decades past. Still, she looked interested, so he was willing to give it a shot. He wasn't, like, a huge anime buff, but nor would he dismiss it.

Mostly, he'd been curious by the way she phrased that as a warning. Since the DVD was starting up with or without him, he'd make himself comfortable on the sofa, waiting for her.

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Sarah White

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 One Last Night (Aaron)
« Dec 13, 2015 3:17:51 GMT -6 via mobile »

She joined him on the sofa, sitting beside him and leaning into his body heat. She had become so accustomed to the position that it put no strain on her body, and she enjoyed being close to him.

"You'll see," she said with a laugh, and then turned the movie on.

(Fade to black?)

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