Author Topic: Antimak, Genesis E. (Point Hope Transfer) (Read 170 times)

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 Antimak, Genesis E. (Point Hope Transfer)
« May 11, 2009 0:05:12 GMT -6 »

~~~~~Personal Information:~~~~~
    [/b]~~~[/color] O' Hare University
    Year:~~~ University Junior

    Name:~~~ Genesis Evinid Antimak
    Alias:~~~ The Talon
    Date of Birth:~~~ December, 16th
    Age:~~~ 21 Years
    Nationality:~~~ American… Right…
    Ethnicity:~~~ Irish – Nomadic Indian
    Blood Type:~~~ A+ - GC (Gangrenous Coagulates)
    Height:~~~ Six feet, two inches
    Weight:~~~ One hundred and fifty six pounds
    Hair Colour:~~~ Violet (Naturally Dirty Blonde)
    Eye Color:~~~ Violet (Naturally Hazel)
    Handedness:~~~ Right
    Sexual Orientation:~~~ Heterosexual[/ul]

    ~~~~~Physical Appearance:~~~~~
    He's from a noble bloodline, his body is tight and not overly muscular. His legs are powerful and well structured while his arms are small, but designed for speed. His face is well chiseled as one of his noble blood should be, gentle and pleasing to the eyes. His torso is well built, including a six pack, but it is littered with scars and burn marks from his time as a subject.

      ~~~~~Apparel & Accessories:~~~~~
      His casual wear includes a scruffled uniform that nearly matches a military issue suit. When not in school he wears a cloak with a hood just in case he gets in trouble or something. Otherwise he is constantly found wearing a monocle, as well as a tekko. A tekko being a bracer found on only one arm, to seal his abilities.

        As his social life would develop, he will become more and more open, starting off as a quiet and receded fellow. Just as any former lab rat may be. He is sane and only wishes to control his life once again.

        His time as a nomad has inflicted a permanent need to show dominance. He is very competitive and strategic, if a weapon is in his hand... Just hope you aren't in his line of sight with another one.

          ~~~~~Miscellaneous Information: ~~~~~

              [/b]~~~[/color] Hung Gar/ War Talon
              Hung Gar is an Earth elemental fighting style with resilient stances and powerful direct strikes. This being quite a basic style, it is simple to learn, but near impossible to master like most martial arts. If it hits you you're going to get hurt. Combos are rare, but simple for the most part with solid kicks and marching punches. Trained by monks in Southern Mongolia, Genesis has used this as a means to channel his energy positively to prevent the injury of those he cares for from a Qi leak.

              War Talons are weapons never seen in most of the world. The war talons are used to give the rush of ripping your opponents flesh from their bones. Cloth gloves are equipped with steel or even stone talons grafted on to grapple and rip with little resistance and a lot of screaming. Trained by nomads, Genesis learned to use the training along with the effects of direct contact with flesh. The direct contact causes skin to slowly slough from the bone, eventually giving Genesis the ability to rip the skin from the body.

              Weaknesses:~~~ Hung Gar is a strength based style, not the best for countering if at all needed. War Talons are based on grappling and ripping, being brutal instead of effective. Both require opposite capabilities, and ripping of the flesh with bare hands can be incredibly hard without actual talons. With the tekko attached to his arm he is incapable of using his ability to rip skin from flesh with little resistance.

              Strengths:~~~ Hung Gar, delivers powerful strikes with much resilience in stance. The main stance being horse gives Genesis capabilities to hunker down if need be, spreading damage throughout more parts of his body. The War Talons style can be used to effectively grapple and counter many attacks. If Genesis can get his tekko from his arm his blood can stagnate and seep energy from his body to weaken his opponent and rip the skin from the bone, taking down his opponent much faster.[/ul]


                Now sit down and let me tell you a story...
                A nice little story about Genesis Imak, that's me, it all started in a little province by the name of Molotovia... It's a blown up little province, but we'll talk about that later... Anyways I was born in Molotovia to a family of Circus Performers! My mother and father were both sword swallowers, but in their free time they taught me English Fencing. I on the other hand was the Band... No, I wasn't in the band... I was the band. Trust me, this Lute can do anything! It seemed that I was quite different when it came to other circus bands, they had lots more people contributing.

                Well one day after I had finished a show I was jumped by another band from one of the other circuses. I was injured quite seriously, had slipped into a coma for about a year. During my coma I was sent to a hospital quite a ways away from home. It was just near a month until I discovered that I wasn’t in a hospital, it could have been the strange experiments that I randomly woke up in, but when I did find out I kept quiet until I discovered that I had a special… Gift… Scientists would have headaches often while around me and on rare occasions they would collapse onto the ground screaming. Interesting really if you think about it…

                A few days before I had “escaped” I overheard two scientists discussing their constant headaches and they placed the blame on me. They said that a significant blow to the head somehow jooked my brain to activate another 3% of my brain power. In lamens terms… I could do good stuff with my brain. As soon as I was physically able to walk, I continued to practice my fencing, getting better by using an imaginary sword, but as I practiced for my last session I moved the sword impossibly and ended up cutting myself. Yes, I know what you’re thinking, “Ooooh! This must be his discovery of his Qi!” well, you are correct. After a long stare to my “bleeding” arm I looked out the window to see my freedom waiting for me. I was prepared to be reunited with the outside world, I was prepared… To escape. A good kick through a glass wall initiated my quest.

                I quickly slaughtered all of them… Or atleast I thought I did, they were screaming in agony. I made it through the door in the main lobby. Tasting freedom was precious for the moment because I knew that capture was breathing on my heels, so I ran to a bus stop! After the bus ride and several “green” vans I met an old woman that recognised me immediately. She took me in and gave me a home, she passed on to me a lute that had been in her family for generations. She wanted a new beginning for me so she sent me on my way… To wander the land on a search for somewhere I belonged. During those nine years of my life I joined a Shaolin Ashram, where I learned Northern Shaolin Kung Fu. And now in my tenth year, I have found this place… A new place to call home, maybe?

                Point Hope had quickly adopted me into their ranks and I gained many friends. The knowledge I gained most from the school was about my special ability, but we also discovered what allowed me to focus my ability into the powerhouse that it was. A tiny worm called an illithid had attached itself to my brain giving me the ability to control my inherent powers at the cost of my life sooner or later.

                The name of the Illithid was Nehemiah, a prophet of evil and destruction, using my body as a tool. It hadn’t risen to such a rank yet, but it was well on its way. One day whilst still in control of my body I went out for a walk, the lake had a comforting breeze which allowed me to keep in control. All I saw during the walk was a tall man with a glowing red eye and then nothing…

                The feeling after the man’s passing was sheer chill…

                I began life over again, passing through the veil of memory and wiping my slate clean. Now I will tell you the story of the body that I have adopted…

                Chula Vista: The Slate~~~

                Four score and twenty one years ago, a child was born in a land called Molotovia, a place isolated from the rage of technology. The mother being a minstrel and the father being a nobleman among his people. The child was a boy and was named for the next coming, he was to become the leader of his people when he came of age. His name was Genesis and his surname followed that of his noble blood, Imak.

                After he came to be three years of age a terrible sickness struck his family. A travelling Magi visited the village on call in an attempt to cure the noble family. The Magi found the family with gangrenous growths, but the child, Genesis, was without any afflictions. It was a strange coincidence to find a plagued family with a pure child as such and the Magi was forced to return to council.

                The Magi announced his theory to the parents who were outraged by his findings. He had thought that Genesis was the cause of their plague by some strange aura manipulating magic. The Magi was going to take the boy away for the best interest of the parents, but he was far from the truth. Before he was able to leave the village, he was executed by the people themselves for heracy.

                The noble family lived on with their child...

                Three months after the execution of the 'heretic', the noble family was found dead in their home. The flesh had seemingly sloughed off of the bones, leaving the crying Genesis alone in life. As he was a treasure to the village he was taken in by family after family, every one falling to the same fate as his parents. This ultimately killed the entire village as well as half of a major city which had taken him in for the original plan for containment.

                Genesis had grown with his malignant aura, lacking a means of channeling it in a constructive fashion. He was taught without outside influences and became more of a prisoner instead of a noble as his name implied. He soon became tired of it and made a plan to break out and live life on his own. In his cell bodies of rats lined the walls due to rigorous training on Genesis' part. Eventually his training paid off and the rats were able to stay in his presence without their bodies deteriorating.

                Some days later on his twelfth birthday Genesis was prepared to escape. His food had arrived and that day was met with a particularly repulsive meat. Genesis reached out and grabbed the server's arm causing a panic, the server slammed the steel slider onto Genesis' arm. With a pained yell the server's grappled arm shrivelled and began to flake. With that same yell, Genesis subconsciously transferred auras in a fit of seasoned rage followed by himself passing out.

                When the boy woke up he found himself on the other side of the door and his hand wrapped around a bone through the door. His aura had plagued the server to an extent that his flesh fell from his bones like what had happened to his parents. Genesis had finally escaped and was now set off into the city with only rags to dress himself.

                With only a life ahead of him Genesis fled from the city and came upon a tribe of nomads. Prison had eroded his sanity, he was still publicly acceptable, but he fit in well with these people. They enjoyed hunting and killing with their bare hands and weapons known as war talons. This was how Genesis was trained in the use of such a weapon, slicing and grappling his prey in an embrace of death. He failed to hunt, but was fierce when it came to competing in tribal tournaments and the such.

                Genesis required almost all of his concentration to prevent his aura from releasing pestilence upon his new home. Unfortunately for those that he lived with, concentration wasn't something available while he was sleeping so he was only allowed to live alone. His family was killed by his harmful aura and now his home was ruined by his pestilence. He woke one day to find his fostering tribe deathly ill. He left his tent greeted by the stench of death...

                Genesis wasn't one to hunt for pleasure so it couldn't have been the meat that killed them. It must have been the crops, both Genesis and the tribe agreed that collecting crops would be harmless for him to take part in. They were obviously wrong and it cost them everything, but Genesis collected what he could from the ghost camp and began on his way. He was unaffected by his own plague so only he would be allowed to eat the gangrenous growths of meat that he had collected.

                Genesis could never learn from his mistakes, always irrevokable...

                Eventually he found himself upon a plot of land owned by monks somewhere on the southern rim of Mongolia, where the mountains became dunes. They were only monks by name, they were an ultimate sign of corruption. True raiders, they utilized their talents to steal supply from nearby villages. They sought no donations as all they needed was within their grasp already. When Genesis arrived they were fearful, but only to an extent. They saw him as a tool.

                A powerful ally...

                He was taught proper concentration, to focus his Qi in such a way to prevent unwanted accidents. He practiced and practiced, gaining many friends through his years within the sect. He learned a style of fighting known as Hung Gar, strong strikes with a powerful stance. This helped Genesis focus himself and soon it was as if he was living without his aura at all.

                It would be unfortunate something were to go wrong and kill all of the monks right?

                Genesis was being tracked by the American military and they had been watching him grow, researching his capabilities. Eventually they grew tired and decided to utilize him sooner than R&D could. It took a total of three scout helicopters, each filled with a lance of troopers to annihilate the monk forces. Genesis was taken prisoner and given a new name to hide behind, he was going to be used, but not yet. The new life of Genesis Antimak was once again found in a cell…

                For the most part, he had been brainwashed from when the military captured him all the way back to his birth. His combat skills receded and instead of being washed away became instinctual. He had no idea who he really was, according to the military he was simply a unique individual that sparked an interest among researchers. He knew he was being used, but for obvious reasons he couldn’t be left unchecked.

                He was imprisoned yet again, but his captors wouldn’t make the same mistake as the ones before them. After two years and several researchers the military developed a tekko to be worn on his arm, binding his abilities using medicinal nodes to dose him with a blood thinner to prevent his blood from stagnating. The military took him to an American Colony known as Chula Vista and released him to continue life and develop until they truly needed him. He was given all he needed, a hideaway and supplies whether it be food or chemistry tools.

                After spending many years of his life being used and researched upon, it was his turn to do as he pleased. He began research on alchemistry as a means to remove the tekko without personal injury. His knowledge of chemicals was matched only by the military scientists as far as he knew, but that tekko was causing something to be different in his chemical structure than usual… But what?

                Welcome to Chula Vista, Genesis…


                « Last Edit: May 15, 2009 19:43:39 GMT -6 by genesis » Back to Top  

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                Joined: January 1970
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                 Antimak, Genesis E. (Point Hope Transfer)
                « May 15, 2009 16:45:21 GMT -6 »

                List of changes and other things:
                1) Personal expirament that changes hair and eye color is not allowed.
                2) BMI off for a built 6'2" person. Change weight or build.
                3) Persona needs more.
                4) No weapons. Cloth with steel, included.
                5) There is no Qi here.
                6) Fighting style needs to be redone, no weapons. Edit or change.
                7) Doesn't list english fencing in your fighting style, despite knowing it in your history.
                8) Molotovia isn't anything "real" we can find. Please change.
                9) No illithid.

                This is a list of things that must be changed. Once you have made the changes, we will look through it again and see if more must be made.

                This bio was looked through by three staff members.


                « Last Edit: May 21, 2009 0:34:59 GMT -6 by genesis » Back to Top