Author Topic: Ryker Murdoch (Read 241 times)

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Joined: January 1970
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 Ryker Murdoch
« May 11, 2009 12:20:32 GMT -6 »

Personal Information

School: John C. Fremont High
Year: Sophomore

Name: Ryker E. Murdoch
Alias: Jr.
Date of Birth: May, 11th, 1993
Age: 16
Nationality: American
Ethnicity: Japanese
Blood Type: O-
Height: 5'10
Weight: 170
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Handedness: Right
Sexual Orientation: Straight

Physical Appearance:
    • T-Shirt
    • Jeans
    • Hooded Sweatshirts
    • Track Suit's
    • Collared Shirts
    • Dress Pants

    Personality: Ryker is a man with a distinct moral absolutist life philosophy. A set of black-and-white values that take many shapes but never mix into shades of gray. Ryker sees life as random and this viewpoint leaves him free to enforce his morality on a morally bankrupt world. Ryker is a very right wing character, and will show beliefs in economic liberalism, militarism, nationalism, and social conservatism.

    Loud and friendly he is most often seen as the center of attention, if only because he refuses to be quiet in a crowd or silent when the tough questions are asked. People tend to gather around him, a tight nit group of friends who he looks out for.

    After his run in with the "pussy-fied America" he has decided that justice is no longer something that you hand out to the authorities, because they no longer punish the unjust. And with his brutal and unforgiving sense of justice this makes him a dangerous individual with an intense sense of independence.


    • Strength: B
    • Dexterity: D
    • Constitution: B
    • Wisdom: D

    Style: Ryker is well versed in street combat, military combat, and a bit of martial arts. He is also relatively indifferent to physical pain and discomfort, after years of constant injuries. Due to his time in juvenile detention facilities and military bases, and being the only American in foreign schools, he had little choice but to absorb all the combat styles he could. He is also known to be quite strong.

    Ryker has been described as "tactically brilliant, and unpredictable" by several of the base commanders and combat trainers throughout the many bases he had lived at. But in the same breath they also said "when he keeps a cool head."

    Weaknesses: Unfortunately with all of his muscle training and high protein diets he has neglected improving his speed. In the same way his fights are usually triggered by racism or insults of some sort which tend to leave him hot headed, which has kept his potential for seeing through his opponents movements limited.

    Strengths: Being the new kid at school there is always one thing you have to do, and that's make a fast and strong statement. So over the years he built up his strength so he could drop his first target hard and make them think twice before viewing him as fresh meat. With all the fights, bruises, cuts, and fractures over the years his body has become quite tough and used to discomfort and pain. He knows what injuries he can fight through.

    History: Ryker was born the son of an American Military Police officer by the name of, unsurprisingly, Ryker, and a Japanese woman named Kokoro. The couple raised him on so many military bases that they quickly lost count, as did Ryker, who was more interested in attempting to make friends with school mates.

    As a child he looked more American than Japanese, even having light brown hair and brown eyes. It made it easier for him to interact with others through grade school because they had not yet soaked in the prejudice against American's that many of their parents possessed. He was happy until the middle school.

    That is when he discovered that his potential friends, as he moved readily from one base to another with his parents, disrespected and bullied him. Having had moral talks with his father about how to handle physical confrontations there was soon a reputation about him in every school he went too. If you want to stop being bullied you put down the first son of a bitch that goes after you, then you go after the biggest to see if anyone still has the balls to pick a fight with you.

    This habit continued from middle school all the way to his sophomore year when he was in a military base in Arizona, where a snotty little punk pressed charges for assault after picking the initial fight. The judge convicted him based on the fractured facial bones, sending him to Juvenile Hall from the age of fifteen to sixteen. Life didn't get much easier during that year, but he clearly saw the corruption of his country, and how easily it was manipulated against the righteous.

    His family couldn't stay while he served his sentence, and his mother convinced Ryker Sr. that their son needed to stay in one school for the remainder of his education. After pulling a few strings he was given over to a school system with it's own dorms.

    « Last Edit: May 15, 2009 16:13:55 GMT -6 by ryker » Back to Top  
    Horseman of War

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    Joined: April 2009
    Posts: 941
     Ryker Murdoch
    « May 15, 2009 12:56:38 GMT -6 »

    So far the biography is well structured, but there are two factors I'd like to see more of: a description of his physical appearance, and an extension on his personality.

    In regards to the appearance, I feel that no matter how many images you post up, a reader needs to have a layout of the character from your point of view. I'd like to see a minimum of two or three sentences explaining the details that way people have a better reference point than an image that they could misinterpret.

    And while the personality is good so far, it only covers his philosophical and political ideology. There's no mention of his demeanor, lifestyle or personal preferences at all. I'd like to see at least two or three more sentences in the personality extending upon this.

    Once that's finished, you'll be approved.

    Edit: Changes are strong. Bio approved; welcome to The Collective.

    « Last Edit: May 15, 2009 18:23:16 GMT -6 by Conner » Back to Top  
