Author Topic: Vivienne, Nero (Read 288 times)

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 Vivienne, Nero
« May 13, 2009 23:43:25 GMT -6 »

Personal Information:
School: John C. Fremont High School
Year: Sophomore

Name: Nero Vivienne
Alias: Nero, the Azure Raven
Date of Birth: June 17th
Age: 16
Nationality: American
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Blood Type: AB
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 160 lbs
Hair Colour: Black
Eye Color: Olive Green
Handedness: Right
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Physical Appearance:

Wild and untamed, Nero's hair reaches the base of his neck at the back and sides, while the front extends to just below his nose. Rather than allow his hair to impede his vision, Nero often sweeps the hair to the right side of his face, allowing most of his features to be seen, though considering the lack of hair spray or gel used, he is forced to perform this action frequently.

With both his speed and intelligence, Nero has managed to avoid any scars or broken bones. As a result, his skin is flawless all over, and his face is generally seen as quite handsome. His stare has been known to be intense, often unnerving the weak-willed.

Nero's training has been extensive, though at a first glance, it may be difficult to see at first. By streamlining his body for speed rather than strength, Nero's muscles are far from the bulk one would usually see on the majority of trained fighters.

Apparel & Accessories:

Nero's clothing, as with most people, varies depending on the situation. For formal occasions, he often wears a black dress shirt with a gray tie, completing the outfit with black dress pants and matching shoes.

When in a more casual setting, Nero will usually opt for a T-shirt, jeans, and black sneakers outfit, or a button-up dress shirt instead. The only consistant item in his casual attire is the black leather trenchcoat pictured below.

To those he is initially meeting for the first time, Nero can be a cold and impassionate person. Rarely, if ever, has Nero actively attempted to make any friends, though this has yet to hinder him in his opinion. Women are often attracted to his typical brooding bad-boy attitude, while men tend to flock to him in order to capitalize on his rebellious image. In both cases, Nero rarely maintains any such relationship for long, as he will use the person for his own benefit before discarding them when they've outlived their usefulness.

On the rare occasion Nero does make an actual friend with a likeminded individual, the young man's attitude hardly changes, though he will make an effort not to be as rude as he usually is. Typically blunt, Nero has no qualms over letting people know exactly what he thinks of them, whether it be positive or negative. Even if not on good terms with someone, Nero will work alongside others as long as it benefits himself, as he is power-hungry by nature.

Miscellaneous Information:

Nero loves reading. While he is fond of most genres, he is an avid fan of Fantasy type novels, most noticeably, the Dragonlance series.

Has a fear of flying. While not to the extent of a full-on phobia, Nero becomes significantly more agitated and nervous when he is required to travel somewhere by plane.

Nero's name is Latin in origin, with "Nero" meaning "Powerful", and "Vivienne" meaning "Life".

Initial Grades:
Strength: D
Dexterity: B
Constitution: D
Wisdom: B

Style: Nero has not been trained in any "official" style or art; instead, he draws upon his experience and knowledge of the human body. His knowledge of physics and body structure allows him to unbalance his foes, as well as negate some attacks completely, pushing the limb away without overpowering his opponent. Nero's strategy often revolves around making the most out of the smallest actions possible, dodging and parrying with the least effort he can in order to tire his opponent as well as intimidate them.

Mainly a defensive fighter, Nero's impressive insight into the human mind and body, along with his unnatural quickness lend well to his strategies. Rarely, if ever, will Nero go on the offensive, opting instead to counterattack quickly and then retreat, unless it is a battle where he is sure to have the advantage. Nero avoids grapples, as he is unlikely to win any his is involved with, and prefers punches to kicks, as they are faster and easier to recover from once thrown.

Weaknesses: Having never been struck in his life, Nero has never had to build up any sort of pain tolerance. As a result, Nero is able to take only a moderate amount of damage before falling unconscious. With his focus on speed training, Nero has been unable to build up the required muscle mass to inflict heavy damage with his strikes, requiring him to land more strikes than his stronger peers in order to take down an opponent.

Strengths: Nero's reflexes are very fast, especially his hands, even when considering his size and stature. In the time it takes a larger fighter to wind up and throw a devastating punch, Nero is able to throw two or three quick strikes in a rapid succession. Nero's speed is only matched by his quick wit, his mind able to pick apart an opponent's attack and discern openings in milliseconds. Able to adapt and improvise quickly makes hitting Nero difficult, and his knowledge of the human body makes his attacks dangerous if landed against a vulnerable target, such as the eyes or throat. Amongst the members of his former gang, Nero was hailed as a countering genius.


Victor and Maria Vivienne had never been hurting for money. Victor's high-paying job as a Senator coupled with Maria's family fortune had left the two well-off, even after buying numerous cars and a massive house. Within a few months of moving into their San Diego home, the two had their first and only child, Nero. The youngster was doted on for his early years, given every opportunity and advantage money could buy. Sure enough, their hard work was realized in the form of Nero being identified as a "gifted" child, and while the boy was skipped ahead, he was accepted into a private school, one that had a reputation for taking only the best of the best.

Throughout his younger years, Nero accepted his parents direction for his life, doing his work quietly and without fuss. As the years went by, his attitude slowly began to change. It seemed to Nero that he would never have any input into his own life if things continued on like they were, and the young man began to become resentful of his parents, and authority in general. His personal rebellion started off small; missing assignments, skipping classes, being rude to his instructors, all things that could easily be glossed over by his parents' influence. On one such occasion of skipping class, the boy made his way to a local public school, interested in seeing how the other students behaved that were not as well off as him. One group in particular caught his attention, as their higher level members commanded a level of respect even from the teachers, calling themselves the Sons of Judas. Time after time, Nero would skip class in order to observe this particular gang, fascinated at their lack of respect for authority, and after weeks of shadowing their members, approached and asked to join.

Despite initial friction due to his private schooling, Nero was accepted into the gang, joining the ranks of the lowest members and participating in every single incident the gang was involved in. Battling against rival schools, gangs, teachers, Nero soon earned a reputation for his hit and run tactics, as well as his tendancy to attack those who were already weakened by other fighters. Due in no small part to Nero's assistance, the Sons of Judas' influence spread even further, and in recognition of his effort, Nero was awarded his title the Azure Raven, as all high-ranking members had been given in the past. With such growing influence, the Sons of Judas were soon brought to the attention of the School Board, who would tolerate no such rebellion against their school system. As a result, the top ranking members of the Sons of Judas were split up and sent to different schools across the country, making it nearly impossible for them to communicate with each other.

All except Nero, who was forced to transfer from private tutoring to the public school system, specifically John C. Fremont High School.

With his parents fortune, Nero was easily able to afford the costs of tracking down and keeping in touch with his collegues, although the distance made reuniting with them for any extended length of time impossible. Through various meetings and phone calls, the Sons of Judas made a joint decision to go their seperate ways; a result Nero was not pleased with in the slightest. Furious at the system that had denied him the gang he had grown to love, Nero became rude, rebellious, intolerant of others. So far, he has not found a proper outlet for his anger, choosing instead to lash out at the world, though whether this will change has yet to be seen.

« Last Edit: May 15, 2009 17:34:45 GMT -6 by nero » Back to Top  

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 Vivienne, Nero
« May 15, 2009 17:36:35 GMT -6 »


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