Author Topic: Instructions Part I (OPEN) (Read 92 times)

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 Instructions Part I (OPEN)
« May 23, 2009 14:58:18 GMT -6 »

"It's been brought to my attention that some students among you can't control their aggression. One of those students may be among you right now, or even you yourself. That's why I am here."

Dr. Thomas Kussro spoke plainly to the group of roughly twenty children sitting cross legged in front of him, neatly lined up in two rows. He stood there, elegantly attired despite the summer heat of the border. It was hot, he wouldn't deny that, but much less so than the Phillipines were. A lot more dry too, which made it much more bareable by far.

Folding his hands behind his back, he paused in his speech. Opposed to teaching in one of the classrooms today, he decided to take it outside. After hearing of the debacle that occured outside earlier, he figured he'd do the same thing to counter-act it. If people were outside to notice the anarachy, perhaps his order would fall upon just as many eyes.

"Now, stand up and find someone roughly your size. Place your forearms together, and close your eyes like so." Dr. Kussro demonstrated, bringing his right arm up simulating touching the right arm of an imaginary opponent.

"Persons on the left, move your arm. Person's on the right, don't lose contact. This is Chin Na, sticky hands. If you can keep contact with your opponent, you'll always know where they are. Begin!"

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