Author Topic: Beauvais, Jean Aurora (Read 245 times)

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 Beauvais, Jean Aurora
« Jun 9, 2009 11:32:11 GMT -6 »

Jean Aurora Beauvais

(Credit: Honolulu @ Deviantart[dot]com)

    [/b] Jean Aurora Beauvais
    Alias: N/A
    Date of Birth: 14th, August 19--
    Age: Seventeen
    Nationality: American
    Ethnicity: ¼ Korean, ¼ French, ½ Other
    Blood Type: O
    Height: 5'7"
    Weight: 110lbs.
    Hair Color: Black
    Eye Color: Brown
    Handedness: Left
    Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
    School: John C. Fremont High School
    Year: 4 - Senior[/ul]

      [/i] side of the family, and not her mother's.[/ul]


          [/b] used with her family - so unless you're around her when her family is, chances of seeing this side of her is .0001 percent. She does not put up the facade with strangers around her only because it requires so much more effort.

          Jean is capable of laughing and smiling just like everyone else, more so if around people she feels comfortable. She's also capable of being a smart ass bitch that can throw down. She's usually the patient type that walks away when insulted, but everyone has their limits. I would advise not to push Jean's buttons because, like most other girls, she knows how to play dirty. She is not angered easily, and mere insults like name calling and cussing her out would only give her the impression that immaturity has taken over your life, along with the need for better vocabulary, but when insults strike a chord then you better be prepared to get dirty.

          Having a history of financial crisis in her family, Jean is able to persevere through hard times and knows not to spend money on useless items. Although her family is now financially stable, Jean finds herself unable to spend a bunch of money on useless items - like 50 thousand pounds of make-up.

          Anyway, now that I think about it, Jean's personality really depends on her mood. If she's feeling good, then she'll socialize. If not, then she'll ignore you, and it just so happens that she's usually in a pessimistic mood, and therefore does not socialize. If someone were to approach her first and strike up a conversation, Jean would have no problem talking about random stuff simply for the sake of passing time. If someone were to approach her and she wasn't in the mood to talk, she would straight out let you know.[/ul]

            • Sleeping
            • Roller blading
            • Dogs
            • Children
            • Laptop
            • Cello
            • Music
            • Snowboarding
            • Weapons

            • Homework
            • Work
            • Cats
            • Screamo
            • Pie
            • Some people
            • Cloudy weather
            • Twilight
            • Fast food

              Strength: D
              Dexterity: B
              Constitution: C
              Wisdom: C

              Style: Jean holds no real fighting style. Although she had taken TaeKwonDo in the past, the self-defense class was nothing compared to actual fighting. TaeKwonDo prepared you to counter and block moves that one already knows. In no way does it help in street fights where people use dirty tactics. Jean herself began to adapt to the lifestyle of street fighting when her family was in financial need. She tends to be on the defensive rather than the offensive, but if an opportunity arises, she will strike. Not only that, but Jean tends to throw small, projectile objects with deadly aim, thanks to her father who had a knack for weapons. Although Jean could use weapons to defend herself, she does not have the guts to actually shoot or cut someone unless her own life was on the line - which is hardly ever.

              • Weak
              • Antisocial
              • Children
              • Fluffy things
              • Bugs
              • Awkward questions
              • Awkward situations

              • Fast
              • Great aim
              • Patient

                [/i] much time at home and at the library. Her educational career was so far a success, but what good will that do?

                It was during her freshman year when her family hit an all time low. Her father was in the stock market and lost a great majority of the stock her family owned. Her mother was a registered nurse at the hospital and ended up taking more shifts than necessary, and her father's bakery was going out of business. Lucky for them that they had other family to turn to. In her Sophomore year, they moved in with her rich cousins on her mother's side. She roomed with Elizabeth, who looked after her like a younger sister, while her parents got the guest room. There was also Fredrick, who also looked after her, and they were one big, happy family.

                Of course, her family moved out after a year. Going into the 12th grade, Jean's parents found a nice house to settle in, not too far from her cousin's house. Problem is, Jean was enrolled in a school on the other side of the country. Her parents wanted Jean to get ready for college, thinking a boarding school would do just that. So she packed her things, said her goodbyes, and hopped on a plane.

                « Last Edit: Jun 9, 2009 15:44:06 GMT -6 by jean » Back to Top  

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                Joined: January 1970
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                 Beauvais, Jean Aurora
                « Jun 9, 2009 18:14:02 GMT -6 »


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