Author Topic: The Gritty Bean (Open) (Read 224 times)

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 The Gritty Bean (Open)
« Jun 10, 2009 14:46:43 GMT -6 »

Just around the corner from mini-China Town was an alley of semi-shady looking storefronts, each of an equally eclectic nature. Organic grocery, Hemp jewelry store, all the tree-hugging, mismatched, flower power you could handle. In the midst of it all was the Gritty Bean. Such a charming name, isn't it? But once you walked through the door (amidst the clanging of an off-key wind chime tied to it), you would find a cafe. Dark, wild colored lights strung on the ceiling, guitars twanging here and there. The tables were covered with left-behind poetry and half-finished songs. Customers could pick it up, add to it, or leave them be...because who knew when the next big hit would come about?

Gwyn was seated sideways in a overstuffed navy-blue armchair, legs hanging over the sides. She was still dressed in her school uniform: Indigo, black, and silver pleated skirt, white blouse with indigo sweater vest, with her own touches of necklaces and striped stockings leading down to platform mary janes. Her tie was loose around her neck, joining the necklaces as a decorative piece.

On the side table by her head was a steaming cup of tea. The sophomore yawned, flipping the page of the book in her lap. The murmurings of disjointed speach, the cacaphony of guitars blending into the indie music gently seeping out of invisible speakers, the churning and grinding and steaming of coffee being was such beautiful music to her.

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 The Gritty Bean (Open)
« Jun 10, 2009 15:04:49 GMT -6 »

Boris normally wouldn't be caught dead in this den of filth and liberalism. It took all his reserve to not hold his nose as he opened the door and was assaulted by the stench of hemp, patchouli, and weed.

So why was he here, if he would normally never be caught anywhere near these... these... these mongrels?

He needed coffee. Badly.

He could feel his body start to slow, normally alert and attentive, but after an exceptionally long job last night. His Audi was dirty, a normally exceptionally beautiful car that was now parked outside was caked with dirt and mud, imperfections that he was on his way to remove.

He took that slow step over the threshold, his suit the most exceptional piece of clothing in the place. Black with a red tie, he stood out amongst the baggy khaki jeans and the drug rugs that these hoodlums wore.

As soon as his second step in landed, the place went damn near silent. A square amongst circles, he cleared his throat and walked to the counter, taking his gloves off as he went.

"Large Black Coffee please..."

"Uhhh, we don't serve regular coffee here, sir."

"Oh, pardon me." His accent was thick, Russian to the core and wreaking of the Soviet lifestyle he lived to the T. "A double espresso then, little foam, with a dash of cinnamon, please." The girl was slightly stunned to see such a specific order but went towards her work.

Boris turned and leaned against the corner, and saw only a single girl was dressed even acceptably. Her hair was a bit wild, and she accessorized strangely, but she was at least wearing what seemed to be a regulation school uniform.

He took a few steps forwards and sat down on a couch near the girl. He didn't say anything; he wasn't here to 'flirt'. Plus she was young, and although Boris was not 'old', he was still quite her senior.

« Last Edit: Jun 10, 2009 15:05:07 GMT -6 by shogun » Back to Top  

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 The Gritty Bean (Open)
« Jun 10, 2009 15:31:17 GMT -6 »

Gwyn reached for her mug of tea, not even looking from the page as she did so. Heavily outlined eyes scanned lazily back and forth, her mind filled with the words that were flowing steadily from page to brain. She took a sip of her tea, chamomile with a dash of honey, before setting it back on the table it came from, the tag from the teabag swaying slightly against the earth red porcelain.

She basically ignored most conversation going on in the cafe, it was white noise to her, blending into its own melody that provided a decent background for the book she was reading. Nothing could really catch her attention unless someone called her name or spoke near enough that it stood out.

Or blocked her reading light.

The lamps were oddly placed in the cafe, making you pick strategic places to have the best light. A shadow crept over the off-white pages of her book, and orange-creamsicle lipglossed lips frowned. Shoulders raised and then lowered again in a sigh, the sound lost in the orchestra of the cafe, but her voice rang out perfectly clear to the shadow.

"You're blocking my light."

She informed the intruder flatly, not even looking up at him. Instead, she had her gaze fixed on the shadow of her page, as if to will it to move with the power of her mind.

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 The Gritty Bean (Open)
« Jun 10, 2009 18:19:11 GMT -6 »

The man awaited his espresso, looking at a silver watch that clung to his wrist. He lowered his shirt sleeve and picked up a magazine that was sprawled out on the table; High Times. He lowered it within seconds.

"You're blocking my light."

Boris looked towards the source of the speech. She wasn't looking at him, but it was the same girl he had noticed earlier. At this closer proximity he noticed that her lips were colored orange, an interesting choice, though it accentuated her hair nicely.

He didn't move, as he didn't know if the comment was directed at him specifically.

"Excuse me, m'am, were speaking to me?"

The lady who had taken his order came over and handed him the espresso. He thanked her and handed her a $10 bill, for payment and a tip. He sipped at the drink, and awaited an answer.

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 The Gritty Bean (Open)
« Jun 15, 2009 22:34:10 GMT -6 »

"Excuse me, m'am, were speaking to me?"

Gwyn looked up from her book, scanning her turquoise gaze over the young man who stood in her light. She looked from him to the shadow over her, and back to him. Generally she would think of something witty and twisted to say to make him confused as to whether she was joking or actually pissed off...

But Gwyn had already spent her nice tokens for the week.

"If the shadows fits...then get of my light."

She replied, playing off the old proverb.

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 The Gritty Bean (Open)
« Jun 15, 2009 22:57:55 GMT -6 »

Boris finished the espresso as the girl spoke; they weren't very large. He smiled genially; he didn't understand the proverb, it wasn't in his native tongue.

"I... Uhh... Apologize, yes that is the word, I apologize for being in your way, madam. May your day be better after my leaving."

He set the cup down and stood, wiping off his sleeves and readjusting his tie. He made towards the exit.

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« Jun 15, 2009 23:02:17 GMT -6 »

His accent was thick, and clearly English wasn't his native language if he was searching for the word apologize. Of course he should apologize to her, he should be sorry for inconveniencing her, otherwise he would find himself really sorry.


She shrugged his words off, turning her gaze back to her book. May your day be better? Who the hell said that? Or better yet, who the hell said that and actually meant it? Yeah, okay whatever, man. I bet he's as fake as his accent. She scoffed as she turned the page.

« Last Edit: Jun 15, 2009 23:02:38 GMT -6 by shogun » Back to Top  

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« Jun 15, 2009 23:06:06 GMT -6 »

Boris took a step before stopping, laughing lightly, a broad laugh coming from the lower trunk of the man, distinctly Russian in its tone, even for a light laugh.

"Pardon me, Madam, My name is Boris Vasiliovich Petrov. I am not from around here, as I am sure that you can tell.

I hope that maybe you could help me... I am looking for... derr`mo... it is the place where you go to clean the cars. I can not think of the name."

He smiled with a huge grin, rubbing the back of his head gently. His hair was short, but not too close cropped. He sort of missed the spetsnaz standard.

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 The Gritty Bean (Open)
« Jun 15, 2009 23:26:03 GMT -6 »

But, surprisingly, something changed his course. Next thing she knew, he was back and bothering her. How did she end up so lucky? She didn't bother to look up at him, his shadow was edging back onto her page. Gwyn moved her book to the lit part of her lap.

At first she didn't respond, giving the impression that she hadn't been listening in the first place.

"Well if you don't know the name, it mustn't be that important, ya?"

She asked flatly, mocking his accent at the end. Washing the cars, I mean seriously. He was obviously looking for a car wash...a place that washes car. Not that hard to figure out. And after already crossing her, it was laughable to think that she would now help him.

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 The Gritty Bean (Open)
« Jun 17, 2009 21:23:08 GMT -6 »

Boris looked quizically. This girl was a right `suka. He didn't let this on at all, instead bowing slightly, and smiling genially.

"I am very sorry, 'suka, but I am not from around here. If you could perhaps point me to the nearest place where cars go to be cleaned?"

BOris was playing it up now. He wanted to mess with the girl, as she was right obviously a bitch. He smiled again, sitting on the arm of a chair, purposefully infront of the nearest lamp.

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 The Gritty Bean (Open)
« Jun 17, 2009 21:49:35 GMT -6 »

Ohhh, now he was either an ignorant jackass, or a downright ruin-your-day-by-existing jackass. There were a handful of options here for her, like a hand of cards, but of course she could only play one.

"What kinda car you got, mister? Cruiser? Mini van? Punchbug?"

Her voice had taken a slightly nasally, childish flavor to it. She was wondering how far she could push him until he turned to someone else in the place looking for a damned car wash. CAR WASH. Hello. Aloha. Bonjour. Guten tag?! It was palm-forehead obvious.

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 The Gritty Bean (Open)
« Jun 17, 2009 21:53:13 GMT -6 »

Ohhhh she broke out the cutesy voices to try to annoy him, eh? He only smiled bemusedly, belaying a true emotion of happiness, a facade of geniality that was only hiding that he was way too amused with griefing this poor girl.

However, he felt a bit insulted. A nice suit such as this? A mini van? She was just plain out a mean girl.

Time to fuck with her some more.

"Audi S8, my devushka. A very nice car, if I do say so myself. But seriously, where is the nearest... automobile cleaners? I am a busy man."

He didn't really have anything planned for the day.

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 The Gritty Bean (Open)
« Jun 17, 2009 21:57:55 GMT -6 »

Automobile cleaners? Getting closer, though this oaf failed to realize that Americans named things with the least amount of syllables possible. Afterall time was money. By the time you spit out the words 'automobile cleaners' you could be halfway done with the rinse cycle.

"Impressive. Does it come with a Ken doll too? Or is it the Barbie edition?"

As if she would just give him a clear answer (or anything nice for that matter).

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« Jun 17, 2009 22:03:44 GMT -6 »

He actually scratched his head at this. He knew not what she was speaking of.

"Ken? Barbie? I know not this American expression. Your country is full of weird titles for things that make no sense.

Kak tebya zovut?"

Gotta keep her on her toes. It meant "What is your name?" in Russian, but he wasn't going to tell her that.

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« Jun 17, 2009 22:34:39 GMT -6 »

Aw, there was no fun in a well placed jab if the damned receiver didn't understand the damn language. That's right, narrative is getting vulgar. Gwyn was getting frustrated ever so slightly, like a bird with its feathers ruffled. On the outside, though, her expression was cool and collected...only her nails were digging into the cover of her book.

"I don't know what you just said, but it is so hot."

He probably knew that she didn't know Russian (was that Russian? It was either that or another language that had the same sneering, nasally tone to it. Like all the people there talked through their sinus cavities.), and whether he did that on purpose or not, she didn't care. Even if he didn't understand her words, he would certainly get the inflection in her voice.

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 The Gritty Bean (Open)
« Jun 17, 2009 22:40:49 GMT -6 »

He understood every word. He initiated it to make simple conversation, but once her tone turned to biting, he decided to play her game back on her. And, looking at the poor cover of that book, he was winning.

"It means "What is your name?", devushka. Ty Krasivaya, da? That means you are pretty. But I digress...

You must know of at least one place that cleans automobiles?"

He wanted to see how long it would take her to answer the question. This was getting somewhat tiring.

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« Jun 17, 2009 22:46:35 GMT -6 »

"My name is Deann."

She said, obviously giving him a false name, but he wasn't to know that. And there he goes again with the Russian, this time supposedly calling her pretty. How is she to know? For all her knowledge, he could be saying 'Fuck you bitch, that means you are pretty' and she would be none the wiser. Psh, yeah okay.

"Mind if I call ya Russia?"

She asked, not asking for his name in return.

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 The Gritty Bean (Open)
« Jun 17, 2009 22:52:49 GMT -6 »

Boris smiled. He doubted the validity, but much like his Russian, it may be true. He smiled and outstretched a hand to the girl, doubtful that she'd take it, as that was to be expected.

"You're pretty predictable, da? I doubt that you are really named Deann, but I have no way to verify it, much like you can verify my Russian.

Either vay, it wuz nice to meet you, Deann. My name is Vasili."
Not really a total lie... his name was Boris Vasiliovich, Vasili a nickname thereof. "However I must go find a carvush. I hope your books is good, and I hope that you own it... no library would like the claw marks you've left behind.


He stood and brushed his suit, removing invisible wrinkles, and straightening his tie.

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 The Gritty Bean (Open)
« Jun 24, 2009 20:07:46 GMT -6 »

Gwyn wrinkled her nose. How dare he not believe her! She must be slipping, or this guy was very very very good at reading people. Either way, she didn't like it. He was like an itch that wouldn't scratch, and she would have to rub against a tree to get it off. Or maybe like gum on the bottom of her shoe. Yeah, more like that.

"Not to worry about the book, Vaseline."

She said offhandedly, butchering his name with a sweet smile. She dog-earred the page and set it aside.

"It's mine anyway."

So now what? He was intent on finding this car wash. She could have a lot of fun with this, or she could just let it slide. Which would it be? Gwyn was having a severe friction of consciousness here.

"You know...I can show you where that car wash is after all. I was just joshing with you before..honest."

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