Author Topic: Staff Meeting Logs (Read 291 times)

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 Staff Meeting Logs
« May 7, 2009 0:40:13 GMT -6 »

First Staff Meeting

All right, so Ryan, should we discuss the plot or board rules first?

I still have your list, 20 items that Kate alone brought up plus the items I had to discuss with you

Let's get those up then, they were real helpful!

1. News Header information needs to be changed. Correct msn needs to be put up there.

Yeah, the chulavista msn I made

It isn't to not be bugged, but to be anon

It's to be professional

so that the things come from staff not from a friend. So like if Kate says no they don't go to me to get me to say yes

is there a thing that lets me go on two MSNs


Back to the news matter

Needs to be switched To the correct msns Put the professional one up If they have a problem that needs to be taken to an admin Then they should be able to talk to you or Ryan Whoever is on the admin account And not go to a friend about it

Well the second issue me and Loire hammered out Transfers will not get any boost to stats Everyone starts the same

They can only transfer their history

and everyone ranks up the same

Let me point out though That just because people see us as "another XIN board" shouldn't immediately lead to us breaking away from using Pillars and the System Because the idea of leadership roles and an oppressive system is a universal theme

I just said rename them

And frankly, I find those terms for them effective

Katie says:

The pillars need to be changed If we are to step away from Xin a bit And be different from them I was thinking each school have it's own system It's own workings that work for it

The pillar was a term used by Dimir, I am sure other headmasters called them other things

So how about we put the pillars on hold for now Figure out what exactly it is to this board Then implment them?

Sort of as a plot arc response?

We don't have to have them right awayWe can work them into the plot Make it part of that

The Razor, The Bishop, The Arbitor, The Pillar

So what about student government, extra curricular and the school newspaper?

Those are normal extra things that happen all the time A newspaper club

I think those shouldn't be related to the Pillars, I would find it more interesting to see a campain for Student Body President

Normal life

Well, look at what the use of each Pillar would be then Ryan would have the Razor command the entire Collective's ROTC students Kate would use the Bishop to keep an eye on her school's ongoings The Arbiter would be used to exact the Principal's judgment And I'd use the Captain (might be good to retain that title) for instigating his own policy

The next on the list Is... List was what needs to be done exactly

Kate skipping that one real quick

So IC Jobs! So what if the person decides that'd be cool right? So they'd submit it to the "job" staff And the job staff would take it from there So like, a request form "We need x amount of people" Well, school BUDGET says you get such and such And then a job is posted

Let's say the IC reward are VIP tickets to a concert

What if the ic jobs, linked to ic events? For example Instead of silly ic rewards (apparently) that they could get otherwise event Like a plus to it Like "We haz event this month of a concert" So if they had a job, they get front row tickets or back stage passes Where everyone else has to sit in normal seats We can use it for plot By connecting it to an event Then something happens at the event "Oh shite, it was a concert, but the military dudes busted in and killed someone"

IC jobs can be purely for fun's sake Not just anyone can be a part of that scene, but whomever won the tickets

Katie says:
Or Rather Ticketholders are front seaters While everyone else has back seats They have a bigger chance of being drawn into the situationShould it arise

Indeed And as an extension to the hypothetical event Say someone assassinates a VIP near the front seats People in the back see little, get drawn out of the concert because of the dash of those in fear But those in the front not only see the murder, but can try to help the person or those around them, and possibly even escape with the band

SO What I'm suggesting Is we make a group of "job mods" Or staffers And one admin each month Who also work on minor plot events And get the "team" To set up jobs for the next month, and the tied in mini-event I can head it up

How many "job mods" do you think we'll need?


Katie says:
And people can submit ideas to us For ic jobs they'd like to have, or "need" someone for Two mods, and one admin Ryan Tex, admin John I'll ask him, we can bounce ideas off each other Remember however For those in charge of schools They will be required to induct interviews to help with these Like for instance The jobs that take place at College? Delilah does the interviews At the academy? Ryan does it For an alpha member? They do it We'll let them know ahead of time

So we've covered the transfer issue, pillars and ic jobs

Next is the radio

But this summer, there will be a radio for the site JUST for the site We can all take turns DJing And such

Omer will have to run me through how I'd do that

AND Podcasts And all sorts like that I was thinking we almost do a weekly whammy XD

Me and Tex Ryan were planning on our own talk show

Updates on major plot, introducing new characters to the board or people, etc Updates each week would be cool HOWEVER Only the staff have access to the radio So, anything they submit to us Has to be sent to Omer Then uploaded They can't upload it directly He's the security to it hax All members have to do Is click on the button and BAM They be there It's not entirely live Recording it ahead of time And then playing it It's a link we put there And bam, hello radio


So it's more other board friendly I'd also like to put a picture up as a link Then, we make a codeSo people can just copy paste

Plus, in regards to the description for our site I'd like it to not only summarize the plot as Ryan did But also cover some of the interesting points Such as the Grade System, the expansion on who you can RP, etc Well, the best way to solve that is just by making a generic cover summary of the site So, should Ryan and I work on this, or will you guys help us with it too?

Well, Ryan did it before and did a good job We coud have suggestions and such

Sounds good Unless anyone else has a concern, I say that's set and let's move to the next point

The next point is the to-be Writtens How about we make that on the to-do list Like, you list out what they are supposed to cover, have some one cover it, and go from there? Instead of talking it all out here and explaining everything in detail?

Not to sound like I'm holding this all to my chest But I've enjoyed working on a lot of this stuff on my own while taking in help from you guys It helps me stay collected mentally on what's done

Well, to be blunt A) Admins aren't supposed to do grunt work B) Mods are C) We've opened the site to the public: SO People are asking when they can start rping So now We need to get it up and running We no longer have a ton of time If we wait to long They leave There go our starting members And it's harder to pull them back Having one person work on it, no matter how detailed, is slow Because it's a TON of stuff Sum it up, list it out And edit our work

All right So naturally I've gotta ask some people to work on different things There are a few I see right now that we can assign

Make a list, slap some names on it

However, there are some that I will do myself I'll make the summary in the staff section The particulars I'll be asking you guys to work on Are probably "Roleplayer's Tool Guide" and "Modes of Roleplay" Layout of the Collective needs work from every administrator, as you all know

Okay, next on the list then?

Chat box

Katie says:
It's a general convo people use while posting

Sorry Kate, but we have the Chat thread and MSN already

Sounds good

Approving bios Do we want a 1 staff approval 2 staffers

One approval?


does the admin of the school they are applying to approve them?

Just 1

just one ok, then as smart people, make a pact, DONT APPROVE SHIT BIOS

How about this? If a shit mod Approves a shit bio Then, hey, THE MOD IS IN TROUBLE



so we shouldn't have problems like that

Someone just ask Tex-Ryan to add that to the protocol We'll probably need to reschedule the meetings to, say, Thursdays Is Thursday good for everybody?


yeah my last day off of the week so I am ok with it

As long as everyone understands that I take a break at 8

, next Thursday and onward

Alright, bios again should they be locked after approval or allowed to be open for editing and addition

aand they need to request a mod to unlock it

I say yes

Cause I know I normally add to my bios a lot

We lock the threads, then allow people to have Character Profiles Because most people add to their "luxury" things, nothing of the essentials Plus, we have to remember the risk of unapproved changes Someone might go back and change their weaknesses without their consent

So lock it

it'll get out of hand once we get many members, since we'll never be able to monitor all of them

moving on

I would like to talk about teachers So basically I don't want just anyone making a teacher Because people make weirdoes And not plot good teachers SO I'd say We put put something saying "We'd like such and such teacher" For instance, an English teacher Then people apply for it with character ideas or bios or what not And we pick one that works with our plot BAM new english teacher

sounds good

Yeah, we could use the "Hierarchy and Roles" thread to post up teachers we need In regards to approving faculty, I was thinking it whould be something that Ryan and I do That way the faculty characters are taken seriously, and not just anyone can pass, you know?


That's fine I'm saying every day teachers

cool with that

What's next?

Teacher Stats

Staff stats

Do we want to go like a normal student or did we want to make them higher or able to reach higher ranks

I could go with either

Teachers should be able to smack them around a bit To keep things in line To help make sure plot goes a certain way

I say we just give them 4 points upfront and let them continue to grow like everyone else

I'm fine with that

That way they can have that edge, still retain their role as characters, and still be open to defeat So students and adults start with 12 And faculty start with 16?

« Last Edit: May 21, 2009 4:30:36 GMT -6 by kate » Back to Top  

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 Staff Meeting Logs
« May 21, 2009 4:50:13 GMT -6 »

Second staff meeting

* Staff Assignments - who focuses on what
* The nature of Admin, Global Moderator, Moderator and Officer Powers
* Finalizing Kate's 22 Points
* Discussing the matter of class threads, dorm claims, and face claims
* Discuss residence of students on Collective grounds
* Discuss Omer's plans with the radio server
* Anything else that comes to mind
We also need to discuss class threads
But yes, let's start by summarizing how the week's gone
Omer hooked us up with a real nice code that sends "welcome" PMs to any new registered accounts that basically tells the RPer where to start on their reading
We've also been advertising - as you heard - and figuring out the nature of our Staff, such as the promotion of Omer here
Now, I just thought of somethng while discussing that
Kate, you know how you said we should assign helpers to assist mods?

like teams?

Yeah, though we'll have specific mods working with each other too

Is we slowly add (as the site grows)
More helpers, and each mod gets a helper

and just work of a pyrimad system then?

I think it's too much structure for something we probably won't ever really need

IT is a great idea
but wouldn't we need to wait till things picked up further

Not unless the board really picks up, would we need it

You could set it up so that if one mod
me for example
felt they needed help with thier parts more

I don't like the "personal helper" thing
For instance
Say Omer has a helper
and Ryan has an issue
and the helper is all like "Well you are not my mod"

I'm saying that helper helps with that mod
All the mods can fix things they do
They don't "answer" to one
They just work with one
On certain projects
Instead of ALL around

Similar to how mods work with one another on different assignments, but can't help someone else with an abstract problem

Then you get helpers that are on more then others, that can't do what needs to be done because they are not "that" helper
and that just pisses people off, cause they see staff on, but nothing being done
Like with the stat thing on 552
John yelling at me and Greg, but we couldn't do anything about it
cause we were not the mods for it

Maybe it could be a system we coud work on?

Now, on THAT note
Let's get this global moderator business taken care of
Ryan and I agreed that Kate ought to have some sort of position higher than everything else
Because she's done a SHIT load
Though we hadn't really figured out what makes her so different

Same frame, different paint job
No one knows the color though

She's practically a co-admin without banning and group changing powers

To me a Global Moderator is a team leader of sorts. Assigning stuff with the mods, though really more useful in boards where mods have certain boards they tend to
because a Global Moderator is one that watches every board

Though she needs specifics

and we haven't assigned people boards

Then a sort of balancing power to the thought proccess of the admins?

I think it's too easy to breed discontent
Change the name

I was relying heavily on Kate
What's so wrong with "Global Moderator?"

Gonna make the other moderators feel inferior
"Well why is she the Global Moderator?"

Because I do the most work?

Because she IS a Global Moderator

Well that's an interesting position
What if I started doing more work? Would I become the new global moderator?

I'd assume so

Have you seen what Kate's been doing?

If you do the work for it, you get the title

The new global moderator?
it's not a race

So there'd be two?

She's team leader because she's shown an ability to bark ideas around, fix issues, and a genuine interest to see this board through 24/7
You, Lainey and Tyler have been genuine staff, and don't let this make you think I'm demeaning what you've done
But she's shown leadership skills

Pointing out what COULD become an issue
So the Global Moderator is the one that the admins bounce their shit off

It shouldn't be a problem since it is a common agreement that the global moderator has shown more qualifying skills to earn the title

Think of them as a manager
Where as the admin is corporate

She takes up from the Admins aren't around
Just trickles down the grapevine

Raconteur says:
organization is key
thus hierarchy
|| Loire || -- < Director Navarro > Collective Imperative says:
What I was thinking for it
Is that she takes less about actually dealing with things like claims and bios and more about assigning jobs that need to be responded to on the spot
While Ryan and I focus on plot, board managment, issues and all that other crap
Kate will help us out in breaking it all down
Tex - "Fate is an Elegant, Cold-Hearted Whore" says:
kate handles all the day-to-day bullshit and you guys cover behind the scenes
Should we move to the next poitn?
|| Loire || -- < Director Navarro > Collective Imperative says:
All right, now onto staff assignments themselves
We've already seen examples of it being tossed around
Jess is our Affiliate Moderator, Kate's our Global Moderator and Omer here is our Server Moderator
However, Jess and Omer have both brought up points of asking if their titles can be the same as everyone else's
Raconteur says:
If my title is Code Mod for example
that will cause for rp-ers to think I take care of code only
Tex - "Fate is an Elegant, Cold-Hearted Whore" says:
and use the custom title part to say "Coding Specialist"
Ryan says:
Just put the specialty in the custom title
Advertising specialist
Coding Specialist
Tex - "Fate is an Elegant, Cold-Hearted Whore" says:
That way we're all moderators
|| Loire || -- < Director Navarro > Collective Imperative says:
There's gonna be more than 3 "Moderators" now and I don't know which one has advertisement powers and which has server powers
Raconteur says:
I can just make my custom title
|| Loire || -- < Director Navarro > Collective Imperative says:
But guys, they still need to be separate groups
Otherwise you'd all have the same powers
Raconteur says:
Server administrator
Tex - "Fate is an Elegant, Cold-Hearted Whore" says:
Why not?
Having the same powers would be fine
|| Loire || -- < Director Navarro > Collective Imperative says:
Do all of you need access to modifying the board skins?
Tex - "Fate is an Elegant, Cold-Hearted Whore" says:
It's not gonna hurt us to have it, I'm sure
Unless you don't trust your moderating team
Katie says:
To be honest
I didn't trust my mod teams (when I was admin) with things
Raconteur says:
It's not that they don't trust you
|| Loire || -- < Director Navarro > Collective Imperative says:
Having 5 people capable of modifying the board's coding's a real bitch to keep track of
Raconteur says:
it keeps the amount of chances to accidentally mess the code up small
Ryan says:
If something happens you can look at the security log
and it will tell you who edited what
|| Loire || -- < Director Navarro > Collective Imperative says:
I'd rather avoid that entirely
Ryan's not gonna need the powers at all; why should he have it then?
Raconteur says:
You accidentally clicked into there and slipped fell highlighted everything and deleted while miraculously clicking save
But if I did that
I can say
let me fix that
|| Loire || -- < Director Navarro > Collective Imperative says:
If only three of us have access to that kind of power, it's less concern
If all of us do, it's a bigger one
Katie says:
Aggro mod upset at admins can take out a shit ton
Even if it's just an accidental reason they got upset
I wouldn't let anyone to it
Raconteur says:
but if you want to be serious, you'de besurprised how many accidents can easliy happen
Katie says:
Besides those who needed it
|| Loire || -- < Director Navarro > Collective Imperative says:
Point is, we can't have one master moderator position with so many different responsibilities
Raconteur says:
the point is to keep the possible amount of damage as little as possible for the east amount of time
|| Loire || -- < Director Navarro > Collective Imperative says:
So we have two options
One, we keep to separate groups with slightly changed names - which leads to discimination on who to ask
Tex - "Fate is an Elegant, Cold-Hearted Whore" says:
I think we should keep the groups uniform, but the powers different, if its possible
|| Loire || -- < Director Navarro > Collective Imperative says:
Or we could have multiple groups and use different custom titles - which avoids the former issue, but makes it harder for us admins to keep track of
Raconteur says:
Can't you set the names to be the same or does it not like that?
|| Loire || -- < Director Navarro > Collective Imperative says:
If you mean uniform as in the same name but different groups? It's possible
It works O_o
Raconteur says:
set different groups
make them the same name
|| Loire || -- < Director Navarro > Collective Imperative says:
... Now I just need to remember which "Moderator" has which powers
Raconteur says:
give them their respected abilities
|| Loire || -- < Director Navarro > Collective Imperative says:
The only problem I have with the custom title idea I have kiddies
Is that it'll take away our IC titles
Tex - "Fate is an Elegant, Cold-Hearted Whore" says:
Do we need 'em?
Raconteur says:
Not really
we ahve our sigs and personal text
|| Loire || -- < Director Navarro > Collective Imperative says:
I'm curious though if that other code Kai installed could give us access to making new title things
Ryan says:
I think I have seen a code before that lets you do two titles
Raconteur says:
I'll talk to him and test it on my test board
|| Loire || -- < Director Navarro > Collective Imperative says:
That also means that members can still have their fun little custom titles
Raconteur says:
the bitch about html is no one writes notes anymore so I'll add it to my agenda of things to test
Katie says:
So...are we ready for the next point?
|| Loire || -- < Director Navarro > Collective Imperative says:
Still discussing staff assignments
Just another side to it now
We should discuss staff assignments
Because each of us will have specific things we have to look over
Alongside our traditional duties
Staff section - staff protocol
Once we edit it to include tonight's points, we'll sticky it
Anyways, I'd like to bring up an example of what I mean
Tex and Kate here both assigned themselves to overseeing IC Job ideas
And Tex and Tyler have offered themselves as "Fighting Moderators"
In that they specialize in solving fight issues
These work similarly to the advertising and server responsibilities in the time given to them
Raconteur says:
as long as they let the other mods know what they set as standards
|| Loire || -- < Director Navarro > Collective Imperative says:
We'll make a list on the protocol thread
Raconteur says:
so that way if they are not on
|| Loire || -- < Director Navarro > Collective Imperative says:
That'd clarify who works on what
Raconteur says:
others can still resolve it
Katie says:
I'm having a slight problem with some bios
And since everyone is in charge of bio approving
I'd like to talk about that <__<
|| Loire || -- < Director Navarro > Collective Imperative says:
Like how you're the only one approving them right now? :P
Tex - "Fate is an Elegant, Cold-Hearted Whore" says:
I'm afriad to approve bios
Because I don't think I'll hold them to the same hardcore standard Kate and John do
Katie says:
Well, let's discuss that?
Tex - "Fate is an Elegant, Cold-Hearted Whore" says:
And I know that's another thing that causes dissent among staff
Katie says:
I've been trying to work with people about their bios
Because things are changable
|| Loire || -- < Director Navarro > Collective Imperative says:
Having that "Appropriate Bio" thread is ideal then
It sets a standard that we have to follow
Katie says:
The biggest problem I've been finding
Is unrealistic issues
Or, recently, an 18 year old with 7 matrial arts and mastered 4 of them, etc
|| Loire || -- < Director Navarro > Collective Imperative says:
We do have to accept that people don't properly understand BMI
Ryan says:
I don't know, Ryan I am with you, when it comes to bios I am easy going. I am not "anti n00b" like some people are, but I remember my first bio. As long as the bio fits the setting, and the person clearly tried, I normally approve it if there is nothing out of place
|| Loire || -- < Director Navarro > Collective Imperative says:
Now THAT'S a commmon issue
Ryan says:
Oh god yeah, that is "possible" but how many 18 year olds are masters in 1 let alone 4 martial arts
Tex - "Fate is an Elegant, Cold-Hearted Whore" says:
I think what we shoudl do
If someone makes a character that doesn't seem to be HWP
|| Loire || -- < Director Navarro > Collective Imperative says:
I'm fine with newb bios so long as they fight our basic requirements; look at Atasuki
Tex - "Fate is an Elegant, Cold-Hearted Whore" says:
height-weight proportionate
We tell them so
Ryan says:
I think that is a judgement call, I am normally against it personally
Tex - "Fate is an Elegant, Cold-Hearted Whore" says:
Like "Hey, just so you know, you're going to be a stick, if you'r ecool with that, you're approved"
When I made Aryck everyone was like "This ain't gonna work you're way too skinny"
|| Loire || -- < Director Navarro > Collective Imperative says:
We can't go and approve someone that claims to be a stick and at the same time is uber muscular
All I'm saying is that we need a standard
Katie says:
Well, like someone says they're 6'. 130 pounds, and muscle
|| Loire || -- < Director Navarro > Collective Imperative says:
One that they see when they're writing and we can rely on when we start approving
Raconteur says:
hasn;t the board always leaned on the realistic side of things?
Ryan says:
Well like with mental issues
Tex - "Fate is an Elegant, Cold-Hearted Whore" says:
MPD baby
Ryan says:
I know people with a lot of mental issues
|| Loire || -- < Director Navarro > Collective Imperative says:
So naturally it's not about standards anymore
But what each of us treat as "acceptable"
Ryan says:
My point is that bios are hard to standardize. I knew a kid in highschool that was at least 400 pounds
and a few that were under 100
lainey~ says:
it can vary, i say as long as it's not TOO farffetched
|| Loire || -- < Director Navarro > Collective Imperative says:
Though we should be willing to compromise, some have no understanding of the reality
Ryan says:
I personally trust all of you to have been RPing enough to know what is acceptable
|| Loire || -- < Director Navarro > Collective Imperative says:
We need to trust each other
And in the end
If the kid's bitching or the other mod needs help
They'll go to someone else anyways
The only problem here is that the people themselves don't understand what the issue is
Taku is doing that, right Kate?
Katie says:
The person who's 18 with 7 martail arts
And has cut it down
But still not enough
Ryan says:
Normally when someone face claims the person you want, you are SOL
Thats why you come up with backups
|| Loire || -- < Director Navarro > Collective Imperative says:
That reminds me
I'm not sure I like the idea of someone being barred from using a character appearance because someone else called dibs
Katie says:
It keeps from look alikes n' stuff
Ryan says:
Face claim is the standard on non Xin boards
|| Loire || -- < Director Navarro > Collective Imperative says:
I know that, but I don't think we should enforce it
Let peer pressure do it
Raconteur says:
its's a fair system that keeps everyone happy
Katie says:
And we all need to follow our own rules
Raconteur says:
if you are a new member
you are expected to read them
then you would know you have to claim your face
if it is claimes
Ryan says:
Yeah I find an open person before I do my appearance
Raconteur says:
they have no right t oargue the issue
Ryan says:
when I am on other sites
cause you have to go with the face claim
Katie says:
All my sites, minus xin, are that way
|| Loire || -- < Director Navarro > Collective Imperative says:
I'm worried about transfer characters then
Katie says:
There are characters who look alike
Different fighting games
Have similar people
Without being exact
|| Loire || -- < Director Navarro > Collective Imperative says:
Well, I don't like it, but I'll accept it
Just remember that this will definitely bring issues
Ryan says:
The face claim thing isn't THAT big of an issue to deal with, since most non Xiners are used to it
Raconteur says:
we can deal with it on a case to case basis
if it becomes an issue later
we can work on it
|| Loire || -- < Director Navarro > Collective Imperative says:
We need people to do specific jobs
Katie says:
We have a TON of characters who are fight based
And because of the letter system, we're gunna need a lot of man power that way
|| Loire || -- < Director Navarro > Collective Imperative says:
Yeah, and we've got 3 mods offering themselves to cover that - Tex, Tyler and Lainey
So I just wanted to get that covered - what we need to oversee and who'd like to toss in their name
Ryan says:
Jess keeps going on about how she wouldn't fight with this system
cause she doesn't gain anything
and she feels there should be a reward for fighting
|| Loire || -- < Director Navarro > Collective Imperative says:
A reward?

Ryan says:
I don't personally agree, but it is something to address
Like on 42 you gain stats
She is talking about the stat whores
»-(¯`v´¯)-» ¤ .::J€§§-Å-ßØÖ::. ¤ »-(¯`v´¯)-» says:
i wouldnt put in the effort if there was nothing to gain from it
Ryan says:
I am with you John, I am bringing it up, becuase she did
Katie says:
I consider it plot for my character
|| Loire || -- < Director Navarro > Collective Imperative says:
Of course you gain from it Jess
More posts equals more points over time
And pursuing nothing but rewards takes away from the entire purpose of roleplaying itself
Raconteur says:
if there is no reward for fighting
then you would eliminate the ussual rp element of
I wanna fuck shit up
let's be the strongest guy on the board
make a noob out of everyone
while this way
fights are even
and there is more quality put into what you aim for as an rp-er
it's not a better
not a worse one either
just a different one
|| Loire || -- < Director Navarro > Collective Imperative says:
A compromise between the two philosophies of stat and statless
Ryan says:
There are always going to be stat whores
lainey~ says:
they're just going to have to be post whores now, too
Ryan says:
People will just post shit short posts to inflate their stats
|| Loire || -- < Director Navarro > Collective Imperative says:
Now instead of posting nothing but fight threads
They'll post EVERYWHERE to get stronger
The main advantages I also see in Grades is a glass wall
In stats, there is no limit to how strong you can get, nor any definition
So I could be fighting someone with 200 points and do whatever the fuck I want, and the kid with 20 can't even comprehend what the difference is
It's like trying to compare an atom to a man
Ryan says:
Well I wanted to bring up the suggestion about the stats
personally I agree with the SS and SSS ideas without adding more points
Because the idea of everyone being able to have full stats in everything is kind of lame, this allows you to make choices
and sacrifices
|| Loire || -- < Director Navarro > Collective Imperative says:
Let's say for example you reach 2500 posts and max out your S grades
You want us to go farther beyond that?

Ryan says:
I would say keep the same amount of points as we have now
But add in SS and maybe SSS
Same points we have now
So it is impossible to fully max all stats
|| Loire || -- < Director Navarro > Collective Imperative says:
Not a bad point at all
The question then is thus
One, when do we allow roleplayers to unlock these new grade levels, and two, what defines these levels?
Ryan says:
for instance Johnson would go SSS Wis and not worry about the other stats
After you reach S how many levels are left?
|| Loire || -- < Director Navarro > Collective Imperative says:
750 is S
So you have 1000, 1250, 1500, 1750, 2000, 2250 and 2500
Ryan says:
1500 SS 2000 SSS
As for the defining
I would go with the Xin physic idea
but pump it up a bit more, so like say SSS you would be able to maybe throw that car or something that you see people in Xin boards do
|| Loire || -- < Director Navarro > Collective Imperative says:
Well, the original idea with the S grade was to allow someone to start fighting like in the flash
So perhaps "SS" and "SSS" (we need better names then that to be honest) could be something along the lines of, say Tekken and something farther?
But not huge jumps
But something basic, like the difference between B and A
In fact, we need to be especially clear with these grades
Because there's no natural basis
Teachers and Pillars can and should stop fights in public threads
But when these big guns come to play
That's when the staff leaders go
"Okay, somebody take this guy down their way."
Or more so, Headmaster Johnson goes Heroes on them
Katie says:
I say play it by ear?
|| Loire || -- < Director Navarro > Collective Imperative says:
I agree
Ryan says:
and since it isn't about fight whoring, and items and MAPP don't add stats, it is all on post count
Raconteur says:
What happens in IC stays in IC
Ryan says:
Getting involved is fine, I thought you were talking about preventing a strong character from fighting a weak one
|| Loire || -- < Director Navarro > Collective Imperative says:
Pillars can't be barred from fight threads if it's a public place
Raconteur says:
so we should keep it IC
Ryan says:
Anything in a school ground should be fair game to pillars and teachers
closed or not
|| Loire || -- < Director Navarro > Collective Imperative says:
I agree

and if the other doesn't like the thread
they can not post ack
or have their char leave the picture
Katie says:
If the person contiues, then it's godding?
|| Loire || -- < Director Navarro > Collective Imperative says:
Tyler, it'll all happen ICly
Pillars fight them ICly
Or break it up ICly
If it's a public place, and if it's a fight that the Pillar deems unacceptable
Katie says:
Then let's leave it to IC
|| Loire || -- < Director Navarro > Collective Imperative says:
1500 for "SS" and 2000 for "SSS
Though frankly guys
We need better names for them
Tyler says: No, no, no more son of a bitch, no, no, no more talking. says:
i liked your alpha and omega
Tex - "Fate is an Elegant, Cold-Hearted Whore" says:
And give a new upgrade rank as a prize
Like if we ahve some major event
|| Loire || -- < Director Navarro > Collective Imperative says:
We're talking about GRADES
Tex - "Fate is an Elegant, Cold-Hearted Whore" says:
We could award an additional rank to someone as kind of a quest reward for exceptional posting
lainey~ says:
i think we should reserve it for the MAPP and items thing
Tyler says: No, no, no more son of a bitch, no, no, no more talking. says:
are you talking about moving them a whole letter grade, ryan?
Tex - "Fate is an Elegant, Cold-Hearted Whore" says:
A bonus upgrade
lainey~ says:
maybe they can only get to those extra high levels through these ways?
Tex - "Fate is an Elegant, Cold-Hearted Whore" says:
Tyler says: No, no, no more son of a bitch, no, no, no more talking. says:
what about these mapp and items? I dont understand
Tex - "Fate is an Elegant, Cold-Hearted Whore" says:
We can award someone it
Katie says:
It awards the dedicated people
Tex - "Fate is an Elegant, Cold-Hearted Whore" says:
And we can decide based on how they RPed
Like if they did something incredibly intelligent throughout the quest
lainey~ says:
well, if they were involved in the MAPP or item program
they'd already been chosen for a reason
Tyler says: No, no, no more son of a bitch, no, no, no more talking. says:
what programs?
Katie says:
Item and MAPP
|| Loire || -- < Director Navarro > Collective Imperative says:
Because they cannot effect grades, remember?

lainey~ says:
why not?
Katie says:
Because then items and Mapp becomes a good boys club
And we'd have to open it for everyone?
lainey~ says:
how about making a thing -sepcifically- for increasing a certain stat?
Tex - "Fate is an Elegant, Cold-Hearted Whore" says:
Like a MAPP for increasing a grade?
I dun' like it
lainey~ says:
instead of having like.. powers or whatever, you just get a boost in physical ability
Ryan says:
No MAPP and FCG don't touch stats
Tex - "Fate is an Elegant, Cold-Hearted Whore" says:
I think that's kind of what we're trying to avoid
|| Loire || -- < Director Navarro > Collective Imperative says:
To clarify, Items and MAPP should not affect grades at all
Because it complicates things
Katie says:
Because it upsets the system
|| Loire || -- < Director Navarro > Collective Imperative says:
Now, back to this upgrade for the new grades
On the one hand, I do like the idea of having an event bring someone to that point
But then again, Ryan's right
If that's the only way people can gain the new grade, it'll lead to favoritism accusations
Ryan says:
1500 posts
for "SS"
and then 2000 for the "SSS"
Katie says:
|| Loire || -- < Director Navarro > Collective Imperative says:
Ryan says:
Katie says:
Tyler says: No, no, no more son of a bitch, no, no, no more talking. says:
Tex - "Fate is an Elegant, Cold-Hearted Whore" says:
Katie says:
5 votes
It wins
Raconteur says:
yes I vote ay
Katie says:
Alpha and Omega won
Let's move on

|| Loire || -- < Director Navarro > Collective Imperative says:
Okay, next
Somebody needs to tell the members that we plan to introduce these new grades at some point
Even a vague teaser would do
Ryan says:
I can if no one has already
Katie says:
You're it
|| Loire || -- < Director Navarro > Collective Imperative says:
Ryan, post it in Joe's suggestion thread if you could
Katie says:
Not in detail
Ryan says:
was planning on it
|| Loire || -- < Director Navarro > Collective Imperative says:
This is to basically shut the issue up before it comes up again guys
Because Joe went and started demanding a change to the grades
Katie says:
People worry now
We handle it now
Ryan says:
I am just going to say that we have talked about it, and something will be implimented in the future, and that we thank everyone for sharing their thoughts
Tex - "Fate is an Elegant, Cold-Hearted Whore" says:
Do we actually have immediate issues?
|| Loire || -- < Director Navarro > Collective Imperative says:
I just want to make a quick review of what we've discussed
So I know what to bring up in the staff discussion area thus far
Firstly: staff assignments
Staff assignments, for example
Kate and Tex cover IC Jobs; Tex, Tyler and Lainey cover fight moderation regarding fight issues
Jess is currently assigned to worrying about advertising
Omer is our server dude
But we also need to assign certain people to certain boards, as well as figuring how who will approve what bios every day
Tex - "Fate is an Elegant, Cold-Hearted Whore" says:
Aren't most people already assigned to certain boards based on their characters?
|| Loire || -- < Director Navarro > Collective Imperative says:
That's a good way to assign it, but we still need people covering the city area
This is the sort of thing I feel we need a staff discussion thread to cover, honestly
I just wanted you guys to know about it and think of what you could cover
For example
We can't all just do a free for all with bios
Katie says:
I can take bios
Tyler says: No, no, no more son of a bitch, no, no, no more talking. says:
I'm fine without doing bios, unless its needed of me
|| Loire || -- < Director Navarro > Collective Imperative says:
I'd like Kate to look at bios and assign them to people to approve
Tex - "Fate is an Elegant, Cold-Hearted Whore" says:
To read all the threads and call shenanigans?
Katie says:
We need that
I think that's what a helper can do
Tex - "Fate is an Elegant, Cold-Hearted Whore" says:
I wanna be Global Mod number 2
Ryan says:
we really don't need helpers right now though
Katie says:
I'm saying that's a job I'd assign to helpers
When we get them
Tex - "Fate is an Elegant, Cold-Hearted Whore" says:
I think we need two people who are specifically in charge of bios
Kate and someone else
|| Loire || -- < Director Navarro > Collective Imperative says:
So I think that's why Kate should see how many bios need approving and say "Hey Tyler, approve this bio." or "Lainey, approve this bio today."
Katie says:
I think having a team might be better
And then I can call in help
If there is more
lainey~ says:
2 main approvers, and if they can't look at some for the moment they can ask another staff member to do it?
|| Loire || -- < Director Navarro > Collective Imperative says:
Well Ryan, I'd prefer to keep one global mod for now
It's rough enough having two admins after all
Katie says:
We get more staff
We get more global mods?
More members
More staff
|| Loire || -- < Director Navarro > Collective Imperative says:
That's a long time coming
Katie says:
So me and Tex are working together on a lot
It'd make sense that when we need one, he be globe too, as he'd know how I work n' stuff
But we'll cross that later on
|| Loire || -- < Director Navarro > Collective Imperative says:
For now, I'd like to keep the chain of command simple bro :(
|| Loire || -- < Director Navarro > Collective Imperative says:
Back to bios
Katie says:
Tex and Kate
Tyler says: No, no, no more son of a bitch, no, no, no more talking. says:
so hold up, question
Tyler says: No, no, no more son of a bitch, no, no, no more talking. says:
is the chain of command still Admin, and then everyone else, or is global above other mods?
Ryan says:
Global is above the other mods
|| Loire || -- < Director Navarro > Collective Imperative says:
That leaves Lainey with just one responsibility, Jess with just one, Tyler with just one, Omer with just one, but Kate with 3 and Tex with 3
She's team leader
Organizes what you guys work on

Tyler says: No, no, no more son of a bitch, no, no, no more talking. says:
who's running tournaments?
|| Loire || -- < Director Navarro > Collective Imperative says:
We also need someone to handle Class management and requesting them
|| Loire || -- < Director Navarro > Collective Imperative says:
It all depends
Katie says:
Whoever needs to run it, does
|| Loire || -- < Director Navarro > Collective Imperative says:
IC or OOC? Official or underground? Judges? What?
I'd like our fighting moderators as our three judges
Ryan says:
With a guest Celeb judge every tourney like Simon Powell and Chuck Norris!?
|| Loire || -- < Director Navarro > Collective Imperative says:
We'll all plan the tournament, but Ryan, Kate and I will be uninvolved OOC wise unless you three need our counsel
lainey~ says:
what if two judge's characters are fighting?
Katie says:
Third picks
Tyler says: No, no, no more son of a bitch, no, no, no more talking. says:
what if two tie, about another's fight?
|| Loire || -- < Director Navarro > Collective Imperative says:
Also remember other sources for help
If you guys need help with choosing, you've got us
Raconteur says:
Katie says:
|| Loire || -- < Director Navarro > Collective Imperative says:
When I set up this list of who does what
I'll toss you up as I remember
Correct me if I'm wrong
Now, staff assignments done
Bio standards discussed
We'll go more in depth in a thread
Tournaments discussed
Plot and time of tournament discussed in thread to come
Now, let's do one more thing before we discuss the board's entire plot
Katie says:
Skype would be harder to copy edit
|| Loire || -- < Director Navarro > Collective Imperative says:
Personally I think that staff meetings should be on MSN so we can save everything we say
We need to discuss future things to add to the thread
The board*
If you'll all noticed, I took down the Prologue and Character Roles thread
Now, two topics left and we're done
Now, first topic
We are a few threads for the board I'd like to finalize over the next few weeks
These include things like the Prologue, Character Roles, World Setting needs expanding and some kind of explanation on the lifestle of our adult world
We also need a format for Class sign ups, class requests, and needed teachers
Graduate world - crime, politics, stuff like that
What our characters deal with when they're all grown up
Katie says:
I can set up class sign ups
Tyler says: No, no, no more son of a bitch, no, no, no more talking. says:
(I'd also like the guidelines to come with the organization template, so i can help along with that.)
|| Loire || -- < Director Navarro > Collective Imperative says:
We do need to not only finalize the Organization rules, but also strength the organization factor
So I want those needs to be considered by you guys
Tex - "Fate is an Elegant, Cold-Hearted Whore" says:
I just can't see it being used too much
I WANT it to
cuz it's a good idea
I'm just afraid if won't be
Tyler says: No, no, no more son of a bitch, no, no, no more talking. says:
it might as cahracters get older
|| Loire || -- < Director Navarro > Collective Imperative says:
Then let's try to give it some strength
Tyler says: No, no, no more son of a bitch, no, no, no more talking. says:
Well, if i can get those guidelines for the organization up, i can create mine and it'll have some more adult conflicts in there
|| Loire || -- < Director Navarro > Collective Imperative says:
Firstly, Tyler, we will set up those rules and guidelines soon
In fact, you and I should work on that
Regarding adults, I want it as an option
I don't expect big things from it at first
But I do expect it to have an effect over time
Tyler says: No, no, no more son of a bitch, no, no, no more talking. says:
i'm with you on this john. The reason Hircine died was because the setting didn't apply to our membership as they got older
Raconteur says:
cafes and business
|| Loire || -- < Director Navarro > Collective Imperative says:
We're all in college now, reading dark, gritty tales about adults, not teenagers
Tyler says: No, no, no more son of a bitch, no, no, no more talking. says:
so if there was more things for those characters to do or be involved with, it might have lived
with the different flavor coming from different types of players, it could work
Tex - "Fate is an Elegant, Cold-Hearted Whore" says:
Generally people join these RPs to play a badass high school aged martial artist
|| Loire || -- < Director Navarro > Collective Imperative says:
I'm hoping Omer's character will help solidify it
And further, faculty characters can help
Tex - "Fate is an Elegant, Cold-Hearted Whore" says:
If we make adult characters instead of kid ones
and make sure people see all the cool shit you can do outside of the collective
Tyler says: No, no, no more son of a bitch, no, no, no more talking. says:
Right. Do we all agree that the focus should remain on the highschool?
lainey~ says:
Raconteur says:
the adult world and school world
|| Loire || -- < Director Navarro > Collective Imperative says:
Yes, school is focus
That can't be avoided
Katie says:
Someone came to me with the idea of a cop character
I told them I didn't know what was going on just yet
|| Loire || -- < Director Navarro > Collective Imperative says:
See? This is why we need the Character Roles thread
To talk about this stuff
Katie says:
So make a thread, and we discuss it there
Raconteur says:
|| Loire || -- < Director Navarro > Collective Imperative says:
I'll make a thread in staff discussion covering assignments, adult world, and anything else?
We gotta talk about it first
THEN we can poll
But we gotta get our ideas first
We're gonna have a staff discussion thread covering staff assignments, character roles, adult world, and that's it right?
Now, let's start the plot then
Covering everything so far
Right now we're just running basics, right?
Meeting people, showing off our world, all that
But one "mini-event" some of us discussed about doing at the beginning concerned Fremont's uniform policy
At the moment, we have Fremont requiring every student to wear uniforms, and if they do not the staff break them
So what will happen is that students are supposed to riot against this
lainey~ says:
where's our disciplinary officer?
|| Loire || -- < Director Navarro > Collective Imperative says:
And this leads into our first clash not only between the student body, but also between the different leaders
Tex - "Fate is an Elegant, Cold-Hearted Whore" says:
We have to tell them to riot against this?
|| Loire || -- < Director Navarro > Collective Imperative says:
Of course not
We use IC plot to do so
For example, we've got one member in particular who is more than adamantly against uniforms
Tyler says: No, no, no more son of a bitch, no, no, no more talking. says:
doesn't take much to spark a riot
Ryan says:
Normally not to hard to stir things up IC
|| Loire || -- < Director Navarro > Collective Imperative says:
We ask him to burn some uniforms in protest
We beat his ass
BAM, revolution in brewing
Ryan says:
Don't even need to do that John
Make him a target
abuse him
make him a martyr
and we don't "tell" him anything
lainey~ says:
people continuously getting beaten for not having uniform
and other students realizing how wrong this is
and boycotting the uniform
and eventually it just gets out of hand where teachers and students are constantly fighting
Ryan says:
you find the key players
and make examples out of them
be beyond harsh
and people will see you as corrupt and rebel
Tex - "Fate is an Elegant, Cold-Hearted Whore" says:
We can force a storyline just by pushing the right buttons
Katie says:
I need a small team
To go over a couple of bios
That I'm having issues with
John's gunna help me with one
But the other needs at least 3 people to discuss
Who can get online
When the others are
|| Loire || -- < Director Navarro > Collective Imperative says:
So Kate, just grab Tyler and Omer?
Ryan says:
Well you know that for the next few weeks I will be on less then normal
Tex - "Fate is an Elegant, Cold-Hearted Whore" says:
And you can always pull me in
|| Loire || -- < Director Navarro > Collective Imperative says:
I understand you're all busy
But the least you can do is check up on the site here and now, read up in staff discussion, toss your schedule to me or Kate and see if there's something you can work on before you get off again
Tyler says: No, no, no more son of a bitch, no, no, no more talking. says:
OHH, its somethin really miner thats been touched up on the thread section, but am i the only one who doesn't like guests advertising?
Katie says:
We really cut down a possible flow
If we take that out
Ryan says:
Guests advertising is fine cause I would rather they don't make a profile and not RP
|| Loire || -- < Director Navarro > Collective Imperative says:
Yeah Tyler, I know it's annoying, but it'll help in the long run
»-(¯`v´¯)-» ¤ .::J€§§-Å-ßØÖ::. ¤ »-(¯`v´¯)-» says:
which is why advertising is guest friendly
Tyler says: No, no, no more son of a bitch, no, no, no more talking. says:
If you guys think so, then okay. I still hate them.
|| Loire || -- < Director Navarro > Collective Imperative says:
Well, look at it this way Tyler
Have you seen the listed sites?
Think of how much we stick out to those
Harry Potter RP... Naruto... Final Fantasy... Kingdom Hearts... Chula Vista? Oooo
Tyler says: No, no, no more son of a bitch, no, no, no more talking. says:
What's the word on pillarships? Last i heard there was still going to be a contest
kate told me that wasn't true
Ryan says:
Each admin character chooses a personal pillar
|| Loire || -- < Director Navarro > Collective Imperative says:
It's plot driven instead of contest too
Ryan says:
Pillars don't lose their titles from figthts
they are more like Dimir's pillars
the bitches of the system
|| Loire || -- < Director Navarro > Collective Imperative says:
Let's start these things at 9
My time
We can always bring Tyler up to speed as we go

Raconteur says:
time zone?
|| Loire || -- < Director Navarro > Collective Imperative says:


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